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Sudan Tribune

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Jonglei: One man sustains injuries after building collapses

June 22, 2011 (BOR) – One man is reported to have slight injuries and four others rescued without injuries after a building collapsed in Jonglei State’s Bor Marol market at about 5:20 pm local time on Wednesday.

Excavator deployed in rescuing thetrapped people in the building in Bor, Wednesday, 22, 2011 (ST)
Excavator deployed in rescuing thetrapped people in the building in Bor, Wednesday, 22, 2011 (ST)
The three storey-building built in 2009 had its three compartments hired by businessmen including a computer training school. About seven people were believed to have been within the vicinity before it collapsed.

Among the rescued victims, Makuol Nul Bior, who sustained slight injuries on his body, was rushed to Bor hospital after he was rescued. Nul told Sudan Tribune at Bor civil hospital that the building collapsed when he was about to leave meaning that he was in reachable range when the building crumbled.

“I was about to come out from the building when I felt [an] unusual shake, and quickly followed by a loud crushing sound and I was locked up inside just in a close range from the door”, Nul said.

Some of the people who went to the scene of incident struggled to brush aside wall and roofing remains creating the entry, a process that led to rescue of three people including Makuol Nul. Another four people were stuck up on the second floor made their way out before the rescue team could reach them.

The rescue team that arrived some minutes later employed two excavators and one bulldozer to find out if there were some people trapped, a process that took about 11 hours from 7:30 pm to 7:00 am but no one was found under the remains of the building.

Sudan Tribune was unable to reach the owner of the building, Mr. Alier Garang to find out the real cause of the crush, which company constructed it and how much it had cost him.

Bor County police commissioner, Colonel Mabior Ruar, who headed the team of rescuers, confirmed that no bodies were found under the building after the operation.

Colonel Ruar also confirmed no deaths has been recorded.

The minister of physical infrastructure who went to the scene of incident said he would comment on the incident after the real situation is established.
According to the sources, the building that had developed cracks was under renovation when it collapsed.



  • Paul

    Jonglei: One man sustains injuries after building collapses
    I would guess that building was built with thousands of dollars by some fake @## constructors. All these construction companies flowing to South Sudan should have their work ethics check first before awarding them with expensive contracts. They could have been failed companies in their prospective countries and therefore, try to flock to South Sudan for quick money. They should not be allowed to build bridges, houses and important government buildings

  • Meendebai

    Jonglei: One man sustains injuries after building collapses
    This shows that the poorly built building is not good for either domestics or commercials uses. The owner with the company who built it, must be grilled to avoid the repeats next time. Goss with the respective state’s governments must avoids hiring the un-skilled labourers from the neighbouring Countries, otherwise the same thing will be repeated in others States across South Sudan.

  • dinkador1

    Jonglei: One man sustains injuries after building collapses
    Dinkas poor building with blood’s money.
    Build in 2009 and collapses in 2011,that is the starting in bor.

  • Manyieldit

    Jonglei: One man sustains injuries after building collapses
    Mr. Alier should know that he has grabs the land(plot) whose owner is still alive and not happy with the grabbing of his land(plot). how come he is enjoying eating money from our plot yet we are been rain on under the tree like animal? Mr. Alier need to ask the government to return this plot to the owner or otherwise he will be punish seriously by the almighty God who gave this plot. we had our placentas been buried under the ground in that plot Alier is owning claiming that it was allocated to him by the so-called state government. Jonglei state is working outside the constitution by grabbing the land from the people while the constitution said the land belong to people not government. Now God knows what is the true and he has listen to our cry and prayers of been chased away from our historical plot(land) which our children need to benefit from it and know where their fathers and mothers placentas were buried.

    This incident will serves as a warning to those who are comfartably staying in the land which is not belong to them while the real owner is suffering under the tree.

    Thanks God for showing the truth.

  • Chol de Kwot
    Chol de Kwot

    Jonglei: One man sustains injuries after building collapses
    Thank God no one lost his/her life in this unfortunate storey building collapse incident.
    It is bad to learn through experience but experience teaches us unforgettable lessons more than other forms of learning.
    This unfortunate incident must be a lesson to Government of Jonglei State in particular and GOSS in general on how relaxed or no regulations on building structures in certain cities of South Sudan can be a disaster to public safety now and in the future.
    It is important for a storey building to be certified by government’s accredited architects and engineers to guarantee public safety before the building is put into use.
    All storey buildings must be built by certified engineers who understand area soil texture and the building structures it can support.
    Heavy building foundation materials requirements and design must be set by the government in cities were soil texture is soft so that all builders/engineers should adhere to those requirements against which a building safety can be audited upon completion.
    Public safety in buildings is a government responsibility and the Government of South Sudan (GOSS) and all states’ governments must set up building requirements and guidelines specific to soil textures of various states and counties of South Sudan so that incidences such as this unfortunate building collapse are not repeated and public safety is guaranteed.

  • Nhomlawda

    Jonglei: One man sustains injuries after building collapses
    Anybody who had seen that building in Marol Market knew it was going to collapse; the question was when it will collapse.
    It is a poorly designed and tilted building. It was just a disaster in waiting.

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