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Sudan Tribune

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Methanol poisoning kills at least 61 homeless people in Sudan

June 22, 2011 (KHARTOUM) – At least 61 homeless people between the ages of 13-25 have died almost simultaneously in different parts of the Sudanese capital over the last three days after they drank a combination of methanol and other toxic substances.

Bodies of the homeless who died as a result of drinking methanol (Al-Rayaam newspaper)
Bodies of the homeless who died as a result of drinking methanol (Al-Rayaam newspaper)
The Sudanese Ministry of Interior launched an extensive investigation into the mysterious death wave with several police officials suggesting that the poisonous substances were deliberately given to them by “ill-intentioned people”.

Sniffing glue and drinking locally made alcoholic beverages is very common for homeless in Sudan who are known as “Shamassa”.

The consumption of alcohol is strictly forbidden in predominantly Arab-Muslim north Sudan, where Islamic sharia law applies.

Well placed sources in the interior ministry told Sudan Tribune that 34 bodies were found in Omdurman and 27 in Khartoum. Six of the homeless were admitted to hospital and treated for the poisoning.

A statement carried by the official website of the Sudanese police on Thursday said that there were 17 deaths reported in Omdurman and Khartoum so far.

The head of Khartoum state’s criminal police department, Major General Mohammed Ahmed, was quoted as saying in one of the statements that all the deaths were caused by the consumption of methanol and other toxic substances.

“The police have put their hand on the gang that was supplying these toxic substances and has arrested six suspects,” Ahmed said, while urging the community to raise awareness of dangers of drinking industrial alcohol such as methanol.

It is estimated that there are around 35,000 homeless children in Khartoum who are mostly from areas that were going through armed conflict in South and Western Sudan.




    Methanol poisoning kills at least 61 homeless people in Sudan
    Most of these chilren are from the roots South Sudan Darfur and Nuba mountains. They are always harrassed by police and Altaib Mustafa the uncle of Omer Al Bahsir who always write that Khartum is threaten by Black belt, because all these children live in the margins of Khartum. I am very sure that its the gvoernemnt of Sudan who killed them its a new gencide against the Africans in Khartoum. Bashir said that after secession of South Sudan the rest are left pure Arabs Muslims.

  • Mr. Truthteller
    Mr. Truthteller

    Methanol poisoning kills at least 61 homeless people in Sudan
    South Sudanese should get out Khartoum and the greater north and go to South Sudan.

    These are not just gangs, they are responsible people exercising genocide on South Sudanese and Darfuri kids in the capital. Why implement Sharia law in that harsh and barbaric manner by poisoning the kids and killing them like dogs?

    It is a sin and God will ask Khartoum for it.

  • Madingthith

    Methanol poisoning kills at least 61 homeless people in Sudan
    Dear Readers,

    I am very sorry for the intended killing of our innocent and homeless guys from various states of South Sudan and Darfur by giving them poisoned Methanol and other toxics substances which are always harmful to human lives.

    In real senses, nothing can kill 61 people if it was not by intentions. Many people who are now in the North Sudan will begin to learn a lesson because Northerners are not happy with Southerners as it is now remain one week and half to celebrates independence day, and in Darfur they are also negotiating their peace accord thus Darfur is likely to break away as soon as possible.

    My sincere message to drug users like those who wasted their time drinking Shisa and other bad drugs like bhangi etc, please take care and see the scenerios that was happening in Northern part of Sudan. They may also inpoisoned your shisa here in Darfur and South Sudan and when you began to take it or sniff it you began to fallback as if you asleep. Take and reason well.

    Shame on Khartoum government especially Minister of Interior Affairs by allowing those incidents to occur meanwhile there are train police on ground secure such events.

  • Mou

    Methanol poisoning kills at least 61 homeless people in Sudan
    There are several drankard Southern Sudanese, Darfurians, Nubians who reside in the north aimlessly who can’t even reason properly and that’s why they insisted to live their despite the fact that they sleep on streets. My own brother is a victim of the aimless drinking. Do Arab care anyway? I bet 2010 April elections should have been a lesson learned by Southerners, Darfurians and Nubians and if it wasn’t at all to them, then a recent passed Referendum should have pushed them away from the North but since they endured those situations, Arab realised that these ones want to dirtify their city according to Islam and they kill them.

    Bashir bears indictment paper in his pocket and so he want million of Darfurians, Southerners and Nubians to go ahead of him and more other millions to go with him at his time. It doesn’t shock him to hear hundred of deaths so long the deads come South, Darfur and Nuba.

    My condolence to deceased souls.


  • Waucity

    Methanol poisoning kills at least 61 homeless people in Sudan
    Splm should be now told to go and collect our homeless people..Bring home, were there is no such thing call homelessness…We have to do this.

  • eye-of-an-eye

    Methanol poisoning kills at least 61 homeless people in Sudan
    We know and the whole world know on this incident, it is an intention killing by the Goverment of NCP(Basir) he have mentioned before it happened by saying that the pure Arabs will only remain in North as South Split away, it means there will no be Darfurian, Southerners or any black Sudanese in central and Eastern region. NCP tries to eleminated all the black really Sudanese and occupy Sudan, as mr. X mention of Shisa it is true that is poisioned and other foodstaffs to S. Sudan you must to be carefull from the item from North Sudan.

    Condonlence to their soul may God rest them in peace whoever murdered them will face the result from God answers, we know is the Goverment of Bashir who do this for sure this is genocide against non-arabs tribes in North, we shall unite from Darfur, East, Central and South and blow them out of Sudan, problems will increases days per days if non-Sudanese(Arabs) are still in Sudan we must to fight to the end, if we are finish then they can ocupy Sudan if they finish we can occupy our homeland. we must to think and make something for the future of Sudanese people otherwise this problem with Fake Arabs will never end in our country. I would like to request Your excellency President Kiir to promote me to security personel, I have alot to do for the people of Sudan(South, West, East may be even North) Security is the most important to guide our people.

  • Mapuor

    Methanol poisoning kills at least 61 homeless people in Sudan

    Those who always lie that Arabs are merciful people ,should now tell us what is happening.Are Arabs merciful guys?.Thousands of those street children in Khartoum are surely from Nuer ethnic groups, most of whom were deceived by Dr Riek that Arabs were better than Dinkas & were thus lured to Khartoum.Lamentations

  • Sweetmouth

    Methanol poisoning kills at least 61 homeless people in Sudan
    Let them smell how bad Arabs is.people use to ran back to khartuom and become southerners enemies kill them Bashir.

  • marie

    Methanol poisoning kills at least 61 homeless people in Sudan
    My condolences to the families of these innocent children who are killed in cold blood. Most of them are actually from Southern Sudan, Nuba Mountains, Blue Nile and Darfur. I have seen how they are languishing under Aarak hotel, Coliseum Cinema and the other places. These are kids who need love and care from the community and the government, but instead they are being annihilated. Shame on those who did this evil act. It seems our religions have not moulded us to have empathy for other human life. This is a clear of manifestation of hypocracy in our country. There is a famous quote by the Lord that, ” an apple tree would never produce figs”.

  • Nguetbuny de Luelpiny
    Nguetbuny de Luelpiny

    Methanol poisoning kills at least 61 homeless people in Sudan
    Hello dear: @African
    All those Arab in Sudan are formers Slaves facilitators.
    Black Arab has intention to experience shame and killing people by poison.

    Those innocent street children will suffer alot.
    They do not know where to go.
    NIF regimes have advantage poisoning them.
    They have a lot in south through medical procedures which hint to southerners a couple years ago.

    What the black people have to put in mind, we do not know that we are among in in dangerous species around the world. We must fight for Africa up to end.
    Never give invaders a chance in Africa.
    Like those Nuer foolish separatist that are affecting our liberation in Sudan.

    Lord of the Nile

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