Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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UN Security Council endorses Abyei peacekeeping force

June 27, 2011 (LONDON) – The UN Security Council voted on Monday in favour of the formation of the UN Interim Security Force for Abyei (UNISFA) – a 4,200 strong army of Ethiopian troops who will carry out a peace keeping mission in the conflict-ridden contested region of Abyei.

People of Abyei call upon the UN (Reuters)
People of Abyei call upon the UN (Reuters)
The vote, originally scheduled for the weekend, mandates a force of “a maximum of 4,200 military personnel, 50 police personnel and appropriate civilian support” for six months, authorised with “the use of force to protect civilians and humanitarian workers in Abyei”.

The purpose of the force is to oversee the deployment of humanitarian aid and the protection of civilians; “henceforth, the Abyei area shall be demilitarized from any forces other than UNISFA and the Abyei Police Service,” reads the resolution.

The UNISFA also has to provide de-mining assistance, and facilitate the free movement of humanitarian personnel.

The Ethiopian troops are authorised, under Chapter VII of the UN Charter, to take “the necessary actions” to protect UN and UNISFA personnel, facilities, installations and equipment, protect civilians in Abyei under imminent threat of physical violence and protect the area from incursions by unauthorised elements, among other tasks.

On 21 May North Sudan’s army occupied Abyei after a skirmish reported involving South Sudanese troops and the UN. Approximately 100,000 people have been displaced by the conflict.

On the 20 June the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement and the National Congress Party signed temporary agreements for the Administration and Security of the Abyei Area in Addis Ababa. .

The United States welcomed the vote of a UN Security Council resolution authorising the deployment of 4,200 Ethiopian peacekeepers to the volatile region. The draft resolution was prepared by the US envoy to the United Nations, Susan Rice.

“Abyei has been a source of regional tension for many years, as the world witnessed last month when Sudanese Armed Forces forcibly took control of the region, resulting in widespread displacement and looting,” US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said in a statement released today.

Clinton called the Security Council’s move “a critical step” in implementing the June 20 agreement signed by the parties in Sudan, whereby the Sudanese Armed Forces will withdraw from the Abyei region along with southern Sudan People’s Liberation Army forces there.

If fully deployed the 4,200-member force will be four times bigger than the current UN force in Abyei composed mainly from Zambian, Namibian and Pakistani peacekeepers.

Tensions have been increasing in Sudan’s border regions in the run-up to the independence of South Sudan, scheduled for 9 July. In 2005 North and South Sudan ended 22 years of civil war with the signing of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA). A stipulation of the CPA was the opportunity for the South Sudanese to vote in a plebiscite. This was conducted in January 2011 and the South Sudanese voted in favour of secession.

Another stipulation of the CPA was the right for the citizens of Abyei to decide their statehood. Crucial to this is who is eligible to vote. There are suspicions that the attacks on Abyei were part of plot by North Sudan to redress the balance of the population of the region in their favour – by encouraging re-population of the area with ethnic groups aligned with Khartoum.

The UN Mission in Sudan (UNMIS) has been subject to criticism for its action in Abyei during the outbreak of violence. General Babacar Gaye, the UN peacekeeping department’s top military adviser, found that “we could have and should have had more visibility to deter any violence against civilians,” a spokesman said.

The violence continues in neighbouring South Kordofan, which lies North of the North-South border but with its on indigenous branch of the SPLA. With 60,000 displaced, alleged bombing raids and house-to-house executions based on ethnicity and political affiliation the population there are in dire need of improved UN support.



  • Meendebai

    UN Security Council endorses Abyei peacekeeping force
    These troops must be on the ground as soon as possible.

  • Emmanuel Ajang Solomon
    Emmanuel Ajang Solomon

    UN Security Council endorses Abyei peacekeeping force
    UN. We have suffered under this people for quiet a long time since the creation of earth.The forces are to be given all the mandate not to make it difficult for the force to protect civilians, and themselves as what the Sudan arm froces have told their soldiers not to fear them.

    I think you have heard what Khartoum is trying to do in the South with their Militias like George Athur and Peter gadet, Abdalbagi Ayii forces, this should be investigated inside Sinnar town to proof the security report.

  • Adam

    UN Security Council endorses Abyei peacekeeping force
    Can GoSS and GoS honor their agreement on June 20, 2011? Let us hope so, but SPLA, other Southern militia and SPLA South Kordofan can easily make incursions. So do SAF and Mujahideen militia of GoS.

    Let the area be free of warring forces. Let the poor civilians return and get the necessary support and protection. Afterwards, negotiation teams from Dika Ngok and Messeriya should meet in Abyei itself without the intervention of GoSS or GoS or the international community. Let the chiefs themselves reach a solution.

    I am sure they will set an example for coexistence, tolerance and cooperation.

    Al-Bashir or Kiir are not trusted to solve this issue.
    The area is rich of its people and culture. It is not oil rich or whatever. SPLM and NCP got mad for nothing!

    Watch Abyei militia! They will spare no effort to set war between the North and South.

    Adam Milawaki, Nairobi

  • Thondet Manyang
    Thondet Manyang

    UN Security Council endorses Abyei peacekeeping force
    Dear Southerners’
    I remember one day when some dignatories from Northerners went to Ethiopia for political ties, so lets not just laugh and say that we civilians of Abyei are saved. It will be another Bashir. I strongly condamn the returning back of our family to Abyei. It will be the same as what some UNMISS officials are doing in areas taking some ladies as their sex workers. Let that Ethiopian troops stay for some times before rushing back home. God is there for US Amen!!!

  • Wanibuluk Ciciliba
    Wanibuluk Ciciliba

    UN Security Council endorses Abyei peacekeeping force
    This is because we fialed to remove the pile of log from our own eyes thats why this troops have to come and ofcause, our resources will have to vanish in this period they are here like Congo.
    The coexistance of the Meseriya and D.ngok will never be there like before even if heaven shuts down today because NCP and SPLM spoiled it for the local people who knew the truth, that they should not say the truth.
    But before this, the NCP never cared about the Meseriya people untill it realized their destiny lies in the hands of the Meseriya and gave huge money to them not to agree the truth as it is but bend it down thats the problem roaring across now but let’s all hope NCP will not put their head in the trap of the Ethiopians Troop to chop.
    I thought the UN SC was to approve a no fly zone and impose a seriouse sanction on Khartoum for another genocide in S.Kordofan.

  • Cibaipiath Junub Sudan
    Cibaipiath Junub Sudan

    UN Security Council endorses Abyei peacekeeping force
    Why did Bashir accept Ethiopian troops in the first place? And why is part of the South Sudan still have SAF like Oil fields in Unity, Upper and Abyei? Why SAF are still bombarding Unity States? I remain with doubt.

  • eye-of-an-eye

    UN Security Council endorses Abyei peacekeeping force
    What I beleive is not what u think, I’m Dinka Ngok young man, I lost three quarter of my family members murdered by Meseriyah, we have been helping them to graze thier cattle in Abyei seasonally but after they shaded blood to our people they will never and never do that again in home(Abyei) let them go back to Khortoum and graze their animals their we are not going to host them again. for the vote they have no right to vote this is the clear point I should inform you and your brothers in North. I myself I will do what i planed to do to revenge my people is good I should be taken to hangue, I will like to ask you just a little question, how did you think of South Kordufan, Blue Nile and Darfur will do after the South independdence??????

    We Dinka Ngok will never negotiate or reconcile with any creature from North(Arabs) this history is already gone.

  • Adam

    UN Security Council endorses Abyei peacekeeping force
    It seems you’re very young indeed and derived by emotions. No revenge please. The other party will revenge too. Blood stream will never end.

    Do you think that Abyei can live in peace and enjoy development if we take the weapons and avenge?

    I doubt it very much son.

    Adam Milawaki, Nairobi

  • puokbai

    UN Security Council endorses Abyei peacekeeping force
    Dear UN Security council,

    It,s become quite known to all that Bashir does not like any calm situation in Sudan since the war in Sudan increasing time by time and day by day as it,s happening now in Abyei,South Kordofunt and all others parts of Sudan.

    We are asking you to speed up the deportment of UN troops in Abyei to cease the blood shade between South-North border.

    Puok Bai
    South Sudan

  • Abyei Soil
    Abyei Soil

    UN Security Council endorses Abyei peacekeeping force
    I am the one doubting you Misseriya or Adam, Bagara “wath path” you will never live again in Abyei. Your father and a dog Omar Bashir has lower your vulture’s beck-like nose into Abyei’s affairs but I’m telling you he has thrown you in the trap of suffer forever. For us we are not worry any more because we know shall retaliate or revenge very soon. We are not mistaken to do that coz we found it was your day meal on us before. Leave Abyei you will get chances to live a complete life but if you don’t, my friend know your minds away. You will die badly. I will kill you, kill your son and wait your pragnant woman and see what I can do at last. God will give you to me, I’m sure.

  • henok

    UN Security Council endorses Abyei peacekeeping force
    Thondet Manyang
    How can you assume that the Ethiopian army is going to Abeyei for the bad act you mentioned? No way man/woman. No way. We Ethiopians have no this ugly history in all the peacekeeping missions we accomplished before.Rwanda, Liberia, Brundi, Former Congo, South Korea and others. so do not worry. Once peace returns to you and your neighbourhood, each and every soldier of ours will be back to their beautiful wives.
    We are not a kind of people who commit this crime upon our African sisters/brothers.

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