Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Iran’s President blames the West for Sudan split

by Toby Collins

July 05, 2011 (LONDON) – Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, blamed the West for being behind the secession of South Sudan which will be formally proclaimed within less than a week.

He was speaking during the opening ceremony of a construction project in Chabahar, Iran, on 4 July.

Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad stands for the national anthem beneath a portrait of Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei during a gathering of reformed drug addicts in Tehran June 26, 2011. (Reuters)
Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad stands for the national anthem beneath a portrait of Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei during a gathering of reformed drug addicts in Tehran June 26, 2011. (Reuters)
Ahmadinejad, in a speech delivered on 4 July, laid the blame for the split upon “hegemonic powers”. He further asked why, if they are “concerned about vindication of part of Sudanese’ rights”, they are not “worried about Spain’s Bask, Northern Ireland and southern states in America and are not trying to secure rights of these people”?

The Republic of South Sudan will be borne of more than two decades of civil with North Sudan, which ended in 2005 with a peace agreement which afforded the South Sudanese the opportunity to vote in a plebiscite. In January 2011 they voted for secession.

The North-South peace talks were officially sponsored by the IGAD, but the US Administration played a crucial role in the two year process.

The Basque separatists, Euskadi Ta Askatasuna want independence from the rest of Spain. Since 1968 they have killed 829 people.

The Irish Republican Army are amongst several rebel groups who want Northern Ireland removed from the British Isles. They have killed 1,800 people since the late 60’s.

Iran is infamous for its antagonistic anti-West output. Presumably Ahmadinejad’s reference to Western separatist movements alludes to a perceived double standard – you quash dissent in your back garden and support it if it is anti-Islamic and far enough removed.

Sudan and Iran have significant ties. Bashir visited Iran on 24 June to attend an anti-terrorism conference, which Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Ramin Mehman-Parast said would confront the “double standard” of the West in its dealings with terrorism.

Iran and Sudan are two of the four countries designated as State Sponsors of Terrorism by the US, which entails significant embargoes. The US was using the possibility of removal from the list as incentive for North Sudan to carry out a amicable divorce with the South. Deplorably, North Sudan’s army is maintaining its assault in South Kordofan region which it began last month and was described by Obama as “dire, with deeply disturbing reports of attacks based on ethnicity“.

Symptomatic of Iran and Sudan’s collusion, perceived or actual, was the arrest in June 2010 of the opposition leader, Hassan al-Turabi for publishing an article claiming that the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps had a weapons factory in Khartoum.

Khartoum supports Iran’s nuclear programme and Iran condemns the International Criminal Court’s indictment of Bashir.

There are suspicions that Iranian arms are brought to Gaza via Sudan and with it tacit agreement.

As Ahmadinejad’s comments come so soon after Bashir’s visit to Tehran, it is likely that they are in tune with his opinions. However, in public although inconsistent, Bashir’s rhetoric has generally been accepting of South Sudanese secession; he has been invited to speak at the independence day celebrations.



  • George Bol
    George Bol

    Iran’s President blames the West for Sudan split
    Make your noise but who will listen to you? none!
    perhaps your Arab maid like Bahier and Harun-the two ICC criminals.

  • Rev John Khamis Kamunde
    Rev John Khamis Kamunde

    Iran’s President blames the West for Sudan split
    What is wrong with this terrorist the decendent of the concubine mother of Ismail.
    Why don’t you mind you business in your country and forget South Sudan.All your plans to arabised South Sudan had gone to hell,and you will follow also.
    Insted of congratulating the new nation,you are still blaming the west for nothing.
    What do you have in South Sudan,please keep quite if you don’t have anything to contribute.

  • Aleu

    Iran’s President blames the West for Sudan split
    Al Ahmadinejad give me a breake.

    Real are you blaming on the West and not your Arab brothers in Khartoum government.? How stupid are you.? Just wait you will hear different things, there will be Northern Sudanese regions separate from the Khartoum government and the real Arab in Sudan will face isolation from the none Arab communities because we are absolutely tired Arab policies whic discriminate none Arab in the government.

    How would you poorly come to blame on the Western nations and you know Sudanese have lost 2.5 million lives under your Arab brothers rules for 55 years since the Sudan gained independence in 1956. If the Darfurian people said, later that, they would like to discontinue with North Sudan mainly Arab dominated in Khartoum government, would you blame on the Western nations or would you blame Omar al Bashir who created genocide on them.? If the Southern Kordofan Nubian Mountains decide to joind Southern Sudanese because we have seen the Khartoum government getting ride even Omar al Bashir gave speeckes against Southern Kordofan, would you blame on the Western nation.? This is the beginning, the real Black African all over Africa contient will follow Southern Sudanese style in West Africa and in North Africa, we are tired about Arab policies and too much killling innocents on African people.

  • Bush

    Iran’s President blames the West for Sudan split
    President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is the world’s top terror chief.
    We are not Arabs, we are not Muslims, we are South Sudanese, we are Africans what do you want from us?

  • jur_likang_a_ likan'g
    jur_likang_a_ likan'g

    Iran’s President blames the West for Sudan split
    Ahmedinjad is not sincere to himself. He fails to differentiate a spade from an axe. If he could differentiate the two items, he would have blamed his concubines Jallaba for slave trade, exploitation of our natural resources without paying back, mass murder, rape perpetuated for centuries. He should not blame the victims of evil deed by his islamic brothers but the blame directly onto them.

  • American Missile.
    American Missile.

    Iran’s President blames the West for Sudan split

    Instead of fixing the problem,they blames West for no reasons.when one had failed to managed the country,no execuse to blame other.

    God brought Arabs on Earth to destabilize peace of people,we pray to God to recreatet these people.

    Shame on you there.

  • Bigcat

    Iran’s President blames the West for Sudan split
    mr. mahamoud madinijad? shut up! stop blame the west,blame yourself and your counterpart omer al hasan basher for killing innocent people in last war in south sudan and again in darfur and again now in abyei and south kordofan!

    ask yourself why am send my weapon to sudan? why mr omer al bashir kill many people in sudan.

    you president of iran stop arab habit of killing non muslim.omer bashir went to your country last week to ask for more weapon! rememeber if omer continue to attack south again then we will take war back iran.

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