Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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EU calls for ending fighting in South Kordofan

July 5, 2011 (KHARTOUM) – The European Union (EU) High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Catherine Ashton called for ceasefire in Sudan’s North-South border region of South Kordofan where fighting has been ongoing since early June.

During a meeting between Ashton and Sudanese foreign minister Ali Karti the former said that she was seriously concerned about the impact of fighting on civilians.

The EU official called on warring parties in the oil-rich state to conclude a Cessation of Hostilities agreement as quickly as possible and to allow full humanitarian access.

She warned that any normalization of ties between the EU and Sudan is contingent upon removing certain obstacles particularly in relation to South Kordofan.

Aid groups say tens of thousands of civilians have fled, and an unknown number have been killed in bombing raids and clashes between the northern army and south-allied fighters in Southern Kordofan, the north’s main oil state that borders the south.

This week Sudanese president Omer Hassan al-Bashir fell short of rejecting an accord brokered by the African Union (AU) that would have paved the way for an end to the fighting and a political partnership in South Kordofan between the ruling National Congress Party (NCP) and the Northern sector of the Sudan People Liberation Movement (SPLM).

He instructed the Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) to continue operations in the state and called SPLA leader there Abdel-Aziz al-Hilu a criminal who should be tried.

Bashir also told AU mediator Thabo Mbeki that while he concurred with the spirit of the agreement signed by his aide he stressed that the SPLM-North have yet to conform with laws on creating political parties.

SPLM is the dominant party in the South but people of the Nuba mountains and Blue Nile joined ranks with them in the mid to fight the central government in Khartoum during Sudan’s second North-South civil war.

Ashton stressed the EU’s commitment to peace and stability in both Sudans following the South’s independence this weekend. She urged NCP and SPLM to as many outstanding post-secession issues as possible.

“The EU hoped to see progress on democratic governance and an inclusive constitutional review process. This would send an important signal in the broader context of EU/Sudan relations”.



  • Bigcat

    EU calls for ending fighting in South Kordofan
    I welcome the EU call.Arab Leaders don’t listen to just call. i call for military intervention if SAF is not withdral it force in south kordofan in less than a month.

    Am from nuba mountain.and more than hundred people dieds

  • Aleu

    EU calls for ending fighting in South Kordofan
    I think the involvement of the International community is possible unless they kept that ignoring the fact, Omar al Bashir has made a lots of damage on none Arab in the Sudan.

    These two States, they are in CPA rules although the CPA did says, they will vote same as the Southern Sudanese were but the 2005 peace agreement did spelling that, they have a rights to determine their fate known as consulation in another word, they have every rights to decide if the CPA satisfied them or not unfortunately, the Khartoum government have violating their rights when Omar al Bashir hiself announced Publicly that, he gave perimission to his SAF to do same thing in Southern Kordofan and he ”the must go to Southern Sudan’s border 1956, or they must accept disarming under our rule which left small option for the SPLA Nubian kingdom to choose fighting and they have rights to defending themselves from dictatorship government.

    It is very funny that, this Sudanese criminal indictment is trying to defending another criminal wanted by ICC Judges. Omar al Bashir on Friday last week he said, there will be no any deal agreement with SPLM in Southern Kordofan State nor South Blue Nile State until the Former deputy governor, the SPLA General face jail while, he himself had refusal from the International indictment to appear before Court. Talks in Khartoum is very cheap but to do good is not their intention and I think any South in Sudan for example,Southern Sudan, Southern Kordofan,South Blue Nile, South Darfur and Western Sudan regions are not going to get along with Khartoum government because of bad treatment they did to none Arab Sudanese.

  • mohammed ali
    mohammed ali

    EU calls for ending fighting in South Kordofan
    There was only one agrement with ONE SPLA. No agreement with different SPLA’S. CPA is over with referendum and it’s respected result. CPA stipulated that there will be only one army in the north and one army in the south.Other millitias should be disarmed. This what the CPA stipulated.Popular consultation will be conducted in souther Kordofan and Blue nile within Sudan.

    Any one carrying arms except the SAF is illigeal. Those who felt betrayed by the SPLA have the right to form a ligitimate political party and call for their ideology of ” New Sudan” .This is their right and they can do that peacfully and democratically without violence.

    Agar promised that he will not do what Al Hilou did in Kadugli. Some of his fighters will be incorporated within the SAF and some will be release and incorporated in other jobs.

    This going to be RoS problem and not RoSS problem. Any intereference from another foreign power will be considered as interference in our internal affairs and will be dealt with accordingly.

    It is far better to concentrate on your own problems and passing your new constitution before preaching us about democracy.

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