Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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Sudan says it supports Libyan opposition

July 5, 2011 (KHARTOUM) – The Sudanese government sympathizes with Libyan rebels who waged a military campaign since February to topple the 41-year rule of Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, a presidential aide said today.

Nafie Ali Nafie, deputy head of Sudan's ruling National Congress Party and assistant of president Omer Hassan al-Bashir (AFP)
Nafie Ali Nafie, deputy head of Sudan’s ruling National Congress Party and assistant of president Omer Hassan al-Bashir (AFP)
Gaddafi is fighting an armed rebellion that initially started as a popular uprising in mid-February. The Libyan opposition managed to control most of the Eastern side of the country. The United Nations Security Council (UNSC) in March authorized a no-fly zone (NFZ) over Libya and using all necessary means to protect civilians.

Sudanese officials have expressed support to the NFZ and also started lashing out at the Libyan leader accusing him of conspiring against the country in the past.

In an interview with the London-based Al-Sharq Al-Awsat newspaper, presidential assistant Nafie Ali Nafie said that Sudan backs the Libyan people’s ” desire for change” adding that they see the Transitional National Council (TNC) as a leader of this movement.

However, Nafie denied that they provided any military aid to TNC.

“The only support that we are giving to our brothers in Libya is support in the humanitarian field where we send our doctors who carried whatever drugs they could take. There was help from organizations backed by the government to provide some food and there were a number of trips led by doctors from the Sudan and a group of assisting medical staff that went with available convoys of food” Nafie said.

Last week Sudan has denied reports that it has occupied the Southern Libyan town of Al-Kufra, a key strategic foothold between the regime and the opposition TNC.

Libya borders Sudan and its western region of Darfur in which conflict between the Sudanese government and ethnic rebels killed 300,000 people and displaced more than 2.7 million since it erupted in 2003, according to UN figures.

Relations between the two countries have seen ups and downs particularly over the Darfur conflict. At one point Libya was accused by Sudan of aiding the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) attack on Libya in May 2008.

However, it was Gaddafi that pushed the African Union (AU) to grant Bashir immunity from arrest in the continent despite an arrest warrant against him issued by the International Criminal Court (ICC) for his alleged role in Darfur war crimes.

Last March Reuters quoted unidentified diplomats at the UN as saying that Khartoum has given NATO permission to use its airspace in enforcing the NFZ.


1 Comment

  • Bigcat

    Sudan says it supports Libyan opposition
    sudan (khartoum)is failed state under the leadership of NIF/NCP leadership since 1989 throught military coup by president omer al bashir.

    How come mr Nafi Ali, comment on outside problem and forget of their crime they commit in darfur and curently in abyei and again in south kordofan/nuba mountain.

    you NCP in north don’t give NCP party a chance mess thing up? otherwise north sudan will be treated libya.

    Arab leader love to died in power like sadam hesien and again now marmour gadafi want to died in power by refusing to surrender himself to Nato jail. and again omer al bashir of sudan is refused to surender himself to ICC. By insist to mobolised countries like china,Iran and again now sudan trying to suport libya?

    Arab worlds is now be become hell.omer al bahir want to make sudan as second somalia after afganstan or pakistan that why omer al bashir open free visa from pakistan,yemen and afghstan to welcome most radical muslim to sudan.

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