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Sudan Tribune

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North Sudan army completes dismissal of southern members

July 7, 2011 (KHARTOUM) – North Sudan army known as the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) will today finalize dismissal of its South Sudanese members as their region prepares to declare independence on Saturday.

SAF’s press conference (FILE photo)
SAF’s press conference (FILE photo)
North Sudan has been phasing out southerners from public institutions since they voted almost unanimously to secede in a referendum held at the start of this year. The plebiscite was the climax of the 2005’s Comprehensive Peace Agreement which ended more than two decades of north-south civil war.

The dismissal ceremony will take place on Thursday evening at the armed forces officers’ club in the capital Khartoum.

According to Al-Sawarmi Khalid Sa’ad, SAF’s official spokesman, the number of dismissed southerners in the army stands at 15,300, adding that all of them received their full financial and pension entitlements.

He told the Sudanese Media Center, a website closely linked to security services, that the farewell ceremony would be attended by the Minister of Defense Abdul Rahim Muhammad Hussian.

The army’s spokesman leveled scathing criticism at what he termed as the way south Sudan army demobilized its aligned forces in the Nuba Mountains and South Kordofan.

According to the army spokesman, SPLA fighters from the Nuba Mountains and the Blue Nile were dismissed without financial entitlements or moral support. “The SPLA left the northern Sudanese who fought alongside it to face an unknown future,” Sa’ad added.

People in South Kordofan and the Blue Nile state largely sided with south Sudan during the war despite being part and parcel of the north. SAF is currently fighting SPLA fighters in South Kordofan.



  • Nhomlawda

    North Sudan army completes dismissal of southern members
    All those traitors must be brought to Juba and handed over to SPLA officially. They should not be allowed to mix freely with South Sudan population. They might join Gatdet or Athor if they are not monitored.
    All of those 15000 plus and their women and children must be taken to remote places like Ikotos or Parajok or Kiela in EES and allotted plots there to form their own city.
    They can only be allowed to move freely if they are 60 years old and above.
    Those are hard-line traitors and must be closely monitored.

  • mohammed ali
    mohammed ali

    North Sudan army completes dismissal of southern members
    Are you planing to build a concentartion camp for them and their families as well?

  • Adam

    North Sudan army completes dismissal of southern members
    My God Nhomlawda!

    Is this the way you think? This contribution of yours is shameful and reflects paranoiac disease.

    The returnees have all the right in the South. They are Southerners. If they were in the North working and living, so do all SPLM/A leaders. Even Garang was a general in SAF.

    Please stop negative attitudes and come up with an idea that can help our emerging country solves its deep-rooted problems like the one these returnees are facing.

    I also noticed that you did not comment on the betrayal made by the SPLM/A/GoSS on the Nuba and Blue Nile fighters who are left without salaries or support. I think they will, one day make the South pay for that. I don’t know how, but they will.

    Adam Milawaki, Juba

  • Jurdit Mayen
    Jurdit Mayen

    North Sudan army completes dismissal of southern members
    Well done general

    The have been killing our people for 21 years and we have not made any revenge.This is the right time to take a revenge politically but not aggresivelly.

  • Green is beautiful
    Green is beautiful

    North Sudan army completes dismissal of southern members
    Nuba and blue nile fighters are not betrayed but were granted consultation in the that right?

  • Madingthith

    North Sudan army completes dismissal of southern members
    Hey Northerners,

    You are not mistaken to dismissed south Sudanese who have helping you all the years long killing their own people because of money, they will not come here to South Sudan even if you calculated all their pensions, financial and some others entitlements to be given to them.

    They will remain there and with time you again be given them nationality to be northerners. Money always bring disgrace to whoever if you donot careful yourself.
    SAF will make a very wonderful and farewel party to you all south sudanese who killed your own brothers and sisters for 22 years, are you feeling happy when you hear that all your working terms with SAF have expired? I think you all are not happy and the reason is not because of dismissal it is because of shamefulness that you cause to yourselves.

    My advices to you is do not joined the other rebels hibernating in various states of Upper Nile, Unity and Jonglei, take your pensions and decided what to do to upgrade your living standards here in South Sudan or in North Sudan.

    You are highly welcome with shamefulness.

    Madingthith a man of transparency, justices and accountability.

  • omoni_jr

    North Sudan army completes dismissal of southern members

    You hit the point bro,
    I dont care how much money they give to those traitor who had assigned to killed there own brothers and sisters in the south since the beginning of SPLM/A Struggle.
    South sudan did not took arms against Arabs regime in order to get financial support like pensions as SAF officer said.

    Here are the causes of the sudanese problems.
    1- Racism >they thought they are better than African origins
    2-marginalization >No development in Africans origins regions
    3-Sharia law-Arabs believe islam is only pure or holy religious in the World meanwhile is the worst religious on Earth.
    4-exploitation of south sudan natural resources,oil ,gold .etc…

    No one in SPLA army died for money!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

  • DeltaBravo

    North Sudan army completes dismissal of southern members
    To Mohammed

    This people deserve to be isolate base their killing our people in NUBA MOUNTAIN,BLUE NILE,SOUTHSUDAN,DARFUR,EASTERNSUDAN as well. This stupid General is comparing freedom fighters from Nuba,Blue Nile who fought to bring freeom to their people. We were fighting not to get money,but to get freedom. Now you are on the hot eat as you know. Bring bring nothing,but disfrace to your family for the killing of your brothers and Sistrs,fathers,mothers.

  • Paul

    North Sudan army completes dismissal of southern members

    SPLA/South did not betrayed SPLA/Nuba or SPLA/Blue Nile. Money will never pay nor measure Nuba and blue Nile gallantry help in the fight against oppressive NCP and its SAF. People of Nuba Mountains and blue Nile will always remain our brothers and if they ever need South’s help in any form in the future, south will always be there for their cause. It is an insult to give people who helped you with their soul and blood to be given few money and be dismissed like some kinds of servants; this is what SAF is doing to Southern components. Everlasting relationship between South and Nuba Mountains and Blue Nile is what matter. Their Sons and Daughters in the future will have full right to obtain visas and come to south and study with full scholarships and right to work. Now, that is better than just giving few money and dismissed them like SAF is doing to Southerners.

  • marie

    North Sudan army completes dismissal of southern members
    This is an important juncture in the history of the two nations. SPLA had allies from Nuba mountain and Blue Nile that has to go back and live in the North and be under the mercy of Khartoum government wheather they like it or not because they are Northerners despite the fact they were fighting the System in Khartoum. Likewise the Southerners in SAF have to come back to the South, because the common denominator we had; which was Sudan, has disintegrated into two countries and in Sudan, people are associated with their place of origin (tribe or whatever you call it).
    To be part of the South Sudan citizens, these people have to come and live like civilians. The same thing applies to SPLA in Nuba Mountains and Blue Nile, they have to be disarmed and integrated in whatever system in the North since the New Sudan vision has been thrown to a thrash bin when the people of South Sudan overwhelmly voted for separation during the referendum.
    This is the reality on the ground. The people of South Sudan should not assume that they have right to dictate the fate of SPLA in the North, as well, Khartoum has no right to dictate the fate of its affiliates in the South. Let us watch out how it plays out after July 09, 11.

  • Nhom wadit
    Nhom wadit

    North Sudan army completes dismissal of southern members
    my dear southerners who were involved in northern army
    you are now regreting.
    what were your objectives being there. Any way we say you are welcomed calmly with untrust hearts of yours.

  • Yale

    North Sudan army completes dismissal of southern members
    Pack you, A- Sawarmi Khilid Sa ad, we in Blue Nile and South Kordfan have been fouth your government for twenty years without money.We are not figthing for a money, we are figthing for the land of Africa.I call upon the 46% African people who are going to remain in the north to overthrow the government. Sawarmi Khilid we are coming. long life Blue nile, long life South Kordfan, Long Life Darfur.

  • Cuei Rooi
    Cuei Rooi

    North Sudan army completes dismissal of southern members
    I assuredly think that these so called former Sudan soldiers carrying south Sudanese identity are victimized terribly.They are stripped of the job they love which is killing their own blood brother in defending their masters Arab north.they were used knowingly to oppressed their own mothers and kins by giving their resources to murder their own people.I think they have learned a bitter lesson today.I hope their consciences have told them that their services to Sudan is being devalued and betrayed by their masters Arab.

    I would tell people like Nhomlada that we should not treat them bad.they are already being humiliated by their masters Arab.we want to show the whole world that we are a forgiving nation.the returnees are absolutely forgiven for the killings and whatever crimes they committed.they have killed their own.let them live with it.

  • DeltaBravo

    North Sudan army completes dismissal of southern members
    To Yale

    Thank brother. Were fighting not to get money during Liberation Struggle,but to bring freedom,Justice for all. Still even if We separated we will never forget about our brothers in Blue Nile,Nuba Mountain,Darfur who are fighting to change the system of Bashir Regime. With BASHIR in power nothing good at all in North and SouthSudan.

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