Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Unity State hopes independence will bring peace and prosperity

By Bonifacio Taban Kuich

July 9, 2011 (BENTIU) – A massive of number of people in Unity State celebrated South Sudan’s independence on Saturday hoping that separation would herald a new era of development, free from corruption.

A Unity State official in Bentui raises the South Sudan flag today to mark independence from North Sudan. July 9, 2011 (ST)
A Unity State official in Bentui raises the South Sudan flag today to mark independence from North Sudan. July 9, 2011 (ST)
Addressing crowds in Bentui today Unity State governor Taban Deng Gai said that independence meant no more pain, oppression, death and corruption, after the North Sudan flag was lowered and South Sudan’s flag raised in the town’s stadium.

Deng added that, “we need to join hands towards the development of this new Republic of South Sudan in harmony and prosperity”.

After decades of conflict South Sudan is severely under-developed but corruption is preventing the region recover as fast as it could despite oil revenues from state’s like Unity. However, on Saturday the new country’s many problems were put aside.

Unity’s state minister of animal resources and fisheries Samuel Lony Geng told the crowds in Bentui that July 9 was a joyful day of freedom.

Geng said that, it had been long journey to achieve the right to self-determination in a referendum held in January this year. Over 98 percent opted for separation of South Sudan from the North.

He added that independence would bring to an end to marginalisation among
South Sudanese people, one of the causes of the 21 year civil war. South Sudan has been at war with Khartoum for most of Sudan’s independence from Britain and Egypt in 1956.

The minister said his government would focus on developing a peaceful new nation, investing in human resources and physical infrastructure. He said the “and there would be no more death within the South”.

At least six rebel groups operate in South Sudan most with grievances related to last year’s elections or accusations of tribalism and corruption in the Juba government. Cattle raiding and banditry also cause many deaths.

Citizens expressed their happiness at the birth of the new Republic of South Sudan. Others hoped that independence would bring an end the corrupt practices that have become common since the former rebels the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) began governing the region after a 2005 peace deal.

The 2005 Comprehensive Peace Agreement signed between the ruling party of the North – the NCP – and SPLM split southern oil 50-50. On July 9 that arrangement ended and it is hoped that more funds will be available for development projects.

Unity State has been one of the richest oil producing state in South Sudan, and receives two percent of oil revenues. However, despite this little development has taken place in the last six years.



  • George Bol
    George Bol

    Unity State hopes independence will bring peace and prosperity
    Dear all,

    I am very happy with the advises our governors gave during their speeches. GOn. Kuol Manyang said the same thing gov. Taban Deng told the crowd in Bentiu. SPLM liberate our country and now it’s time for development. Let build our country and leave cattle raiding and stealing because no one will gain whether the initiator or the victims. Please, we need to work hard to the ROSS. And the citizens of Bentiu might have acquired advantages through their 2% for all these years.

  • Mr. Truthteller
    Mr. Truthteller

    Unity State hopes independence will bring peace and prosperity

    We won!!! We won!!! We won!!! We have won at last!!! We have brought the people of South Sudan to their final destiny of independence through self-determination as predicted by Prophet Ngundeng Bong!!! We have made it across the river!!! We have split the country successfully!!! We initiated peaceful solution to the war and came up with peace strategy that ended the war in 2005!!! The game is now officially over!!! Our vision has been implemented and created the independence!!!

    May God bless the champions of the vision of self-determination!!! We have used all the strategies to bring every body proudly on board!!! We have been focusing on achieving self-determination and turning unionists into separatists and used them to walk with us to the Promised Land!!! Republic of South Sudan oyeeeeeeee!!! I can now clearly hear you, see you, smell you and taste you!!! Goodbye North Sudan!!!

    Now that through our strategy we have successfully created our own independent and sovereign state, our next focus shall be to bring good governance and development to this nation. There will be no other excuses this time or else….

  • Dinka Dominated SPLA/M
    Dinka Dominated SPLA/M

    Unity State hopes independence will bring peace and prosperity
    Dink since you don’t have a leader in your curs tribe. you must accept what ever Dinkas and their great leader do said tell.
    shame on your fail community. this not a time for talking bad to each other but a time for joy and happiness but you are coming up with your well known stupidity and culture of not stay in one said in the strangle for war.

    attempting to set up a paternalism that will bring the workers of this country even more absolutely under the control of the employers, … strengthening the chain of industrial tyranny in this country. … [That is what lies behind these efforts] to sanctify and confirm oppression by waving the South Sudan flag in the face of its victims and by insidiously stigmatizing as unpatriotic any attempts they may make to throw off the yoke of the exploiting interests [that the organizers] represent
    God bless the dead.

    Dr Riek machar was very rude to interfere in the work of secretary general pagan Amum and Mr Agau Jongkuch yesterday . that was very embarrassing indeed.
    How could the vice president interfere with the job of secretary and force himself into something that he is not a part of it?
    this show the world that how greedy and selfishness is this people of south Sudan are.
    first of all Dr riek machar is not a part of this historical day but he try his base to be a part which is not bad since the CPA was for everyone including those who did not fought for it and those who fought for it plus those who stabbed us at the back..
    Dr Riek machar was being humiliated by the secretary generals to cut the power of speaker from him which was really bad in the yes of the world.
    Mr Amum was very sad indeed and he walk a way but Mr Agau jongkuch was polite to stayed since he know Dr Riek machar attitudes of selfishness.
    Dr Riek machar should have be a good person if he keep himself away from south Sudan independent since he killed lot of innocence people of Dinkas in the collaboration with basir in order to get rid of Garang and Kiir.
    I am so happy with south Sudanese people and their dead one and living one may God bless south Sudan and it gov.
    Thank to Dr Garang for this well done job.

  • Bush

    Unity State hopes independence will bring peace and prosperity
    @Dinka Dominated SPLA/M

    What type of a person really are you?
    What are you really trying to say here?
    I think Dr.Machar didn’t interfere with the work of the secretary general, to me he was the person to welcome president Beshir and president Kiir according to the protocols if you can understand well.

    Whom do you want to welcome those presidents? why always all your comments are very inflammatory and provocative?

    Grow up with others.

  • Marco A. Wek
    Marco A. Wek

    Unity State hopes independence will bring peace and prosperity
    Bush with my due respect to you, Dr. Riek is indeed our vice president but what he did yesterday was wrong and he acted like a small boy snatching a toy from another child and I was happy Pagan Amum did not act childish back to him and instead, he did what anywise man could do and that is, he walked away leaving our vice who chose to act like a child or small boy with microphone.

    Time has come for us to tell the truth and us not continue our old blind ways we are accustom too, it is new era.

  • Bush

    Unity State hopes independence will bring peace and prosperity
    @Marco A. Wek

    Thanks a lot for your respond, but I thought Dr. Machar was only there to welcome those two presidents and may be he was moved by emotions and joy.

    For sure who would have welcomed those presidents, SG?

  • Runrach

    Unity State hopes independence will bring peace and prosperity
    Some times the leaders sound very fair and positive when the are delivering speeches before public, I really wonder to hear Unity State Governor and his minister addressing the issues of corruption and fair delivering of services to the public base on the State 2% of oil revenue without shame.

    However, there are no corruptors element down there apart from him, and to be honest looting had been in his tip finger and that is why Mr. Governnor been a prime shareholder to those major oil companies that are operating in State.As amatter fact, Unity State will not develop in the present of Taban.

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