Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

JEM and SPLA attack Sudan’s army in S. Kordofan – rebel spokesperson

July 18, 2011 (KHARTOUM) — Darfur rebels, the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM), said they carried out a joint attack with the local insurgents from the Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA) on the positions of the Sudanese army in South Kordofan.

In a statement released by Ali Wafi, JEM military spokesperson, the rebel group said the joint force destroyed the garrison of (Altaiss), which lies about 25 km south west of Kadugli in a series of attacks from 10 to 17 July.

Wafi further claimed the assailants killed 150 soldiers and captured a large number of infantry and ground weapons, besides munitions and military equipment.

The Sudanese army spokesperson Alswarmi Khaled spoke yesterday about a possible coalition between the two armed groups in South Kordofan, adding that any alliance with the SPLA will not change the balance of power in the region.

JEM is part of the Doha peace process to end the Darfur conflict. The rebel group demands the government open direct talks on the seven chapters of a peace framework document prepared by the mediation.

But Khartoum says JEM has three months to conclude an agreement and pledged to crush them militarily if they refuse a peace deal.

The Darfur rebel group which seeks to extend its activities to the adjacent Kordofan region further said that the government army captured three combatants and asked to treat them as prisoners of war.

JEM threatened two days ago to launch a new attack on the Sudanese capital Khartoum; but Alswarmi played down the threats saying these statements are made for media consumption and attempt to abort the Doha process.

The government and the rebel Liberation and Equality Movement (LJM) signed a peace agreement on 14 July in Doha. Also Khartoum plans to hold an internal process without the rebel groups to raise public support the peace process.


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