Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Lakes state university students hold meeting on insecurity

July 24, 2011 (RUMBEK) – University students from various Sudanese universities held a consultative meeting in Rumbek on how to lower insecurity and increase job opportunities in Lakes state.

The meeting was attended by Lakes state minister of Education Daniel Ayual Makoi, who also serves as deputy governor.

Speaking during the meeting Makoi promised Lakes state university students that government would promote education especially by supporting girls education.

He said that there is no nation that can be built without the help young people. South Sudan became independent on July 9 as part of a 2005 peace deal with North Sudan.

Despite the end of conflict with Khartoum, Lakes state has remained unstable due to insecurity caused by cattle raiders, robbery and poor of justice in the state. The deputy governor of Lakes state has appealed to the government of South Sudan to implement judicial reform as well to send enough police to deal with the situation.

However he said that that the problem is not given much attention by South Sudan’s leadership leadership in Juba.

The meeting’s chairman Moses Mading Khoch, said the purpose was to focus on students affairs, the organisation of student bodies and how could students could talk to their respective communities to lower tribalism.

Mading affirmed that “the objectives are for promoting peace unity and progress among the students and community of Lakes State within their neighboring states.”

University students in South Sudan, North Sudan and East Africa in Rumbek express that their views that they body will help people in the community to bring peace and reconcile the conflict groups and well with promotion of education.

Matur Theem Abil, a student from Juba University in Khartoum said there are enormous challenges facing youth in Lakes State that needs to be addressed by the state government. He appealed to the state government to address the issues of unemployment.

Akur Costa Mapuor, a student in Juba University appealed for girls to not drop out of school and not be forced to marry until they have finished education. She said that early marriage should be reduced to give a chance for girls to be educated instead of using them as source of wealth.



  • Dukdal

    Lakes state university students hold meeting on insecurity
    This is it, these are the real of tomorrow, this is how a nation is built. We young people have always been used by those who needs to take charge of government i.e. during John Lat, Awet and now Chol Tong. Let’s work hard, hand in hand with any government present to prepare bright future for us and generations to come. Let’s not side with any politician who uses innocent people’s blood( encouraging sections, groups and criminals to kill innocent people) so that a government of the day is charged by the public of not protecting their lives and properties. And thereafter, they ran to Juba and say; see what is happenning in the state is unacceptable and this would have nor happened if I Mr. X was the Governor.

    Ladies and gentlemen, you have now stated the process of nation building, keep it up

  • John Gum
    John Gum

    Lakes state university students hold meeting on insecurity
    u were trusted in the first place when u were safe as deputy governor and minister of education to put education as the first priority but you failed.this is how u people send out fails and negative statement.it is for a years saying and no improvement.to built the education and stop insecurity,stop corruption and stop giving your people highers position.


    this is citizen advise.

  • Adam

    Lakes state university students hold meeting on insecurity
    Can the GoSS tell the students of Juba, Upper Nile and BelG universities what has been done so far for their future, especially those who completed 50% and more of their studies in the North? What about the fate of the junior students? Is that not a priority Mr. X who is in charge of the education of our children?

    These young boys and girls cannot afford to waste time like that while petro-dollar is used for private purposes. I know they will soon claim their rights of education and afterward their role in development. I want to see them pursue their rights rigorously.

    Mr. President, are you aware of their plight?

    Adam Milawaki, Kwajok

  • John Gum
    John Gum

    Lakes state university students hold meeting on insecurity
    Dear Adam

    Thanks so much for contributing on this matter.i believe in kwajok’s peoples for their deddication,initiation,experiences,qualification and ambtion,becoz when we talk of development kwajok is number one becoz the survey made made in kwajok determined the future of their of young generation that will take 50 years to replan again while it was a least undeveloped town amongst the south-sudan state,look at Rumbek it was the first capital for southern sudan and now when u look at the survey,it is completely useless survey carry out by unqualified hungry men who term them self as engineer without school of engineering they have studied,this is as the result peoples put money as N01 then their children future.

  • Malou Manyiel
    Malou Manyiel

    Lakes state university students hold meeting on insecurity

    You have hit the nail on the head.
    Our people are so blind indeed to see the root cause of the inter-clans’ conflicts in our state.
    Our politicians are killing us at any cost in the way we don’t know. These gossip politicians keeps running up and down between Rumbek and Juba lobbying as they get an advantage when people are killing themselves. They however forget that these are their own people that they get advantage from after confusing them to kill themselves. They don’t love us at all. Each one of them claim if he was the governor, such thing won’t happened. What if you insert your effort even though you are not a governor? All doors are open if you have any idea of how insecurity be controlled. I never heard a person saying he can’t listen to anybody except to be governor and therefore, this is where every body would want to become a governor.
    We the youth are capable to curve insecurity in our State.

  • SSLA supporter
    SSLA supporter

    Lakes state university students hold meeting on insecurity
    The standard of education in southern Sudan in general and Greater Upper Nile and BEG regions in particular is very low in comparison to other regions of the republic of Sudan including the war torn Darfur region, even before the civil war broke out there our education system was very corrupt !! the main reason for that in my opinion is the widespread looting of public fund in those two regions of southern Sudan, that leads to low budget being allocated to the ministry of education, which itself mismanages the little money it receives making it unable to train or employ the highly qualified teachers or lecturerers, unable to purchase all the facilities needed for the provision of a quality education etc in those two regions!!

    I have been hearing Kiir as making comedy or stupid jokes about the embezzlement and misappropriation of oil revenue that amount to not less than 20 billion US dollars by his staff in his corrupt GoSS, ridiculously asking those to return the money they embezzled and hide in foreign countries to the central bank of southern Sudan as if the dumb Kiir was aware of that evil acts by his greedily staff?? seriously, what has SPLM done with that huge sum of hard currency? No food, drinkable water, hospitals, schools, security, Roads etc!! where is the money!!

  • Cibaipiath Junub Sudan
    Cibaipiath Junub Sudan

    Lakes state university students hold meeting on insecurity
    These University Students meetings had no resolutions. It is just a SWOTS of which opportunities are not found. Job security has not been addressed in the meeting or if addressed then the omission lies on the reporter.

    How will the students bring peace and reconcilation to warring sections in Lakes when their brothers are the problems? How will you blame of the Government of Republic of South Sudan for your own deeds. Lakes State communities choose to kill themselves instead waiting for others to kill them.

    That meeting is just a show of gathering. Students have not come up with tangible topic to address to key officials.

  • Malith Barnaba Dhiath
    Malith Barnaba Dhiath

    Lakes state university students hold meeting on insecurity
    It was tried by the local Chiefs and the Executive and they failed. How can the students address the issue while they are sometimes the target of revenge killings?. Let the so-called Honorable members of the Lakes State Parliament go to thier respective constituencies and talk to the youth to lay down thier weapons otherwise the SPLA shall deal with them aggressively this time. They only go to the public when they are begging for votes and when they are voted in they disappear completely without even coming back to thank their electorate, shame on you.

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