Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Sudan’s VP postpones trip to Egypt indefinitely

July 24, 2011 (KHARTOUM) – The Sudanese Vice President Ali Osman Mohamed Taha has put off his visit to Egypt indefinitely, it was announced here today.

FILE - Sudan's Second Vice President Ali Osman Taha (L) welcomes Egyptian Prime Minister Essam Sharaf upon his arrival at Khartoum's airport on March 27, 2011 (AFP)
FILE – Sudan’s Second Vice President Ali Osman Taha (L) welcomes Egyptian Prime Minister Essam Sharaf upon his arrival at Khartoum’s airport on March 27, 2011 (AFP)
Sudan’s official news agency (SUNA) said that Taha had a phone conversation with Egyptian Prime Minister Essam Sharaf in which they both agreed to reschedule the trip that was set to start on Monday to a later unspecified date.

The two officials were both of the point of view that the “temporary postponement” will provide more time to ministers from both sides and joint committees which will help achieve maximum benefits, SUNA reported.

This is the second delay this month made to Sudan’s VP visit to Cairo. He was to be accompanied by ministers of foreign affairs, international cooperation, information, agriculture and transportation.

It is likely that visit was delayed as Egypt grapples with demonstrations that saw a number of clashes between military police and protesters demanding more freedom for the civilian government, an end to military trials and a timetable the completion of reforms.

The unrest is the epicentre of protests that ousted president Hosni Mubarak last February.

Egyptian Prime Minister reshuffled his cabinet last week and promised to speed up trials and political reforms.



  • Nhomlawda

    Sudan’s VP postpones trip to Egypt indefinitely
    VP Riek Machar needs to take sometimes in the country before travelling abroad again to try to convince many of his followers in Unity State to respect his power and government.

    His backyard his full of rebellion and this is undermining his ability to represent our nation abroad.

  • Michael Angelo
    Michael Angelo

    Sudan’s VP postpones trip to Egypt indefinitely

    What connect the RoSS vice president Dr. Riak Machar with Sudan vice president Ali Osman Taha cancel visit to Cairo? We should forget the past and let’s move on to develop our country, which we have been fighting for decades. Nhomlada, you might be a Riak Machar hater because of what he did to SPLM back in 1991, but we should forget and let the past go even though they’re painful to forget.

  • Nhomlawda

    Sudan’s VP postpones trip to Egypt indefinitely

    You are right. I posted this comment under a wrong article, sorry dude for inconvenience.

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