Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

South Kordofan governor says Al-Hilu planned coup with Darfur rebels

July 27, 2011 (KHARTOUM) – South Kordofan Governor Ahmad Haroun has charged his former deputy Abdul Aziz Al-Hilu with attempting a localized coup in coordination with rebel groups from the western region of Darfur.

National Congress Party candidate for governor, Ahmed Haroun, speaks to the press after voting at the polling centre in Kadogli in the South Kordofan state, May 2, 2011 (REUTERS PICTURES)
National Congress Party candidate for governor, Ahmed Haroun, speaks to the press after voting at the polling centre in Kadogli in the South Kordofan state, May 2, 2011 (REUTERS PICTURES)
Sudan’s oil-producing state of South Kordofan, which borders the newly independent state of South Sudan and the war-battered region of Darfur, descended into violence since 6 June when Sudan army known as the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) clashed with forces of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) led by Abdul Aziz al-Hilu.

The conflict in South Kordofan, which escalated into heavy artillery and aerial bombardment, is believed to have been erupted after SAF attempted to disarm SPLM fighters. The violence also followed contentious gubernatorial elections in which Haroun, the incumbent governor of the ruling National Congress Party (NCP), was declared winner over his deputy Al-Hilu who disputed the result saying the vote was rigged.

Addressing a press conference in Khartoum on Tuesday, Haroun said that Al-Hilu had planned to launch a coup on 6 June and assassinate 110 political figures in the state.

He further said that documents obtained by the army at Al-Hilu’s residence revealed a plan by AL-Hilu forces to wrestle control of South Kordofan’s state capital Kadugli with three divisions of the SPLM’s military wing, the Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA), at 6 pm on 6 June.

Haroun, who faces an arrest warrant by the International Criminal Court (ICC) on charges of war crimes and crimes against humanity allegedly committed in the course of the government’s notorious counterinsurgency in Darfur region, said that Al-Hilu had also planned to coordinate with Darfur rebel groups to advance towards Khartoum once control of Kadugli is secured.

The ICC indictee further claimed that Al-Hilu was receiving assistance from Bentiu town in the Unity State of South Sudan.

South Sudan declared full independence from Sudan on 9 July. The region, which is ruled by the SPLM, says it no longer maintain ties with forces in South Kordofan.

Haroun said they were still willing to engage in dialogue with Al-Hilu, however, he added that such dialogue must occur within the framework of effective security arrangements and without preconditions.

Khartoum government withdrew commitment to an agreement it signed on 28 June with the SPLM in Addis Ababa on South Kordofan situation.

The deal, which stipulated the recognition of the SPLM’s as a legal political party in north Sudan and provides for the integration of SPLA forces into SAF, was declared null and void by President Al-Bashir who ordered SAF to sustain military operations in South Kordofan.

Separately, Haroun has strongly denied reports on the identification of mass graves in South Kordofan.

Citing satellite imagery and eye-witness reports, the Satellite Sentinel Project (SSP), which monitors Sudan, said last week it had found evidence of mass graves in Kadugli town.

A leaked report produced by the UN Mission in Sudan concluded that “especially egregious” acts by SAF during the conflict could be considered as war crimes and crimes against humanity, recommending a probe by the ICC into the situation.

In an interview with Saudi owned Al-Sharq Al-Awsat newspaper on 24 July, al-Hilu echoed accusations that the Sudanese government has been pursuing ethnic cleansing policy in South Kordofan.

Haroun, for his part, said that the Sudanese Red Crescent Society handled burial of all victims in accordance with the criminal procedures law.

The NCP official dismissed the possibility of re-holding the elections in South Kordofan. “Re-holding elections in South Kordofan is a medicine that it unavailable in our pharmacies,” he added.

Haroun said that the doors for dialogue would remain open but their swords would remain unsheathed.

In a related development, Haroun stressed that there is no intention to setup refugee camps in South Kordofan, claiming that 80 percent of the internally displaced people have returned to their homes.

More than 72,000 people have been displaced since South Kordofan violence erupted, according to UN estimates.



  • Mi diit
    Mi diit

    South Kordofan governor says Al-Hilu planned coup with Darfur rebels
    not coup but resistance against the oppression and violation of agreements.

  • zol aweer
    zol aweer

    South Kordofan governor says Al-Hilu planned coup with Darfur rebels
    Indicted Ahmed shouldn’t get panic, Al-hilu is trying to teach you a lesson. Never mistakes SPLA/M meekness for weakness.Al-hilu will reach Khartoum peacefully in day light without Darfurian.
    Shame on you Haroun, why can’t you come and be the wali of Nuba people rather then speaking in El-obied or Khartoum, you claim to be elected governor come back you coward.
    Al-hilu will have the X-MAS in Khartoum !!!

  • Bush

    South Kordofan governor says Al-Hilu planned coup with Darfur rebels
    Haroun is so black on the face just like anyone in the South Kordofan state but pretended to be an Arab inside to save the interests of the NCP because they are protecting him from the ICC arrest warrant.

    But God is going to punish him one day for betraying his own people. May God bless Abdel Aziz Al-Hilu and him movement to bring freedom to the beloved people of Nuba Mountains.

  • akot

    South Kordofan governor says Al-Hilu planned coup with Darfur rebels
    Haron will regret like other people in South Sudan.
    Nuba Mountain Oyeeeeeeeeeeeeee, please Haron come back to us and leave Arab(Jongkoor in Dinka longuage). they don’t need u, they just need your land and oil and after that they will kick your ass.

  • John Gum
    John Gum

    South Kordofan governor says Al-Hilu planned coup with Darfur rebels
    We must tople the khartoum regime.we do not care of dailogue.

  • SSLA supporter
    SSLA supporter

    South Kordofan governor says Al-Hilu planned coup with Darfur rebels
    Those bastards of Al Hilu and likes, of the so-called SPLM northern section are not freedom fighters of the people of those northern regions,

    They have the same self-centered and corruption mentality like their SPLA/M criminal network counterpart here in southern Sudan!!

    I believe people of those regions do not like them, apart from few beneficiary of their corruption and nepotism just like what is happening right here in southern where the majority of people including myself don’t. like SPLA/M because of their misappropriation, management and embezzlement of the resources and bad practices or governance such as nepotism and bribery, a system in which cattle herders of BEG and some fake PhD holders are employed instead of genuine and qualified graduates, simply because of the affiliation of the former group to SPLA/M criminal network in south Sudan!! let them go hell with their pathetic SPLM name or else let them choose any relevant name if they want to continue to practice politics in northern Sudan, because holding on this criminal name DPLA/M will not make them friendly with majority of anti SPLA/M southern Sudanese!!

  • akot

    South Kordofan governor says Al-Hilu planned coup with Darfur rebels
    no more dailogue, Bashir must go. SPLA OYEEEEEEEEEEEE NUBA OYEEEEEEEEEE, South Sudan OYEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. we need Yasir, Hilu and Malik Agar to be instead of Bashir and Ali.

  • mohammed ali
    mohammed ali

    South Kordofan governor says Al-Hilu planned coup with Darfur rebels
    You are really AWEER.Good that you admit it!

  • mohammed ali
    mohammed ali

    South Kordofan governor says Al-Hilu planned coup with Darfur rebels
    South Kordofan is part of the Republic of Sudan.Any meddelling in South Kordofan is interference in our internal and national affairs and will be dealt with promptly and efficiently. We are quite confident that we are quite capable to that.

    Those megalomeniac and war mongers should open their eyes very well. Working towards peace does not mean we will accept interference in our internal affairs.

    The recent lessons of Abeyei and the change of the currency should tell you that we are sleeping with open eyes.Yesterday the communist Pagan was crying claiming that we violated an agreement regarding the old currency.He launched his new currency only 9 days after seperation, which means that he was printing his new currency before signing the “agreement”. We have not been sleeping, we just gave the right answer just at the right time.

    Up to this moment we are looking for friendly relationship for the mutual benefit of the people of Sudan.The vast majority of the people are not concerned about these political changes and they consider it ” nonsense”.A good example of that is that there are over a million southerners who are living in the north and donnot want to go to the SPLA paradise.Ironically the SPLA claim that they have “liberated” them! Millions along the borders see their suffering are augumented by what happened. Only the few ” looters” are enjoying what happened.

    The euphorea is setelling and the fears and intimidations have gone and soon the voices of southerners will rise!

  • DeltaBravo

    South Kordofan governor says Al-Hilu planned coup with Darfur rebels
    To Mohammed

    Don’t bring Abyei issue into South Kordofan problem. What SAF did was sneaking into Abyei. At that time there was no SPLA inside Abyei only JIU that is why they captured Abyei for free without blood shed. Abyei was control by UNMIS. I see some of you bragging about Abyei every day. worry about JEM,SLA,SPLA-NORTH, SLA-MINI MANAWE. When it comes into war we are capable then you are. Those weapon cannot fire themselves without any brave person to do so. SPLA fought SAF in 80s without heavy weapon only light weapons and they captured so many Town.

  • mohammed ali
    mohammed ali

    South Kordofan governor says Al-Hilu planned coup with Darfur rebels

    You know that what you said was not true! The whole world know that was not true! The SPLA had ambushed SAF in the bright day light against all the agreements.Nobody in the SPLA denied this , even the president of the RoSS.All what they said was rediculous explanations.Salva Kiir appologized to UNIMIS and not to the families of the SAF soldiers who were killed cowardly while they were escorted by UNIMIS, while untill that moment he was the VP of RoS!

    SPLA did not capture any major town in the South for more than 20 years .They were never able to capure Juba, Malka, WAw.

    This all history! You want you own country, you got it.We are happy for you and wish all the best.Build your own “New Sudan” the way you like it. We are not interefering. Southerners themselves will say the verdict as now they have to facy the realities of the SPLA tyraney without fear and intimidations!

    Just tell your president to forget about blue nile, south Kordofan and Darfur.He did not pay them any attention while he was the VP of the country.They donnot need him now when he is the president of a foreign country.Any interferance is a decleration of war according to the international law.PERIOD!

  • Deng Gau
    Deng Gau

    South Kordofan governor says Al-Hilu planned coup with Darfur rebels
    Deng Gau.

    To coss Mohamed Ali.

    Coss is the name we used to refer to the corruptist NCPS when we were in the University.

    Mohamed you are suppoting a criminal Ahmed Haroun, but one day one time you and Haroun will hide arround the remote villages of the Sudan as it was with Sadam hussein, He (Haroun) and his boss Al Bashir one day face the ICC,

    I believe that one day Justice will come down to the boys and girls of Adam Um dibalu the king of Tegely mountains, and Rabiha al Kanaania, the Mother of Nuba who gave the message to Mahadi when he was a bout to be killed by Turkist in 1821.

    Al Hilu will win very soon and harroun will face the court.

    Long live Nuba, the Original people of Sudan, of the Name Sudan extracted from their coluor.

    Nuba oyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, Funj sons of Amara Dungus Oyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, sons of Ali Dinnar oyeeeeeeeee.

  • mohammed ali
    mohammed ali

    South Kordofan governor says Al-Hilu planned coup with Darfur rebels

    What is wrong with being black! And what does the clour has to do with the NCP!!I am black and I am BLACK and very very much proud of my colour and thankful to gos for creating me that way.

    All Sudanese are black to a varying degree; do you want to measure that degree of blackness photometrically!

    Brother , donot degrade yourself, be proud yourself. Black are the basis of civilization and humanity.Donnot be brainwashed and think that you could be enslaved and you are ” less” than the white man! All this brainwashinh was done by the white man to divide and rule to enslave Africa!

  • mohammed ali
    mohammed ali

    South Kordofan governor says Al-Hilu planned coup with Darfur rebels
    Deng Gau,

    Which university did you go to! If you went to university and still use this filthy and dirty language then I feel sorry for you.This is the language of the thugs and the weak. The language of those who came from bad homes and families where their parents , lacking good behaviour themselve, were unable to bring up childrens with good manners and good behaviour.

    Amara Dungus, the founder of the first African Islamic State in Sudan…oyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

    Sultan Ali Dinnar, the founder of the Islamic state of Darfur who dresses the house of Allah in Makka every year in Gold and his charities in Makka are still the biggest……oyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

    Rabaha Alkinania and all the supporters of Mohammed Ahmed Almahadi who drove out the British invaders in one of the greatest African revolutions against the whiteman enslavers ” unfortunate still some love to lick their shoes”….oyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

    My grand-grand fatheres the orgin of the civilisations in our land the NUBA land ….oyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

    These are our Heroes and this is our history who never bowed to the whiteman imperialist.Not like Al Hilou and his likes who spent one year in the state recieving instructions and support in how to destroy our country and weaken it!He will fail.

    It is we the people of Sudan who proud of our history and our heroes from Tihraga and Peangkhy to Amar Dungus and Ali Dinnar and to Almahadi and Osman Digna.It is only WE who have the right to cherish our Grandfathers.Those who feel as not part of us should look for their own history!

  • mohammed ali
    mohammed ali

    South Kordofan governor says Al-Hilu planned coup with Darfur rebels

    First make sure that your government in Juba is stable and your people are well fed before toppling the government in Khartoum!

  • Sudani Logik
    Sudani Logik

    South Kordofan governor says Al-Hilu planned coup with Darfur rebels
    blah blah blah

    Lol, they come up with the same lies non stop till they believe it themselves, remember these facts people:

    South Kordufan is full of African tribes who will never conform to the NCP’s or any other Northener’s stupid ideology of forced Arabization.

    Al Hilu is winning without a shadow of a doubt, he controls half of Kadugli as well as at least four counties and obtained more than 60 SAF armored vehicles.

    SAF soldiers from the Nuba areas among others have joined hands with Commander Al Hilu before the 9th July.

    NCP and their followers (some of the bigots on this site) are racist and confused idiots who have been destroying Sudan and will continuously attempt to do so.

    SAF is full of cowards, simply because they’re not fighting a just cause but an NCP war of power, greed and bigotry.

    Haroun is not even from South Kurdufan and yet he utters nonsense out of his ass to please his criminal master.

    Khartoum elites are in deep shit and they know it, even with their over exaggerated military might they will be defeated sooner or later.

    Bashir, his criminals and their blind loyalists know very well what Al Hilu did to them in S. Kordufan hence SAF turned to killing innocent civilians with acts of barbaric executions of the Nuba people or any dark skinned people allegedly supporting the SPLM.

    Lastly, get it through your thick imma wrapped skulls, SPLM-N is here to stay love it or hate it. So the sooner the NCP propagandist stop the lying the better it is for your interest and the interest of the average Sudanese (Northern, Southern, Western or Eastern).

  • Sudani Logik
    Sudani Logik

    South Kordofan governor says Al-Hilu planned coup with Darfur rebels
    Yeah yeah yeah

    Blame all the ills of Sudan on the Whiteman and forget about the power greedy and confused wana-be-Arab by force bigots who have been controlling Sudan for over half a century and plotting the Sudanese against each other on the basis of ethnicity and religion, give me a break! All you did was borrow the imperialist Whiteman’s tactics of divide and rule.

    You people are truly blinded by your own racism and stupidity, and the funny thing is your weak attempt at preaching about loving one’s self is so full of hypocrisy.

    You must think that you’re the only Sudanese with a real sense of our history, get a grip you confused fools.

  • Sudani Logik
    Sudani Logik

    South Kordofan governor says Al-Hilu planned coup with Darfur rebels
    Here we go again, distorting or misappropriating history as usual.

    Yes Mohammed Ahmed Almahdi did bring about a significant revolution to Sudan but don’t forget he also allowed slavery to continue even though his rebellion was supported by a large number of African tribes.

    The university you went to is of no significance, its how you analyzed the education you received that matters most. Your likes who come on here and patronize people with your nonsense is the exact joke why Sudan will continue to disintgrate further.

    S. Sudan will never forget the people of Blue Nile or S. Kordufan as she knows too well their sacrifice for the freedom of the marginalized. As for the Darfuris who were used by your likes for a false ideology have now awoken to your treachery and misuse of religion for the purpose of power and greed. As for the threats of WAR, please don’t make us laugh, that’s all we have know from your likes.

    You guys are the epitome of hypocrisy..

  • amokraanthiec ooyee
    amokraanthiec ooyee

    South Kordofan governor says Al-Hilu planned coup with Darfur rebels
    You bastard Ali,what are you talking about?are you the only Arab that reply every comment with addled reasoning? you are expressing your black colored,did you confirmed from your mum? Which kind of University did you when to? Stop of being semiprecious and having head in the clouds.Al-Hilu must take governorship by force.I don’t see the reason why the criminal Haroun occupied the seat? Is it b’se of ICC indictment/to pleased Bash it? These are the only reasons otherwise the man lack qualities of leadership.Pliz Jalabin we are coming to take our Khartoum,there is no reason for us to leave our land to the foreigners.Continue with that evil you know than the spirit you don’t know.Son of this soil “KOC GUAC”.

  • SSLA supporter
    SSLA supporter

    South Kordofan governor says Al-Hilu planned coup with Darfur rebels
    Mohammed ali

    Those kids like Bush don’t distinguish being black which is somebody’s race and Africanism which is a geographical location where someone lives, i.e. his/ her habitat!! likewise, bring Arab, white etc denotes someone’s race just like being black!!

    On the other hand, Europa, America,Asia etc are just geographical location ,where someone lives, be it balck, white, Arab etc has a legitimate right to live and work there and become an integral part of that particular region or country or continent!!!

    e.g , Arab of Sudan and that of other African countries, especially those from northeAfrican countries such as Libya, Egypt, Tunisia, Morocco, Algeria etc are Africans because they are found in African continent and Arabs because of their race!! likewise, white Africans especially in southern African countries such as Zimbabwe, Namibia, Republic of South Africa etc are also white and Africans at the same time given the reasons explained above!!

    unfortunately, majority of our Sudanese brothers confuse the Blackness which is race with Africaniism which is nothing more than just a geographical location!!

    Also, being a dark skin doesn’t make you more black than a light skin black person and the opposite is true, simply because skin colour is a genetically inherited feature that is affected by both genes and the environmental factors, mostly heat!! so, it is normal for different people to have different skin colours and that doesn’t necessary mean any anomaly unless it associates with any particular illness or pathological condition!!!!

    So,African Arabs and white and black Africans are all equal in the eyes of the Law, so, being European or American or African it simply denotes your geographical location, for example, I am a black Sudanese by race because I was born in Sudan and to Sudanese family, but currently, I am holding a European citizenship, thus, I am an EU national, so legally I have the basic or universal human rights like any white European unless discriminated against, the same thing is valid for Arab and other minorities in Sudan or Africa, America etc. be it Arab Sudanese or Arab -African etc. all are quilted to be African and Arab Sudanese and full stop!!

  • mohammed ali
    mohammed ali

    South Kordofan governor says Al-Hilu planned coup with Darfur rebels

    You suddenly reapeared! With typical hypcricy with disttion not only of history but the present facts!

    I did not talk about my education or university. All what I said is that , the filthy, dirty and wrotten profani and language your friend was using will not come from a respetful, decent university gradute who is supposed to use a civil language and strong reasoned argument.Am not analyzing, if you support such a language , have the courrage and say your opinion.Your standered will be known!

    What distortion of history did I made? Isn’t Amar Dungus who distroied the Christian Nuba kingdom of Alodia or Alwa in Soba to established the first Islamic state in Sennar in 1505 in today Sudan? He was pure , 100% African.Correct me if I am wrong!

    Isn’t Ali Dinnar who established the Islamic state in west Sudan.He was not Arab and was purely African.He has got the biggest charities in Makka and Madinna, bigger than the Saudi government and all Sudanese and Darfurian are very proud of this.Correct me if am wrong!

    Again, what threat of war am calliing for? What would you expect if you interfer in our internal affairs? Would you expect us to send you flowers? We donnot interfer in your problems and it is not our bussiness, it is only for you to mind your OWN bussiness.Any millitary support to any rebels in any country is a declaration of war by the international law. A war that we donnot want, only war-mongers like you want.Up to now we are sending clear messages. Donnot interfer in our bussiness, we want peacful and friendly co-existence.Any war is not good for us and we donnot want, but it will be disastououe to you!

    The same as what happend with the currency change! That was true, there was an agreement to continue with the same currency for 9 months with the possibilty to continue. 9 days after seperation the SPLA launched it’s new currency.Suddenly Pagan came crying and claimed that the NCP had violated the agreement! They were planing to violate the agreement before they ink it! Why did he revealed that there was an agreement now?!Simply it turned out to be disastourous and the south is loosing a hell of money .Right now, we speak,as it is loosing it’s value against the dollar very rapidly!The agreemrnt stipulated that gradualy the new currency of the south will replace the Sudanese pound which should be returned to the central bank.That was in the best of the interest of the south and was supported by the IMF, who was part of the negotation!The RoSS refused and they were planing to smuggle the pound to the north to topple the pound! Well, we have the right to defend ourselves and we know how to do it!

    I can assure you that the SPLA will forget about Darfur, Blue and South Kordufan.They have no time for them or money!

  • SSLA supporter
    SSLA supporter

    South Kordofan governor says Al-Hilu planned coup with Darfur rebels
    Sudan logic!!

    All the tribes in Sudan are Africans, because they live in Sudan which is found in the heart of African continent!! but our country is very diverse in term of racial richness as we have Arab tribes, black tribes, etc!! So, would you please like to learn this simple logic or fact that Africanism is not a race but just a geographical location, if you want to discriminate Arabs in Sudan which is ridiculous too because there is no point for, please refer to indigenous of Sudan as black which is their race rather than Africans which include all the people of Sudan!!

  • mohammed ali
    mohammed ali

    South Kordofan governor says Al-Hilu planned coup with Darfur rebels

    The illogial jallabi in southerners shoes!

    You are lying! and you know it!

    Haroun won the election and the Carter centre and the European moniters endorsed the election, they are not Arabs or NCP sympathisers. This was your first lie!

    All of Kourdofan are Africans and all of Sudanese are Africans and you cannot divide us any more! The game is over . This was your second lie! All Sudanese are very much aware of the conspiracies to divide the country.Even SPLA members like Thabita Butrus, Khamis Jalab are not supporting Al Hilue. General Telephone Koko supporters are now fighting with the SAF , despite many of their leaders were assasinated infront of their families by Al Hlue!

    It is not necessary to be from south Kordofan to be a governer.This step was taken against racist and bigots like you to tell them, WE SUDANESE are the same. Even if we take your wrong argument Al Hilue is not Nuba, his father is from Masleet!

    Your claim that the SAF is full of cowards , was said before , when you lied about what happened in Abeyei” after which you went on hiding”.Well the couragous SAF who tolreated the repeated cowardly attacks from the back by the SPLA for the sake of peace, took over Abeyei in 3 hours only.The cowards ran away!

    The SPLA is here to remain is said by the most despised jalabi , Yassir Arman! ( Ironicall all southerners in the north hate Arman to the marrow saying he brought the problems) Well Sudanese people said uninomously that if they want to be political party they should put their arms down.Only the SAF should have arm in his hands.This what the constitution stipulates.This is the will of the Sudanese people and this what will happen.

  • mohammed ali
    mohammed ali

    South Kordofan governor says Al-Hilu planned coup with Darfur rebels

    You have tried to approach some logic!

    Though, I donnot’t in race and ethinicity. It is just a fiction.It was used by Europeans to enslave other nations, in Asia, America and Africa.

    Where are the Aborginis now….robbed from country, land , culture, history and exisistance!

    Where are the red Indians……….in reservation camps in their own country…robbed from their culture, heritage, land and existance.

    The newzelandans and many other places.

    Ironically they blame the Arabs and Islam; well because it was the only obstacle for their racial hegomony.Arabs did not remain as distinct human from the country they entered. Forget about Sudan. Did the Arab invaded Nigeria, Senegal, Gunea , Niger, Indonesia , Malaysia.Because Islam teaches them that WE ARE THE SAME, HUMAN BEINGS NOT MORE NOT LESS.We stand inrfront of Allah as equal.No superiority.. period. No mosque for the white and another for the black, one for the poor another for the rich.In these countries they faced resistance to their invasion, so they spread the propoganda against Arabs and Mslims

    Prophit Mohammed (PBUH) said there is no Arab race it is just a language ( culture) and you are not better than anybody else except by what you do.He said racism is wrroten, forget about it.Arabism only spread after the European hegemony.Arabs were not the Rulers in Muslim countries, it is just like Amara Dungus the black Arican who ruled the first muslim state in SUDAN.

    Racism is anti-islamic even Arabism is anti-islamic.The Arab league is a british idea to oppose the islamic league!

    Whatever you will be I feel sorry for attacking , justifyingly or unjustifably and i donnot shy to say I am sorry! This will not advance my cause or message nor it really reflect my true nature. Sometimes we become victimes of anger and that is not good ! …So sorry again wheather your a jalabii or southerner that does not make any real difference to me!

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