Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Gai’s family accuses SPLA of being behind his death in Unity State

July 27, 2011 (BENTIU) – The family of the late rebel leader Gatluak Gai has accused the Republic of South Sudan and its army of involvement in his death, rejecting accounts from Gai’s deputy that his boss wanted to scrap a peace deal and join forces with North Sudan instead.

John Nguanyeat Gai Gatwich Kuey brother of late General Gatluak Gai. July 26, 2011 (ST)
John Nguanyeat Gai Gatwich Kuey brother of late General Gatluak Gai. July 26, 2011 (ST)
On Saturday, Gai’s second in command, Marko Chuol Ruei, went on Bentiu radio to claim responsibility for the death of his commander, who was killed on Saturday in Pakur, Koch County.

Ruei asserted he now had command over the old rebel group and expressed his desire to see through a peace deal signed on July 18 with South Sudan’s army (SPLA).

But in an interview on Tuesday, John Nguanyeat Gai Gatwich Kuey, a brother to Gatluak Gai, disputed the account of Ruei. Instead, he blamed elements within the SPLA and the state government for plotting to kill the rebel leader out of anger for the high SPLA rank he was given in the negotiations.

Gai’s brother said the radio report was false and claimed that the rebel leader was ambushed.

According to Ruei, Gai told his troops on July 22 to dishonor the peace agreement and refuse integration into the SPLA. He further said that Gai wanted to bring his men to North Sudan to get more arms and continue the rebellion, which he started after elections in April 2010.

But Gai’s brother Nguanyeat, who helped facilitate the talks between Gai and the SPLA, said his brother had no intention of heading to the North or dishonoring the peace deal, in which Gai was granted the rank of Lieutenant General.

Nguanyeat added that Gai was killed within the assembling area Pakur, where he was to be re-integrated into the SPLA according to the peace deal. His brother dismissed the claims by other rebels that he was killed at an area that is two hours walking distance away.

His brother alleged that Gai was ambushed by a combination of SPLA forces and those of his deputy Ruei, whom Nguanyeat alleges had struck a separate deal with the South Sudan army.

Nyalony Tod Weal, the wife of late General Gatluak Gai, also dismissed the official accounts of Ruei. She said that the morning her husband was killed, women went to fetch water at 5am and found a group of SPLA and militiamen in the area.

She said that short time afterwards; the bodyguard of her husband came and woke up everyone because the barracks was surrounded. He told the rebel leader he must try to escape. The widow said that the family had only reached 100 meters from the barracks when gunfire erupted.

She said the women and children were taken in a different direction for safety, and that her husband was soon killed. The South Sudan government and army have long alleged that the Khartoum government supported Gai and other rebels in the South. Sudan’s army and ruling party both deny this.

Ruei said the rebel group was in contact with Khartoum regarding the supply of munitions, but that this assistance was contingent upon the Gai rejoining the rebel forces of Peter Gadet and Bapiny Monytuel. Ruei denied accusations that the SPLA had anything to do with Gatluak Gai’s death.

There have long been allegations that the Khartoum government has supported rebel groups operating in South Sudan. Ruei claims the Gai had been in contact with Khartoum regarding the supply of munitions.

However, this assistance was contingent on Gai joining forces with other militias headed by Peter Gadet and Bapiny Monytuel, known as the South Sudan Liberation Army (SSLA).

Ruei said the Gai’s branch of the SSLA under his command is now truly committed to peace. He denied claims that the SPLA carried out the killing.

Gai’s localised rebellion began after Angelina Teny, the wife of South Sudan’s
vice president Riek Machar was beaten by Taban Deng Gai to the gubernatorial
seat in Bentiu in April 2010. It is believed that Gatluak Gai wanted a county commissioner-ship under Taban Deng Gai.




    Gai’s family accuses SPLA of standing begind his death in Unity State
    Please,do not bring head ache again,is gone is gone.
    what is a rebel??????????????.
    define the term rebel in your own mother tongue.
    No matter how gangster was killed, is not big problem to know about.
    The good news is, the enemy of unity state had been eliminated,but the bad news Gai was fighting unprepared war.
    He was forced to do so by someone family.
    if I were Gatluak’family, i can sue Riek machar wife.

  • George Bol
    George Bol

    Gai’s family accuses SPLA of standing begind his death in Unity State
    Militia gai was killed by his deputy. why wasting time with the gone case?

  • Naath

    Gai’s family accuses SPLA of standing begind his death in Unity State
    It was obviouse and sincere that spla have hand on Gatluak’s death you the family of Gatluak, you need to speak up for your son’s right and your righs. South Sudan is a Nation, alike others nation justice need to speak for innocent people.

    fews points that I need to highlight here if Spla don’t ahave hand on his death:
    1. Spla are the key point to any citzens which contibute to their ceasfire with Gatluak, if anything happen to Gatluak, they should know better that justice will hold them accountable.
    2. IF spla don’t have hand on his death, they should after the stupid Marco to hold him accountable, but in stead, they friendly admired him that he have done a good job by killed Gatluak.
    3. If spla dont have hand on his death, they should launch an extensive investigation against the forces that are in Bentiu and key find the key fact which lead to Gatluak’s death.
    Therefore, they have not done any of these because they know that any part of investion will lead to their doors. But, Gatluak’s family will raise up for their rights.

  • Naath

    Gai’s family accuses SPLA of standing begind his death in Unity State
    Are you telling me that we should leave this just like that? Come on guys, Thinm critically this will happen to your parents tomorrow I dont think you will deserve to be treated like how you are treating this poor family. Put yourself into their shoes for a minutes. Also you always termed to be in a higher public office one day, is how you will look down on people? you are kidding me..

  • Naath

    Gai’s family accuses SPLA of standing begind his death in Unity State
    you can sue Riek Machar’s wife for what red head? Angilina Teny is in spla now. Why sue her in particular not the system? tell me.

  • Khartoum92

    Gai’s family accuses SPLA of standing begind his death in Unity State
    Sad this family had to go through this, their only justice is to join the other brothers to fight to end this Spla oppression on the people of south Sudan

  • George Bol
    George Bol

    Gai’s family accuses SPLA of standing begind his death in Unity State

    my family are not malitia and therefore they will be treated with care if someting unusual occured. This is what we have told you not to persuad poor guys to jump to the hot fire but you later jump back.

    you,Kim deng, gatwech Tut, and many have been supporting him and callinf him a tiger,lion and that he will overthrown the SPLM. Do you know why ge die? becuase you told him do that evil thing inatead of proving advise. i am sorry for people with no crtiical thinking because they just die like flies and aimlessly.

  • Naath

    Gai’s family accuses SPLA of standing begind his death in Unity State
    Bro, there will be a way to serve the justice system in southern sudan. If the authority continue to be like this, Mr. president and his cabinets will be held accuntable for any unrealitice killing that happen like the death of Gatluak Gai. Justice will play a role in some way very soon.

  • Mi diit
    Mi diit

    Gai’s family accuses SPLA of standing begind his death in Unity State
    now the eye witnesses and immediate family members of late gatluak gai have finally broken the silence after they were provoked by the cover up confessions implemented by chuol ruei who was used to murder his deputy by a hand yet to be investigated.

    with this revelation it is now clear that gatluak gai was attacked at his reintegration assembly area by a joint force of spla and group from his deputy. that was clearly a conspired assassination mission.

    there is need for investigation into this to dig out the fact about all those responsible for the murder of the peace partner, gatluak gai. his deputy chuol ruei did not act alone.


    Gai’s family accuses SPLA of standing begind his death in Unity State
    My brother Naath,
    Gatluak GAI was used as a tool rebelled and fight on behalf of Angelina Teny,when she lost the governorship post.
    Angelina was supposed to rebelled against the unity sate government but due to her weakness,and because she is a lady,she hired a brave man with red eyes Gatluak Gai to fight Taban Deng Gai Administration.
    so, whose false is this??????
    Is it SPLA/M false???

    Since we do not have law and order in south sudan now,let Angelina continue her life as usual and let rebels meet their ends.
    full stop…..
    Promising somebody position is also part corruptions .
    Angelina Teny should be called and question for two things.
    1-using Gai’s life in vain.
    2- corruption-promised to appoint him as commissioner because they are related too.

  • George Bol
    George Bol

    Gai’s family accuses SPLA of standing begind his death in Unity State
    Mr Minded-Dude,

    Riek machar family are very smart on how to used Nuer for family gain.Riek and her Wife will uaed Nuer until hell. They are smart: they persuade them to go khartoum,and later left them and come and join SPLM without notifying them. He create his rebellion in Nasir-the Gajaak area because he knows his place with not experience un arrest. He persuade his wife to run as independent and lay back like insane ,now Poor Gatluak gai die without anything/building left with his family. her wife promise this poor guy to work on her behalf politically but now they are keeping quite. i agree that the Gai Family should sue riek family or otherwise they should asked for compesation frp the mchar family.

  • LL Reuben
    LL Reuben

    Gai’s family accuses SPLA of standing begind his death in Unity State

    Anyone wearing SPLA uniform does not necessary means SPLA soldier unless you want something more than the death of your militia brother. These militias were once SPLA soldiers and there are no uniforms with the militia written on them, it is the same SPLA uniform that they ran away wearing that they are still wearing. Therefore, how can one prove the present of the SPLA on the scene in that particular time?

    Why are Nuer always refusing to blame themselves? What’s wrong with Mr. Ruei confessing to the killing of his comrade in militia struggle? It seems like the goal is to dismantle South government which will bring horrors back to new nation and her people. Is that what these people want by collecting all sort of garbage and dump it on the SPLA?

    The bottom-line is, this is a moment to move forward and enough of militia ideologists of insanity. I urge the SPLA and the government of South Sudan not listen to this kind of moronic insanity from this hopeless family or group.

    Brother Ruei can recruit other hopeless militias’ bunch if he want and go to hell with his stupidity. The meaning of democracy isn’t opposing everything that doesn’t favor one’s, it has to do mostly with what the majority agree. The South governemnt should not let a small number of insane militia thwart the progress of our nation-building.

  • LL Reuben
    LL Reuben

    Gai’s family accuses SPLA of standing begind his death in Unity State

    Anyone wearing SPLA uniform does not necessary means SPLA soldier unless you want something more than the death of your militia brother. These militias were once SPLA soldiers and there are no uniforms with the militia written on them, it is the same SPLA uniform that they ran away wearing that they are still wearing. Therefore, how can one prove the present of the SPLA on the scene in that particular time?

    Why are Nuer always refusing to blame themselves? What’s wrong with Mr. Ruei confessing to the killing of his comrade in militia struggle? It seems like the goal is to dismantle South government which will bring horrors back to new nation and her people. Is that what these people want by collecting all sort of garbage and dump it on the SPLA?

    The bottom-line is, this is a moment to move forward and enough of militia ideologists of insanity. I urge the SPLA and the government of South Sudan not listen to this kind of moronic insanity from this hopeless family or group.

    Brother Ruei can recruit other hopeless militias’ bunch if he want and go to hell with his stupidity. The meaning of democracy isn’t opposing everything that doesn’t favor one’s, it has to do mostly with what the majority agree. The South governemnt should not let a small number of insane militia thwart the progress of our nation-building.

  • Mi diit
    Mi diit

    Gai’s family accuses SPLA of standing begind his death in Unity State

    don’t try to mix up irrelevant issues here. we are talking about cause of the death of gatluak gai, not about why he rebelled in the first place because these are two different things.

    if you knew and have proof that angelina teny told him to rebel, then why didn’t you come up with it before and go after angelina teny?

    the fact is that whether gatluak rebelled because he was promised a position by angelina teny or not, he rebelled to fight in defense of the stolen democracy in south sudan. people were deceived to go for democratic elections which instead ended up being rob-rigged. what do you think could be the reaction from true democrats?

    gatluak gai to many people died a hero. somebody who fought against dictatorship and injustice in south sudan, just in the same way john garang, riek machar and salva kiir fought khartoum against dictatorship and injustice.

    we don’t want to be applying laws of jungle here to murder a peace partner whom you have already promoted in your system’s ranks and then decide not to investigate the cause of his death.

    the question is, why would the spla or south sudan government quickly believe in the single story from gatluak gai’s deputy, chuol ruei. why not thoroughly investigate the issue and make some cross-check? i believe there must be something fishy here, a cover up.

  • belle loboi
    belle loboi

    Gai’s family accuses SPLA of standing begind his death in Unity State
    The people of Unity State have no governor at all. Taban dengdog is been hired by Kiir and other SPLA cabinets to detrimental Nuer community in short run. but now Nuer community in Unity State are now aware that there is huge business between Kiir and other uneducated APLA members. From today there is no University in Unity State because of the weakness thinking of Taban and his husband Kiir while Unity State get 2% of oil. we know that Kiir is always dreaming of Unity State than other ten States because Nuer people are the people of action 366 year around. this man was unethical killed by Taban just because he could lead Unity State in the wrong direction but somebody time is coming soon. God bless this powerful in the heaven because he died to bring justice Unity State.


    Gai’s family accuses SPLA of standing begind his death in Unity State
    LL Reuben,
    you right bro,
    Yauyau David of Murle used to killed civilians and putting on uniforms as SPLA soldiers.BUT still DAVID Yauyau the great enemy of south sudan.

  • Man Koryom 2
    Man Koryom 2

    Gai’s family accuses SPLA of standing begind his death in Unity State
    @Mi Diit or Gatwich

    The case should go back to why he rebelled at the first place. Angelina is not innocent in this case if we have court system in South Sudan. Would Mr. Gai rebelled if he was not promised by Mrs. Teny? Nuer must learn or they will finish themselves up. South Sudan need Nuer as brave citizens but they are using themselves. One leg in Khartoum yet South Sudan is free.

  • NgorKur Mayol Chier
    NgorKur Mayol Chier

    Gai’s family accuses SPLA of standing begind his death in Unity State
    You guys need to stop blaming nobody on Gatluak’s death. This man was killed because our God or Kuoth of Nuer of those who his rebels have been killed them have now came back to alleviate him or punishing him on what he does by letting the innocents people to be killed by his army. Who have turning their gun against their lovely brothers and sisters in Unity State. Shame on Nuer leaders, I thought their communities could have learn from the bad stories of the past of which their own leaders were the victims of obsequious things that cause bad things against their own communities started from the times of our late hero William Nyoung Beny.



  • Aleu

    Gai’s family accuses SPLA of being behind his death in Unity State
    I think these families should have been prevent Gatluak Gai since he was trying to created a rebellion but now it is too late to make blame. Famaily always play a role when they see their Son is going wrong direction.

    This lesson should teach people who just break away for simple thing. He was the general in the SPLA and he think empty promised for commissioner position will be big than his position. Now the family of Peter Gatdat Yaka and George Athor Deng Dut are not advising their Sons that, creating rebellion early could leading them to this example.From Gatdat Yaka groups, someone will take this example, because there is no need to misusing human beings for your internest. Gadat Yaka don’t know the North Sudan’s SAF are not happy about him because he did a lot of damaged at the time when he destroying Boats heading to Juba.

  • Ahmed Chol
    Ahmed Chol

    Gai’s family accuses SPLA of standing begind his death in Unity State
    Unity state government should find ways to support Gai’s family to cope with the tragedy and the funeral.

    Ahmed Chol whatever that begins in anger, ends in shame

  • Mi diit
    Mi diit

    Gai’s family accuses SPLA of standing begind his death in Unity State
    koryom man 2,

    every tribe’s one leg was and is in khartoum, not nuer alone.

    i hope those of abel alier, george konger arop, moses machar, abdallah nhial deng, just to mention the few from the dinka big slaves of khartoum are not from nuer tribe.

    keribino kwanyin bol and arok thon arok also died with their legs in khartoum. so stopping talking nonsense.

    if angelina teny promised late gatluak gai a position if she won governorship position during the elections, the so what?

    it is a different thing to promise somebody a position during an election and it is a different thing to rebel after being cheated in the elections.

    all in all, gatluak gai rebelled to defend the stolen democracy. anti-democracy elements in south sudan are to blame for his rebellion. period.

  • Dinka Dominated SPLA/M
    Dinka Dominated SPLA/M

    Gai’s family accuses SPLA of standing begind his death in Unity State
    Mi dit or gatwech
    If people like you have alredy lied and accused the SPLA/M of killing nyagat militias gatluak gai while he was not there? than what do you think the preson like his wife and brother who was there in the bush with poor militias can say?

    And by the way i never heard any government in the world being accused of killing it enemy but here in south Sudan some idiot are claming useless accused. so what if the SPLA/M killed him? so what if his own gangster killed him?

    Is it big victory for South Sudan to get rid of their enemy? done is done and hope this cheap clame will not resulting in to compansation to the poor militia family as they hope to be compansated by the government. because this killing is not illegal. it is legal. gatting rid of your enemy either by you or other main is victory.

    We wish more death to the remaining militias in the bush.

    To the poor widow of dead militiaman and his brother plus his orphan. what you should do is to accused your auntie Anglina dhurgon because she is the one who cause your militiaman death.
    His death is our pleasure.

  • Dinka Dominated SPLA/M
    Dinka Dominated SPLA/M

    Gai’s family accuses SPLA of standing begind his death in Unity State
    Exactly brother that is what i have been saying since the militias took up arm against the government.’ they will killed thenseves for power’
    they will used themseves to work for them
    now what happend?

    But for this confuse so called Mi dit or gatwech
    If people like you have alredy lied and accused the SPLA/M of killing nyagat militias gatluak gai while he was not there? than what do you think the preson like his wife and brother who was there in the bush with poor militias can say?

    And by the way i never heard any government in the world being accused of killing it enemy but here in south Sudan some idiot are claming useless accused. so what if the SPLA/M killed him? so what if his own gangster killed him?

    Is it big victory for South Sudan to get rid of their enemy? done is done and hope this cheap clame will not resulting in to compansation to the poor militia family as they hope to be compansated by the government. because this killing is not illegal. it is legal. gatting rid of your enemy either by you or other main is victory.

    We wish more death to the remaining militias in the bush.

    To the poor widow of dead militiaman and his brother plus his orphan. what you should do is to accused your auntie Anglina dhurgon because she is the one who cause your militiaman death.
    His death is our pleasure.

  • Sweetmouth

    Gai’s family accuses SPLA of standing begind his death in Unity State
    @ Naath.
    you are hundred per cent right bro,because Riek machar is the one killing Nuer and do not know.

  • victor sani
    victor sani

    Gai’s family accuses SPLA of standing begind his death in Unity State

    Hi Mi-Diit

    you are another confused man .I recall back .last week you comments something regarding Gatluak Gai Forces which are Asseble in Pakur that you will be kill and its Happened now .so people of GatLuak Family should ask you how you do know that he is going to be Kill.instead they Blame other people .
    thanks .

  • Land-of-Cush

    Gai’s family accuses SPLA of standing begind his death in Unity State
    Dinka Dominated SPLA/M

    What do you Dinkas mean by calling Nuer people “nyagat” can you define the meaning of that word? What language is it from? Does it Ethiopian Amharic language meaning that “trader” or different? You always confuse by preaching meaningless word to the people of south Sudan. Nuers are always in your own eye but doing nothing yet to them; just keep crying. Sorry you ‘re always happy for the death of your country men but failed to bring peace to them.

  • Malou Manyiel
    Malou Manyiel

    Gai’s family accuses SPLA of standing begind his death in Unity State
    Mi Diit,

    It’s also undemocratic that if you fail in the elections, you rebel. People like John Maccin of the USA would have rebelled when he lost elections to Obama, and you may know very well that John Maccin is truely American than Obama who has his origin from Africa (Kenya. Therefore, democracy cannot be defended through rebellion but challenge consitutionally. Anyway, we are not happy that gatluak is killed because we don’t wish any South Sudanese to die even though he (Gatluak) forgotten when was alive that those affected in his rebellion are his own people. It’s a mad man that throw a stone in a crowded market, forgetting he will hit his own mother.

  • Gangura

    Gai’s family accuses SPLA of being behind his death in Unity State
    Iam sure SPLA/SPLM is behind the killing of Gai, if Iam not mistaken even the president kirr should be among the people.
    but like this we will not progress because in which you will see that there is no opposition party.
    what i know so far in south sudan is the only party which want to rule the country is SPLM which is wrong because one can n,t rule the all Nation we Need Oppasition party like SPLM.DC and other many more.
    may his soul rest in Peace & ever lasting life in Hevean Amene.

  • Nhomlawda

    Gai’s family accuses SPLA of being behind his death in Unity State
    South Sudanese do not bother much about killing of a visionless militia leader.

    Militias went to the bush aimlessly to kill, loots and be killed.

    Gatluak Gai had received a reward for treachery against his nation and people.

    Gatluak Gai is a gone case. People of South Sudan just wanted to know Gatluak Gai, a notorious militia leader who has been terrorizing civilians in Unity State, is no more. How he died is of little interest to general public except his admirers.

    Let Gatluak Gai admirers sue Riek Machar wife for killing their son or husband.

  • Wundit

    Gai’s family accuses SPLA of being behind his death in Unity State
    i could not believe that Gatdueil or Gatluak is dead, if it’s confirm that he is dead then why making a lot of noise her we lost very prominence people’s like Diim Deng and Justin Yaac Arop was that spla killed them and they are they people who
    play great roles in the govt of south
    when i heard the death of Gatluak i started celebrating in where am i managed to buy crate of soda though i don’t have money but it was something amazing to me.

  • Lokorai

    Gai’s family accuses SPLA of being behind his death in Unity State
    Dinka and Nuer will ever be against one another, god finish them in this land so to free us from these animals


  • Deng Gau
    Deng Gau

    Gai’s family accuses SPLA of standing begind his death in Unity State

    You are therefore a malitiaman, your leader has been killed. Please if you are brave why do you shoose electro-malitia system.

    Please we need the people that loves their country, though they are poor, we need ideas of development not a shallow minded men like you do always.

    Loboi say with me we are south Sudanese.
    I, my self i don,t know who is Nuerawy, Dinkawy, Bariawy and What ever tribe but all of us have the same name South Sudanese. I am proud of this diversity we have, we are very rich in cultures, languages, traditions etc.

    I gave you an advice today in the comments of Captain Aluel,s story as a first female pilot in a newly borned nation, that you still not civized yet. so you could go back to school, read the books the globalisation and advance knowledge so you are measured as an educated person. Today is a world of scince and technology.

    Enough, enough people of South Sudan died since 1955 and you (Loboi) still calling for more malitia rebelion in South Sudan?

    I think you were and you are still a notorious malitiaman

    Deng Gau.

  • Brobo

    Gai’s family accuses SPLA of standing begind his death in Unity State
    dikan dominate splm

    Nuer are not corruption right, if Nuer are those who are in power all these things can not open,now you Ignore Nuer government force them with thing which they don’t want.

    mr/dinka dominate splm be sure that nuer are must powerful in south Sudan they just give you this limited of time ,nuer are not nyagat,but you dinkas are nyagat,you are over things,and you dinkas you what the men mean.now you are fooling your selves that we be come over power, but you are think stupid Ideas/ which is unfortunate to other peoples in south,do you think that nuer should be happy killing only nuer,the dead of gatluak gai all nuer are not happy.

    and you are still calling nuer nyagat you are going leave it unless nuer kill some dinkas,you are still calling people nyagat while south is country you want it to be like Somalia/what do you it to be if nuer become upset with calling them nyagat all time.

  • Dinka Dominated SPLA/M
    Dinka Dominated SPLA/M

    Gai’s family accuses SPLA of standing begind his death in Unity State
    OO please i don’t understand what you are talking about here.
    It is batter for you to tell your story to educated nuer so that she or he can write in english. i don’t get you please somebody should help me out here.

    it look like nuer are all dumb

  • Thondewut

    Gai’s family accuses SPLA of standing begind his death in Unity State
    We are sorry John for accuses SPLA ,SPLA does not have Idea about your brother. Your brother is already Ngangak and that is a way that be Nyangak you must to death like that man. It is same like what your brother done in unity state by killed alot of people in state. so what are you talking about your brother death and many people also kill by your brother,so if you are talking about accuses SPLA, we also accusing you and your brother althought he is death the problem still on his neck.

  • Thondewut

    Gai’s family accuses SPLA of standing begind his death in Unity State
    land of Doom
    bring peace to south Sudan need al of us to get rid of nyagatism by killing all those nyagateen of your kin than the peace shall be in our country. death of gatluak gai is a sign of peace in our county. thank Land of Cush. aka land of black. you have a good names as i do.

    God bless Republic of South Sudan

  • Deng Gau
    Deng Gau

    Gai’s family accuses SPLA of being behind his death in Unity State

    You are not sincere, what is your evident that SPLA/SPLM Behind the deat of a criminal Gatluak Gai?

    Good enough that a fool person assure some thing and at the same time contrarised him self alone, by saying i am sure that spla/ splm is behind the death of Gatluak Gai, and says if i am not mistaken. So for me you are mistaken because you just guessing and fishing in a deadly ocean where there is no life.

    Two contrary words: ( you are sure, if you are not mistaken).

    If you are an officer in Gatluak’s malitia or his supporter then, you know his deputy who declared his responsibility of his death, you your self why don’t you take a leagal procedures against him.

    Spla/Splm has liberated you from the slavery of North.
    So, spla/ splm deserve this right to stablish a great Nation first then if your Party ssla/sslm (Malitias)is popular then you should be prepared for the elections of July 2015, and the people of South Sudan will judge between your malitias and the well international respected SPLA/SPLM.

    Another thing for your benefit is: that spla will turn into an independent institution will not longer Under Splm if you Don’t know that.
    This two institution will provide a different objectives and services.

    The objective of the Spla is to defend South Sudanese and the objective of the SPLM is to provide services to the people of South Sudan.

    God knows what he is doing now Gai is standing in front of God, may be he is in the heal already.
    while we still in a hot discussion at Sudan Trbune forum.


  • akot

    Gai’s family accuses SPLA of standing begind his death in Unity State
    the death Gatluak is good and bad,some people are crying and some are luaghing,

  • Man Koryom 2
    Man Koryom 2

    Gai’s family accuses SPLA of standing begind his death in Unity State
    @Mi diit

    Which democracy are you talking about? Do you know that it is ill to promised someone a position before winning the election in democratic system? It is called corruption and Angelina is more corrupt than you think. She claimed to be a wife to Mr. Riek but Mr. Riek seem to like White girls more than Nuer. Riek will take you Nuer to hell if you keep following him.

  • Billiu Puoch
    Billiu Puoch

    Gai’s family accuses SPLA of standing begind his death in Unity State
    Indeed its sad news to entire South Sudan even if some useless Dinka celebrate it somewhere and make some funny words for their own surviving.

    I wonder why Dinka celebrate the death of their own people in South Sudan while death is obvious to entire worldwide.I have known that,the country like South Sudan will not develops due to these people known as Dinka who like talking on behave of others.

    Dinka when are you going to learn and re-thinking about the way forwards? You have been using your mothers adaptation of which we should not blame you for sometimes.

    If death occurs to any citizen in South Sudan then,why do you mourn it like the rest of people? Death is unavoidable and don’t celebrate it too much otherwise you will surprise.

    The man who nick name to be Dinka Dominated SPLM will be the first to mourn one day one time.All the citizens are mourning in South while these stupids Dinka are just taking wine to recall the roots cause of war.

    I declare war between Nuer and Dinka and the rest of Southerners will be our witnesses,who will win that game.Let the genocide be the problem solving within us.Nuer game is always win,win game,Nuer never got loss and never attempt to get loss.

    Mr.Cowboy (Mayar Dit) was addressing the church congregation about the food production in Juba instead of talking about the death of Gatluak Gai.You will face the same challenge Mr.Cowboy and you will prove it right.

    My condolence goes to Gatluak’s family wherever they are morning around the corner of this World

  • akot

    Gai’s family accuses SPLA of standing begind his death in Unity State
    some of Nuer are foolish, the man was kill by his deputy not Dinka, i don’t know why they like to say the name of Dinka every time. we don’t have time to talk about the death of Militia.

  • Naath

    Gai’s family accuses SPLA of standing begind his death in Unity State
    I can not clean your asses all day long you need to be a man yourself. What we are talking about here is not about Dinka or who, we are talking about spla killed Gatluak Gai who just died innocentely while in peace talk with them. Did anyone mention dinka here?.
    Spla is not a Dinka you need to take that ellusion out of your mind. I am sure whether you depending the hell Dinka, those that are there will never allow your ass to site on that seat of paliamentatary in Juba, dont lied to yourself let us be real here.

  • Naath

    Gai’s family accuses SPLA of being behind his death in Unity State
    We need everybody in that land, I can not blaim brother since the leadership of our government has been a corrupt leadership i know it is frustrating for some people like yourself. But note this, let as be watchful to those who are leading now especially majority. There will be a democracy on that land trust me, were your voice as citizens will be the only option for that are needed to lead. But, stop cleaning Dinka asses you the minority tribe, dont fear to died because i know they are killing if you dont clean it right. But, bad part is that, Dinka are stupid people. You will know that later on when we will have some body else leading us.

  • dingdong

    Gai’s family accuses SPLA of standing begind his death in Unity State

    with poor vocabulary, diffcult english structure to follow so call dincadominant spla/m. My advise to guys is stop respond whatever this socall dinkadominant spla/m posted on this website. People usually responds to a person whose tomorrow will post his/her comments with different logicall argument and with diferent vocabulary words which would not turn off people you want their attention

  • Brobo

    Gai’s family accuses SPLA of standing begind his death in Unity State
    mr /dinka dominate
    am very sorry bro, mr /dinka dominate splm am not the one whom you correct right, in our educated you are the one need to be corrected /education right you still pupil.

    but I can not blame you, any way may be you are using your mother language not English.

    mr/dinka dominate splm you need to began from baby class and top class until you graduate with bachelor,Now you can not understand me because you don’t what it’s?

  • God Knows
    God Knows

    Gai’s family accuses SPLA of being behind his death in Unity State
    May Almighty God rest his soul in PEACE.

    Infact he has contributed alot during the struggle though in the middle he was confused. For we know Arabs very well, how many people have they confused because of money. Let us just advise the rest to come back.

    God knows when we die or live. Death is not some thing people makes but God’s plan through people may be.

    Iam sorry for his large family but all of us shall take care of them.

    God Knows.

  • Martin Muong
    Martin Muong

    Gai’s family accuses SPLA of being behind his death in Unity State
    Please don’t bring that line guys. Gatluak deserve to die, so what is done is done. If we keep accusing SPLA of what they have not done, who knows the crazy thing they might end up doing. Stop crying over spilt milk, Gatluak is no where to be found, therefore you will meet him in the hell since you are people who acquit culprits instead of condemning them. Insurgency is not easy task it is a matter of life and death.

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