Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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Kiir dissolves national intelligence, special branch and public security organs

July 26, 2011 (JUBA) – The president of the Republic of South Sudan, Salva Kiir Mayardit, has issued a presidential order dissolving the organs of national security and intelligence, special branch and public security in South Sudan, weeks after the country’s independence.

South Sudan's President Salva Kiir (Reuters)
South Sudan’s President Salva Kiir (Reuters)
Before Tuesday’s dissolution, the region had been maintaining parallel security organs since 2006 including the national security and intelligence – special branch – under the presidency and the public security under the ministry of internal affairs, or interior.

The order instructed all the officers and staff of the dissolved national intelligence and special branch to report themselves to the South Sudan army’s Chief of General Staff, while officers and staff of public security to report themselves to the Inspector General of Police with immediate effect.

In a subsequent order on Tuesday, President Salva Kiir appointed Major General Thomas Duoth Guet as Director General for External Security and Brigadier General Akol Kur Koch as Director General for Internal Security.

Major General Thomas Duoth Guet was formerly made the head of the Special Branch while Lieutenant General Majak Agot was the deputy head of the former National Security and Intelligence Service and head of its southern component.

It is expected that a new ministry for National Security will be formed in the next government with a minister and an undersecretary to oversee and administer the activities of the two external and internal security directorates.



  • Mi diit
    Mi diit

    Kiir dissolves national intelligence, special branch and public security organs
    too many confusing parallel security services were ineffective and uncooperative. there was that niss branching from Khartoum under majak agot, then special branch under thomas duoth guet, then public security under gier chuang, etc.

    it is good that they have been dissolved and reorganized into those only two directorates. but please, mr. president, appoint lt. gen. majak agot as the minister or undersecretary for that new ministry of national security if it will be formed.

    again those security personnel whether in intelligence or public security units need to be retrained again and again. they act unprofessionally every day. no security personnel can get quality information when he or she exposes himself or herself to the public. they are proud to expose themselves even inside bars and restaurants that i am so and so working for the intelligence or public security. and every body pretends to be a security man walking in the streets. that is unprofessional. they need training to conceal themselves.

  • Adam

    Kiir dissolves national intelligence, special branch and public security organs
    Fully agree with you brother.

    Adam Milawaki, Kwajok

  • Adam

    Kiir dissolves national intelligence, special branch and public security organs
    Fully agree with you brother.

    Adam Milawaki, Kwajok


    Kiir dissolves national intelligence, special branch and public security organs
    Mi Diit,

    I absolutely agree with you brother,a Professional Security Officer avoids situations that are chaotic,their job is to gather intelligence and give it to consumers (the government)to act on it.It is the responsibility of police to deal with criminals in Bars,not their job at all.They suppose to keep low profile at all times and not to be too conspicuous.

    In drinking dens in Juba,they are characterised by their flamboyant deeds,they like to stand out and tell people that “I work for special branch”.They need retraining because with such a behaviour,they can act as double-agent for National Congress Party because they like women and beer.They need to change these behaviour so that they are able to protect our national interests.


  • Lokorai

    Kiir dissolves national intelligence, special branch and public security organs
    Look at these nuts (Dinka boys), why are they ever oozing confidence on anything their empty headed man (Kiir) does.

    The cow boy is just creaing confusion after he imposed his will in the constitution by two parrell security bodies.

    The fact is that the man lacks security for himself and would anytime invent things and then fix his home people around key places.

    But as expected it is always a Dinka deputizes by a Nuer, what a nation under this tribe


  • Mi diit
    Mi diit

    Kiir dissolves national intelligence, special branch and public security organs

    of course those are unprofessional guys. you see the other day on my visit to juba i came a cross a guy. i told him that i came from jonglei state. he jumped up with joy, saying , hey, you are my state’s man, i am from bor too.

    he continued to voluntarily narrate to me that he worked with majak agot as officer in the national intelligence. are these really security people?

    they need lots and lots of training.

  • Dau Mawut
    Dau Mawut

    Kiir dissolves national intelligence, special branch and public security organs
    @ Lokora.

    H.E President KIIR, is not an empty headed person. If he is, we could have not reach this Golden Juncture in which you are enjoying!

    TAKE CARE!!! Otherwise………….

  • akot

    Kiir dissolves national intelligence, special branch and public security organs
    keep quite Militias, if Nuer is Deputizes by Dinka than South Sudan will be useless, wait maybe your time will come if u are lucky

  • Bush

    Kiir dissolves national intelligence, special branch and public security organs
    @Mi diit

    … and if you were to take him to the bar then he was probably going to show you all their files, plans and what they did and didn’t. Very useless and unprofessional indeed, they need more training and discipline.

  • Junubi Karuduaks
    Junubi Karuduaks

    Kiir dissolves national intelligence, special branch and public security organs
    Bravo Kiir,
    That is wise presidential degree order,
    It has reminded me of something when i was in South Sudan Capital Juba before July. These Security people, Special branch are causing panic to the local people and some have taken the law into their hands, moving with pistol in their whist to public places like bars, Hotels and showing to the public of their Ignorance that am security man. They do involve in affairs where they are NOT, even when a husband and wife disagree among themselves they still involved themselves, with their pistol. Issues which are suppose to be handled by police, special branch get involved or security intelligence.
    Issue a degree to disarm them with their pistol.
    Let them joint the army-tree/SPLA.

  • choldit

    Kiir dissolves national intelligence, special branch and public security organs
    Mi diit,

    I Think the president has a good start with security partial appointment of those two directors.

    General Douth Guit has an extensive experience in security services and deserve anywhere in that institution including Ministerial pose. Hope the other guy may have good experient in running security organ.

    Our people need to get one step ahead of other African countries by eyeing for more than phyisical security. electronicly I am not sure how good we are and this is where I think we need to explore evenmore bcoz we need to defence our airspace vigirously.

    Most of our people who are doing good oversea in areas like Info Security and Assurance should be brought back home and help us secure our nation. Most of those people who highly qualified in these sensitive areas are not being employed in those fields oversea because they are not truthworthy as they were born in unknown lands. as such, it should be a priority for those directors to get the message out for them to go home and help.

    Security is a professional field that always try to avoid triblism whenever necessary. our men and women in that area are not exceptional. I salute them with all my happiness!!!

  • akot

    Kiir dissolves national intelligence, special branch and public security organs
    thank u Junubi, for your comment i really like it. they are not soppused to show themselves in that way.

  • Brobo

    Kiir dissolves national intelligence, special branch and public security organs
    mr midiit you are talking on point,many people are to confusiny parallel security,is very good for garmayar diit to make new arrangement of security,but security in south sudan is very tried/may be they are going to aprove them self,

    but let them eqaul,experient in their possition many people who are in security are excusing people with out reseason this time south is become acountry let we leave those such of excusion for other do what you suppose to do,don’t make and excusing among people.


    Kiir dissolves national intelligence, special branch and public security organs

    Yeah bro, you really make me up, let their pistols be out, other wise they will threaten civilian’s life.

  • Mi diit
    Mi diit

    Kiir dissolves national intelligence, special branch and public security organs

    you are correct. if i took him to a bar to drink beer or to a restaurant and eat good food, he would have told me all about their plans, how they execute such plans.

    some of them write false accusations against their enemies based on personal quarrels while others delete accusations filed against their friends from the files.

    they dance in bars with pistols, threatening girls to cooperate with them.

    i don’t blame them though because everything is about good training. if the senior officers in police and security could rape women as alleged at rejaf john garang police training center, what do you think these energitic and arrogant young security guys can do.

    they need lots of training.

    and especially the directorate given to gen. thomas duoth guet is very sensitive one because he will be dealing with counter-intelligence abroad. he needs well trained intelligence personnel to be attached to all the south sudan embassies in america, europe, asia, middle east and in african countries.

  • Bush

    Kiir dissolves national intelligence, special branch and public security organs
    @Dau Mawut

    You are right, I think we need to give our president some respect too.

  • Madingthith

    Kiir dissolves national intelligence, special branch and public security organs
    Brilliant Presidential decree,

    I really believe in you Mr. President by dissolving the security services being under influences of President Bashir for some years,if you started forming the government in the next days to come try to send those greedy and untrained security personnels to attended some courses outside South Sudan.

    Thanks once again.

  • DeltaBravo

    Kiir dissolves national intelligence, special branch and public security organs
    To Mi Diit

    i gree with you if this is how they behave down there. You cannot see the United States CIA in the Bar talking or showing off that he/she is the CIA. Our people need to learn to conceal themselves from enemy. They need to becareful. because NISS maybe around spying on our Nationl Security.

  • DeltaBravo

    Kiir dissolves national intelligence, special branch and public security organs
    They should wear suites to conceal their weapon. They not supposed to show their weapon and themselves.

  • Abikach Ayuel
    Abikach Ayuel

    Kiir dissolves national intelligence, special branch and public security organs
    @Brobo, I think u r seriously sick as you need to go for English class at least you correct your thick skull and poor spoken language ! What a shame to comment in such qorum with lame language that make your readers to twist their thoughts to get what you are driving at but to no avail ! Please I sincerely advise you to do something about it or stop commenting here ! ‘Kalam bitai bikun wadhi mak, hana barup nina kan gatin pigava lakin this can’t gruantee ground for broken English thank let learned to change our attitudes for some of them do not fit in civilised world !

  • Abikach Ayuel
    Abikach Ayuel

    Kiir dissolves national intelligence, special branch and public security organs
    @Brobo, I think u r seriously sick as you need to go for English class at least you correct your thick skull and poor spoken language ! What a shame to comment in such qorum with lame language that make your readers to twist their thoughts to get what you are driving at but to no avail ! Please I sincerely advise you to do something about it or stop commenting here ! ‘Kalam bitai bikun wadhi mak, hana barup nina kan gatin pigava, lakin,’ this can’t gruantee ground for broken English ! thank u, let us learn to change our attitudes for some of them do not fit in civilised world !

  • Cuei Rooi
    Cuei Rooi

    Kiir dissolves national intelligence, special branch and public security organs
    Mi diit.

    yes I agree with you here on the point that our security personal lack professionalism in their work ethic.the fact is they need more training on how to handle their job properly.i even recently heard from friends who left Australia, UK, Canada and the united states holding various degrees boosting of being working with security of south sudan.they are naive and weak in their minds.they need intensive orientation

    And in fact you are wrong by giving example with this guy from Bor as you claimed.I think it is a fabricated lie.Its just because you are full of hate to people of Bor in particular,however Bor community have sacriffics alot in struggle for freedom of south sudan.I know they never betray southerners in the course to freedom of our people


    Kiir dissolves national intelligence, special branch and public security organs
    Mr Salva Kiir Miyardit,

    The number 0 (ZERO) is better than you. Dissolving and Reshuffling in your office is quite monotonous and absurd. How many times did you made reshuffling in your Administration and there is nothing come out?. I thought that you will start dissolving your position first. Your position is the one that need to be dissolved.

    By Augustino Deng. Jech la mer from Tharpam.


    Kiir dissolves national intelligence, special branch and public security organs
    To MI DIT,

    Of course,this is what they have been doing,they will not serve our interests.They suppose not to let their kin and kiths know where they work and what they do for a living.Immedietetly they go for a training,they let their spouses know that they are being trained as Security Officers.

    Salva needs to talk with them and advises them to desist from this behaviour.I know one security guy who is a Colonel,you would not believe if you find him.He was sometimes flagged down by police and he obeyed their orders and was taken to police station only to show the boss his IDS and he left for his mission.He never querrel with them and did not want to tell Police Officers on duty that he is working for National Security either,because,other on loookers will know his identity and he will never carry out a secret mission once his idenity is known.

    This how they should all act


  • Lokorai

    Kiir dissolves national intelligence, special branch and public security organs
    Dau, what do you know about your tribeman and how did we arrive here?

    Support your dead wood tribeman (Kiir) but refresh your memory that he has nothing: leaders think what they speak and speak what they have thought, your man has non!

    Secondly, anyone could have brought us this far, and even better. CPA pillars are stronger than individual n’gin’gok!


  • wacjak

    Kiir dissolves national intelligence, special branch and public security organs
    You are sick, how can you be a judge in your own case? By the way, leave MR. Kiir alone.

  • Michael Angelo
    Michael Angelo

    Kiir dissolves national intelligence, special branch and public security organs

    Your hatred comments against president Kiir must always be taken as rubbish or a piece of shit period. You always talk shit on Kiir as if he’s your playmate. Brother, if you have a personal problem with Kiir then talk to him in person and stop barking like a mad dog. Also don’t just talk rubbish things againts our leader on the public website that is viewed by millions of people worldwide. If you want to be a president to be better than him then go and be a president so that you can fulfill all your expectations that president Kiir failed to fulfilled.

    Worse of all, I’m sick of your naive and foolish comment that you always posting on this website. Brother, I understand that the freedom of press and speech gives us the right to criticize our leaders or people in generally, but we need be careful though about the way the work. Most importantly, we need to give a little appreciation to our leaders for some good things that they did so far especially making Independence possible. Augustino, I, myself, I’m not happy with the way Kiir handle corruption, but let’s appreciate him too for other good things that he did to us so far.

  • God Knows
    God Knows

    Kiir dissolves national intelligence, special branch and public security organs
    It is done well. God Knows why soo many complaints from we the writers.

    You guys should quote president KIIR as saying that this time people will work according to your qualification. He has seen what these guys did during all these years and prove them qualified for those ministries. So why bother yourselves. Only God Knows what comes around and where it passes.

    God Knows

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