Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

All smiles as South Sudan unveils its first female pilot

July 27, 2011 (JUBA) — She is shy and occasionally breaks down when asked to narrate her ordeal. And yet Aluel James Bol has just become the first female pilot in the history of the newly created Republic of South Sudan.

Aluel James Bol speaking to the press in Juba on Wednesday 27 July 2011 (ST)
Aluel James Bol speaking to the press in Juba on Wednesday 27 July 2011 (ST)
“I feel extremely delighted especially at the mere thought of achieving my dream. As a child growing up, I always wanted to be a pilot and my late dad made sure that he did all what it takes to make me succeed,” said the 28-year old from Lakes State.

A US-trained pilot, Aleul, who previously worked with Ethiopia Airlines before taking up an advisory role within the ministry of transport and roads, lauded the South Sudan government for the financial support it provided for completion of her studies.

Speaking at a press conference convened in Juba, the South Sudan capital, Aluel specifically thanked the ministry of gender, social welfare and religious affairs for awarding a bursary, which enabled her complete studies.

“After I lost my father, everything came to a standstill. I had no way out. My uncle later advised me to write a letter to the president. Which president? I asked. I later wrote to the president of South Sudan and my plea was granted,” said the emotional female pilot.

Anthony Lino Makana, the transport and roads caretaker minister was upbeat throughout the half-day occasion. He mainly agitated for empowerment of women to enable them take up the male-dominated careers.

“Currently, my ministry lacks enough funds to train more pilots. But once these funds are availed, it will be the ministry’s mandate to ensure that we have more people trained and equipped with skills so that they become like Aluel,” he remarked.

Equally overjoyed was Agnes Kwaje Lasuba, the gender, social welfare and religious affairs minister who openly appealed to women to ensure that they fully benefited from the 30 percent affirmative action given to them in the country’s transitional constitution.

“The practice of early marriages will not take us anywhere. As women, it is our right to make sure that we get quality education and compete for jobs that have for long been dominated by men. But that can only be possible through hard work, determination and discipline,” Kwaje said.

Meanwhile, daily flights under the captainship of Aluel, is due to begin this week from Dubai to Juba. Recently, the government of South Sudan committed itself to redevelop the existing airport into an international licensed facility as part of the much-hyped domestic and international master plan.

In 2009, a $2.72m extension contract award was given to Westminster Group Plc, with a plan to turn Juba airport into a world-class terminal building, following the initial $4.7m granted to the company in 2008.

The extension, according to documents obtained by Sudan Tribune, was earmarked for the construction of an additional 6km of security fencing and perimeter detection systems together with Under Vehicle Surveillance Systems (UVSS), Automatic Number Plate Recognition systems (ANPR) & Vehicle Control Barriers on entrances, additional CCTV Surveillance and solar powered street lighting around car parks.



  • Covert

    All smiles as South Sudan unveils its first female pilot
    There is no question about it, Aluel has made it to the history book as the first female who broke the the glass ceilling for all the women in the South Sudan if not in the entire continent of Africa.

    She didn’t only made women proud but she made the entire country proud.

  • Lorolokin

    All smiles as South Sudan unveils its first female pilot
    That is a wonderful development Aluel , take care of your passengers may Almighty God guide you and protect you in every trip you goes in Jesus name.


  • belle loboi
    belle loboi

    All smiles as South Sudan unveils its first female pilot
    what does she know about piloting, stop predicting something that does no make sense in Lake State. just because she worked with airlines in Ethiopia does not mean that she pretty pilot. what kind of degree did she have?

  • LL Reuben
    LL Reuben

    All smiles as South Sudan unveils its first female pilot
    Congratulation! You are a superb role-model for all South Sudanese ladies. The fact that she persevere to become a pilot, an occupation that not ladies but many men fear to crack is an extraordinary worth noticing. Keep focusing Southern ladies, your 25% portion is there for your grab. Just get your hope and aspiration aim at the target, whatever target, doesn’t necessarily have to be piloting.

  • Mi diit
    Mi diit

    All smiles as South Sudan unveils its first female pilot
    i would thank aluel alot for her achievement IF it is free from defects.

    what i mean is that some people have put as priority to become first whenever rushing to become first sometimes doesn’t go with the quality of becoming first. i mean if she thoroughly did her training well free from buying the certificate from some corrupt trainers in piloting that would be fine with me.

    the rush to become first in history has taught as a most recent shortcomings in our new currency also. we missed the dates because the rush. there are some ministers who wrote their full names on the currency just because of the rush to be seen first on the money.

    we need to avoid such unnecessary rushes on such highly technical issues because we will go back to them and amend them. in the same way i believe we will not return aluel for proper training after the rush.

    you can be in number three but first in quality. salva kiir rushed to get his phd from kenya but i hope the quality of phd to be obtained next year by somebody else will be better than that of kiir.

    no rush please for the sake of being named as ‘first.’

  • Dr.Agany

    All smiles as South Sudan unveils its first female pilot
    This is good than wasting time on facebook using adjectives like the word cute, gorgeous, amazing etc. Men will be lodging their applications for you with concepts far from beauty and attraction!

    Bravo Aluel!!! Your name will be in RSS elementary school history book.

  • Bush

    All smiles as South Sudan unveils its first female pilot
    Good things come from Lakes State and bad things as well, what a combination! I wish her well.

  • panda

    All smiles as South Sudan unveils its first female pilot
    Weldone Aluel your fellow south sudan people are proud of you,being female make every things wonderful,I hope God our fathers will be able help you when ever you go,but remember put God first in what ever you are doing or thinking,nothings will happened to you.mayGod bless you and south sudan our lovely nation.
    many thank

  • Mi diit
    Mi diit

    All smiles as South Sudan unveils its first female pilot
    brother or sister belle loboi,

    i am extremely cautious about endorsing things being claimed as first in this corrupt land called south sudan.

    people are desperate with the competition to become first when their first doesn’t go with quality needed to become first. they just want to be in history through cheap ways.

    if the british company could give false certificates to those in education sector as narrated by the article yesterday, what do you thing this world cannot rob from our desperate people?

    yes, being a worker in an airline doesn’t mean experience. you could have been a cleaner, or waitress.

    i guess aluel found it difficult to smoothly narrate on her achievement and that is why the article talks of her breaking down in failure to explain her road to success.

    and if it is true that she really did quality piloting, then i thank her.

    but i don’t think she is already a captain since she has just graduated. she will need to do some co-piloting for some years before she becomes a full captain. and that is another false claim by the article which says she will begin flights from dubai to juba in her captainship. that is a lie. she will first become a co-pilot for years under the guidance of an experienced captain before becoming a captain, or first female captain for that matter.

    it is like becoming a lecturer first before you become a full professor and that also depends on your performance. others who graduated after her may become the first captains if they are smarter. so it is a progressive path.

    any way i thank her for whatever achievement.

  • Madingthith

    All smiles as South Sudan unveils its first female pilot
    Oh, God Help our Young Woman Pilot named Aluel James Bol.

    The Republic of South Sudan has now qualified to have it own female pilot following the week of event of South Sudan celebration of Independence.

    Brilliant work Aluel, you have actually made it to the top of South Sudanese people always be careful about the mess that will be impose to you by those thugs in Civil Aviations.

    I don,t know what will happen to those guyz down there who always never sleep when they do not talk about Dinka names in this website, shame on you. Dinka lady has made it now to become the first pilot in the Republic of South Sudan, what is your reaction you antiDinkas?

    Good enough Dinka have now fulfiled his previous name Monyjang,, Husband of every body,,

    Lakes state is likely to get the pride of being having manage to own her as their product in the state history.
    I really gave my special thanks to minister for Gender for being supportive to the successful of Aluel James Bol,s training.

    Thanks you Aluel

  • Michael Angelo
    Michael Angelo

    All smiles as South Sudan unveils its first female pilot
    Congratulations Aluel James for your achievement. I believe your aviation degree will motivate more women in South Sudan to do more than what you had done so far. Indeed, let’s empower women and encourage them to take school seriously so that they can take jobs from lazy men who are just want to be called MPs or Minisers without doing any work at all


    All smiles as South Sudan unveils its first female pilot
    Congratulation to you Aluel!! Keep up good work!! We are so proud of you sister.

    Ashamed on you all, you hater out there. Please leave the poor girl alone she deserved to be the first woman to become pilot in Republic of South Sudan history. Please stop writing negative comments, and supporting one another when one of our southerners achieved something wonderful like this. We need to be proud of those people who are doing great things to our country not to hate them for what the achieve off. Jealous will not take you nowhere. I feel sorry for those of you who wrote the stupid comments about this young lady who did outstanding job for her career. You people should be ashame to yourself before you wrote something on this website. i am very disgusted, and disappointed for those of you who writing trash about other people. That is unproportional way to write, say, and do things.

    by:- Abraham Madit Majak

  • Michael Angelo
    Michael Angelo

    All smiles as South Sudan unveils its first female pilot

    Such tribal comment will always intensify tribal hatred if you’re not aware of that brother. Don’t you know that such comment will let other tribes hate what Aluel did because she is a Dinka? Also don’t let Aluel be hate by other tribes. We, all South Sudanese should be proud of what Aluel did regardless of where she came from. It doesn’t a matter whether she came from Lake State or Unity State or whether a Dinka or Nuer, all we care is that she made a history for the whole country.

  • Young

    All smiles as South Sudan unveils its first female pilot
    Good job Aluel Bol,congratulations you have made it,i would also thank those who have helped you in completing your studies after the death of Justice Bol.All the best…..

  • Quol Quot
    Quol Quot

    All smiles as South Sudan unveils its first female pilot
    The reporter forgot to mention one thing here. She is also beautiful.

  • wacjak

    All smiles as South Sudan unveils its first female pilot
    Indeed she has made the record. However, we the South Sudanese should not be jealous of any achievement of anybody rather we should be proud of their efforts only to dismiss their knowledge when they falter. Being the first means nothing except when you truly produce what is required of you.

    Ms. Aluel, pray hard that you do your best and we shall pray for you too.

  • Nhomlawda

    All smiles as South Sudan unveils its first female pilot
    Mi Diit

    You write well but you are still in that category of educated by writing and reading only without internalization and acculturation of knowledge. In simple term, you lack ability to think like educated person. Below ascertain my assertion on your knowledge status.

    1. Aluel James Bol is a US accredited pilot – she had a Bachelors degree and attended an accredited aviation school in the USA. She is a US certified commercial flight pilot. There is no way you can doubt her qualification in that field if you understand the sensitivity of the field and the rigorous certification required therein.

    2. President Salva Kiir Mayardit does not have PhD degree but an honorary doctorate degree. Those are two different degrees, ‘ya Mi Diit – gat mi cattle camp’. PhD is an academic degree awarded after 3 or 4 years of intense academic toil and only after submitting a quality piece of original research that meet requirements of the university offering that PhD. Honorary doctorate on the other hand is a recognition of someone contribution to society or field of specialization by a university. Honorary doctorate is not called PhD. One person can have as many honorary doctorates as his popularity can afford but one person can hold one PhD or unless he/she is a fool to write many theses to get PhDs from more than one university but that behavior is rare. You can have a PhD and honorary doctorate but you cannot get a PhD without submitting a piece of original research work to a university.

    Never think like those who are causing confusion in the bush. Think like an enlightened person.

  • Nhomlawda

    All smiles as South Sudan unveils its first female pilot
    Mi Diit and Belle Loboi

    You write well but you are still in that category of educated by writing and reading only without internalization and acculturation of knowledge. In simple term, you lack ability to think like educated persons. Below ascertain my assertion on your knowledge status.

    1. Aluel James Bol is a US accredited pilot – she had a Bachelors degree and attended an accredited aviation school in the USA. She is a US certified commercial flight pilot. There is no way you can doubt her qualification in that field if you understand the sensitivity of the field and the rigorous certification required therein.

    2. President Salva Kiir Mayardit does not have PhD degree but an honorary doctorate degree. Those are two different degrees, ‘ya Mi Diit – gat mi cattle camp’. PhD is an academic degree awarded after 3 or 4 years of intense academic toil and only after submitting a quality piece of original research that meet requirements of the university offering that PhD. Honorary doctorate on the other hand is a recognition of someone contribution to society or field of specialization by a university. Honorary doctorate is not called PhD. One person can have as many honorary doctorates as his popularity can afford but one person can hold one PhD or unless he/she is a fool to write many theses to get PhDs from more than one university but that behavior is rare. You can have a PhD and honorary doctorate but you cannot get a PhD without submitting a piece of original research work to a university.

    Never think like those who are causing confusion in the bush. Think like an enlightened person.

  • victor sani
    victor sani

    All smiles as South Sudan unveils its first female pilot
    Bravo Aluel James Bol

    you have made its

    thanks God 4 that .

    Iwishes you the nice Fly whereever you fly and takecare of your passagers and God gudine you where ever you are.
    my cong to your family .and the rest .
    Dear Readers let us not put the comments that will not benefit us atall.


  • victor sani
    victor sani

    All smiles as South Sudan unveils its first female pilot
    Mr Quol

    yes she is beautiful what next .



  • DeltaBravo

    All smiles as South Sudan unveils its first female pilot
    Mi Diit

    You are right about that. Our people are used to Mr and Mrs such and such are the first to do this and that.

  • God Knows
    God Knows

    All smiles as South Sudan unveils its first female pilot
    God knows what people are talking about. Being the first female pilot for ROSS is something that my fellow friends should be happy of. But I can see some writers do give it their own meaning. God Knows what they are doing.

    Aluel, you have made it and disregards all the tribals words people are throwing. I wish you don’t even have time to read those nonsense over the website. You did it for your Natiion and the Nation is happy for you.

    God Knows

  • Just Junubi
    Just Junubi

    All smiles as South Sudan unveils its first female pilot
    I don’t know why some of our people are being negative, instead we should be supportive and encourage our young ones to follow her lead and Aspire to be whatever they want to be in this land of great abundance.
    And as for those claiming that people are rushing to be the first at everything; realistically and logically speaking, I don’t think her goal was to be the first female pilot in South Sudan (declared independent less then 3 weeks ago),if so, she must have super powers to see the future. She obviously dedicated herself in pursuing her dream of becoming a Pilot and in a twist of fate she happened to be first female pilot in South Sudan.If the fact that she happens to be Dinka is of concern to someone, well I personally know a young Nuer girl who is currently training to be a pilot. Hope that reduces some of your hatred and envy towards Aluel’s achievements.
    And for those having difficulties comprehending this article, She trained in the United States of America and worked at Ethiopian Airlines, Obviously as a pilot or unless Ethiopian Airlines rotates its cleaners,flight attendants and pilots to prevent repetitive tasking (Please enlighten us because I’m ignorant to that). The FOUR Degrees you claim are starting to look shady in the light. I hope your FOUR degrees take you further then a chat room and being a critic of others success. I’m astonished by fact that one can degrade a person they have never met nor heard of in their life to the point of calling her a bitch,prostitute……
    My people, lets not be negative towards each other, let us unite and be supportive of ones challenges and together we shall develop this country.

  • SSLA supporter
    SSLA supporter

    All smiles as South Sudan unveils its first female pilot
    Congratulations to my fellow citizen Aluel on her successful completion of her pilot training, I hope she genuinely qualified to take that responsibility on her shoulder, God bless her and many our inspired youngsters who wish to do something fantastic for themselves and for the country,I pray that God opens them the way and help them to materialize their dreams and aspirations!!

    However, majority of our students who are sent abroad by the corrupt
    GOSS are not selected base on their academic qualification or excellency
    but unfortunately through NEPOTISM instead!!!!!!!!!! So, we end up sending dull students who are affiliated to the ministers in the corrupt GoSS instead of bright students who know nobody there, thus, those dull students do struggle most of the time to successfully complete their study if they are lucky enough not excluded or discontinued by the foreign universities they are sent to, sometimes, many of those students resort to hiring people with money to study for them or simply buying a certificate from any corrupt educational institution especially in the USA!!

    I know one fellow from our southern Sudanese community here in western Europe, who hired someone to study for him while he was busy doing a security job at night for the entire 3 four years duration of his so-called study , now that gentleman is holding a BA honours in social science perhaps in international development. The guy did not stop from there though, now he is hiring the same people to study master degree for him as well while he icontinues with his security work and sooner his master degree will be ready for him for the use it in southern Sudan!! will be a good news for us , and. shall we celebrate that false achievement of his??????? So, let us be really vigilant when it comes to certificates earned abroad!! now I begin to question many qualifications held by our elders, especially their PhDs because not everyone sent abroad for study completes that mission successfully, but upon his return to southern Sudan the pesron starts to claim the title of that course which he or she didn’t complete!! but they get away with it because nobody cares to check the authenticity of their qualifications earned in foreign countries!! that is pathetic indeed!!

  • SSLA supporter
    SSLA supporter

    All smiles as South Sudan unveils its first female pilot


    I am the first Genetic Engineer in the entire Sudan, so, what have you got for me sir, could you please ask someone from your people to arrange a press conference for me so as to express the difficulties I faced when I was a student in the foreign land!

    Now, my mission is to create a superbacteria that is resistant to almost all the drugs or antibiotics that are used right now by your SPLA syndicate, applying the knowledge of the recombinant DNA technologies or what is simply known as genetic engineering techniques, bad news for you isn’t?

    That multidrug resistant bacteria will be used by SSLA as a biological weapon to eliminate or neutralize your corrupt SPLA/M in case the later resorts to the use of the newly squired Ukrainian or Russian weapons against us in the SSLA, let them be careful too when they attack our villages because we can easily treat the …….and. ……. with carcinogens (chemical or nuclear sewafare) and within the five year time majority of them will develop malignant cancer!! beware when dealing with SSLA, the army of God!!

  • daniel deng akacpiny
    daniel deng akacpiny

    All smiles as South Sudan unveils its first female pilot
    Phenomenal achievement, well done Aluel.

  • Ayuen deng
    Ayuen deng

    All smiles as South Sudan unveils its first female pilot
    “Bravo Aluel” But i ask you to a letter on our be have to ministry of highier education to improve our universities in south sudan and to work quickly and call us back because its time to learn.So that we come successful like you.

  • Lokorai

    All smiles as South Sudan unveils its first female pilot
    These are pieces of reporting that make a lot of impact!

    As you can see, the organizers (ministers) that came up with such noble idea of honoring her aren’t animals from Dinka who are now wetting their mouths to marry off this little girl called Aluel


  • SSLA supporter
    SSLA supporter

    All smiles as South Sudan unveils its first female pilot
    you will be laughing at yourself if you think that Aluel will appreciate that stupid tribal comment of yours!!

  • Sweetmouth

    All smiles as South Sudan unveils its first female pilot
    @ victor sani.

    what do you think will a happen to a beautiful girl?

  • Runrach

    All smiles as South Sudan unveils its first female pilot
    Many thanks and congratulations to Ms Aluel for reccording South Sudanese women history in world’s book.

    As individual Aluel make it very successfully and our women deserved the 25% allocatted to them by our late leader the founder of SPLM/A.

    South Sudan Oyee.

  • Nhomlawda

    All smiles as South Sudan unveils its first female pilot
    SSLA Supporter

    If it is true you studied Genetics, then you are a gone case from African continent. The same madness that is making you to support a visionless rebel movement made you to study a course that is irrelevant to Africa’s immediate needs and infrastructure.

    You can spend your lifetime in western world because you cannot get infrastructure to practice that qualification here in South Sudan.

    You cannot be recognized in South Sudan because your degree does not help us in anyway. It only helps western world laboratories not South Sudan hospitals.
    We would have recognized you if you studied other medical fields such as neurology, hepatology, hematology, microbiology, etc.

    I watched on youtube SSLA graduation of around 300 to 500 recruits trained in North Sudan by SAF. When I listened to Peter Gatdet’s speech, I pity those Nuer youths who are being misused for selfish gain. Peter Gatdet is just looking for ways to get promotion in SPLA. His aim is not to fight for anything else.
    Peter Gatdet Yaka is using Nuer youths as tools for negotiation according to the speech he delivered during that graduation ceremony.

    Peter Gatdet wants to overtake many other traitors Major Generals in SPLA to the rank of Lt. General or General so that he can be paid more and be at the command center in Bilpam, Juba.

  • Dengcol malual
    Dengcol malual

    All smiles as South Sudan unveils its first female pilot

    The Washingtonian are so proud of you and you have represented us very well. mose lake flight school, washington state is proud of you.

    i wish you all the best sister

  • Wundit

    All smiles as South Sudan unveils its first female pilot
    where is Bol Akot son the boy who was sent to south africa to be train as pilot like Aluel.

  • John Costa
    John Costa

    All smiles as South Sudan unveils its first female pilot
    Thank you!

  • John Costa
    John Costa

    All smiles as South Sudan unveils its first female pilot
    Is this a threat against a particular ethnic group? Is Athor is excluded from your biological weapon that you are currently thinking about it? Are you capable of wiping an entire ethnic group as Hitler tried in German? What is your moral ground you are building this campaign? We thought your cause was to bring a fair government to South Sudan.
    How do I support such a movement whose members are ethnically planning to wipe another ethnic group? I do not think Nuer people will support your cause. I have known many of them who are decent men that should deserve trust from the larger community of South Sudan.
    Sometimes, I wonder what kind of person think in such a manner. I am shock. I wonder also if someone like you were to use his or her knowledge for the betterment of all South Sudanese. Brother, regardless of who you are, I love you as a compatriot.
    Finally, without doing any research, I might believe that you are a Genetic Engineer, a scientist. Wait! Do you have an invention disclosure registered with any patents? I will be interest on reading it. That will give you more credibility. I may invest on it too!

  • John Costa
    John Costa

    All smiles as South Sudan unveils its first female pilot
    Congratulation to Aluel.

  • Mi diit
    Mi diit

    All smiles as South Sudan unveils its first female pilot

    thank you for explaining that salva kiir is not among the learned doctors.

    please explain it to your uncles who always call him doctor salva kiir not differentiating it from the useless honorary doctorate.

    i for one understand the difference between the two very well but wanted to see how you people react to it. i thought you would endorse it like your uncles.

    let us join hands in congratulating the lakes state’s dinka agaar pilot, aluel.

    however, she should continue with the hard work in order to become a captain of flights after some years of serving as co-pilot. i hope she will also become the first lady captain after 5 to 10 years.

  • Young

    All smiles as South Sudan unveils its first female pilot
    what i have seen here is that some of us are jealousy for they haven’t ashieved anything in life..dosen’t matter where you got your degree,but what matters is how the holder dose the works.

  • SSLA supporter
    SSLA supporter

    All smiles as South Sudan unveils its first female pilot
    Mr John Casta!!

    Calm down sir, I never mention or even imagine to wipe-out any particular
    ethnic group in our Sudanese community as whole, I strongly believe in ethnic and cultural diversity!! So, I Could be the last person on our planet earth to do such unnecessary crime!! incase you didn’t get what I meant, I was just simply teasing My friend Mr. Nhomlawda and you can easily sense from the way he down played or ignored the threatening bit of my comment because he knew that I was kidding or teasing him!!

    Majority of. our SPLA soldiers are sons and daughters of poor and innocent
    southern Sudanese!! They are not informed about what they are doing to their fellow citizens of Southern Sudan!! I don’t wish to wipe them out either even if I can easily to do that with complete impunity but God wouldn’t be happy with me simply because they are innocent who are just being used by some corrupt generals in Juba to get rid of political opponents!!

    Majority of my friends are from Dinka tibes, my girlfriend too she is Dinka, so, I am not a tribals even though sometimes one may make comments that could be mistaken for tribalism that could be due to emotion and nothing else!!

    Honestly, it is not always feasible to use a biological weapon that discriminately kill a particular elements of a particular ethnic group while leaving others not affected in a society like southern Sudan where people live in close proximity with one another!! the used biological agent will end up killing everyone around including the doer himself or herself !! biological weapons are only used internationally and not locally!!

    About the joint venture with you, well, we can apply for the patent to protect our intellectual property while seeking the approval of GoSS, as soon we identify our business project, and the government of RoSS approves our scientific discovery as genuine, safe and beneficial to the society!! then the patent will give us monopoly of our invention for at least 10 to 15 years!!

    so, instead to develop a supper bug, we can just develop vaccines for HIV AIDS and Malaria , develop smallpox or Anthrax as a biological weapon for the SSAF, gene therapy, therapeutic proteins such as insulin for the treatment of diabetes , and Factor VIII. for the treatment of haemophilia or we can simply setup an antibiotic or pharmaceutical company which will supply various therapeutic drugs to ROSS, but first let Nhomlawda convince his uncles in SPLA/M criminal network to stop looting and think development!!

  • jan francis
    jan francis

    All smiles as South Sudan unveils its first female pilot
    Yes, congratulations indeed!!! God bless you, girl

  • AdierCien

    All smiles as South Sudan unveils its first female pilot
    In The Name Of The Trinity God Amen

    Maburuk wa shukuron ya Aluel for being finish your career successfully, please apply the ful knowledge and your obvious talents in your job for the benefit of our country South Sudan. We the natives of Great South Sudan have great gifted talents but arabs sabotage our strength and unity till we become like we look today but believe me South Sudan gonna be a paradise of Africa after few moments.

    God Be With You ma’am.

  • SSLA supporter
    SSLA supporter

    All smiles as South Sudan unveils its first female pilot

    SSLA is not a Nuer Movement but a southern Sudanese one!! they are fighting for the change in ROSS, so if Gaddiet has his own agenda other than what everyone know, he will not be able to do it because we are a democratic movement!!

    About my qualification, well, I believe you are wrong sir, Genetic Engineering. techniques arw widely used in various scientific fields, in Agriculture and animal farming to genetically modify crops or plants for better yield and resistant to diseases and drought or to improve their nutrition values, the same thing is applied to animal in what is known as genetically transformed animal or transgenic animals for milk and resistant to diseases. too!! Medically, Molecular Biology Techniques or diagnostic techniques in genetics are widely used as diagnostic tools within the field of Medical generic for diagnose of inherited diseases or anomalies!! In microbiology laboratory we use them to diagnose microbial diseases!! In forensic science, those techniques are in what is known as DNA fingerprinting (PCR) to establish the evident in criminal investigations!! Many uses in biotechnology settings and pharmaceutical companies, so are you telling me your not need thses scientific services in the Republic of South Sudan! what about teaching science of molecular biology or medical genetics to the students of. medicine,biosciences or college of agriculture!!

  • Dhalaluaak

    All smiles as South Sudan unveils its first female pilot
    If that is the way in Europe, then every student who had studied in Europe will be required to do more in a very transparent way of study.Those students must include Dr.Riek also.I thought that Europe got a strong guidelines like the USA.Such thing can never happened here in America,Otherwise you cannot be graduated.

    According to the USA educational law,if a student does not do well in his/her career,he/she must be drop from that field and given what to understand better.To back my point,here is how it goes;A student faced a lot of questions about what he/she would become;what subjects he/she is best at;what subjects he/she don’t like;why he/she chose such career;what are the importance of studying such career to he/she and how he/she would later help his/her community.

    These questions are asked by your counselor to know your main dreams you hope to achieve,but the educational board will change your career if you are weak in that specialty field.For instance by the time i enrolled in criminal Justice field,i spent two hours being investigated on behalf of my career.

    On behalf of piloting,You have to be qualified academically in order to get your certification as a professional pilot.
    The following fields are strongly certified by the American bar of educational association:Attorney at law,Lawyers,Judge,Juris,grand Juris,Doctors,Pilots,and many other fields.You are required by law to sit for the American Bar of Association exams in order to be awarded after you pass it.

    More importantly,INTERNSHIP,is required from 3 to 4 credits.this is done both in Theory and practical work.which encompasses i80 hours internship.You cannot by any degree in these country[USA] but you can get it through your committed times of studies.

    One thing you need to know here is that,the school you in enrolled in must be either nationally accredited or regionally accredited,otherwise your credits must be disqualified if not study in such category.

    To conclude, note this phrase,:THE MISMATCH OF THE JOB LEAD TO THE DESTRUCTION OF THE BUSINESS”.So my friends you cannot employ economist in the hospital and doctors a lawyer and lawyer as a seller.That could absolutely because a monotonous mess you never could imagine beyond your senses.

    Bravo Sister Aluel!You got your dream job fulfilled.As a student from USA,you are free from bogus degree despite what others claimed.You will show them better when some of them will sit in your plane flying a cross Sudan and around the world as well as your flight was stipulated to start your commercial flight between Juba and Dubai.”Success is never fatal”.

    We from the United States are free from such fake degrees you guys had mentioned.
    check how our late Hero Dr,John Garang got his PH.D.He had done a thesis research on Jonglei Canal on behalf of what impacts it will bring to the people of the South Sudan.

    Note:Please i don’t have to preview in case of any error of spellings or Omitted words/letters.

  • Dhalaluaak

    All smiles as South Sudan unveils its first female pilot
    there are errors and omittionz in my writing but i can’t correct them now due to lack of time.

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