Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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African Union accepts South Sudan as new member state

By Tesfa-Alem Tekle

July 28, 2011 (ADDIS ABABA) – Newly-independent South Sudan has joined the African Union (AU) as 54th member state of the pan-African bloc.

A member of the South Sudan delegation (Ezekiel Lol Gatkuoth) dances after the flag of South Sudan was raised outside the United Nations on 14 July 2011 - (Getty)
A member of the South Sudan delegation (Ezekiel Lol Gatkuoth) dances after the flag of South Sudan was raised outside the United Nations on 14 July 2011 – (Getty)
In a statement, it said the Republic of South Sudan has become part of the AU family of member states after AU member countries, including North Sudan, gave a majority vote in favour of admission.

“The Commission has received the requisite number of written communications from 33 Member States, including the Government of the Sudan, supporting the admission of South Sudan to the African Union as the 54th union member state,” the AU said on Thursday.

The membership grant has made South Sudan the first nation to be admitted to the AU in almost two decades since Ethiopia’s former province, Eritrea, gained independence in 1993 and joined the continental body.

“A ceremony will be organized as soon as possible with the Chairperson of the AU Commission for the deposit by the Government of South Sudan of the instrument of accession of the Constitutive Act of the African Union”, AU added.

According to the AU statement, a communication has already been sent to the Republic of the South Sudan, all member states, permanent observers and international organisations informing them of the membership of South Sudan in the AU.

South Sudan became an independent state on 9 July after a plebiscite, agreed as part of a 2005 North-South peace deal, resulted in a landslide vote in favour of secession from Sudan.

Many issues between North and South Sudan are still to be resolved including the fate of the contested region of Abyei, the negotiations over which, the AU has been involved in from the start.

Representatives from the governments of North and South Sudan are due to meet later this week in the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa, to resume post-secession negotiations on a number of pending issues such as citizenship, border demarcation, currency and oil-revenue sharing among others.

Mediated by former South African president, Thabo Mbeki, the head of the AU’s high level panel on Sudan, the meeting in Addis Ababa will be the first for North and South Sudan after the latter officially proclaimed independence three weeks ago. On July 14, the UN General Assembly unanimously approved South Sudan as 193rd member state to the UN.




    AU accepts South Sudan as bloc’s new member state
    who was dancing like woman?

  • Bush

    AU accepts South Sudan as bloc’s new member state
    Congrats Ezekiel Lol Gatkuoth for representing the Republic South Sudan to the world at the UN with a beautiful traditional dance.

  • Mi diit
    Mi diit

    AU accepts South Sudan as bloc’s new member state
    of course it is obvious because the african union member states were part of the 192 countries in the united nations that already recognized south sudan and gave it membership in new york.

    thank you ezekiel lol gatkuoth for that wonderful nuer traditional dance entertaining the world nations on that day. i hope they all saw how happy the people of south sudan were.


    AU accepts South Sudan as bloc’s new member state
    we are part of AU but we will not adopt the principles of AU members that can protect the criminal in Africa.
    Anyone who commit war against humanity,genocide has no room in south sudan. we are a bide by rule of law and human Right.
    Thank you.

  • Bush

    AU accepts South Sudan as bloc’s new member state

    Up to this stage that you are now posting comments here on the forum yet you are seeing women as inferior,what an idiot! why hatred and jealousy? This man has fully represented South Sudan. Grow up and stop seeing women as inferior, May be your women, but our women are as strong as men and as educated as men too and they deserve every respect.

  • Mi diit
    Mi diit

    AU accepts South Sudan as bloc’s new member state
    wow!!! what a beautiful scene in the raising of south sudan flag for the first time on those top of the mountains (new york tall buildings) as prophesied in the bible and by prophet ngundeng bong.

    of course it is obvious that the african union admits south sudan to its membership because the african unionn member states were part of the 192 countries in the united nations that already recognized south sudan and gave it membership in new york that day.

    and besides, it is an african bloc in the international community that cannot reject its new brotherly state.

    thank you mr. ezekiel lol gatkuoth for that wonderful nuer traditional dance which you entertained the world nations with on that day. your struggle for self determination did not end in vain. it has brought to south sudan the independence our prophet prophesied and championed by us, his great grandchildren. i hope the whole world represented by 192 nations saw how happy the people of south sudan were that day in new york.


    AU accepts South Sudan as bloc’s new member state
    Are you wanna trying to start with me or you just aimlessly trying to correct me?
    man,Dont ever trying to provoke situation.
    dont ever trying to talk about my family without my consents.
    be warned.

  • Bush

    AU accepts South Sudan as bloc’s new member state
    @Mi diit

    Be national and patriotic and NOT always tribal. Why always your comments are provocative and on tribal lines?

    You are always beating the drum of hatred and tribalism. Why can’t you grow up with the world?

  • Bush

    AU accepts South Sudan as bloc’s new member state

    You will never and never threaten me, time for those words are gone if you don’t know. Yes, I meant to challenge you and will continue to challenge you until you reform.

  • Mi diit
    Mi diit

    AU accepts South Sudan as bloc’s new member state

    that is a nuer male traditional dance by mr. ezekiel lol gatkuoth (the current south sudan ambassador to united states of america).

    or does he look beautiful like a woman???

    wow!!! what a beautiful scene in the raising of south sudan flag for the first time on those top of the mountains (new york tall buildings) as prophesied in the bible and by prophet ngundeng bong.

    of course it is obvious that the african union admits south sudan to its membership because the african unionn member states were part of the 192 countries in the united nations that already recognized south sudan and gave it membership in new york that day.

    and besides, it is an african bloc in the international community that cannot reject its new brotherly state.

    thank you mr. ezekiel lol gatkuoth for that wonderful nuer traditional dance which you entertained the world nations with on that day. your struggle for self determination did not end in vain. it has brought to south sudan the independence our prophet prophesied and championed by us, his great grandchildren. i hope the whole world represented by 192 nations saw how happy the people of south sudan were that day in new york.

  • Mi diit
    Mi diit

    AU accepts South Sudan as bloc’s new member state

    do you really understand what the word ‘provocation’ and ‘tribal hatred’ mean?

    where in my comments above did i provoke any body or spelled tribal hatred?

    it is minded.dude who asked in his first question about the person dancing in the picture. he even called him woman? you see?

    so i was just explaining what the picture means truthfully. the picture is that of ezekiel lol gatkuoth dancing in nuer traditional dance. that is the truth of the matter.

    so where is provocation and tribal hatred here?

    be serious brother, it does not make me non nationalist or unpatriotic for explaining what the picture stands for there in new york.

    it is the truth and nothing but the truth.

    and besides, these were all prophesied in the bible that the flag was going to be raised on the top of the mountains (which are tall buildings by today’s world standard). a south sudanese prophet called ngundeng bong also prophesied our independence more than 100 years ago. that is also a fact written all over the books even by europeans, not by nuers.

    so i was telling you the facts and history is about facts. i know others want to twist history but without facts, history is not history because it can become mere stories.

    live with the facts and endure them, my friend.

  • Dinka Aliap Chawul
    Dinka Aliap Chawul

    South Sudan’s Kiir talks tough on oil,Abyei
    While i laud the advimision of ROSS by AU i do question why it took so long for AU with only 54 member countries compare to UN to admit their own sister state after somebody(UN) had already done so.It’s very ashameful indeed to let ur neighbor take a front seat in a hearts of people(southerners).My advise to Govt & the people of S.Sudan to realise that senior one boys are always subjected to bullying by big boys in school.Bravo to N.Sudan govt for been so care of us when coming to recognision & admision of s.sudan.

  • Land-of-Cush

    AU accepts South Sudan as bloc’s new member state

    He is your futher that dancing like Women.


    AU accepts South Sudan as bloc’s new member state
    you laugh but you will regret till you varnished from this web site when you talk shit against my family.
    Do not push me to speak street “lugha” language.
    am not threatening you,just keep challenging me but NOT beyond the redline,which include my family too.
    Be wise and think twice before you open your big lips.

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