Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Peter Gadet declares ceasefire as South Sudan rebels say he has defected

August 4, 2011 (JUBA) – A rebel group led by Peter Gadet Yak declared Wednesday a ceasefire with the South Sudan government, but other members of the same rebel group denied the truce saying they are not concerned by the decision of their former leader.

Peter Gadet (photo SMC)
Peter Gadet (photo SMC)
Bol Gatkouth Kol, spokesperson of the rebel of South Sudan Liberation Movement/ Army (SSLM/A) said their groups accepted a recent amnesty offered by South Sudan President Salva Kiir during the celebration of Independence Day on July 9.

“We declared an unconditional ceasefire with the government of South Sudan. This is because we have accepted the amnesty offered once again by the president of the Republic of South Sudan,” Kol told Sudan Tribune by phone on Wednesday.

“We have discussed and agreed in our leadership council to send a delegation to Juba to discuss with the government of South Sudan so we can reach an amicable reconciliation and agreement,” he further stressed.

A source at the presidential palace in Juba disclosed to Sudan Tribune that the ceasefire declaration comes as a direct result of secret negotiations held in the Kenyan capital Nairobi over weekend.

The spokesperson of the South Sudan army (SPLA) Colonel Phillip Aguer Panyang welcomed the move but said they were not aware of the details of the deals reached between the government and Peter Gadet.

“I just learned from the media that the rebels have reached an agreement with government of South Sudan. I was not aware. All what I know that the government had an initiative for peace and reconciliation,” he told Sudan Tribune. Colonel Panyang further emphasised that the SPLA has no problem with any initiative involving the government.

“As army, we do not have any problem. We are the implementers. We execute what the government wants us to do to protect lives and maintaining stability of the country,” he said.

The renegade General defected from the SPLA in March 2011 and disappeared after receiving a permission to visit Nairobi. On 11 April he released the Mayom Declaration where he called for the toppling of the SPLM-led government in Juba and to form an interim cabinet composed of all the political forces in the South Sudan.

Peter Gadet who was the former SPLA commander air defence and deputy commander of division three joined the South Sudan Army after the Juba Declaration signed on 8 January 2006 between Salva Kiir and Paulino Matip the leader of the South Sudan Defence Forces (SSDF).

The Juba Declaration was made necessary by the 2005 Comprehensive Peace Agreement between the SPLA and Khartoum, which stated that the SPLA was the only lawful armed group in South Sudan.

The deal also paved the way for South Sudan’s independence on July 9 this year as the agreement allowed for a self-determination referendum, which took place in January.


Major General Peter Gatdet arrived to Juba Wednesday evening on board a Jetlink plane from Nairobi on Wednesday in an unexpected move that has been welcome by the public.

In a press statement, the SSLA spokesperson Bol Gatkuoth, who accompanied his leader, said they have returned to Juba after closed door dialogue conducted in Nairobi with officials who were delegated by President Kiir in order to end the violence.

He added that his group was also interested in making peace with the government as an assurance to the other rebel groups that “genuine” peace was still possible with the government following the mysterious killing of Gatluak Gai, three days after signing the ceasefire.

The government’s spokesperson, Barnaba Marial Benjamin, while shaking hands with the rebel spokesperson, Gatkuoth, congratulated the rebel leaders for accepting the amnesty announced by the president on Independence Day celebrations on 9 July.


The SSLM/A reacted swiftly in a five page statement released on Wednesday evening saying they are not part of Gadet’s ceasefire. The rebels underlined that Peter Gadet and “his spokesman” only reached this deal with President Salva Kiir.

The SSLM said it is not affected by the defection of the their leader stressing he came alone to join them on 28 March with Kol and now the two have moved to Juba alone. “When they joined the SSLM/A, they didn’t bring a single soldier along with them except their SPLA’s military uniforms”.

The insurgents, who designated Maj. Gen. James Gai Yoach as new leader, said the latter sealed a deal in Nairobi with President Kiir and now he is commissioned to fight what they termed “Garang Boys” including Majak Agok, Pagan Amum, James Hoth Mai, Nhial Deng Nhial, Kuol Manyang Juuk and Rebecca Nyandeng Mabior.

The new South Sudanese state is facing some six rebel groups who emerged after April 2010 election in the Sudan. They generally accuse Juba government of nepotism and corruption and demand the formation of an all-party government to prepare a new constitution.

Last week, a rebel leader from Unity state, Gatluak Gai, was killed after signing a peace deal with Juba. His family accuses the South Sudan army of orchestrating the murders but leading members of his group said they killed him because he was not committed to the peace deal.



  • SPLA

    Peter Gadet declares ceasefire as South Sudan rebels say he has defected
    I hope the renegade Gadet Yak and his destructive force would be strip off of their ranks and send home. The traitors do not fit to serve in the SPLA again.

  • Jayo

    Peter Gadet declares ceasefire as South Sudan rebels say he has defected
    Peter Gatdet should be welcomed with open arms and his forces integrated into the army of South Sudan.It is time for George Athor and Abdelbagi Ayii Akol to get some senses into their heads and come back to the SPLA too.



  • Bush

    Peter Gadet declares ceasefire as South Sudan rebels say he has defected
    Even wars have limits.
    Those the so-called SSLM/A have no vision at all, they are just a bunch of greedy and selfish individuals which will soon disintegrate and disappear as Khartoum will no longer bother to support them, welcome back Gen Gadet. Let’s unite and rebuild our new nation. Those who don’t want to come back with you later Kiir will send you to bring them back dead or a live.

  • Gatluak Manguel
    Gatluak Manguel

    Peter Gadet declares ceasefire as South Sudan rebels say he has defected
    Useless General, you will end up just like Gatluak. you brought shame to yourself, your family, your community, and your country. shame on you General.

  • SPLA

    Peter Gadet declares ceasefire as South Sudan rebels say he has defected
    How many times does the SPLA have to welcome back Gadet? He has defected back and forth from the SPLA four times now. Enough is enough, the government of South Sudan should not integrate the coward Gadet in the SPLA ranks. He should rather be send to jail or strip off of his rank and send home to live in Mayom so that he would experience the destruction he caused in Mayom County of Unity State.

  • Michael Angelo
    Michael Angelo

    Peter Gadet declares ceasefire as South Sudan rebels say he has defected
    Peter Gatdet and his militias shouldn’t be reintegrated back into the SPLA army period. How many times did Peter Gatdet defect back and forth between Khartoum and SPLA without good reason. Gatdet should be forced to retire this time if he doesn’t stop such behavior. If Gatdet’s defection attributed to his claim that the GoSS was dominated by Dinkas then why did he defected from Paulino Matip and Riack Machar’s Movement before the CPA was signed and their Movement was dominated by Nuer tribe only. Peter Gatdet has a hidden agenda if SPLA and president Kiir don’t careful about him.

  • Madit

    Peter Gadet declares ceasefire as South Sudan rebels say he has defected
    Sorry Gatmaale,

    Too much of something is always a poison.
    Our brothers from other side of the dinner table should learn from one another.
    Before it was Riek machar, paulino matip, Gabriel Tanginya, Gatluak Gai, sorry it could take me the whole day naming them. They rebel but came back with shame yet their brothers don’t learn a lesson, or is it the elevation of Riek and matip in ranks that is imitated?
    Alas! you are doing a disfavor to Nuer image. Going out and coming back with such great speed could prove disastrious to your merits and community image.

    Shame!! shame!! shame!! our Naath!

  • Paul

    Peter Gadet declares ceasefire as South Sudan rebels say he has defected
    If I was related to this guy, I wouldn’t be so proud of him. Can’t one makes a decision whether it is right or wrong and stick to it for live. Generals of Zombies!

  • Akibon

    Peter Gadet declares ceasefire as South Sudan rebels say he has defected
    What has Gatdet achieve within a period of five months of his defection to claim coming back?
    Well he must be made to answer two questions namely:

    1) Why did you defect?
    2) A) Why are you coming back? B) what has change that made you come back to SPLM?

    Failure to satisfactorily answer those questions could lead to disciplinary actions taken against him.

  • Deng Gau
    Deng Gau

    Peter Gadet declares ceasefire as South Sudan rebels say he has defected
    Brother Joya,
    You are beind news, The poor malitia Abdel Baggi Ayii is already arrived to Juba on 10th of July the second day of amnesty from H.E. Salva Kiir.
    Ah ah, ah, ah, ah,.
    Believe me he his now in Juba begging Mayardit the great freedom Fighter, I name mayardit as the Father of South Sudanese.
    Long live Splm/A,
    Long live all freedom fighters.
    Long live SPLA soldiers who does not sleeps for the sack of their nation.
    I salute you all.

    Deng Gau

  • victor sani
    victor sani

    Peter Gadet declares ceasefire as South Sudan rebels say he has defected

    Genernal Peter Gatdet
    welcome back .
    preapare yourself to go to your own Luak.

    dnt dreams that you will be intergated and go back to Amry no army any more my friend.you kill many people .
    wound many people .many civillans died because you need leadership .Peter Gatdet Remember how many time you defected away from SPLA and SPLA still bring you back to Army.Getdet Remember you kill Keribuino .William nyuon and many others.Gatdet you will not be Luckly this time my brother.Iwish iwas in South Sudan to do whatever you will never forget in your life time Rember General when you came to SPLA iwas the one who coordinate your coming to SPLA and you where Cry that SPLA will Remove your rank but Itold you over the Radio that there will be no removeable of your ranks but lastly when ihad that you have defected again from SPLM iwas really very sorry and it came to my mind that you are really movable person and killer thanks that you are ready to came to your people and Accepted to go home not Army any more by time.Ihope SPLA will send you Home [Luak in mankein ]
    God Bless South Sudanese

  • Aleu

    Peter Gadet declares ceasefire as South Sudan rebels say he has defected
    Every body knows that, Pter Gadat Yaka will go and come back just like many others did same thing. This is become a nature for al Nile people since the SPLA/SPLM Movement.

    Well, making peace will be better Idea, because the Khartoum government is going to run out of money to bribe people very soon. Christ used to ask father” saying, father for give them because they don’t know what they are doing. I think the South Sudan government should let them come back because they were not knowing what they were doing. He was accusing particular Dinka ethinc while, the South Sudan was the combination of all tribes, but Peter Gadate Yaka was actual dislike Paulino Matip Nhial to hear orders from him according to those close Nuers friends to him. He told his close friends that, Paulino Matip Nhial was not actually a regular soldier in neither SPLA/SPLM Movement nor the SAF and he said, why the SPLA gave him highest position.

    Peter Gadate claim he do not want Paulino Matip Nhial to give him order, this is kind of a person who had been desperate for leadership. He will still get Paulino Matip Nhial in the SPLA whether he like it or not Paulino Matip Nhial will go nowhere but stayed in the SPLA. Another problem also from Peter Gadate Yaka was the limit servces, he gave few money to his 70 wives which others were not even getting one pound from him. He tried to cut money from the SPLA but the SPLA were complaining unusual general who cut money for soldiers even when the SPLA were on the mission and claim he want to make rebellion because of corruption. He should be the first general to get indicted. There is corruption in the heart of all Southern Sudanese and even in the world but it need strong law and people have to sitting down to finding solution that is how others world are solving their problems and not this kind of run back and forth for years. What will you tell your grand kids.?

  • WendeMajok

    Peter Gadet declares ceasefire as South Sudan rebels say he has defected
    President Salva Kiir should be super-serious and cautious in these peace deals otherwise Gadet Yak is not new in that business of defection. In other words, all these rebel groups are formed due to power greed. If you admit Gadet today in the Government, tomorrow he will defect no matter how comfortable he is on the position. I wonder if he is given presidential seat, will he defect again or to cause trouble with the neighboring countries? Gadet might be mentally sick or haunted by Ngundeng’s ghosts.

    President Kiir should watch out! Gadet might have come with a decision of assassination.

    If we are goal oriented and not power greed, why do we(southerners) decide to form South Liberation Armies before seeing the future of the country?

    Watch out! The world is watching us and they may think we are crazy and ofcourse we are.

  • Lual Garang De Lual
    Lual Garang De Lual

    Peter Gadet declares ceasefire as South Sudan rebels say he has defected

    1. What you want to achieve
    2. How you expect to achieve it
    3. When you plan to achive it

    Here, Gen. Peter Gatdet is playing with fire after killing innocent people at Mayom and Mankien some days back and is now trying to return back. What will be the feeling of those who lost their love ones? This question will linger in our bereaved brothers mind and may lead to revenge.

    Gen. Gatdet be dependable and practice loyalty. The old adage says, “an ounce of loyalty is worth more than a pound of cleverness,” is universal and eternal. Is that not applying to you? Ability is important but dependability is crucial. If you have someone with all the ability but if he is not dependable, will you like him to be part of your team? No, not at all.

  • Maper

    Peter Gadet declares ceasefire as South Sudan rebels say he has defected
    For Peter Gadet to be safe from his own soldiers, who do not want peace, he must fly to Juba immediately to avoid what happened to Gatluak. His men may seek to kill him, he must not be around them in order to avoid another controversy.

  • Gangura

    Peter Gadet declares ceasefire as South Sudan rebels say he has defected
    Gen.Gatdet supposed not come back for ceasefire.
    we need houseclearning in the Goverment of GOSS. without rebles being in south sudan we will not have opposion party.
    You mr. Gen, Gadet if you want to dei like the one who was killed last two week back. please Don,t come for any ceasefire just continue with war.
    this Rebles are good I support them because of Discrimetion,segragetion , negpesim of Danks who as killed Ross.
    this part called SPLM. must change


  • kuac Agol
    kuac Agol

    Peter Gadet declares ceasefire as South Sudan rebels say he has defected
    Gadet could know that he was complaining for nothing, rather saying with his so called spokeperson that they will reach and other deal with the governmet of South Sudan.

    How many deals would SPLM be sgning with the six rebells which defected in the name of SPLm and now they are defecting from being rebell stay like what SPLM/SPLA did and achieved their fundamental rights,remember that the rolling stone gather no moss.

    Gadet will also tell us when he will stop from being rebell and remember that he was so foolish to rebelled together with his brother in-law and achieve nothing together.

    The Government should sign any agreement with the rebells and put them in a seperate and protected place for some years because they believed that they guilty of whatever fake rights they were claiming of.



  • Deng Dut
    Deng Dut

    Peter Gadet declares ceasefire as South Sudan rebels say he has defected
    Hey guys, I do not think many of you are building this nation. How do you spend hours commenting nonsenses, don’t you have anything to do? specially these guys: Dinka, SSLA supporter, Jayo, Naath, Sam eto, and the likes who are dunderheads. Anybody who thinks him and his community is something is a shit. I hate you! When it comes to economic issues you do not comment but issues concerning tribalism that is what you like. ‘Washenzi Nyinyi’.

    [email protected], Catholic University of EA


    Peter Gadet declares ceasefire as South Sudan rebels say he has defected
    I wish Peter Gatdet Yak should follow the same treatment, which Gatluak Gai had endured in Unity State. Peter Gatdet has no supplies from Omar Bashir any more, and that is why he pretended himself as a person who accepted amnesty offered by Salva Kiir Miyardit.

    By Augustino Deng. Jech la mer from Tharpam

  • Space

    Peter Gadet declares ceasefire as South Sudan rebels say he has defected
    Peace is good with Gadet joing the ranks and files of the SPLA. But should not come with “Jeny mibor” again which are tribal fundamentalists. SPLA has had enough Jeny mibor and it is time to professionalised the army not to weaken it. remember this is a Nation now, unlike what it use to be.

    New Militias forces joining SPLA must not come with ranks. Because these people leave from the village and they come back as Generals and conels. Even George Athor will come join his rank but not with unrpofessional army which like shooting and yelling anyhow.

  • kuac Agol
    kuac Agol

    Peter Gadet declares ceasefire as South Sudan rebels say he has defected
    Iam very happy to hear that Gadet peace underway and that it will be seccussful whatsoever the senario would be like that problem of his movement disagreement.

    Please come together with the movement and solve your differences before you could come to Juba, because we do not want to hear what had happened to uncle Galuak again.

    Join SPLA and be faithful and believe that it is a military wing belong to whichever party operating in south sudan and be happy with it.

    Thank also to Salva Kiir for calling amnesty to all rebells to join the government again.

    Iam advising and call all the members of whichever party to cooperate with Mr.Gadet and avoid these issue of saying Nuer,Dinka and Dor and work together as brothers and sister.

    To the people who are creating small war on wbsite also make peace among yourselves and fill your heart with the word Of our Almighty God.


  • kuac Agol
    kuac Agol

    Peter Gadet declares ceasefire as South Sudan rebels say he has defected
    @Deng Dut.

    You should not insult people the way you do,iam afriad to say that you can not improve the economic statue of south sudan with your little bachelor degree obtained from Africa,people who obtained it from oxford,USA and others universities of the West are already defeated by the economic of south sudan,it is white lie and big shame to you.

    And remember that economic is not sth we comment but we do practically.


    Peter Gadet declares ceasefire as South Sudan rebels say he has defected
    Just to remind Southerners that this is not an ara of the Government of South Sudan but rather the Republic of South Sudan! meaning that there is no more reintegration of other arm groups (OAGs) into the SPLA;rebel armed groups who accepted to rejoin South Sudanese Army are welcomed to do so, but will first be subjected to the rule of law for their crimes against hunanity to the people of South Sudan.It doesn’t matter which tribe one comes from,as each of them will carry his/her own cross.

    Secondly,We remain South Sudanese and not Nuer or Dinka, Bari etc….so those of us who tend to thoughtlessly support Gadet or George Athor should think twice and refrain immediately from such barbaric support.Lets allow ouselves to be peace-loving people through patriotism.

    Peace and development would mean alot to all of us in this moment as “War and War on tribal basis” will bring us to square one.Unless one is less touched by education, there is no otherwise a tribe that is more brave than other tribes and no single culture is superior or inferior than other cultures-all are the same!

  • Dau Mawut
    Dau Mawut

    Peter Gadet declares ceasefire as South Sudan rebels say he has defected
    Dear Nyagat (Renegade Peter Gadet),

    Why don’t YOU learn from the first mistake?

    How many time do YOU want to be forgiven? By the present Sudan People’s Liberation Movement/Army (SPLM/A)and the entire South Sudan’s Population.

    Stop being delusional!!!

    Stop Swifting of Nyagatism!!!

    Stop Your chichen Minded!!!

    Stop Your Childish behaviours!!!

    Long Live South Sudan.
    Long Live SPLM/A.
    Long Live Dr. John Garang de mabior Vision.
    Long Live People of South Sudan.

  • Wundit

    Peter Gadet declares ceasefire as South Sudan rebels say he has defected
    to all readers
    my advice to the govt of southern sudan is that let’s them take their time for this guy to be assassinated or otherwise he sent to court

  • lope lomohidang
    lope lomohidang

    Peter Gadet declares ceasefire as South Sudan rebels say he has defected
    that is the last hour for him

  • ocitigangpemeru

    Peter Gadet declares ceasefire as South Sudan rebels say he has defected
    I think the so called government of the republic of south sudan had been like the father in Prodigal story to these unvisionaries rebels any way. How ever the government should not leave them untrial for death of innocence and fellow patriotic soldiers.

  • Deng Tut
    Deng Tut

    Peter Gadet declares ceasefire as South Sudan rebels say he has defected
    The declarations of the cease-fire will safe many live in South Sudan; let us all welcome that move and clapping our hands for the joyful step that our President had taken with chief of the Rebel Gatdat Yak; it is a wise thinker for the future of our children. All come and build the nation together.

    Yes, it is a humble decision that had been taken by General Gatdat, we are all Southerners and this Land belong to all of us either Dinka nor Nuer can claim that South Sudan belong to me alone. All tribes of Southerner Sudan need not to tear up the New Country including the two tribes mentioned above. But only few barbaric; preaching atrocities and division among us and whishing to destabilize our State like those of Dinka Dominate SPLA and the rest of his colleagues who used the discriminated words and writing a hatred statements against others tribes in this crucial period. We are not yet come out from the hand of the Fundamentalist Regime in Khartoum.

    Without prejudice to the declaration of the amnesty by the President on Independent day to all the Rebellions which was broken by the assassination of Mr.Gatluak Gai; following the acceptance of the amnesty by Gatdat Yak and his forces to be integrated into the system. I hope they will not be deceived by the sympathetic of peace that they are carrying on to Juba.

    Mr. President this people are committed to the peace in our Land and looking for the prosperity of the nation, eradication of the tribalism conflicts, corruption which became as a disease in the minded of politicians and the post holders including Under-Secretaries of your Country. You are only Doctor who will treat that diseased which has been settled long time into their heart since 2005; by taken a systematic and strong decision against them to safe yourself vis-à-vis the International Community.

    Nyadawech W.P

  • akot

    Peter Gadet declares ceasefire as South Sudan rebels say he has defected
    welcome back Mr Gadet but make sure that, the Game is over no more play, it will not be easy to go again, because the South Sudan is very small, no room for SSLA and Militias. South Sudan is only for SPLA/M.

  • Ariec Path wol
    Ariec Path wol

    Peter Gadet declares ceasefire as South Sudan rebels say he has defected
    Peter Gadet is a freedom fighter like any SPLA generals in South Sudan and we can welcome him and his forces back to South Sudan army.

    Why do we always remembering the past Gadet went to bush and came back to South Sudan so we have to welcome him regardless of what he did to his own people.

    He is the one to regrete of what he has done to his brothers and sisters in South Sudan.but thank him that he came early.

    David from Aweil

  • paliau

    Peter Gadet declares ceasefire as South Sudan rebels say he has defected
    @makuc Agol

    you are right, all the havoc in South Sudan are caused by they illiteracy Nuer and I cannot blame them so much because its their act as their bureaucracy or culture of being moving from certain point to others

    Since the struggle commenced in 1983 Nuer were the one caused harmful to SPLA/M freedom fighter,therefore we would have capture the whole Sudan not only the South Sudan

    But Nuer can’t feel a shame, i don;t what type of their community are they? let them remain unhistorical

  • Malim

    Peter Gadet declares ceasefire as South Sudan rebels say he has defected
    Can someone outside there informed Commander Marko Chuol Ruei to deal away with remnant of Gatluak Gai that is Gordon Buay. Gordon is still writing press release and signed it with names of the rebel leaders who don’t exist. I authorize Marko Chuol to complete his mission by clearing Gordon Buay.

  • SSLA supporter
    SSLA supporter

    Peter Gadet declares ceasefire as South Sudan rebels say he has defected
    Peter Gaddiet is not normal in his brain, I think he is mentally disturbed, he needs to be seen by a psychiatric, because if that retarded left untreated he will cause another disastrous war like Jojn Garang did 1983!!

    let him be executed so that his stupid clan of western Nuer stop their useless rebellions that always end up as disastrous to other Nuer clans!! which Nuer from different clans ever surrendered to SPLA.?? even the recent integration of Tanginya weas facilitated by that moron called Riek Macahr who aslo from the wicked western Nuer clams, no wonder why Lajour left them and move to form his own clan of eastern jikeny of Sobat region!! no one other than you people of western Nuer, be it Matip Nhial, or Riek Machar, or Gatluak Gai and this mad man called Peter Gaddiet, why do you leave things halfway my people, what is in your minds, money isn’t? you cause shame to whole Nuer tribe, I wish they label you with different name other than Nuer, so that your madness shouldn’t be allowed to destroy the pride and dignity of Nuer Fangak, Nasir, and Lou!!

    Above all, Kiir shourld investigate the circumstances surrounded Gaddeit’s rebellion and find out if Riek and Matip were behind his rebellion, let Peter Gaddiet not get away with his crimes so that he will not victimize other Nuer youngsters ever again and not to destroy Nuer dignity just like what Riek Machar did, they are making it as a style now to earn positions in the government.

  • Deng Magot Riem
    Deng Magot Riem

    Peter Gadet declares ceasefire as South Sudan rebels say he has defected
    Peter Gadet back in Juba!!!, You know what guys, it is sometimes stunning if not hard of what to say about the likes of Major Gen. Gadet. He left his owns for a reason unknown unless to himself and came back the same the way having commited countlesss crimes. Let them be wellcome back home because they are our fellow south sudanese, but lets not forget to keep eyes on their everyday moves.

    To those who are calling for the extemination of the like of Gadet, you might be right since that is what you beleive right, but you are wrong in my views. Let them live to suffer their deeds. You know those who live to hear people talking of their bad deeds suffer the most than the dead. They will be haunted by the lives of the innocents that perished in their hands.

  • Malual Dungdit
    Malual Dungdit

    Peter Gadet declares ceasefire as South Sudan rebels say he has defected
    The so called Madit! Why are you naming our leaders, such are Riek Machar, Matip Nhial, was fucked by their bodyguards? Or you need all Dinkas to be fucked by Nuer.

  • Ahmed Chol
    Ahmed Chol

    Peter Gadet declares ceasefire as South Sudan rebels say he has defected

    Do you know why Uganda can’t achieve peace with the LRA? It is not because the LRA like to live in the Jungle without coming back home, it is because they don’t trust the government of Museveni. And they have clear reasons with they can’t trust Museveni.

    Don’t create situations where the rebels will be afraid of signing peace for fear of getting killed or lynched by the security agents. Doing that can cause some rebels to stay in the bush just like the LRA. And a LRA situation is the least we want in the south right now.

    Ahmed Chol, whatever begins in anger,ends in shame

  • Nhomlawda

    Peter Gadet declares ceasefire as South Sudan rebels say he has defected
    SSLA Supporter

    Things fell apart in SSLA camp.

    Didn’t I tell you a few days ago that Peter Gatdet according to his troops graduation speech loaded on Youtube by Bol Gatkoth, Peter Gatdet main aim of killing Nuer youths was to get promotion to Lt General position in SPLA so that he can have good money and position of influence. Peter Gatdet aim was not to fight SPLA but to show to SPLA that he has support in Nuer Land ike Matip Nhial and Riek Machar.

    You can now change your name to something better, SSLA has collapsed.

  • Aliny pathou
    Aliny pathou

    Peter Gadet declares ceasefire as South Sudan rebels say he has defected
    You guys need to leave Gen. George Athor alone. He is a man of his words. He is not like peter Gatdat. He has a vision and political ideologue that let him left the Splm. He is fighting for Democratic transformation. So, he is not just a position as you guys thinks. He will join the Goss when all the matters are resolved.

  • SSLA supporter
    SSLA supporter

    Peter Gadet declares ceasefire as South Sudan rebels say he has defected

    You are right, Peter Gaddiet and Bol Gatkouth were using Naath support to get promoted to high positions by SPLA/M, I believe Riek Machar and Matip Nhial and all those useless western Nuer generals in SPLA must be behind their rebellions, therefore those two traitors should be investigated to find out whether Riek and Marip are involved. Don’t give those power hunger those positions they killed our kids for, let them be jailled or executed for crimes they committed,

    I will not change my name because SSLA is still struggling as those two are not representing us they are odds and. power hunger government should use that to strip them off Nuer support, let Riek be trialled two for the Bor massacre!!unless one off those primitives is executed. southern Sudan will never be stable!!

  • Marco A. Wek
    Marco A. Wek

    Peter Gadet declares ceasefire as South Sudan rebels say he has defected
    Dear brothers, SSLA Supporter and Nhomlawda, you two people are educated and both of your aliases point to nationalism, however, two of you differ in politics and that is fine providing that your differences should not be hurting the very people of south sudan.

    I will start with SSLA Supporter in regard to your anger towards Gadet. He like the other southerners rebelled and if he decides to come back for the building of our baby nation that would not be a bad thing. Dr. John Garang and south sudanese people he led during the 21 years civil war with the north came back after peace was negociated and now we have our own country. Gadet and the rest of oppositon parties can oppose while staying in their country rather taking up armies and kill his people and I think Gadet made a wise move.

    SSLA stands for South Sudan Liberation Army as you mentioned it before and the fact that you are talking about Gadet, Riek, Paulino Matip and the rest have humilated Nuer because the mentioned individuals the stability of South Sudan is wrong from someone highly educated as you are. Before I thought you were a northerner pretending to be a southerner due to your continuous opposition to the new nation of south sudan and your siding with north sudan and their criminal armies that you know how many lives of southerners, Darfurians and Nubas they killed in cool blood.

    As for Nhomlawda, man you two have that education that should be a good thing for South Sudan and if your brother makes a mistake, the best way is to forgive him. An eye for an eye does not take people far and if we are going to dwell on eye for eye, south sudan will be a failed state and over two millions lost lives of our heroes and heroines that cemented the foundation of our nation would be a waste.

    Dinka , Nuer, Choluk, Bari, Balanda, Zande and the rest of our beloved country tribes that I did not mention are sons and and daughters of south sudan and should collectively work for the good of South Sudan. Tribalism will take us nowhere but distructions.

    South Sudan belongs to more than Dinka and Nuer and if we turn this website into Nuer-Dinka hate, then we are hurting ourselves and south sudan in general. I know we can do better than this. We should not let our enemy laugh at us.

  • Kur William
    Kur William

    Peter Gadet declares ceasefire as South Sudan rebels say he has defected
    Guys I do acknowledge that Paul matip Nhail is a person who shows his discontent in any kind of atmoshere with firm decision when I tracked his move to Khartoum in 1999 despite for the vague aims of his defection to our enemy and his great coming back to his homeland after Juba declaration it seem to me this fellow might be a leader in future nevertheless of his illiterate because when he disagreed with SPLA for some reasons he maintianed his postion untill they had sorted the things out that led to Juba declaration which he have signed the truce with Juba government compare to this stupid Peter cadet there is a big gap between them, being vascilated like what Peter Cadet doing it shows completely that you don`t know what you are doing however how many defections has Tiger Cadet had so far.

    My advice to government of South Sudan at this moment Peter Cadet must be stripoff as major general in the army to ordinary soldier if he wish to stay in the SPLA army therefore if he doesn`t comply with this move he must go home as a civilian and whoever behind him to oppose this kind of act will face tough response from the entire of Southeren Sudanese people and SPLA must do necessary measures to impose this sanction.

    Tiger Cadet is really joking with term rebellion which is unfriendly word to mankind over the world and he is smart to play this game with Juba governemnt, Iam getting sick and sick today Tiger Cadet is commander of SPLA and then tomorrow he turn his bodyguards to kill their brother as a tool to get high rank by using the blood of others.

    I do really condemned the groups who murder Gatluak Gai instead of annhillate Tiger Cadet Yak.You Nuer people you will be ever fall behind or asleep if you don`t diffferiate they charactres of your people, you use to support they people who does not represent your community and leave people who will lead you know as a great Nuer I personally I recommand DR Riak Machar,Taban Deng Gai, Paul Matip Nhail and James Hoth Wai these people are really doing right things forsake of their community despite rebellion of 1991 which involved them. Kur william live in Malou

  • man koryom
    man koryom

    Peter Gadet declares ceasefire as South Sudan rebels say he has defected
    Thank Mr. SPLA

  • Dhalaluaak

    Peter Gadet declares ceasefire as South Sudan rebels say he has defected
    I give you a louder clap today base on your comments.You have commended today like a real nationalist unlike the days you used to support him and called him tiger.If we, commentators hold on to this kind of comment,then the tribal hatred will gradually vanish on this website.A leader who fight/fought for his own interest is not a sympathetic leader who care for the very needs of his people but rather the fulfillment of his own self reliance.Peter Gadet is just a goofy leader ,who under the pretext of fighting for corruption but at the end he was just fighting for his own promotion.I don’t know why people followed this primitive and illiterate man who lack ideals of a genuine politics to outline a meaningful democracy struggle.Please hold on to such kind of comments.Let winnow right from wrong than confusing them instead.Thanks!!

  • Sala Gai
    Sala Gai

    Peter Gadet declares ceasefire as South Sudan rebels say he has defected
    Pocket less is the highest bounciest in South Sudan interest of individual which they have learn so far during their life in and out, it’s not the first time to experience this activities since the beginning of this fruit outcome per now .
    Let me tell you this,

    For example You your own dog, and A dog always like be away at home for some day, so you need to buy for your dog 5Kg of meat then try to give that meat to your dog every day, do you think this dog will go out from your home again, this is what we will do to those like who like outing and in for rebelling for useless reasoning and destructive to their un educate people.

    Pocket moins est le plus élevé bounciest au Sud-Soudan d’intérêt de la personne dont ils ont jusqu’à présent d’apprendre au cours de leur vie dans et hors, ce n’est pas la première fois à l’expérience de cette activité depuis le début de ce résultat fruits par maintenant.
    Laissez-moi vous dire ceci,

    Par exemple vous votre propre chien, et un chien toujours comme être loin à la maison pour quelques jours, vous avez donc besoin d’acheter pour votre chien de 5 kg de viande, puis essayer de donner que de la viande à votre chien tous les jours, pensez-vous de ce chien ira à partir de votre domicile à nouveau, c’est ce que nous ferons à ceux qui aiment, comme sortie et pour se rebeller dans des raisonnements inutiles et destructrices de leur non éduquer les gens.

  • daniell

    Peter Gadet declares ceasefire as South Sudan rebels say he has defected
    This ceasefire is a blur sign of unity in Unity State and Juba government. It is entirely up to General Mr.Peter Gadet to bring back trust, peace of mind to citizen of Rss especially those who lost their loved one to this raw ideology of fighting corruption.
    I personally welcome his decision and I respected him for courageous move. It is the time to fight corruptions with WORDS not machine guns. I know it is not easy and simple, and that why it is call corruption. To fight corruption it needs somebody with a holistic (professionalism,integrity,transparency etc) approach embedded in their mind in order to minimise or eradicate it. Big appreciation to those who reformed their comments from tribe to nation line.

  • SSLA supporter
    SSLA supporter

    Peter Gadet declares ceasefire as South Sudan rebels say he has defected
    Dear Marco A weck and Dhalaluaak

    I appreciate your comments and brotherly advises. All the people of RSS are with peaceful settlement of those rebellions in our country but in a just manner, we need to solve the cause of the rebellion and not its symptoms so as to solve it once and for good, bribing Mr. X and Y with positions to abandon the rebellion will not solve the problem but will only encourage many to rebel in order to be rewarded with positions and sooner we will run out of positions and there will be no position left to be used to bribe our rebels which will grow and grow as they will be encouraged by the high rewards by the government, to me there should not secret deals with individuals in the rebel but serious engagement with all the members of the rebellion!

    Anyone whose rebellion is motivated by power hunger must not be considered but just strip off his supporters to fail him or her, Peter Gadiet and Bol Gatkouth are good example of those kind of people I am taking about here.If the government is wise enough, they should prosecuted and fairly trialled to investigate the motive of their rebellion so as to deter others from doing the same in the future.

    At some point of time all southern Sudanese, including myself were supporters of SPLA/M, and majority of those used to support SPLA/M including myself were unionist, that is, they support the vision of new Sudan that belongs to all Sudanese people irrespective of,their race(Arabs, Blacks etc), religion and gender, majority of our brothers and sisters in SPLA died in the name of the united Sudan and not the separation of,southern Sudan and that is why we involved people of southern blue Nile, people of southern kordofan and various political parties of northern Sudan etc in our war with various regimes in Sudan, to me leaving all that behind us and run away with only tiny bit of our 2 million square mile Sudanese land is hard to accept and that is why all the unionists were the,separation!!

    Yes, I am a unionist because I believe Sudan is our country, we are blessed with all those natural resources our country holds including the red sea that will be struggling to hire from northern Sudan tomorrow to export or import our goods, unity of Sudan would have saved us lives,money and time, our oil will run out but not the red sea which we left to Northern Sudanese, many superpower nations including USA went through civil wars but that didn’t prevent them from unity and today USA Couldn’t imagine to be where it is now as the superpower without the unity of its states, the same is valid for united kingdom and so on,Germany was fragmented by second world war and iron current was built between the two parts of it but that was destroyed later on and two Germany fragments are now united, unity means strength, that is why former soviet union was stronger than any of Russia etc today. but to be honest with you I and other unionists respect the decision taken by the majority of southern Sudanese to vote for separation instead of the unity of Sudan according to democracy even if it is against our wishes for the largest, stronggest and diversified country in African soil.

    Gentlemen, if we want peace so as to end the killing and destability in RSS, let us urge the government to refrain from the divide and conquer policy but seriously encourage in,just peace with all the members of the rebel or the tribe etc, let there genuine democracy, justice, equal distribution of,resources , service etc. Let there be zero tolerance t nepotism and corruption, let there be no tribalism and I believe we shall never fall apart but stay united till the end of our universe!!

    Marco A weck, we all know that you are highly educated person and we are happy to someone like you in our country, the same to our brother Dhalaluaak, we have to work for the sake of innocent southern Sudanese that are still suffering till very moment regardless of billions of dollars that are embezzled by 10% of the population, we have to advocate for who do not know their rights, also let us unite our collective efforts as intellectuals of this country to stop killing of innocents by one be it rebellions or SPLA, we do not want massacres to be committed against the innocent civilians and their properties because they are not aware of,what is taking place right now RSS so they should not be targetted.

  • Dhalaluaak

    Peter Gadet declares ceasefire as South Sudan rebels say he has defected
    You got it right.Keep it up

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