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Sudan Tribune

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Sudan not to accept UNMIS personnel in Abyei peacekeeping mission

August 3, 2011 (KHARTOUM) – Sudan has reaffirmed rejection to the appointment of any employee of the outgoing UN Mission in Sudan (UNMIS) in the UN Interim Security Force for Abyei (UNISFA).

UNMIS troops prepare to patrol town of Abyei (UN Photo service/Stuart Price)
UNMIS troops prepare to patrol town of Abyei (UN Photo service/Stuart Price)
The spokesman of the country’s foreign ministry, Al-Ubayd Muruah, told reporters in Khartoum on Thursday that his ministry had sent a written letter to the UN expressing refusal to the inclusion of any former UNMIS employee in UNISFA.

Sudan has decided to terminate the mandate of UNMIS, which was established to monitor the implementation of the 2005 Comprehensive Peace Agreement which culminated in the secession of South Sudan last month. However, the mission is currently relocating to South Sudan where it is allowed to operate and will be referred to as the UN Mission in South Sudan UNMISS.

UNISFA, composed of 4,200 Ethiopian peacekeepers set to be deployed in the north-south’s hotly-contested region of Abyei, had its mandate approved last month by the UN Security Council. The mission was agreed in June between Sudan and South Sudan pending determination of Abyei’s status.

“It must be clear to the international community that UNMIS’s role is finished,” Muruah said, warning against any attempt to “hijack or manipulate” UNISFA’s role.

According to the ministry’s spokesman, the decision to prohibit the employment of UNMIS is “a precautionary measure,” citing the example of the UNSC’s “attempt to circumvent” the mandate of the joint UN-AU Peacekeeping Mission in Darfur (UNAMID).

“Therefore we had to be cautious,” he added.

Sudan on Tuesday chided the UNSC over its decision to extend the mandate of UNAMID for one year in the country’s war-battered region of Darfur.

The country’s foreign minister Ali Karti threatened to terminate UNAMID’s mandate against the background of what he termed attempts to include in the mission’s mandate the issue of the International Criminal Court (ICC) which seeks the arrest of Sudan President Omer Al-Bashir on charges of war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide allegedly committed in the western region.

Karti accused the UNSC of meddling in his country’s internal affairs and tarnishing its image.

He further expressed Sudan’s rejection to the UNSC’s resolution demand for coordination between UNISFA and UNMIS.

Similarly, the undersecretary of Sudan’s foreign ministry, Ambassador Rahmah Mohamed Osman, on Thursday held a meeting with the UK ambassador in Khartoum Nickolas Kay and discussed the UNSC’s resolution to extend UNMID mandate.

Rahmah said that the new UNSC resolution contains provisions breaching the clear agreement between Sudan, the UN and the AU on establishing UNAMID in accordance with strictly defined jurisdictions



  • Waucity

    Sudan not to accept UNMIS personnel in Abyei peacekeeping mission
    Abyei can not be part of the North when its people are not…This is the simple rule that is used to divide Sudan. North can feel entitle to abyei just because a foreign colonizer came and created an administration that say abyei should be part of the North..The people that created this administration are dead, therefore we no longer recognize the administration and will determine the future of abyei politically..And by politically, I mean the Dinka Ngok will win, they are the founders of Abyei, the rulers of Abyei and the majority in Abyei..I do feel sorry for the messayria but their issue is environmental,so the way to solved is to allow them to the grassing land or to become citizen of South Sudan…The issue here is not who will use the land, it is who will administer the land, to me. Both Messayria and the rest of the so called arab government is not fit to rule anybody. Ones have to have the right constitution first before they think of governing anybody. Ones need to have values that address human safety first before the can talk of ruling anybody. I think the land which the north has is big enough and should not first any more people to die over a town..I always say, that northerners are very empty people..Will fight forever!!!!! I feel punished!!!!

  • Maasai

    Sudan not to accept UNMIS personnel in Abyei peacekeeping mission
    Staffs of UNMIS should be reassign to new mission in Abyei base on their previous experiences.

  • Abyei Soil
    Abyei Soil

    Sudan not to accept UNMIS personnel in Abyei peacekeeping mission
    Misseriya the ignorance community allowed themselves to be used by none African groups to claim Abyei unlawfully.today won’t be viewed as yesterday my dear arabs muslim group particularly in Khartoum.
    You refuses many times and still refusing but we’re refusing to be in North as well. What will you do? Abyei belong to Dinka Ngok minus Misseriya and they are part and related to the Southern communities including the whole geographical location.

    According to CPA protocol, Abyei recognised only 9 chiefdom of Ngok Dinka and were the one to decide themselves whether to join south or north Sudan. But now north complicate things which I thinks will result in continuous instability in the north Sudan. Believe me it is inevitable result unless Misseriya take wise decisions to distance themselves from Abyei issues peacefully. Because the future Misseriya have will be determine by Misseriya themselves not Omer Al Bashir and his party. The party NCP is not a permanent political wing that remain in existance forever but it is just for time being and remember when time for another party come everythings will be changes and you’ll be left out in north Sudan.

    Scenarios of north Sudan are in risk right now if you don’t make a wise decision you’ll fall under slavery in the north. I refers to the Misseriya.

    Abyei Soil

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