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Sudan Tribune

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China offers mediation between North & South Sudan

August 9, 2011 (KHARTOUM) – China is prepared to mediate between North and South Sudan in order to bridge difference in views regarding outstanding post-secession issues, a visiting official said today.

Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi speaks to the press as Sudanese Foreign Minister Ali Karti (R) listens on following their meeting in Khartoum on August 8, 2011 (AFP)
Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi speaks to the press as Sudanese Foreign Minister Ali Karti (R) listens on following their meeting in Khartoum on August 8, 2011 (AFP)
The Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi made the offer at the conclusion of his two-day visit which took him to Khartoum and Juba.

Sudanese foreign minister Ali Karti speaking to reporters along with Jiechi at Khartoum airport welcomed China’s initiative saying that Beijing is qualified to play this role given the acceptance and appreciation it enjoys from both sides.

This is the first visit by a senior Chinese official to the region since South Sudan became an independent state in early July. The people of Southern Sudan voted last January almost unanimously in favor of splitting from the North.

China owns multi-billion dollar investments in Sudan that are mainly concentrated in the oil sector. Sudan is one of China’s main oil suppliers.

The breakup of Sudan presents a dilemma for China as most of the oil reserves lie in the South while the pipelines, refineries and related infrastructure are in the North.

Khartoum and Juba are still negotiating the oil transit fees that should be assessed. Last week the North blocked an oil shipment belonging to the South and would not let it sail unless custom duties are paid. It was released a day later.

The Chinese top diplomat vowed to help both in developing their economies.

“Our two economies are there for each other and we want to see good cooperation in such areas like agriculture, infrastructure construction, oil production,” Jiechi told reporters after meeting South Sudan President Salva Kiir.

“And we will give aid to the Sudanese people within our capacity to help uplift their living standards,” he added, without being specific.

In an interview with South Sudan’s Al-Masier newspaper, posted on the Chinese Foreign Ministry’s website on Tuesday, Jiechi said his visit “gives testimony to the importance China attaches to cultivating friendship and cooperation with South Sudan”.

He said that he conveyed an invitation from President Hu Jintao to Kiir to visit China in the near future.

Asked by Al-Masier how China would balance its relationship with the two, Jiechi said it has consistently supported and contributed to the peace process.

“We have always believed that the north and the south are interdependent, and we hope to see that – proceeding from the fundamental interests of their peoples and the stability of the region – they stick to the peace option and address the issues through dialogue,” he said.

During the visit, Sudan and China signed an agreement for constructing of a railway line linking Sudan and Chad and Central African Republic (CAR).




    China offers mediation between North & South Sudan
    china”offer mediation between north and south sudan”””
    What for???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????.
    why is it at this time when south sudan got her independent??
    where were you during the time when the regime committed genocide in south sudan??
    you were busy looting our resources and now you reveal yourselves.

  • Sundayw

    China offers mediation between North & South Sudan
    China would indeed be an effective mediator as long as it is impartial. China has leverage over both the North and South. It’s the major player in extraction and consumption of oil and has immense resources that can be helpful to a developing country like South. China also wants a stable security in the border areas so that its companies don’t lose billions of their investments.

  • Konan

    China offers mediation between North & South Sudan
    Indeed China is Africa best friend, but due to your slave mentality your Govt. may reject Chinese meditation, cuz you are not looking for friendship or long lasting fair trade deals, but a new master which in this case would be either USA or Israel… suckers.

  • Ayuen deng
    Ayuen deng

    China offers mediation between North & South Sudan
    china had been a knife to us during war and so we need to be very careful with their friendship with northern sudan.our oil does not need any negociation with NCP.

  • Nhomlawda

    China offers mediation between North & South Sudan

    China does not have leverage over South Sudan but North Sudan alone. There had been no any deep rooted economic, military, and diplomatic cooperation between China and South Sudan that can warrant China said leverage over South Sudan.

    In contrast, China supported South Sudan enemies during the war of liberation and China even participated in the war by bringing soldiers from China to fight Sudan People’s Liberation Army and to displace South Sudan civilians in oil fields’ areas of South Sudan. China oil operations in South Sudan did not respect international environmental laws of extraction industry. People of Unity, Upper Nile, and Northern Bahr-el-Ghazal States are experiencing human and environmental health hazards now due to Chinese companies’ poor management of oil environmental and human health effects.

    Actually Chinese and Indian companies in South Sudan oil industry will be sue soon for damages caused by their actions in South Sudan.

    China still has a lot of work to do to win support of South Sudanese. Those contracts in the oil industry were negotiated by GOS under its own conductive terms and GOSS has right to re-negotiate or retender them to get better deal for people of South Sudan. South Sudan oil business was given to China at lowly priced royalties compared to international standard practices because Khartoum exchanged those uncharged royalties for other investments in the North just to deny South Sudan rightful share of her oil monies.

    China, Russia, and France are not good friends of South Sudan. Those three countries have much work to do in South Sudan to proof they can be trusted.

  • Space

    China offers mediation between North & South Sudan
    concession at last! I think this site is offering some sintrumental advises and constrctive criticism to our Govt to do something right. It was yesterday partone when we condemned the chinese visit to Khartoum and neglect of South Sudan despite reaffirming of contracts.

    I am impressed that such offers are reaching us especially when come to transfers fees. We are going to use that oil as astrong tool of negotiating friends. There is littled conviction that Chinese may come to help incase of any economic or political agression. We have strong freinds who invested so far in our freedom like Norway, America, Ethiopia, Israel to mention a few. We have to appreciate such relationships to prosper than invetsing in a wrong freind who is of more Khartoum than South Sudan. Not that China is bad but is more pro Khartoum than us.

    Let’s measure the nature and type of friedship we want. We are in animal firm and we need lions which will help us sail to other side.

    Nhomlaauda your submissiom was prefect. thxxs

  • Agutran

    China offers mediation between North & South Sudan
    Konan, you’re welcome to have friendship with China, why do you care that South Sudan should need to have relation with China?

    Is it because you’re drowning in debt with hundreds of billions of dollars that you borrow from china and don’t have any way to pay them back?

    You have been bragging of Khartoum that it’s built and look like a paradise and make fun of South Sudan that they live in mud houses.

    Yes we live in mud houses but not in debt with other people’s money. So when China comes after you for their money pay them back, don’t come to us for help.

    We don’t have the money to pay for your debt, but we have the money to build our Nation.

    First of all China has bloods in their hands over two millions lives that were loss during the struggle due to the weaponry they were supplying to Khartoum.

    You need us to pay for the weapons that were used against us? Must be out of your mind!
    You don’t tell us who we’ll be friends with! We will tell you who our friends are and who will be our friends.

  • hard liner
    hard liner

    China offers mediation between North & South Sudan
    by nature we are not slaves to remind you, it was your fore fathers who took by force made some of our fore grand parents slaves but i tell you this, dare one time to think in such a manner and call another person a slave in the face not on the net if you’re a man, my friend that will be the end of your miserable desert life.
    I tell you, if we south Sudanese what to make you suffer, we shall just start war in the north and see where your pathetic people will go to, the scorching desert sun will just finish them. And that land will be bare without people. So don’t make that mistake again i warn you already.

  • Deng Tut
    Deng Tut

    China offers mediation between North & South Sudan
    I doubt that the mediation which will be conduct by the China will benefit the South; China is not rights mediate if these two Countries need the regularization some reminders issues within both Countries; therefore the China policy in the new Republic of South Sudan with it consequences vis-à-vis the local citizen in deferent areas in South; first of all we must understand that, China had a good relationship with the Fundamentalist Regime in Khartoum and all his interest are basing in the oil of South to overcome their Economic and could’t be a mediate on that better.

    The Government of South should define clear interest of South Sudanese regarding our relationship with the China Government or policy. Let me give you some facts which are right now facing the local citizens in our home land with the Chinese enterprise or Companies.

    Dear Compatriots the really problem with the Chinese businessmen in our Country is that; in my personnel observation in the field of the Chinese Companies Operated in some capital city of South whereby became a destructives into our community and livestock; as I can narrate to you the evidence that happened in the ground. For example China is running hospital in Unity State where their employees are all Chinese from the tops officials to the manager and where they employee only swappers from the local people and they are taking all the medical investigation in Chinese language with the interpretation from the Northern at the same time they write all their description in their Chinese language; here you don’t have any mean out to buy the medicine in any pharmacy because of luck of the understanding of their language by our pharmacies and for that reason they put their medicine in higher price and if you buy from their stores it is too much expensive.

    So in term of human development and economic development the local people are not beneficiaries in all ways, so why we are forcing ourselves to invite a destructive partner in our belovely land and people in the grassroots are looking for the protection from oversea nations.

    The Chinese companies are looting our resources, poisoning our livestock; poisoning rivers where the local people are taking their drinking water and couldn’t provide clean water to them. The Government should revise all the agreement with the Chinese Government and look for the interests of the new Nation.

    Approximately 20% of our wildlife dyeing annually; due to the pollution of their dirty management in the grassroots and also they are taking 5% of our Animals transported illegally to their country.
    Nyadawech W.P

  • Yic-Edu

    China offers mediation between North & South Sudan
    I don’t think so this mediation host by china between South Sudan & North Sudan will not be free and fair why because they would being in contract since . lastly china will betray us in future. anyway let it be between President of Republic of South Sudan and china people!!!!

  • Sundayw

    China offers mediation between North & South Sudan
    In international diplomacy, South is not in a position to dictate the terms as to which country should treat it like an important actor. South is just emerging on the international stage and as such, it has does not hold a lot of cards on China, France, and Russia. We may disagree with some of those countries’ policies but we need their support on other important matters now or in the near future.

    China is going to play a role in development of South’s oil industry and our engagement with Chinese will allow it to force its companies to adhere to international environmental standards and take corrective actions to develop areas affected and restore the environment to its original condition.

    South is now an independent and sovereign nation and can draft its environmental laws that are compatible with international standards and companies will have to follow those. We cannot start by being paranoid about China’s motives.

  • Space

    China offers mediation between North & South Sudan
    International Trade since 1880s has been the cause of war 1 and 11 and colonisations as well. the relationships between or among Countries are always determine by how the concern countries trade and how such trade benefits them. the mutual respects and intrests broadly exists in trade. So if you are a Country bless in resources, then you got to use those resources to establish better ties with Countries that are deemed beneficials in as far as our interest in security, economy etc, are concerned.

    The most important thing in this 21s century is how strong that relationship is and, for this relationship to be strong, it has to be built overtime for trust and confident to developed. Yes, we know China, France and Russia are key players in the World politics but no such good relationship exist between us.

    Russia, I guessed, has benefited in some of the trade deals with South Sudan. The same thing apply to China. may be France and UK have just wokenup to accept the invitable reality, and they are doing everything now to find place to rest in our hearts. No poblem with that but we should not forget how these Countries had preyed us through Khartoum.

    America has a very strategic interest in our Country and they did really invested in it. Most of our Young man in America are serving in American Marine as well as other sectors. Half of them are very educated and may be half are struglling. America has relax financial policies by allowing our young men to send huge money home without any condition and, these young men are supporting thier relatives back home. They are considered to be the best immigrants ever in America History.

    For CPA to be signed was not a miracle nor was it our might as SPLA/SPLM. There was enormouse pressure coming from USA and they were ready to balance the power that might have ended the rule of Arab in Sudan. USAID and other projects are there for South Sudanese.

    Norway is an exceptional case and everybody knows how consistent Norwegians has been. Even Americans admit that Norwegians deserved to be close to South Sudanese than any other Country. Ethiopians are our natural brothers who shed blood for South Sudanese as well. Eriteran as well did the same. Israel gave us technical suport and the list is long base on significance.

    So we do not need to be driven by short term gains and that China is Africa best friend. We must look back to project the better future. Do you guys know how developed the Countries which invited Americans are? It is unimaginable: the transfers of technologies and drect investments in whatever form. I don’t hate diversifications but we have to be careful on how we do it otherwise we shall scare away our best friends.

  • deng

    China offers mediation between North & South Sudan

    Can you please help Somalia and stop talking rubbish here.

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