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Sudan Tribune

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SPLM accuses Khartoum of refusing to withdraw its troops in Abyei

August 10 2011 (MALAKAL) – Deng Arop Kuol, a senior member of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) and the former chief administrator of the contested border region of Abyei on Wednesday, accused the Khartoum government of refusing to withdraw its troops from the contested border town of Abyei.

Deng Arop, former Chief Administrator of Abyei (Xinua)
Deng Arop, former Chief Administrator of Abyei (Xinua)
Kuol said that the town remains under the full control of the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) since its invasion on 21 May 21 2011, and that there are no signs indicating they will withdraw soon.

“The United Nations has already begun deploying Ethiopian troops to Abyei. About two companies have already been deployed. They have been there for more than three weeks now since they started deploying them early July, but Sudan Army remains in the town” said Kuol in an interview with Sudan Tribune from Juba on Wednesday.

He accused SAF of refusing to withdraw from the area as per the framework agreement which the two parties signed in the Ethiopia capital of Addis Ababa, to end a dispute over the area.

Juac Agok, a deputy chair of the SPLM for the area, in a separate interview with Sudan Tribune from Juba said the town remains under control of SAF. He also accused them of committing atrocities there.

“Our people are around the town. They have gone back to their farms especially those who cultivated in areas of Abothok, Marial, and Agok. All the areas south of Abyei town are inhabited by our people. They [SAF] are only in the town”, said Agok.  

The region became a war zone following the SAF invasion in response to alleged attacks by South Sudan’s army. Both parties have agreed that the region be policed by a UN force of Ethiopian troops.

Abyei is in the borderlands between North and South Sudan, which, after decades of civil war, gained its independence on 9 July. Part of the peace agreement signed by both parties in 2005 was the right of the people of Abyei to a popular consultation, which is long overdue.

Deng Thiep Akok, a former Aweil North county commissioner, said in an interview with Sudan Tribune on Wednesday, that the government in Khartoum invaded Abyei to strengthen its position in post-independence negotiations.

Significant undecided post-secession issues include the distribution of debt and oil-wealth.

“The reasons why Sudan Armed Forces invaded Abyei were clear. They did not want the south to secede from the north. This was why our forces were ordered not to retaliate, not that the Sudan People’s Liberation Army did not want to fight”, he explained.

Akok said the leadership of the former rebel movement turned ruling political party has always made its position clear and known to the international community.

“We do not need any pending issues in the peace to be addressed through armed confrontation. We wanted all pending issues, including issues connected to transitional areas of Abyei, South Kordoan and South Blue Nile to be addressed through peacefully negotiated settlement, with the involvement of international community as they took part in the negotiations of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement”, he said.

He assured the people of Abyei that the SPLM leadership under Salva Kiir will always support them and stand with them even if they are members of the Dinka Ngok ethnic group who wants the region to to be part of North Sudan.

Akok said North Sudan’s ruling National Congress Party is “using their presence in the area as bargaining tool”.



  • Jay

    SPLM accuses Khartoum of refusing to withdraw its troops in Abyei
    What the north Sudan is doing is just pure arrogant and ignorant of facts on the ground! i.e the issue of Darfur and Nuba mountain insurgency and assume to have the time and manpower to fight over Abyei. How ludicrous!

    The country is already in pieces but they’re sticking their heads down in the sand pretending not to know what is going on. For how long are they going to be that oblivious?


    SPLM accuses Khartoum of refusing to withdraw its troops in Abyei
    SAF should leave Abyei as long as Ethiopian Peace keeping force had arrived in the aread, people should be alert on the trick from enemies.
    Don’t Unitied Nation alot of time, for how long are they going to resettle this issue? Otherwise,several solution will be reach,to gain Abyei, South Kordofan and South Blue Nile again to be incontrol of SPLA/SPLM, If they delay their vote.
    Don’t keep silence, say what you will let them off.

  • Alier42

    SPLM accuses Khartoum of refusing to withdraw its troops in Abyei
    People of Abyei need not to shout at this time.what is happening now in Abyei is an outcome of the decision made by themself ,to be part of the north.so now it is northerness with northerness.Abyei had lost it legitimacy in southern sudan since 1905.

  • Nhom wadit
    Nhom wadit

    SPLM accuses Khartoum of refusing to withdraw its troops in Abyei
    Dear brothers and sisters
    the problem of Abyei is not going to last unless we all take arm and even with stones to scare the enemy that is only the solution.

  • Wanibuluk Ciciliba
    Wanibuluk Ciciliba

    SPLM accuses Khartoum of refusing to withdraw its troops in Abyei
    As the South is still waiting for America to come and push the Bashir,s Dogs, they will spend as more time as they want to plant both anti- personnel and anti-tank land mines.
    This issue purely need a forcifull reaction of the South to show to them even them(South) is an organized amry of a Nation but always dialogue ,dialogue yet wrong things happens most frequent.

  • Deng II
    Deng II

    SPLM accuses Khartoum of refusing to withdraw its troops in Abyei
    To Abyei people, peace cannot come if you fears dying. We the citzens of Abyei have to fight enemy outside town Abyei,so that Arab civillians cannot occupying the lands and planting human mine and tanks mine outside town of Abyei.

    If the President and citizens of an area are coward, you end up beging for help from others human being,but that is not fair, you need to talk and fight. Protecting your area please.
    Aweil people and Ruweng people a long the border are been fighting Arab before SPLA/M, the same with Abyei people, but they never giving up thier fight to Arab devils. They still dying now fighting Arab.
    Abyei people have obligation to fight occupiers despit the political deadlock. They don’t have to wait for political settlement,while giving Arab chance to take some lands.

  • Deng Gau
    Deng Gau

    SPLM accuses Khartoum of refusing to withdraw its troops in Abyei
    NCP and its malitias must leave Abyei the land of not dinka Ngok only, but South Sudanese.

    Bashir is a very fooish politician, how come he claim the ownership of Abyei and he is Now treating Ngok Dinka in North as foregners?

    Is it logic to say the land belongs to me and the owners of the the Land are foregners
    The issue our leaders should be careful is that Abyei Defira oil production should stop because they still stealing our oil in Abyei.

    SAF Should leave otherwise they learn a lession that they will never forget.

    Also SAF Must leave Warayat-Mamer which the occupied and named Meram and Warguet immediately these are inside Southern teritory.

    Abyei Southern land 100%


  • Martin Muong
    Martin Muong

    SPLM accuses Khartoum of refusing to withdraw its troops in Abyei
    SPLA should take military action against Northern troops to leave Abyei for good. How many months now since Ethiopian troops were deployed in Abyei and the Northern troops have not been withdrew yet. If the SPLA have no way to push Sudan armed forces back then let them tell us to forget the ownership of Abyei for good. We are fed up with the same situation that has no solution for it. Abyei is widely known as a land of South Sudan, but Arabs want to encroach it by all means. How come the Sudan armed forces are still in Abyei today?.
    Tyrant Omar Albashir vowed that he will never withdraw his troops from Abyei.He also stated that Abyei is a land of North Sudan. Therefore he said there is nowhere he can remove his troops to apart from staying in Abyei. If all these statements fall on stony ground, then we are digging our own grave. SPLA need to do something about Abyei occupation by Sudan Armed forces (SAF). What is not clear here about the speech delivered by despot Omar Hassan Albashir?. How long will the border demarcation take place, if the North Sudan troops are still claiming the ownership of Abyei land of Dinka Ngok?. In this world there is no problem without it solution.It is not easy for dictator like Omar Hassan Albashir to give poor people like South Sudanese their right.
    Last month I have heard that Northern Sudanese security minister went to France to purchase Jet fighters, and our people are still sleeping. The helicopters you have just bought from Rasia are not for fighting, they are for transporting troops to war zone. Wake up guys, if we really want to fight for our rights that have been abused and violated by Omar Hassan Albashir. You don’t really know what might happen when boundaries of South and North Sudan are demarcated. It will be the worse battle you have ever fought during the liberation of South Sudanese.
    How long will the Arabs keeps on infringing our rights in our motherland?.
    SPLA need to use deadly weapons like jet fighters, gunships and weapons of mass destruction if it’s necessary.

  • marie

    SPLM accuses Khartoum of refusing to withdraw its troops in Abyei
    Both SPLM and NCP have agreed to hand the issue of Abyei to UN that is why the Ethiopians troops under the UN mandate is being deployed to the area. I think there is a mechanism in place to redeploy the Northern troops, so Deng Arop has no any rights to start interfering into that, other it will jeopardize the whole thing again, just like what he did by ordering the fight for the withdrawing forces of Khartoum. UN as will deal with Khartoum if they refuse to pull out their troops.

  • Cadaai ?o?
    Cadaai ?o?

    SPLM accuses Khartoum of refusing to withdraw its troops in Abyei
    Hello! Fans.

    This website becomes scams. Why I say so? Because this people change change sentences to from either postive or negative. For example, “I don’t need that” they will change it to “I do need that” in postive of their interests.

  • Cadaai ?o?
    Cadaai ?o?

    SPLM accuses Khartoum of refusing to withdraw its troops in Abyei
    This is message from Dinka Twic East Civil Group. We the Dinka Twic East are not involved in that apology by Vice President Riek Machar. The apology he has done was for Dinka Bor only. Also his apology was a setup by Dinka Bor people who trying to take credits or to discard Dinka Twic East true identity.
    We the Dinka Twic East people, we are still waiting our true apology from Dr. Riek Machar, and it could be done in Panyagor, the headquarter of Twic East County. That’s where the incident of the 1991 occurred. For those people who done know the name of that incident, please it is calls “Southeastern Dinka Massacre or in actuality when it comes to really title based on impacted people. It is calls Dinka Twic East Massacre. Dinka Twic East tribe is different from Dinka Bor. They have different characters and dialects as well. It is true even God (Nhialic) knows it.

    Please be aware that, this website always omits some information inside any message the think is not in there interests. Also the website is owned by Dinka Bor people and Dinka Twic East. That’s why they always ignore or discards our true claims.

    N/B: Dr. John Garang se Mabior is Dinka Twic East. During the movement he was using Dinka Bor for Two reasons:

    (a) Dinka Bor was the one tribe in that region Jonglei that was documented as legitimate tribe there when Garang took over SPLM/A. It was done by intellectuals and scholars who were often driven by these words: nepotism (brotherhood & sisterhood), selfish, ignorant, pride of individual backgrounds and ignorant of other tribes as dominant signs, etc.

    Dinka Twic East is not that small, and also Dinka Bor should be proud about 2009 census as they are more than Dinka Twic East in population.

    We the Dinka Twic East people need government of South Sudan to checks Bor County population for its being divide into two counties.

    Dinka Twic East has three sections: Lith, Ajuong & Pakeer, and Dinka Bor has two sections: Athooc & Gok.

    Truth and History will not be steal from Dinka Twic East.

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