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Sudan Tribune

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Improving education remains our top priority: S. Sudan President

August 10, 2011 (JUBA) – Improving South Sudan’s education system will top the country’s recently initiated national development plans, President Salva Kiir told the first joint sitting of the national legislature on Monday.

South Sudanese school, Muniki Center Basic School in the Muniki Payam, a north-western sub-district of Juba (UNICEF)
South Sudanese school, Muniki Center Basic School in the Muniki Payam, a north-western sub-district of Juba (UNICEF)
Specifically, he said, the government will focus on female education, given South Sudan’s high rate of school drop-out mainly due to early marriage practices and other cultural attributes.

“No country has ever achieved development without educating its population. It remains a major challenge that only a minority of our children in South Sudan have access to education,” said Kiir, adding that, “When it comes to girl’s education, it is even worse.”

In addition to encouraging development partners, Kiir noted, his government will also engage communities in school building initiatives.

The president pledged to ensure that 30 new primary and four secondary schools are constructed within the first 100 days of his new government in office.

Also, an ambitious strategy is launch a teacher training development program targeting 7,000 teachers in the next three to five years is reportedly under way.

Kiir also alluded to the construction of universities when he said, “We cannot afford to lose our next generation leaders because of the absence of higher education institutions.”

An estimated 340,000 children, according to the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF), were enrolled in primary schools at the time Sudan’s 2005 Comprehensive Peace Agreement was signed.

In 2009, it adds, primary school enrolment was at 1,362,941 – about 860,000 boys and 502,000 girls. But, according to UN Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), less than two percent of these children complete their primary school education.

South Sudan’s literacy rate is 73 percent according to the Ministry of Education, 27 percent according to the CIA and one of the lowest in the world according to most observers.



  • Fearless man
    Fearless man

    Improving education remains our top priority: S. Sudan President
    Good for you mr president education shall bring peace among southerense if they know how to write and read.

    But our educated leaders must show how an educated person behave among his or her people.
    God bless the South sudan.


    Improving education remains our top priority: S. Sudan President
    what education shall bring peace in south sudan??
    And why is it that most of the PHD holders are murderers in south sudan??

  • Fearless man
    Fearless man

    Improving education remains our top priority: S. Sudan President
    Minded Dude you must be right and that is what i refere to that our educated /PHDs holders leaders must show how educated people behave.otherwise educated PHDs Sudanse people are more dangerous than those uneducated people.

  • Ngundeng

    Improving education remains our top priority: S. Sudan President
    The slave Kiir is going to ruin South Sudan! Hopefully I will kill him in two years and the nation will finally grow!

  • Gabriel KK
    Gabriel KK

    Improving education remains our top priority: S. Sudan President
    Hi Dude,
    You are right one of top murderers is Dr.Riek Machar with BIG paper.

  • Gabriel KK
    Gabriel KK

    Improving education remains our top priority: S. Sudan President
    Yes KILL him and Igga will take over not Riek the murderer.

  • Lorolokin

    Improving education remains our top priority: S. Sudan President

    I thinks you are hundred percent right I agree with you,Mr president should have deal with security and specically FOOD security otherwise he is just playing round.Education, what !!!!!!
    Kiir , you need to open your eyes like a coin or else you are surrouned with fake advisers. I wish you could be a democratic president who listen to public.


  • Cibaipiath Junub Sudan
    Cibaipiath Junub Sudan

    Improving education remains our top priority: S. Sudan President
    Dear readers;
    I am now contarary to your comments here because, i do not see what your comments reflect here. When President Kiir read out his lenghty speech (Policy Statement)during the Joint first Sittings of the two Legislatures it was obviouse that President Kiir has owned the wrong policy Statement. Unless somebody who did not learnt simple equations of numericals, experiments in Sciences both Chemistry, Biology and Physics could be convinced by the Presidents’ set Targets that would be achieved in 100 Days. Statements and sounds can go fastest than what can be physically implemented by use of force. Construction of Schools in 100 days is a mere lie. What types of Schools president talk about? Where is the Procurement procedures,Construction plan, Materials mobilisation and the excuting body to construct 30 Primary Schools and 4 Secondary Schools and where is the distribution plan here? This plus other items in Policy statement are all wrong. President pledge to Joint Legislature that he would report back to them after 100 Days of his Government. What will he report. Up to now he has not form the cabinets and yet those suspect are all sent to the assembly and therefore, are part of his Government. This alone President contradict himself and not somebody else. All in all i am not here to criticise the President but just to drive you to area of our concern so that we keep keen of those promises.I thank the reporter who brought this extracts to be commented on.

  • Mony de Jang
    Mony de Jang

    Improving education remains our top priority: S. Sudan President
    To Ngundeng and his likes.

    Mr. Ngundeng the devil worshipper, I can refer to you as an ignorant bloodsucker hailing from the most awkward community. If your “Nyatteen fathers, mothers, Regional and International affiliates had excellently failed to murder him, then who are you to promise his killing?

    Don’t you know that a bone which has defeated either a father or a mother dog to break, can not be lastly broken by the younger one? Watchout! You may be unlucky enough to face death before him or else in a shameful way as known of you.

  • Janafil

    Improving education remains our top priority: S. Sudan President
    Mr. president
    I think we also need to improve health services, if not children will not get things in memomary, because of disturnances of diseases, I know illitrates don’t put health services as a priority! let’s this time improve them all both health and education.

  • Wundit

    Improving education remains our top priority: S. Sudan President
    gov’t of south sudan they are just confusing people by telling nonsense anyway i will not regret for the small knowledge i have let them take their children to better school they will find us here later.

  • Ayuen deng
    Ayuen deng

    Improving education remains our top priority: S. Sudan President
    Its had been six years since the signing of CPA, but education had been the top periority, but there is no emprovement of the simpless curriculum or good learning materials such as good pupils’ textbooks for primary school and secondary school childrens.why does this all happen in the present of minister of education with its all department.And this leads to the blame of president and the entire government.I ask the government of the republic of south sudan to appoint aperson who love quality education.which come as result of good curriculum in place and good teachers’ textbooks for primary and secondary schools

  • Cadaai ?o?
    Cadaai ?o?

    Improving education remains our top priority: S. Sudan President
    Hello! Fans.

    This website becomes scams. Why I say so? Because this people change change sentences to from either postive or negative. For example, “I don’t need that” they will change it to “I do need that” in postive of their interests.

  • Cuei Rooi
    Cuei Rooi

    Improving education remains our top priority: S. Sudan President
    Mr fearless.

    I don’t think education is a basic wants or can bring peace as some guys are cheering ahead of president’s plan. children should be well fed first so they can be able to developed a strong brain cells that would be so perceptive in receiving educational stuffs.

    Instead prioritizing education, mr president you should have put in place first Agriculture so to eliminate hunger in the country and then peace will come as a result of full stomach.a man with full stomach is a man always with open mind.

  • Cadaai ?o?
    Cadaai ?o?

    Improving education remains our top priority: S. Sudan President
    This is message from Dinka Twic East Civil Group. We the Dinka Twic East are not involved in that apology by Vice President Riek Machar. The apology he has done was for Dinka Bor only. Also his apology was a setup by Dinka Bor people who trying to take credits or to discard Dinka Twic East true identity.
    We the Dinka Twic East people, we are still waiting our true apology from Dr. Riek Machar, and it could be done in Panyagor, the headquarter of Twic East County. That’s where the incident of the 1991 occurred. For those people who done know the name of that incident, please it is calls “Southeastern Dinka Massacre or in actuality when it comes to really title based on impacted people. It is calls Dinka Twic East Massacre. Dinka Twic East tribe is different from Dinka Bor. They have different characters and dialects as well. It is true even God (Nhialic) knows it.

    Please be aware that, this website always omits some information inside any message the think is not in there interests. Also the website is owned by Dinka Bor people and Dinka Twic East. That’s why they always ignore or discards our true claims.

    N/B: Dr. John Garang se Mabior is Dinka Twic East. During the movement he was using Dinka Bor for Two reasons:

    (a) Dinka Bor was the one tribe in that region Jonglei that was documented as legitimate tribe there when Garang took over SPLM/A. It was done by intellectuals and scholars who were often driven by these words: nepotism (brotherhood & sisterhood), selfish, ignorant, pride of individual backgrounds and ignorant of other tribes as dominant signs, etc.

    Dinka Twic East is not that small, and also Dinka Bor should be proud about 2009 census as they are more than Dinka Twic East in population.

    We the Dinka Twic East people need government of South Sudan to checks Bor County population for its being divide into two counties.

    Dinka Twic East has three sections: Lith, Ajuong & Pakeer, and Dinka Bor has two sections: Athooc & Gok.

    Truth and History will not be steal from Dinka Twic East.

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