Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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South Sudan sues chief of public security for detainee abuse

August 11, 2011 (MALAKAL) — The government of South Sudan on Thursday confirmed it is suing the Director of Public Security and Criminal Investigation Department over allegations of detainee abuse next Monday .

Major General Marial Nuor Jok, the chief of public security in South Sudan was arrested three weeks ago by the order of President, Salva Kiir Mayardit, following reports alleging his involvement in torture, bribery and creation of illegal detention centers.

General Acuil Tito Madut, General Inspector of South Sudan Police Service at the South Sudan ministry of interior Thursday told the Sudan Tribune that time has come for the judiciary takes up their duties on all the cases of detainee abuse.

“It is time for the judiciary system to speedy up processes on all cases. Detention centers are supposed to hold suspects only for specific periods (…) in order to facilitate primary investigation,” said General Madut.

The general revealed that the court in Juba will on Monday conduct an investigation on reports and charges brought against the chief of public security and criminal investigation department and other officials involved in the case.

“Yes, the court will resume hearing on Monday”, Why can’t you call them. They are the relevant authority to tell you more on this case”, said General Madut who declined to give additional comments.

Sudan Tribune has learned that seven high ranking officers including a colonel are being held in connection to the case at Malakal police detention centers, while General Jok remains under arrest at the military barrack in Juba.

His personal lawyer maintains that he (General Jok) remains out of reach by his close family members. ” As of this morning, the military police does not allow the visit of any of his close family. He remains out of reach”; said Kiir Chol, a personal defense lawyer, who was speaking to the Sudan Tribune by phone from Juba on Thursday.

He described detention of his client inside a military barrack as “unconstitutional”, adding denying his family from visiting him is a “human rights violation”.

Chol, however, said his client, Marial, was scheduled to appear before court last Monday but the President of the Juba based Court for Central Equatoria State, Malek Mathiang Malek, adjourned the hearing until next Monday, 15th August, citing the need for more time to study what he called “many sections and paragraphs” presented to him by the defense lawyers.

Charges that led to arrest of the General reportedly included the following:

The disappearance of a man named John Luis in April 2011, following reports that he was summoned to the office of the Chief Public Security and Criminal Investigation, Department over a disputed plot of land;

Accepting bribes for assets such as houses, shops, plots in return for bribes in form of cash, shops at Konyokonyo market in Juba;

Permitting the arbitrary arrest of civilians in the illegally created public security detention facilities and exhortation of money from families of citizens;

Arming his tribesmen with guns to perpetuate tribal and sectional disputes in Yirol West and Yirol East counties in Lakes state and elsewhere; and;

The illegal incorporation of active Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA) officers and other ranks, who are not police personnel and who have not obtained official release from their parent units, to join any institutions including public security and criminal investigation departments.



  • Sundayw

    South Sudan sues chief of public security for detainee abuse
    This is the same scum that is believed to have played a role in the murder of Judge Martin Majier in 1993. It is finally clear that he is nothing but a dirty, corrupt, lowlife who took the life of a brilliant and principled jurist. I hope he is dealt with firmly.

  • Michael Angelo
    Michael Angelo

    South Sudan sues chief of public security for detainee abuse
    Even Lt. Gen. Achuil Tito Madut and Gier Choung should be summoned by mishandling public funds in their Departments. Kiir should get tough on corruption this time.

  • Dinka Dominated SPLA/M
    Dinka Dominated SPLA/M

    South Sudan sues chief of public security for detainee abuse
    I do respect your though but leave out the case of Majier Gai here. if he mariel was acting alone and killed Mr Majire gai. do you think Garang could have not arrest him just like Salva kiir doing now?

    I am sorry to talk about this case but you should not even mention it at the first place thank you.

  • Akumadit

    South Sudan sues chief of public security for detainee abuse
    Major General Marial Nuor must be given the maximum prison time because he is nothing but murderer. 1993, he brutally killed Justice Martin Majier Gai based on false evidences presented by Salva Kiir. The blood of Majier Gai and many people that have been killed in Lake State will haunt you. The blood of poor John Loius will also hunt you down.


  • Malim

    South Sudan sues chief of public security for detainee abuse
    This is an appeal to the president of Juba Court to stop Lawyer Kiir not to speak in the media for the case that still in the court.

    Marial Nuor Jok’s records ar bad, he is known of killing high profile peoople. Good example is the killing of Majier which is known by everyone in the movement plus many others that he eliminated during is good time Dr. John Garang.

  • Wanibuluk Ciciliba
    Wanibuluk Ciciliba

    South Sudan sues chief of public security for detainee abuse
    What of Salva Matong who stole bulk amount of Dollars to go and Bank them in Uganda for his family use when Millions of South Sudanese go through hard line economic handicap, God helped and Dollars were saized at the Kaya, so is this not enough for Salva Kirr to arrest this eagle but volture? Why only Marial who although he dealt unlawfull but there are hundreds of these foxe in this Gvn’t?
    Come on do not play tricks here we all know who to be arrested if not now but the nearst future.

  • Akumadit

    South Sudan sues chief of public security for detainee abuse
    I hope this bastard by name Marial Nuor should reveal all secrets of killing of political figures in south Sudan. He is going to tell it all to the public.


  • Yic-Edu

    South Sudan sues chief of public security for detainee abuse
    Dear readers,

    if you are South Sudanese please, examine this case very well and it level.
    Moreover, on Wednesday Mr. Tito Achuil visited late John Luis family home at night driving his car alone nobody inside with him and they were discussing some issues with John Luis family.
    nothing can free Tito Achuil if Marial Nuor find guilty of killing John Luis maybe this order are coming from IGP!!

    What i know is that, President Kiir is absentminded person how can he order Tito Achuil to arrest Maj. Gen Marial Nuor instead of him to order Marial to Arrest Tito Achuil. IGP has misuses publics resources and Polices funds. Maj.Gen. Marial Nuor knew all government secrets and he is going to expose them out now and everybody will be arrested if president Kiir Mayardit is not working oppositely. and thank you


    South Sudan sues chief of public security for detainee abuse
    ” south sudan sues chief of public security detainee abuse”
    what do you mean by sues?
    please writer or reporter, you have to write comprehensible title related to the criminal charges.

    south sudan charge chief of public security for unauthorized detainee abuse.
    If he get convicted he will be imprisonment for 105 years without pay role.

  • Dakkin

    South Sudan sues chief of public security for detainee abuse

    Kuol Manyang has already filed a case against Marial to the icc

  • michael coma
    michael coma

    South Sudan sues chief of public security for detainee abuse
    Hi my dear Southerners,That parasite called Marial Nour had killed many important people like Martin Majer Gai Ayuel and Martin Makur Alieyow with some juniors who were the dairy secret holders.Let him face the consequences of death so that he can go and represented his files of killing people in hell with his father Satan.

  • M' alual
    M' alual

    South Sudan sues chief of public security for detainee abuse
    Sorry, they bring up Majier case again, go to hell and do not mention it again thugs. We are not yet there for any petty reconciliation folks or mockery justice. 1991 of killing thousands of innocent people under the leadership of Dr. Riek Machar, 1993 of killing of innocent lawyer under the leadership Dr.Garang Mabior. 1994 of starving thousands of innocent people under the leadership of Riek Gai, go to hell with mockery arresting of anyone there.

  • Alfredo christiani
    Alfredo christiani

    South Sudan sues chief of public security for detainee abuse
    Dear readers

    Marial Nuor will be release peacefully, because he knows all top secrets things & thieves in the leadership of the SPLM/A. I personally witnessed the following thieves who took money in coffin to east Africa after signing of comprehensive peace agreement .to mention few
    In the army we have General Salve Mathok, General George Athor plus the rest
    In police we have General Acuil Tito plus minister of interior

    If we comes to civil institutions three quarters of them are thieves in all ten states and weak in their duties performance., let us forgive ourselves and open new page that’s a only solution if not it will turn into tribal conflicts within south Sudan.

  • Monydit

    South Sudan sues chief of public security for detainee abuse
    Guys, this case is very much similar to the case of Arthur Akuien who looted more than 200 million in day light and if it was not Omer Albashiir he ( Akuien ) would have not been in jail.
    Some may think that Kiir is serious now but when the real investigation takes place he ( Marial ) will be soon released and sooner before the cause reach Gogrial`s kitchen. This is just to show the public that Mr president is serious but he is not, look Mr Akuien Chol has been appointed by the president into the parliament which is the highest organ in the government responsible for the accountability.
    Miarial will soon be released whether he is quilty or not.I do not like what marial does but in South Sudan, law punishs weak and vulnerable community.

  • Fighter

    South Sudan sues chief of public security for detainee abuse
    Jonkoz abusing South Sudan money and power. This is already a failed state. Salva Kiir himself is a hyena and murderer of many innocent civilians during the war time and now as president, he killed many Murle civilians. Titu Acuil is a chief thieve who stole police recruits three months salary. I was expecting him to be fired immediately. But look what is happening. Hyenas prosecuting wild dogs. What a failed state!

  • Cibaipiath Junub Sudan
    Cibaipiath Junub Sudan

    South Sudan sues chief of public security for detainee abuse
    Dear Readers:
    Please get this story of mind properly. Do not take it ilitarily. It will help you to interpret it to suit the current court case of General Marial Nuor:
    Once upon a time, three men who smoke opiums (bangs) were smoking under the tree in the wilderness. It was nearly to sunset and closer to darkness. The lion came and attacked the three men. One man ran away, the othe climbed the tree while the other man covered up himself with leaves. The lion only saw only two men, one who ran away and the one who climbed the tree failing to recognise or smell one who covered up himself with leaves. The man up there told Mr. Lion that “you are keeping me up waiting to eat me but you can’t see the that man who covered up himself”. The man started shievering and the lion recognised that the man is there and it ate him up. Still waiting for the man up there. “You shall still come down here and i shall eat you too” Said the Lion. The man up there told that lion that “if that is the case, see me flying away”. The man took to his armpits all leaves assuming as wings to fly. The man assume flying and then fell down and the lion ate him too. The only luck man is the one who ran away. The two men were eaten by Lion. The story ended there.

    Now, If the Court is open to trial cases of murderers, Who is going to be prove innocent among the SPLA fighters/Senior officers? I doubt. All SPLA senior officers including the VIPs (Kiir, Riak, Matip, Kuol Manyang and least Gier Chuang Aluong) are going to face justice too. Acuil can face justice if the Soldiers who was commanding compiled cased of cold blooded against him. For example, forces suffered under him in Kapoeta because, he did not distribute food to forces until all stores where captured by Jalaba in 1992-1994. Plus the rumours that he stole money in form of coffins of foreigners to Uganda and Kenya.

    Money is a crime that will be put the whole GOSS officials in including the President of the Republic of South Sudan. It started with 60 Billions USD fund for ABC, then, Donations, Oil percentages, Development funds Chapter 3, Chapter 2 Services and Chapter 1. Salaries. The discrepancies where created by GOSS officials to create a vacuum for stealing more money into their own account.

    Look, you cannot find a woman or a child in the Residential places of Ministers Why? They are all in abroad. Ministers sleep with just concubines just to refresh them if the feel tired. Sorry to say this. Who will be found innocent in this case.
    Let us leave this. Let the pretenders lead this country to hell as their vision is in flame.

  • Wundit

    South Sudan sues chief of public security for detainee abuse
    you are wasting your time by mentioning Tito Achuil name kiir mayardit will never thing of Achuil to be arrested because they come from (kuac) me myself i went to Nyial chan Nyial house who is the chief to kiir that man has more than 30 land crusher cars and some chief don’t even have bicycle or motorbike what kind of leadership is that. some of you mistaken me but am from bharelghzel.

  • akot

    South Sudan sues chief of public security for detainee abuse
    i think it is not fair to embarass our leaders on website,so far they are working good, without them we would have nothing call (ROSS) Republic of South Sudan. Salva Mathok, Geoge and Gier Cuong Aluong were greater fighters in SPLA/M during the war. the fought for our freedom. so in my view i have nothing to tell them or isult them. i mean i cannot call them Thieves. let them eat and defend ROSS from Enemies, as u know, u cannot trust somebody 100%.

  • Ayuen deng
    Ayuen deng

    South Sudan sues chief of public security for detainee abuse
    Martin’s case should be discuse here because those who were invovle in his murder will soon die while appreciating what he was saying.

  • Dumodit

    South Sudan sues chief of public security for detainee abuse
    Brother Wundit

    You are just lying by saying ” you got a chief having 30 land cruiser cars in Awan Chan Nyial”, then by mistake; you soon count yourself to be Bahr Al Ghazal guy the same time.

    If the chief had 30 cars, you for sure have 15 land-cruiser also. How could you get there in the chief’s house? How do you know about this cars if you haven’t relationship?

    You revealed your secrete corruption to us. You suppose to go to court in order to give a proper explanations.

    I believe by God’s grace, the changes will come automatically in this nation South Sudan.

    By Peter

  • Dumodit

    South Sudan sues chief of public security for detainee abuse
    I agreed with you brother. The little bit difference, we couldn’t assumed or intented to involve Salva Kiir accountable of our best brother Martin Majier’s murder. In reality, our late Dr. John Garang should be accountable as we knew was the C-in-C of the movement that time.

    The Bible says: “What you do to others will be done for you as well”. Let Marial Nuor fall into the same pit he like others leaders to fall in.

    That is absolutely his reward, prison and death sentence.

    By Peter

  • Deng Tut
    Deng Tut

    South Sudan sues chief of public security for detainee abuse
    The Honorable advocate described the detaining of his client as unconstitutional which is unfair on is part if we are going deeply in the law of Jurisprudence concerning those of criminal cases. To detained the presumed criminal in the custody it mean to protect him or her in the danger of his rival and/or to prevent him not to committee another crime against other individuals but accept the wrongful confinement or detaining which he may have a right to claim for releasing of his client.

    Another mistake which has been committed by the Judiciary of South Sudan; why the accused is trial in the Court of Appeal while we have the High Court in our Country which deal with those kind of cases; the meaning of the Court of Appeal is that when the lower Court is not handled the affairs or the accused is not satisfy of the judgment of the High Court then he will appeal to the Court of Appeal but her is not the case, something is wrong some where.

    Another problem concerning that issue, both of Advocate, Molana Kiir Chol and the President of the Court of Appeal Justice Malek Mathiang are from the same community from Warrap State which in the eye of law couldn’t be fair to trial that case.

    According to my personal observation, the accused person will be acquittal by the Court of Law regarding the fact which I have described above without mentioned more details.

    Nyadawech W. P

  • Thonkiir

    South Sudan sues chief of public security for detainee abuse
    Did you read this statement very wel before just said Salgngoth is agreat fighter we don’t want them to be call thieves what about person called marial everyday your big thieves spoiled his name is not a human being? And not a fighter at war what is the different here between him and your intoxicated guys drink an alcohol day and night with rough faces on their forehead both Achuil & Kiir that why they always covered their hats

  • Simon Peter Wal
    Simon Peter Wal

    South Sudan sues chief of public security for detainee abuse
    In South Sudan the law is implemented whenever offenses are committed by the poor..this scenario is known to every body that the president is playing big pretending role..sooner or later he ‘ll be blackmailed and will let go the case..If H:E the president is seriouos let him from tommorow start investigation of corrupt activities that took place in different South Sudan States.Regarding th murder of Martin majier I think the SPLM/A need to go for reconciliation sessions to cleans away all grievances from many communities.Dr.machar started telling the Bor Communities that he was directly responsible in those bloody days..the same must be applied to Bull-Nuer Communities when Dr.Riek launch cleansing attacks in 1988.lets go for those reconciliation and forgiveness sessions or we forget all these forever.

  • Nguetbuny de Luelpiny
    Nguetbuny de Luelpiny

    South Sudan sues chief of public security for detainee abuse
    Good start of law and orders.
    Those arrested Group terrorist cillians

    SPLA should not involved civil Law enforcement. And those who are not train to conduct law. Southerners needs to discipline
    The country cans development business safely


  • Tambura

    South Sudan sues chief of public security for detainee abuse
    Sound like Dink and Nuer killing each others in cold blood.
    and forgot what they did in other side.Reconciliation is the only way if we start accounting who kill who all those guys are killers, all so call leaders are killer who is there never kill? or order killing of somebody?

    Tambura the next president of south Sudan

  • Cadaai ?o?
    Cadaai ?o?

    South Sudan sues chief of public security for detainee abuse
    Hello! Fans.

    This website becomes scams. Why I say so? Because this people change change sentences to from either postive or negative. For example, “I don’t need that” they will change it to “I do need that” in postive of their interests.

  • kinagonago

    South Sudan sues chief of public security for detainee abuse
    Those three people in interior ministry are criminals
    First, Gier Chuang is a murderer. He fire-squad SPLA soldiers in 1988 in Ethiopia for alleged rapes which no evidence.
    Second, Achuil is a criminal too who left the SPLA soldiers with no food in Kapoeta in 1992 while the tons of food was in stores till Arabs came and capture it in Kapoeta.
    Finally, Marial Nour who was known as “Jenaphil” was a corrupt, traitor, and good for nothing sonofthebitch. He murdered alot South Sudanese in Panyudo prison and he once was trying to kill Mayen Ngor-the current Agricultural Minister in Jonglei State.
    The guy deserved to be punished but I wish Gier Chuang to resign from his position because he is responsible for Mr. Nour’s action.


  • Cadaai ?o?
    Cadaai ?o?

    South Sudan sues chief of public security for detainee abuse
    This is message from Dinka Twic East Civil Group. We the Dinka Twic East are not involved in that apology by Vice President Riek Machar. The apology he has done was for Dinka Bor only. Also his apology was a setup by Dinka Bor people who trying to take credits or to discard Dinka Twic East true identity.
    We the Dinka Twic East people, we are still waiting our true apology from Dr. Riek Machar, and it could be done in Panyagor, the headquarter of Twic East County. That’s where the incident of the 1991 occurred. For those people who done know the name of that incident, please it is calls “Southeastern Dinka Massacre or in actuality when it comes to really title based on impacted people. It is calls Dinka Twic East Massacre. Dinka Twic East tribe is different from Dinka Bor. They have different characters and dialects as well. It is true even God (Nhialic) knows it.

    Please be aware that, this website always omits some information inside any message the think is not in there interests. Also the website is owned by Dinka Bor people and Dinka Twic East. That’s why they always ignore or discards our true claims.

    N/B: Dr. John Garang se Mabior is Dinka Twic East. During the movement he was using Dinka Bor for Two reasons:

    (a) Dinka Bor was the one tribe in that region Jonglei that was documented as legitimate tribe there when Garang took over SPLM/A. It was done by intellectuals and scholars who were often driven by these words: nepotism (brotherhood & sisterhood), selfish, ignorant, pride of individual backgrounds and ignorant of other tribes as dominant signs, etc.

    Dinka Twic East is not that small, and also Dinka Bor should be proud about 2009 census as they are more than Dinka Twic East in population.

    We the Dinka Twic East people need government of South Sudan to checks Bor County population for its being divide into two counties.

    Dinka Twic East has three sections: Lith, Ajuong & Pakeer, and Dinka Bor has two sections: Athooc & Gok.

    Truth and History will not be steal from Dinka Twic East.

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