Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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Kiir pledges establishment of academic Think Tank

August 13, 2011 (JUBA) – Salva Kiir Mayardit, president of South Sudan on Saturday pledged commitment of his administration to support and encourage establishment of academic Think Tank in the country.

Kiir was speaking at Juba University where he was invited to speak about the country’s recent independence.

He said his administration will assume responsibility of providing the necessary support and guidance for higher education institutions in the new country and that he encouraged the establishment of Think Tank.

“Universities are the nucleus of national development. No country can prosper without strong institutions of higher learning. In fact, the government will compliment the role of universities by encouraging the establishment of ‘Think Tanks’ whose main purpose is to critique and guide government on how to implement programs”, Kiir told audience gathered at the university

The president, who doubles up as chairman of the ruling party, the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) said the independence of the land locked country was not a gift but an achievement of sacrifices made after waging war of liberation struggle he said lasted after 21 years.

“I would like to take this opportunity to once again extend to you and the whole community of Juba University my heartfelt congratulations on the occasion of the historic Proclamation of our Independence on July 9th, 2011. This is a memorable achievement that our generations will remember forever. Our independence was not handed to us in a silver platter. We fought for it; we died for it; we got maimed for it; and at the end we won our freedom,” he said.

Kiir said that although the country had obtained independence it still faces huge security and economic problems

“We must now join hands to build our nation. The theme for this occasion is of great relevance to our current situation: ‘Juba University: Torchlight on the Path to Development of the Republic of South Sudan’. You and other institutions throughout the country shall be indeed our torchlight in rebuilding our country. We should not do this to prove to others; but to build a better future for generations to come. We are the founding fathers and mothers of our new nation”, he admonished.

The SPLM leader added that the new era must be used to mobilise material and intellectual resources for development and that no other institutions are more important than building higher learning institution so that they become the basis of the strategy of building new country.

“God has endowed us with immense resources that must be harnessed to jump start development. We will not leave every stone unturned to mobilize for development; nothing can materialize if we do not invest resources to building and strengthening our national institutions of higher learning”, he said.

He further emphasised plans and the determination of his administration ensure and encourage the establishment and expansion of private institutions, saying that the most important asset a nation should strive for is to have an educated population.

“Knowledge lasts a lifetime and no one can take that away from you. The resources we have will end one day; but if we are innovative and creative, we will overcome whatever challenges we might face. So, let me assure you that universities and education in general rank among the top government priorities alongside physical infrastructure development, health, power generation, and food security”, he declared.

The president went on to add that his government will foster the establishment of professional institutions to assist in national planning and to cater for the improvement of universities and institutions of higher learning countrywide.

“We will expeditiously embark in construction of modern campuses to match international standards. This is very critical especially if we want to retain all students to acquire their basic degrees locally. This can and shall be done”, he said.

He called on individuals to contribute toward development of the new nation in order to restore lost of quality education the country had before it experienced returned to repeated wars.

“Over the past several decades, our country has lost its best educated people to other countries. Many fled during the war; but were able to learn and earn higher education degrees. We will do everything we can to end the brain drain. Indeed, many have returned home to help rebuild our country. But the challenge is what can this generation do to help prepare the next generation. Government cannot do everything. You as individuals should do what you can to help”, he appealed

He also promised to improve infrastructure of the higher learning institutions, stressing that his administration will invest in transforming and building the physical facilities in the country.

“We cannot develop if we do not invest in the development of the human resource in order to meet the challenges of modernization, particularly the implementation of the program of rural transformation. Our institutions of higher learning must become the propellers and the core of development”, he explained.



  • Ngundeng

    Kiir pledges establishment of academic Think Tank
    Aren’t we talking about the same Cowboy that bought a degree instead of “earning” it?

    Kiir, you need to keep your greedy hands off of Nuer Land, and only mess with your Dinka people’s land.

    Most of the oil in South Sudan comes from places predominately Naath.

  • DOOR

    Kiir pledges establishment of academic Think Tank
    Alas! if this is how our prophet Ngundeng talk, how about a child from a village?
    Can’t there be a different between a prophet and a cow keeper?

    I feel pity for our second class citizens, the Naath.

  • Ngundeng

    Kiir pledges establishment of academic Think Tank
    My name is to mock the Naath community’s intelligence in believing in a fake Prophet, which is their scapegoat to their tribal instincts and believe God will come out of nowhere and give them a brain!


    The Dinka are worse. First they were slaves to British and then slave to Naath people.

    If anything, the Dinka people will soon become second class citizens, because whenever the Naath people kill them, they cry and tell their children bad things about Nuer, meaning they fear us!

  • DOOR

    Kiir pledges establishment of academic Think Tank

    I see! so you had to mock your rear just because you couldn’t bear with the front? isn’t it?
    Then that is the real definition of Nuer, the chaoes.

  • Ngundeng

    Kiir pledges establishment of academic Think Tank
    I couldn’t bear Humans worshiping fake things! The Naath people in America are smarter than 99.99% of South Sudan, and once we return in ’13 we shall overthrow the pseudo-leader Salva Kiir and his barrage of Dinka followers.

  • DOOR

    Kiir pledges establishment of academic Think Tank
    No further comment!!!

  • Ngundeng

    Kiir pledges establishment of academic Think Tank
    Run away like the Coward Dinka you are. If both of us were in South Sudan right now your wife would have came to me and begged to become one of my wives, while I spit at your coward grave!

  • DOOR

    Kiir pledges establishment of academic Think Tank

  • Ngundeng

    Kiir pledges establishment of academic Think Tank
    That is the sound my female Dinka slave yelled when I whipped her for not preparing my food correctly.

  • DOOR

    Kiir pledges establishment of academic Think Tank

    How old are you? in your 30s?

  • Ngundeng

    Kiir pledges establishment of academic Think Tank
    I’m turning 22 in November, 11 you Dinka Lost Boy.

  • DOOR

    Kiir pledges establishment of academic Think Tank
    I thought your being 22 years old is high enough. isn’t it?

  • Gaador Juat
    Gaador Juat

    Kiir pledges establishment of academic Think Tank

    Why mocking the Nei Tin Naath son of slave and savage. Who told you naive that Ngundeng Bong was false prophet rather had been Major Phophet among the Southerners dude. What is your ethnic group among the 64 tribes in South Sudan? I guest you might be from Anyuak whom land had been invaded by mighty Nuer Warior long time ago. Yes, I agree with you about the slavery of Jaang by Turkish, Arabs Maralleens, British and Nuer wariors. Moreover, the tougher lesson taught to slavehearted and cowards Dinka Bor in 1991 by White armed civilians of Lou Nuer will remain as indelible impression in Bor Community minds like the July 9 2011 that shall be remember by Southerners for generations to come while the warior Nuer from Eastern Jikany didn’t make noises when genocided by John Garang in 1985_1987 under the command of his Chief of Staff William Nyuon Bany Machar.Wow! take care useless person Ngundeng the Major Prophet will perish you soon or later if you continue abusing him.

  • Ngundeng

    Kiir pledges establishment of academic Think Tank
    It’s “you” not “your” my Dinka Slave.

    I am 22 and is a South Sudanese patriot!

    Although I am a Patriot, I understand where some Nuer members are coming from: Why is Kiir comfortably in his mansion, when most of his people live in mud huts?

    Kiir needs to be lifted from power, and the South needs to elect someone who acknowledges its people’s needs and not his own needs.

    Do you understand, son?

  • Ngundeng

    Kiir pledges establishment of academic Think Tank
    I do not believe in God! I am sorry my brother, but believing in God has got us nowhere. It is time for change in our belief system: Look at the countries that are majority atheist/agnostic, notice how all of them are 1st world?

    I am Nuer, and my name is Jal.

  • Ahmed Chol
    Ahmed Chol

    Kiir pledges establishment of academic Think Tank
    Thanks to Kiir Mayardit.

    We need to put all these words into action. We also need to build high ways connecting all the 10 states. Doing that will have a huge impact on our economy. Prices of goods will be stable which will lead to stability of the pound.

    Ahmed Chol, [whatever begins in anger ends in shame

  • Ngailo

    Kiir pledges establishment of academic Think Tank
    Gaandor Juat & Ngundeng,

    You may both claim Nuer identity but I can’t believe you both surely came from Nuer.
    Because in Nuer, it is uncultural to delight and talk happily in anything that is shameful such as killing.
    The 1991 incident in Bor was not only committed by Lou Nuer but the whole Nuer. So why call upon and cloth yourself with a problem.

    Please abstain from internet if you are unhealthy or too young to comment maturely.

    Never put our Naath name in jeopardy!!!!!!

  • Ngundeng

    Kiir pledges establishment of academic Think Tank
    I understand it was a horrible sight, but are you forgetting the history between Naath-Dinka? We are sworn enemies, and the Dinka forgot that, which became their downfall in ’91 brother!!!

  • DOOR

    Kiir pledges establishment of academic Think Tank
    The only thing I deeply respect Nuer for is their honesty.
    In this field of honesty they can outsmart all South sudan tribes.
    However, honesty ought to have a limit and give room to privacy.

    Cheeeeeeers to all commentators.

  • John Gum
    John Gum

    Kiir pledges establishment of academic Think Tank

    Do you know those who rebelled since the SPLA/M movement start?are they from where?remember not to target your life for nothing”God is looking at you”be patince and advise your Nuer to stop rebellion

  • Dakkin

    Kiir pledges establishment of academic Think Tank
    Ngundeng, keep your childish thinkings to yourselves! You just heard of these events from a distance and now making your childish analysis. These people were just too weak in Jonglei, bhar ghazal to resist a Nuer attack they themselves provoked!

  • DeltaBravo

    Kiir pledges establishment of academic Think Tank
    To Gaador

    Iam from BOUTH ANYAR which is AWEIL. We have been fighting Marallen and we never left our home to to any others bordering Countries. We are warriors more then Naath. Talking about Marallen inslave Dinka they never inslave our people. They got support from SAF with Tank rolling in, and we still fighting to defeating them. If we were your neigbors, you would have understand how Dinka look like. We dnt have what we so call wait and see first. So please dnt take advantage of Dinka. The reason why Dinka Bor Land was invaded is because everyone was focusing on SAF, it doesnt mean they are weak,but the wariors were not there. Nobody in this World is coward. I been infront line with alot of Dinka Bor warriors and i know how much they engaged in combat. If we talk about Tribal warriors we are more warriors then NUER. So please let stop nonesence about Tribal issues and focus on our National level. I was just try to let you know that there is no coward in this World as you put it.

  • Deng II
    Deng II

    Kiir pledges establishment of academic Think Tank
    One time one day, don’t tell Naath you give up fighting, just hang in there, Naath must give up because Naath people don’t hang in for long time, they are known for weak PERSEVERANCY, but if you give in/up, they will contuous to demand your properties, like what did to Anyuak people.

  • Cuei Rooi
    Cuei Rooi

    Kiir pledges establishment of academic Think Tank
    I think ngundeng prophesies are be coming false and Nuer should be convinced by now.the flag of south sudan has been raised by a right handed man not as claimed by ngundeng.I believed Nuer are still looking at Riak’s hands whether the a man is really left handed or not but let me assured you the man is really left handed ,however,ngundeng prophesies were nothing but delusional thoughts.
    Naath there is no short cut for leadership.its would be better if nuer can wait,because you people are not ready to lead now

  • Ayuel Bong
    Ayuel Bong

    Kiir pledges establishment of academic Think Tank
    Mr/Mrs Ngundeng,We have to forgive whatever incident happened and we should not everyday repeat so I do not think our President Mr. Salva kiir has nothing to blame him when he worries about the future of the generation of southern sudan and I wish the people of south sudan will not judge the president all time negatively even though he has given the positive speech still people have to blame him and they forget to separate the good things from the bad ones or otherwise we will stay in darkness.

  • Covert

    Kiir pledges establishment of academic Think Tank
    Delta Bravo, all I will say to you is, bravo, bravo and bravo as your name suggested. You get a lot of respect when you tell the truth.

    The truth about 1991 massacre is, the operation to capture Juba took all the attention of all the SPLA. Whether in Greater Bor area or Bar-el-gazal area. All that were left
    in Bor were civilians old men with only spears and shiels, against the SAF heavely armed Nuer, they don’t have any chance but they fought to death.

    The notion that somehow these clown talk of coward, all the civilians were killed fighting with spears and shields no one servive.

    The cowards don’t fight to death, if the civilians in Bor were cowards, no one would be talking of massacre today, they will all be alive. Now nuer need to lookup the word coward in a dictionary to know its meaning before they use it.

    For the nuer boys, just because you write a sentense that look and sound like English doesn’t means it make sense.

    Now Gaador would tell us how many minutes it took nuer to leave Bor when we the sons of Bor left Juba operation to get them out of Bor.

  • Mi diit
    Mi diit

    Kiir pledges establishment of academic Think Tank
    Hey ya cuei roi,

    Don’t mock Prophet Ngundent in the same way John Garang mocked him and died two weeks later.

    Garang while in Khartoum asked people about the so-called Ngundeng who predicted that he would die in the mountains. He thought Ngundeng meant that he would die during the struggle, but when he signed CPA and reached Khartoum, he said Ngundeng was lying. Suddenly Ngundeng was not lying!

    The real flag was raised among the 192 great nations of the world and those are the mountains the Bible talked about. Who did it? Was it not Riek Machar?

    Please don’t talk of Ngundeng’s prophecies you don’t understand. Just wait patiently for his surprises like a deaf and blind without invoking the prophecies like Garang.

  • Cuei Rooi
    Cuei Rooi

    Kiir pledges establishment of academic Think Tank
    mi diit.

    you are taking me wrong in this juncture,the prophesies of Ngundeng have been recited so many times and people who don’t even have a clue about who Ngundeng is,have turned to condoned such devilishness predictions.And this is what am agaist.if Ngundeng called for the death of people as you said then he is no different with devil and i will not fear him.

    coming to Riak machar raising south sudan’s flag in the UN general assembly at New york has nothing to do with Ngundeng’s priphesies.Riak machar was commissioned by the head of south sudan government Salva Kir.if you try to argue me then you are in defying with your so called prophet prophesies ,however,there is a clear distinction between New york and south sudan.Ngundeng was apparently talking about south sudan and a left handed man raising it flag on her independence day.so Mi diit am not mocking Ngundeng.am trying to see where is he right and wrong.

  • Nguetbuny de Luelpiny
    Nguetbuny de Luelpiny

    Kiir pledges establishment of academic Think Tank
    Foolish @NgunDeng and Gaandor spoil NgunDeng name.

    NgunDeng has evil and good tales; Naath Abused NgunDeng Words and interprets them wrongly alway. NgunDeng was not speaking on behave of Naath only.

    He calls all Black Sudanese as Gaatdeng/Miith ke Deng This devil deed will come between Gaatdeng to kill each others, which Naath are one of evil people that disadvantage Gaatdeng.

    He has told all those Long ago about Naath devil acts, which will lead them to heavy suffering. Most of Nuer are short minded, while their brother Jaang are more open minded with Long National vision than the Naath local tribal criminal mind.

    Naath feel happy when they are killing others tribes and take their territory by power. I can see here on this site how foolish Naath expression are and preoccupy with tribalism than thinking of good leadership for all Sudanese.

    It does not matter where ever they come from. We need our Nation to be run by Good leaders as long they deliver National Service in an efficient way forever one. Most Nuer alway increases the suffering of people in the south Sudan.

    And everyone that has doubt about Dinka in generally will never escape Dinka for their life and thier children. Dinka will be among you alway, it does matter where are you. All in Africa standard, Jieng will be there forever.

    SPLA/M control Jieng during the Liberation time when Naath Militants would rap / Robbed UpperNile Jieng while SPLA were keeping their men in fighting for SPLA cause only. Mindless/short minds Naath are damaging Naath reputation than learning Good Nation from their brother Jieng.

    Tone of liberators

    Son of the Nile

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