Thursday, December 19, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Lakes state returnees suffering from heavy rainfall

August 15, 2011 (JUBA) – The Lakes state citizens returning from Khartoum and accommodated in the Nyot-Tikagui area of Rumbek central county are calling upon the state government and UN to assist them in making drainage facilities and to supply them with malaria drugs.

According a resident, Machol Dhuoruai, the area has been severely affected by heavy rainfall and that 20 among the 315 houses are flooded.

He said four trucks are now stuck in the camp due to the heavy raindfall.

Dhuoruai said that “now the sickness which affects our cows is affecting us”. Many of the residents are suffering from malaria.

Another resident, Sarah Yar Marial, says “there is no help from the government”, claiming that the local hospital had been closed for two weeks.

The Lakes state Director for Southern Sudan Relief and Rehabilitation Commission (SSRRC) Philip Kot Job refused to talk to the media about the returnee’s allegations and demands. There was no one else in the Lakes state government officials willing to comment.

Since South Sudan seceded from the north, many South Sudanese citizens who had fled during the civil war have returned home. This is putting a strain on the infrastructures in their communities.




    Lakes state returnees suffering from heavy rainfall
    dear southerners,

    why Nuer militants help SAF/NIF to cleansed Nubians people in their land??
    why Nuer militias tried to fight wrong in south kordofan??
    Did south Kordofan do corruption and bad governance in south sudan as militias claimed in their rebellion??
    what is relationship between Arabs and Nuer community of southern sudan??
    what made Nuer tribe to hate their countrymen/womensouthern citizens] more than ARABS [NORTH SUDAN]?

  • Huda Naiem Mohamed Osman
    Huda Naiem Mohamed Osman

    Lakes state returnees suffering from heavy rainfall
    The Southern Governments may not be well funded to cover all dwelling necessities for its citizens in all regions and towns. This is a feature that characterizes many developing countries, especially in Africa.

    The returnees from the North became a reality in the Southern world. They need proper inhabitance and life form. Slow as it will be, the better will be to sooner address this fact and work on adapting to it; putting every effort towards developing what exists to an adequate and sufficient habitat. Pointing fingers to each other and paying prejudice among the Southern Community will lead to ultimate failure in ruling their own country and hinder their independence by all means; thus, calling for an “I (We) told you so” situation from its elder peer, the North and many anti separation entities.

    The world positively welcomed the new South Government and Independence. Only few truly care what the future holds for this forming homeland and its population. Tribal communities are very interesting in social life and shape the society. Nonetheless, once they define a government, division overrules and interior dysfunctional separation overrides eliminating all prospect for growth and success.

    The South is blessed with natural resources and healthy powerful nation. The nature of its environment may expose all to disease and discomfort. Preparedness and precaution are needed on constant base. Working together and pooling ideas help formulate the guidelines and infrastructure required to achieve what objectives are set, together with forthcoming goals.

    No one exists to hate a specific group or love it. People exist to live their life, sacre their morals and beliefs and function on providing their means of existence: food, shelter, health, education and WORK. The last is the concern of all returnees and older residents, where it brings stability in life and funds citizens to live with appropriate accommodations.

    Personally, I look forward to a brighter tomorrow in the South. I have been disappointed so far in the violence and insecurity that took over. A focus on achieving and dedication to progress is the key to a steadfast independence.

  • mohammed ali
    mohammed ali

    Lakes state returnees suffering from heavy rainfall
    Obviously somebody has scizopherenia here and he is hallucinating and delliring!

    This a product of severe “hate syndrome” Arabs, Neur, Kordufan, NIF…yet you are asking about the relationship between these factorss!

    There is no relationship you are just halucinating , seems that the heavy rains fushed you and you are about to drown in the Lakes!

    Hate is an intractable disease and does not differentiate between Arabs and Neur or a different clan of the Dinka.

  • John Gum
    John Gum

    Lakes state returnees suffering from heavy rainfall
    Dear Returnees
    we all know government of Manyiel Dut enterprise cann’t do any things to help citizen,Manyiel Dut enterprise of Chol Tong is not care even if you cry 100% or die on his feet.
    they know how to smuggle money only for their life.


  • Alfredo christiani
    Alfredo christiani

    Lakes state returnees suffering from heavy rainfall
    Dear Khartoum returnees
    For your information, those who contributed their bull’s .grains .ground nuts and so a many things during war time have not yet been given services in their respective places. Please go to the villages to cultivate for yourselves, don’t waste your in the town.
    2 those who are in powers now in lake state are not care about others accept for themselves

  • Kon Ajith Deng
    Kon Ajith Deng

    Lakes state returnees suffering from heavy rainfall
    why Nuer working against the government of South Sudan,everybody knows,and Nuer is not hating people of South Sudan,they want good governane in the South,they don’t want second arab in the Republic of South Sudan,they want all Southerners be respected by dinka government,their relations with arabs is for logistic only,all of us against arabs,there is something made them work with arabs,if you don’t know, try to find out,otherwise south will not take us.

  • Andrew Ojok
    Andrew Ojok

    Lakes state returnees suffering from heavy rainfall
    Malaria occurs mostly in poor tropical and subtropical areas of the world. In many of the countries affected by malaria, ROSS it is a leading cause of illness and death. In areas with high transmission, the most vulnerable groups are young children, who have not developed immunity to malaria yet, and pregnant women, whose immunity has been decreased by pregnancy. (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)Why Chol Tong blame or Government of New nation being threat/ plse stay calmp or quiet

  • Dukdal

    Lakes state returnees suffering from heavy rainfall
    Chol Tong is only being blamed with those idiots like John Gum who is being used with those power hungry men who thinks they are and will be the only people to be incharge of this state. But what Chol did for the past one year in office has never been done by any Governor.
    Let them keep talking because it will not stop Mr. Mayay from his plans for this state.

  • John Gum
    John Gum

    Lakes state returnees suffering from heavy rainfall

    this is has nothing to do with section,better u give yoursellf name such that you can be known instead of fearing to name yourself Dukdal,buldshed with your hungry man,my friend i don’t have hungry men who looted public fund.

  • Wundit

    Lakes state returnees suffering from heavy rainfall
    to those wasting their time waiting for the gov’t to do something for them, choice is yours now it will be either to decided to go back or you stay. because you have been refusing all those years back in Khartoum abusing the gov’t that you don’t have proper gov’t places choose where to go you are giving us headaches please.

  • Mading

    Lakes state returnees suffering from heavy rainfall
    Chol Tong is a fake Governor with his ministers. Kiir should relieve him in order for the returnees and the entire community to enjoy the revenues of the state because he is the only one enjoying them a lone

  • Bol Pur
    Bol Pur

    Lakes state returnees suffering from heavy rainfall
    Thank you John Gum for that courageous message. In fact we don’t have government in Lakes state but only looters. How can state government failed to respond into returnees needs in the state. Now putting them in Nyot-tikagui at a rainy season like this without shelters is it logic.

    I thank God that Manyang Mayom decided today disclose the failure of his government he has been protecting. Now Manyang has been bribed with position he is not critical on Chol government than he use to be during Awet Akot government. It is clear now both of them are enjoying together with Chol while Citizens are suffering. Manyang and Adak Costa Mapuor are so happy with this government calling it the best, because it has appointed Manyang director of Radio and Adaks advisor. My point here is that many negative things that are happening in the state are not being reported.

    I am a bit happy today that failure of the state government has been disclosed by the member working the same government. Even if Manyang now a days doesn’t want to be putting his names in the articles, but I want to assure readers nobody else report or sell stories to tribune from Rumbek is only him. I wish authorities in Rumbek could notice the tricks being use in the government.

    Ok, returnees pray God to hear you so that President Kiir can think and act to rescue people of Lakes state.


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