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Sudan Tribune

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Kiir sacks South Sudan’s bank governor and chief justice

August 16, 2011 (JUBA) – South Sudan’s president Salva Kiir Mayardit has abruptly decided to sack two senior officials in the government.

South Sudan's President Salva Kiir (Reuters)
South Sudan’s President Salva Kiir (Reuters)
Kiir issued a presidential decree on Monday relieving the governor of the Central Bank of South Sudan Elijah Malok and replacing him with his deputy Cornelio Koryom Mayik to run the bank which recently introduced a new currency to mark the country’s secession from Sudan.

He also appointed John Door Majok and Jamal Abdalla Wani as two deputies to the bank’s governor.

The president also relieved the president of the Supreme Court of South Sudan, John Wol Makec and replaced him with his deputy, Chan Reec Madut, as the new president of the highest judicial organ.

Madut had served as deputy chairperson of the Southern Sudan Referendum Commission, which ran and endorsed the country’s independence plebiscite. He also chaired the smaller Southern Sudan Referendum Bureau which was based in South Sudan’s capital Juba.

No reasons were given for the two decisions.

Earlier on, President Kiir announced that his next government’s appointments would be based on qualifications and not tribal representation.

It is to be noted that the two new appointees are from one ethnic group, particularly from Bahr el Ghazal region.

South Sudan’s self determination was agreed as part of a 2005 peace deal that ended over two decades of civil war. Southerners overwhelmingly chose independence in the January vote paving the way for South Sudan’s declaration of independence on July 9, the last day of the interim period per Comprehensive Peace Agreement.



  • Equatorian observer
    Equatorian observer

    Kiir sacks South Sudan’s bank governor and chief justice
    I am told both the new bank governor and the new president of supreme court are from Warrap state of Salva Kiir, leave alone the Greater Bhar el Ghazal. Kiir is taking steps backward, God help us.

  • Mi diit
    Mi diit

    Kiir sacks South Sudan’s bank governor and chief justice

    Is that what Beny-dit Salva Kiir calls appointments based on qualifications? What qualifications do these people possess more than the ones they have replaced? Kornelio Koryom is an old semi-illiterate man who does not even know how to count the money.

    And why from the same tribe and region? I guess qualifications to Kiir’s interpretation means coming from his backyard.

    Why not appoint Dr. Lual Achuek or Dr. Martin Elia or Mr. Gabriel Changson (the most qualified and experienced economists) to the position of Governor of the Bank?

    And why not appoint the senior judge in the former national constitutional court in Khartoum, Judge John Gatwech Lul to the position of the President of the Supreme Court?

    Or maybe Salva Kiir’s simple logic and formula he used is to replace existing heads with their deputies. But when will that apply to his own seat?

    I believe the upcoming Beny-dit Kiir’s ministerial “decrees” for appointments will be a mess and even worse.


    Kiir sacks South Sudan’s bank governor and chief justice
    Dear South Sudanese,

    The President of the Republic of South Sudan wants to ensure that all important state’s apparatus are manned by people from Bhar el Ghazelle.The reasons behind sacking of Elijah Malok is to ensure that, he keeps stealing money with impunity. This is the precedent of institutional corruption. Why sack a guy who does not entertains corruption?

    There other seasoned economists that could have been appointed to head the sector. We will not relent and we will never allow the rampant corruption that you initiate with Arthur and Kuol Athian to go ahead this time without being punished.



    Kiir sacks South Sudan’s bank governor and chief justice
    Dear South Sudanese,

    The President of the Republic of South Sudan wants to ensure that all important state’s apparatus are manned by people from Bhar el Ghazelle.The reasons behind sacking of Elijah Malok is to ensure that, he keeps stealing money with impunity. This is the precedent of institutional corruption. Why sack a guy who does not entertains corruption?

    There other seasoned economists that could have been appointed to head the sector. We will not relent and we will never allow the rampant corruption that you initiate with Arthur and Kuol Athian to go ahead this time without being punished.


  • Sundayw

    Kiir sacks South Sudan’s bank governor and chief justice
    It does not matter where these appointees hail. They could be Kiir’s own kin and blood for all we care as long as they are qualified and able to perform in their posts. Competence should be valued more than allegiance.

    Also, Kiir is becoming rather too powerful. How can he be firing people left and right without any check?

  • belle loboi
    belle loboi

    Kiir sacks South Sudan’s bank governor and chief justice
    now kiir is president

  • mapek

    Kiir sacks South Sudan’s bank governor and chief justice
    I particularly disagree with the President on the appointment of Koryom Mayik in the position of Governorship of South Sudan central bank. This position needs highly qualified or experienced person. Because with out a proper person in that post, South Sudan will fall in the verge of inflation.

    President Kiir should not appoint these two people from the same county of Warrap. He would have appointed Chief Justice in different state.

    This policy of appointing the deputy of the same leadership in the first position is completely wrong. If Kiir wants total change, he would have appointed different person which was not in that leadership of Central Bank. Because the same disease that leads to the sanction of the Governor is with the deputy as well.

  • Bush

    Kiir sacks South Sudan’s bank governor and chief justice
    I believe the president is trying to send a very strong message to the public this time. I think some of the people are crying here because they want to see corrupt people like Lual Ding in this position, I hope he will never get it.

  • Nhomlawda

    Kiir sacks South Sudan’s bank governor and chief justice
    Elijah Malok had been reckless recently especially on currency missing date and the justification he gave and the recent announcement of lack of reserves in BOSS. These are all reckless decisions with serious economic consequences that require firing to remedy expected further damages and to instill confident in the financial sector of South Sudan.

    However, his replacement with the same person they were sharing those responsibilities and reckless decisions is unwise and unprecedented from a president who wants to redeem his image from technically being a failed president to somebody people might regenerate hope in changing his ways of doing business in post CPA South Sudan.

    What new ideas can Kornello Koryom introduce into the struggling banking system of South Sudan which he failed to bring forth during his time as deputy to Elijah Malok?

    President Salva Kiir mental functionalities require a psychiatrist to examine, otherwise his recent actions (pledge to send soldiers to Somalia, firing bosses of BOSS and Supreme Court and replacing them with their deputies) are far from those of a normal president.

    I hope this move is not meant for President Salva Kiir and his colleagues in cabinet to loot public funds at will since Elijah Malok could not make them do so as they might have expected in the last seven years.

    Governor of BOSS and all senior positions at BOSS must be recruited for through a competitive and transparent process, and appointment confirmed by the president after vetting in Parliament. The same process applies to judiciary including the president of Constitutional Court, Supreme Court and High Court. After appointments of those guys, president has no powers to fire them before the end of their terms unless advise to do so by an order from a court of competent jurisdiction (technically the Constitutional or Supreme Court). This is what supposed to be in the constitution of South Sudan, but some imprudent politicians wrote their so called Transitional Constitution document that does not reflect transparency and accountability required at all levels of governance.


    Kiir sacks South Sudan’s bank governor and chief justice
    please Guys,
    Do not worry about what the president did,so if their requirements are meet positively with their qualifications,then we dont have to talk nonsense and question something out of your capacity.
    Let us go to school instead of arguing here and there.
    If Kiir brother is more educated than someone,and still can appoint his brother.And there is nothing wrong with that///.

  • Bush

    Kiir sacks South Sudan’s bank governor and chief justice
    OMG! look at this, quoted from the report

    “It is to be noted that the two new appointees are from one ethnic group, particularly from Bahr el Ghazal region.”

    Who was this journalist who wrote this report, and where did he come from? he must have been bias and unprofessional because he is trying to instigate the public.

  • Yic-Edu

    Kiir sacks South Sudan’s bank governor and chief justice
    Yes, yes, yes and Yes it is the right sacking from president Kiir Mayardit because all lawyers become corrupts because they are defending criminals & corrupts people to be jail special John Wol Makec thank you even though you appointed your people its doesn’t matter

  • Yic-Edu

    Kiir sacks South Sudan’s bank governor and chief justice
    Mr.president keep sacking you are going well now and don’t forget Tito Achuil and Gier if you sack them one day send to Mr.Chan Reec Madut for declaration of their assets!!!!!!

  • victor sani
    victor sani

    Kiir sacks South Sudan’s bank governor and chief justice
    Bravo President

    what you did is not call sack is replacement.

    so let whoever complain that you sack the former bank Governor and Chief Justice .

    continue with your work .



  • twins

    Kiir sacks South Sudan’s bank governor and chief justice
    Oh yeah I see, no one in the entire South Sudan is more qualifier than these two men. But I feel sorry for the country of South Sudan whose tribes have no educated people eccept president’s sub-clan. I totally agreed with president’s decision.

  • Land-of-Cush

    Kiir sacks South Sudan’s bank governor and chief justice
    Dear readers

    This Dinka Government lead by Kiir and Deng Alor will never achieve anything atoll but just full with tribalism. Who are going to die in Somalia? These will be only Nuer and other minor tribes whose majority employed only in army for the sake of their survival. While Salva Kiir keep employing his own Dinka people in top positions but neglecting other tribes. Salva Kiir relieves Dinka from position with Dinka. If I refer you to presidential decree he made early of this month particularly parliamentarian arrangements; he had appointed Atem Garang as a chairperson of SOUTHERN SUDAN LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY and Daniel Awet Akot as Deputy Speaker.

    Look at this story at the blow!

    JUBA, 16 August 2011 – The President of the Republic of South Sudan, H.E. Gen. Salva Kiir Mayardit has issued the following decrees:
    1. RSS/PD/J/20/2011 – Relieve of Elijah Malok Aleng from the position of the Governor of Bank of South Sudan
    2. RSS/PD/J/21/2011 – Relieve of Kornelio Koryom Manyiik and Othom Rago Ajak from their positions as deputies to the Governor of the Bank of South Sudan
    3. RSS/PD/J/22/2011 – Appointment of Kornelio Koryom Manyiik as the Governor of the Bank of South Sudan
    4. RSS/PD/J/23/2011 – Appointment of John Dor Majok and Jamal Abdallah Wani as deputies to the Governor of the Bank of South Sudan
    5. RSS/PD/J/24/2011 – Relieve of Justice John Woul Makec from the position of President of the Supreme Court of Southern Sudan
    6. RSS/PD/J/25/2011 – Appointment of Justice Chan Reec Madut as the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the Republic of South Sudan

  • LL Reuben
    LL Reuben

    Kiir sacks South Sudan’s bank governor and chief justice
    Nhomlowda W. Ranhchol,

    It is simply a malicious act of conspiracy by the president, for replacing an iron mallet with a wooden mallet, a very an unethical of this president. I am fine with his fooling around; it will provide materials for the opposition parties to weaken him. He was so intimidating by any measures to crack since he inherited his throne from a man who was well respected literally world-wide for his political strength (John Garang).

    Our Nuer brothers always think we are protecting or supporting the president, but little do they know that the Dinka don’t give a crap about Kiir as the president. Most educated Dinkas care about the Nation of South Sudan well-being and not a particular naïve person like Kiir. I am sure there will be plenty of show within the SPLM party during the next coming election; we will determine who will then be the nomination to lead our kingdom.

    Gabriel Changson should’ve have been considered for this position because Malok has shown naiveté lately, but replacing Malok with his deputy is an act of desperation with an enormous lack of simple logic or commonsense. I shouldn’t really exhaust myself with this blunder, there are still many buttons left for the president to press. Who knows which one he will press next, perhaps he will replace Hon. Riek Machar with peter Gadet or James Hoth mai with Marial Nour Jok who I think will be released very soon by his moronic inner circles.

  • twins

    Kiir sacks South Sudan’s bank governor and chief justice
    Writters are always try to be clearer as much as they can.

  • Kumbo

    Kiir sacks South Sudan’s bank governor and chief justice
    The only Fact I know is that we have to exercise Federalism than this kind of ruling if it comes to the point of Qualification which Qualification do he (Salva Kiir Mayar Idiot) has to be president if we come to the reality he suppose to be a common gate man to allow in whom the qualify person want and not allowing in the person who is not needed that is when it comes to point of Education do he has Sudan school certicate? that are questions any way God Bless us we don’t know were the ship is taking us

  • Wanibuluk Ciciliba
    Wanibuluk Ciciliba

    Kiir sacks South Sudan’s bank governor and chief justice
    You all got it wrong; Kirr is securing grounds to rigg next election by appointing a judge from his region who will rule in his favour. 2. The stealing of the gvn’t money like of the Salva Matong should not be revealed. These are two major things in the minds of this animalistic man. But do not forget; we gave him this power to do these ugly things and he dare call himself a president? Acting like a class prefect? Remember he said when situation compels him to be a dictator, he would become one in Africa, is it the time now? LOL LOL LOL ….KIRR LOKINE….What about Dr. Lam Akol… ya jama….? Can’t he be appointed the chief doctor in Juba teaching Hosi….? Hahahaha…KIRRRRRRRRRR the DDO..

  • Dr. Reality
    Dr. Reality

    Kiir sacks South Sudan’s bank governor and chief justice
    Make your point clear, tell us if you know where these appointees come from?

  • mapek

    Kiir sacks South Sudan’s bank governor and chief justice
    Mr Bush, let me assure you that you are beating the drum of happiness simply because Kiir appoints these two people from your community. We are figting for 21 years to change this system of focusing on stomach then country development.

    What we expect from Kiir is to appoint the most highly qualified persons to these two important posts. Nhomlawda put it right that, what change can the same person who has deputied the outgoing governor bring to the financial managemnet of the republic of South Sudan?

    Bush, you make this country as a basket of food where president can just feed his kin and kith but it will not happen. This nation is achieved through blood.

    You mention that Dr Lual Deng is the corrupt, is there any person from Bor being accused and detained because of taking all public fund? Bush if we want this country to be the best in the World then we need the real rulers that know how to content public’s opinions and apply them in leadership. Dr Lual Deng is the person that is supose to be in that position if we truly need stable state in term of economic.

    What I analyse in the present nation is that there is a clear elimination of Bor Dinka’s politicians in the governmant, but I assure you that follow up and implentmentation of this policy will lead to the regime change in South Sudan.

    Through this mind, South Sudan will go in to inflation of 80%. In which Zimbabwe will be better then it.

  • jacob mayen ajuoi
    jacob mayen ajuoi

    Kiir sacks South Sudan’s bank governor and chief justice
    I would er why do they government targeted one side,secondly in every country it’s not easy for the governor of central Bank to be stop,it’s good for our president to stick on the point he has be said.

  • Madingthith

    Kiir sacks South Sudan’s bank governor and chief justice
    Dear Commentators,

    By gone is by gone if you guyz still beating around the bush, you just are flogging a dead horse.

    Leave alone the President and his National Legislatures to form the Government of their choice is said to be based on qualification,inclusivity and lean one.

    Watch all over on your TV, you will receives some updates on the formation of new cabinets in the RSS very soon.

    Madingthith a man of justice, accountability and transparency

  • peter marko
    peter marko

    Kiir sacks South Sudan’s bank governor and chief justice
    What do you want president Kiir to do. The sacked govenor of the Central an aged man who lost his bearing let alone the fact that he does have what-so-ever economically background. We need to move our country forward, so we need the well qualified people to lead our nation in years to come. What the problem if both of them come from Warrap state since they have what it takes to lead.The qualification should be a base for being apointed not the tribal affiliation. Bravo Mr. President.

  • Bush

    Kiir sacks South Sudan’s bank governor and chief justice

    I can see your grievance, but what I can tell you is this, all your dreams are dead.

  • Dr. Reality
    Dr. Reality

    Kiir sacks South Sudan’s bank governor and chief justice
    Mr. president, As a southern Sudanese Iam very much concerned about the leadership of the Bank of South Sudan.the former governor and the new one you appointed lack capabilities to run the bank according to the 21st century banking technology.
    please look for a more qualified persons,replacing the head with his deputy means there is no new ideas in the system.
    Our economy will be control by foreign banks if you are not careful.there is need to reviews the policies of the BOSS on foreign commercial banks to match the rapid use of IT in banking.
    look at KCB and EQUITY banks, 100% IT complicated foreign commercial banks, they make profit while NCB and Ivory bank are dying. why?????
    why does South Sudanese complain of US dollars every year? we have more US dollars than Kenya and Uganda, who is stealing our US dollars? The answer to all these qusetions is KCB and Equity BECUASE OUR US DOLLARS LEAVE OUR BANK AND ENTER INTO THE CONTROL OF FOREIGNERS! WE NEED TO CREATE OUR OWN LOCAL COMMERCIAL BANK UNDER PRIVATE CONTROL!

  • Deng-monydit

    Kiir sacks South Sudan’s bank governor and chief justice
    One to steals and other to defends the system to corrupt, and all for his good;

    What a corruption
    God help South Sudan……

  • Catch 22
    Catch 22

    Kiir sacks South Sudan’s bank governor and chief justice
    President Kiir acted appropriately in firing the former chief Justice and the governor of BOSS, both have stall the reformation of their respective institutions. The former chief Justice has weaken the Judiciary and never raised a finger when the independence of the judiciary was attacked left, right, and center. Corrupt goons thrived and looted state resources with impunity under his watch while he turn a blind eye as innocent people are implicated on tramp up charges and convicted without proper judicial process. On the other hand, Elijah Malok will be remembered for the collapse of Nile Commercial Bank, supposedly south Sudan’s premier economic institution flagship, up to this day, those who looted the bank were never named. I hope he will take opportunity to unveil the sharks since there is nothing to worry about now.
    Given his track record with the referendum commission, Justice Chan may make a good replacement. I don’t know much about Kornelius Koryom to make an objective judgement, Nonetheless, let us give the president the befit of the doubt. I also hope this kind of appointment does not extend to the executive.

  • Galuak

    Kiir sacks South Sudan’s bank governor and chief justice
    Kiir Mayardit, decision to replaced Elija Malok is total indictive of his tribe taking over the government sectors. Kiir do talk of corruption and does the opposite. In fact he does what will instigates corruption. I remember president calling corruption quote “cancer” and now he open exercise it by nominating his closer cousin to the position of Elija Malok. As Nuer native frankly don’t agree with you Mr. Kiir why do you alienate those who fought hard to bring freedom so that people like can enjoy the previlage of becoming South Sudan president a position you would have get if people like Malok were not with you? Anyway it is upto Bor people to look in that issue of cleaning them out of the government position. Remember Mr. president your job appointment policies are too hard on Bor and one day doing that will be diasterious to your leadership/presidency.

  • Xeno

    Kiir sacks South Sudan’s bank governor and chief justice

    There are rules you must live by in order to survive political life in Kiir’s realm:

    1) If you are a Dinka, you must address Kiir as benydit, kind of “ass kissing” thing, on top of kinship otherwise, those naive Dinkas from the periphery will all find themselves off Kiirdit benydit realm. It has just started Malokdit is gone.

    2 For non Dinka politicians: go by this simple rule of political survival;….learn two words in Dinka language: 1) “dit’ Which means BIG. 2) “beny” which means LEADER, and know how and when to use them, otherwise you will be suspected of mockery. And you know what? James Wani Igga has long mastered this and will remain in Kiirdit backyard as long he presides.

  • Garchan

    Kiir sacks South Sudan’s bank governor and chief justice


  • Mawicdit

    Kiir sacks South Sudan’s bank governor and chief justice
    The people of southern Sudan need open their eyes early about this severe dictator who always like to sack everyone within the country.

  • Billiu Puoch
    Billiu Puoch

    Kiir sacks South Sudan’s bank governor and chief justice
    Dear South Sudanese

    Sincerely you shouldn’t be panic by this time because Kir himself is not the first time to make this mistake.You do called him a qualify leader then,what are the signs of qualities of leaderships?

    All those people being appointed are from one sub-tribe a part from tribe,its very unfortunate that Mr.Malok has been replaced by non-qualify person.

    Central Bank need a person like Malok because to work in the bank is not simple like the others works under organizations or companies since it contain about the world records.

    Ladies and gentlemen I don’t expected such an Idea from Mr Cowboy (Kiir) since the degrees will depend on the qualification as he mentioned afetr independence day.

    Kiir knows that,he is not qualified to be the president and that is why he is using such a useless Ideas to mislead the Southerners that,the positions are given with the qualifications.

    Big!!! No I says and that is unfair toward H.H Mayardit then what are the functions of leader (bany) Dinka if Mr.Cowboy is using this? Do you mean that,somebody like Awai Igga and Riek Machar can do that? No!!! they can’t even attempt to do that because they are well indicated leaders.

    Let the Kiir have the talent of leadership to overcome the situation of the citizens within the South.

  • Ariec Path wol
    Ariec Path wol

    Kiir sacks South Sudan’s bank governor and chief justice
    What is the meaning of the name Koryom?

    Koryom mean Locust in english and it is a very bad insects which can eat and distroyed the leaves of trees when it spread out and it has no control if its break out.

    our leader should be careful when appointing leaders the name the a person bear is what she or he can do.


    Kiir sacks South Sudan’s bank governor and chief justice
    I do really blame God why he gives the Southern Sudanese people such a “bonehead pillar” which doesn’t give a firm support.

    Changing of the people by the way is not a solution to free the Southern Sudanese people. For Southern Sudanese people to be free, we neeeds a brave-hearted person, wise-minded person, and someone who minded about the other people.

    Salva Kiir Miyardit makes a big mistake by saying that he wanted to sent SPLA troops to Somalia in order to mutinized the riot happening in Somalia, while Salva Kiir Miyardit did not even solve the problem of Abyei, the border of Dinka Ruweng of Biemnom with Miseriya, Panaruu, and Kadugli.

    Why do we supported the worse event, instead of joining our enemies in Khartoum? In fact, this is a monotonous leadership and I am really fate up. Dissolving or Reshuffling of the Ministers is not a solution to help Salva Kiir in making Southern Sudan as a free Country.

    By Augustino Deng. Jech la mer from Tharpam.

  • jamuse

    Kiir sacks South Sudan’s bank governor and chief justice
    Dear Writers and more users of this web site.

    These decrees issued out by president are already a clue of corruption.How come for a president to appoint two high positions in one Sub-clan in Warrab state and one county in which he come from.It is now realized that to write transitional constitution with article giving more powers to president is a way to ruin new country because our leaders likes tribalism practise and corruption.
    Iam now in Wau and one of my colleagues in college some yaers ago invited me to attend join sensitive and big ceremony to be done in Bahrelghazal very soon for the two new appointees in the same county.
    1-If Elijah malok Aleng and makech were sacked out because of the two mistakes mentioned early , then why their deputies were promoted and they did work together and they are all acount for mess in the office not to sack the rest and promote the rest.I know Elijah malok is brave and frank forward man like the way DR. Lam Akol put them with Philip chol Biowey in his book.Elijah can Make mistake like forgeting of date in new currency but, he cannot loot public money and I and many people can swear.
    2-Does it mean these are only qualified persons ? or Kiir is holding Baharel Gazal list of educated person only. If not so, there are hundreds of South Sudanese holding advanced degrees in Laws with huge/long terms experiences in Sudan and abroad who can fit in Chief justice position and as well as many persons with good qualifications that can fill the postion of Governor of BOSS.

    More Questions a/ Did Kiir do this appoitment with who??. Answer —– His own house and clan advisors in Warrab.
    B/ Since powers are given to Kiir to practise nephtosim , segredation, intimidation and corruption, to whom will all tribes complain to and wrong constitution passed and nullified is favouring President kiir 89%???. His legal advisors are not functioning and illigal advisors in Clan are active,why do government appoint advisors and pay money while they are in silent for all the time?? What time are they needed to be active while they pereson (Kiir) whom they suppose to advise is in wrong channel .C/ is this the change people of South Sudan expected from SPLM/A as a party and Kiir as president of this republic for him to appointed two High postion in Warrab and it is one of the ten states in ROSS??.I think kiir want to help his people dying with hungry in Warrab by appointing high postions in one house.ALso is the way for them to steal money because chief of justice will be use as a main shield in chain of stealing incase they are ditacted in the future.
    Cause of this mess is stupid generals in SPLM who always put powers in hands of individuals that may not think of sharing with others.ALso another cause is because kiir lack confident in him and he think that puting only his unqualified people in government may keep him in postion.Kiir is not Qualified to recognize qualified people ,so he just deal with few individuals from his home town that can speak and write little and failed to reach others far regions of ROSS.DOES SALVA Have list OF HIGH EDUCATED PERSONS showing educational backgrounds,Expereince,capacity and origin??????. How come for him to see names of two people from his county in long profile ??? . Are they only people holding most honored high degrees in ROSS??.

    Kiir from Power family can not get satisfy forever because he looted money with Pagan Amuum and others in the party for their own houses during interim period and it in NOW TIME FOR THEM TO STEAL PUBLIC FUND FOR THEIR POOR RELATIVES and that is the starting.I know kiir poor family of his father Called Kuethpinymayardit( meaning house where people die every time in Dinka translation ). His realy name is Salva Kiir Kuethpiny.Mayardit is name of his father White bull in Dinka .Now he overcomed dying of his relatives by looting Money and organized group in SPLM/A.DR. Riek Machar is From Poor family in Bentiw but, is Highy qualification and oil money of 1997 agreement gave him and signatories great share that eredicated hungry in their family.ANd still he will share in upcoming final stealing for their term will come to an end.
    Another corrupted leader is kuol Mayang juuk who looted money of Junglei and spended constructing high building in Bor and he got no old piece of land before split of SPLA/M because he was worked in garage( Car repairing station in Bor and Juba in 1980s). I got his biography in CD including educational background and performance in campus during unv- time .ALso i can write about him In SPLA where he performed beyond excellent in era of strugle .

    If Elijah is sacked for the date in currency but, article favor 1-Salva Mathook Geng who looted money in 2007-2009
    2-Anthour Akuien
    The tradional law favouring Salva mathook is a brother to Ayen Geng , The wife to Salva Kiir Kuethpinymayardit.

  • Dakkin

    Kiir sacks South Sudan’s bank governor and chief justice
    Dr Reality,

    I share y’r concern doctor, without doubt we are foreigners in our own country! What country with foreign banks rejecting the local currency when sending?

  • Space

    Kiir sacks South Sudan’s bank governor and chief justice
    Ok Guys. The Justice Chan Rech, who served as deputy chairperson of South Sudan Referendum, nearly fail the referendum. He was not so analytical in whatever decisions he made and I guessed he can be judged with that. Koryom who served as the Director for administration and finance also proved incomptent in the last six years until now. Economy has collapsed and our people are robbed in the foreign Countries because of lack of technical know how. If, for instance, you use South Sudan ATM card to withdarw money in Uganda or Kenya, you will be chocked with exchange rates. And even with new currency, there is no control still. I think experiences would have been used as basis to judge who can do what. I supposed is not about services now but it could be about one State building stategy. And remember Warrap has 6 Counties with relatively small population. So there come in the qiestion of distribution of resources and power. Keep watching the space to see what transpires

  • jamuse

    Kiir sacks South Sudan’s bank governor and chief justice
    Yes from Gongrial and Twic.

  • jamuse

    Kiir sacks South Sudan’s bank governor and chief justice
    Dear Billiu ,

    You are right, People talks of his qualification and good in leadership .
    What shown is transparency in governance point?.
    Which degree and what university in the world he studied rather than summary courses in abroad?. which year and type of degree? Iam Dinka man knowing every body life history in my tribe including late heros .

    Can one explain better in details with references not verbally or in writen with out backgrounds.He only occupied epmty space left by Over qualified Late DR. Garang .I know even the date kiir join Movement from Malakal rout to Ethiopia.No one can tell nonsence words in web site about our leader because we know them one by one.
    I was with him since 1986 and all years during strugle.


  • Martin Muong
    Martin Muong

    Kiir sacks South Sudan’s bank governor and chief justice
    Deng Atherbei is also need to be sack from his position. How can he write his name on the currency. Fired them all we have had enough of stupid ministers .Leave no behind idiot to mislead people.

  • Anti Dinka's
    Anti Dinka's

    Kiir sacks South Sudan’s bank governor and chief justice
    Our brothers & sisters from Nuba & Darfur tribes have pick up guns to replace the cowardness Of Dinka’s Administration in Juba to fight the real enemy

  • jamuse

    Kiir sacks South Sudan’s bank governor and chief justice
    Kiir KuethpinyMayardit makes wanted to imitate what other part of the globe leaders are doing but, he cannot solve his demostic problems. Sending of SPLA troops to Somalia in order to mutinized the riot happening in Somalia, while border issue of Bharegazal is not solve , Panreng and North border, Blue upper Nile border with north and Abyei issue. Kiir is Stupid leader.I disliked is ugly scarificated face and cap.Plus his drinking and corruption.


  • jamuse

    Kiir sacks South Sudan’s bank governor and chief justice
    He can send his children this time to the war zone somalia land instead of others people to going and die in your of personal interest.We wanted to solve our internal from with our demostic enemy then latter ROSS can send out troop after stability .nyagat like Abdalbaggi Ayii Akol is still with Arab and George AThour Deng Dut.And they may plan notorous action in the future . they can intensify Messiyra in Abyei and chance SPLA like Goats as SAF did two months ago.

  • Fearless man
    Fearless man

    Kiir sacks South Sudan’s bank governor and chief justice
    All the Southerensee are spoken against unquilfy leader so called Salva Kiir mayardit about the mass he is doing now day.

    I am wondering where is Mr Gongriel from Awan chan/ Akon Dinka Dominated SPLA/M or is it changing now to Gongriel Dominated SPLA/M?

    I hope he could condemn the reckless act of Gongriel leader.

  • Covert

    Kiir sacks South Sudan’s bank governor and chief justice
    Position is not the issue, where the money come from to run the government is very important. The oil producing states like Unity and Upper Nile state are the states with the real power here.

    It will come a time where those states start to compress the flow of the money to the government if they don’t have their top personal in those key positions.

    Kiir Should be thinking outside the box other than the inside!!

  • Fearless man
    Fearless man

    Kiir sacks South Sudan’s bank governor and chief justice
    Sorry man[fearless man] i have nothing to say about what what is going on with Salva kiir brain may be he is about ot quite politics soon.

    I am not in love with what he is doing and he need to becarfull when the whol citizen are talking against him. late him mass up he will got what he don’t know because mr malok will get ambassador to united nation

    About my names. i am going to change them soon because what is happen might proved that Gongriel is dominated and i don’t when that to happend.

  • Deng Tut
    Deng Tut

    Kiir sacks South Sudan’s bank governor and chief justice
    To. LL Reuben

    Mr. LLReuben, thanks you very much for your comments, personally I appreciated a lot all your phrase, our President trying to do the mess while he does not know the Africain politics’, I mean any President in Africa continent done or does the mess he is always throw like a dog outsider of his palace.
    The nomination that has been done by the President of the Republic of South Sudan is in reality a disaster for our Government because in South Sudan we have many qualified persons who can handle the Bank of South Sudan therefore why the President appointed the deputy of the CJ while we have the most senior Justice in Supreme Court who can be fit on that position. I think we are going some where.

    Nyadawech P.T

  • peace

    Kiir sacks South Sudan’s bank governor and chief justice
    Habawath you are flooding (door) imean u r from equatoria,if Dinkas were caward,u couldn’teven got this web for u to tell us nonsen stop abusing tribe,all tribe are importance in the society,every tribe had participate in these war,in the history of African Dinkas are known of thier braveness,is there anyone in this world who had ever stand inside the fire by the name of saying(i can die because of this country sudan and they did,Dinkas doesn’t like slave,Dinkas can’be Brief
    Stop,Stop Abusing tribe,if u continuou one day the spirit of the pple u r abusing will haunt u.
    His exercellency would have not appionted the same Dinkas as well as they r from the same state ,it doesn;t show transparency,eventhough they are qualify,the true of matre remain that they r from the same clan,watch out he will do others thing more than this.

  • Luka Manyuon
    Luka Manyuon

    Kiir sacks South Sudan’s bank governor and chief justice
    Thanks You very Much President of South Sudan General Salva Kiir Mayardit for your issueing deree as you said that according to qualification appoints your Cabinets as you wants .its your choice .

    Luka Manyuon Gai

  • Wundit

    Kiir sacks South Sudan’s bank governor and chief justice
    to Bush
    absolutely you are right, am even asking myself where did this unprofessional journalist came from? that’s not journalistic way to such sensationalism report suppose to remain non partisanship

  • MJriaksdca

    Kiir sacks South Sudan’s bank governor and chief justice
    Guys, there is something call political language. It is a coded language that is pleasant to the ear but when the sugar which code it is removed or sucked out, it become bitterly sour no longer to the ear but to the tongue’s bud. At that point, you either decide to suck it in or spit it out.
    Political language is something like saying Bin ladden will get justice. What? Justice. When you hear the word justice, you think that someone is going to be granted his or her due right, but what this mean is actually killing Bin Ladden.
    When our president of the new Republic, South Sudan, said appointment of government appointees is to be based on qualification, he was actually saying to the public I will say what they want to hear but in actual sense not what the public need to hear. In word I will tell the public, appointment will be based on qualification but when it comes to action I will do what I please as the president.

    That is what he actually done now.

    when you say qualification, what do you mean your excellency President? Are those qualifications written anywhere and when you appoint someone he or she is going to be judged on those publicly convincing merits?

    Please stop making nice and verbal messages to the public and tell us what we need to hear. Make sure standards are established so that things that you say and do are measured. i wonder if the constitution talk elaborately about those qualifications. I have no idea.

    My other message to you dear president is to stop issuing too many decrees. You must know that relying on that method is actually choosing to dictatorily and undemocratically lead and handpick your favored. We are watching, we the public. We know that you haven’t put in place judgmental criteria or standards but we the public will use your actions as measures against what you verbally say in word.

    On this appointment, you actually need to present to the public the qualifications of these appointees: their degrees, experiences, and the job requirements. That way, the spreading tribal talk stop.

  • leader

    Kiir sacks South Sudan’s bank governor and chief justice
    Its like blind leading the blind!

    I am afraid this government will seriously crash if the like of Koryom and Chandit are the only people bhar el gahzal carries forward, its absolutely a rubbish move! What bhar elghazal did here is to exhaust all the bank powers as u can imagine governor and the deputy, am sure the finance ministry still must go to them, because they only know from office to pocket and pocket to mouth, they are too complacent… neither do they think or learn and other people latter complain in the name of the entire Dinka, oh my goodness, how do i hate this?

    Well enjoy, the whole dish has been made for you through sacrifices of lives and wisdom. We don’t want to know whether you still remember who did it for you or not, we just want to make sure this mistaken regime passes and we start afresh, but dear friends do think of where you will go with 98% illiteracy when this regime comes to an end.

    I normally say,” when fools become wise, the wise suffer”,

    Wish all of you a happy eating!

  • akot

    Kiir sacks South Sudan’s bank governor and chief justice
    ahahahaha, this Koryom is going to eat Southern Sudanese money, if we don’t take care

  • Cadaai ?o?
    Cadaai ?o?

    Kiir sacks South Sudan’s bank governor and chief justice

    Historian view: People, don’t judge people before they are even actually in their jobs. Also, before they are really in corruption darkside. I need everyone here to beaware that, the sacked Bank Of South Sudan President: Malok is from Twic dinka where Kiir from, changes sometime maybe better than old thing. I don’t wnat everybody to take that Malok was fire because he is not From Bhar el Ghazal region. If you think that way, you totally wrong my friend. In addition too, the appointed person is also from Twic Dinka where Malok came from as well.

    Malok was a honest person who didn’t steal money for hiself but lootings of moeny was there. Also the same thing might be view later for the new appointed person. And if this new appointed person is becomes a corruption agent as well like others. I think that’s where we the citizens of South Sudan will start complaining, but now it is pre-judgement from most people here.

    To me, the issue here is not who is appointed, the question would be; who really is going to apply the law designed for corruption when it is happened?

    Rules of Democracy system, in my view are always based on some of the two points below:

    (a) You have to appointed a close and loyal person to your Administration. (Let’s drop this crazy of trbalism or clannism thing, we will complain about tribalism or clannism thing and none of these are going to be out soon. Because they are attached to us as Natural identity by God. We just need to minimize them somehow.
    (b) Appointed qualifying people to government positions.

    “Logical and common sense base argument are not having particular rule of laws”

  • Cadaai ?o?
    Cadaai ?o?

    Kiir sacks South Sudan’s bank governor and chief justice
    Historian view: People, don’t judge people before they are even actually in their jobs. Also, before they are really in corruption dark side. I need everyone here to be aware that, the sacked Bank Of South Sudan President: Malok is from Twic dinka where Kiir from, changes sometime maybe better than old thing. I don’t want everybody to take that Malok was fire because he is not From Bhar el Ghazal region. If you think that way, you totally wrong my friend. In addition too, the appointed person is also from Twic Dinka where Malok came from as well.
    Malok was a honest person who didn’t steal money for himself but lootings of money was there. Also the same thing might be view later for the new appointed person. And if this new appointed person is becomes a corruption agent as well like others. I think that’s where we the citizens of South Sudan will start complaining, but now it is pre-judgments from most people here.
    To me, the issue here is not who is appointed, the question would be; who really is going to apply the law designed for corruption when it is happened?
    Rules of Democracy system, in my view are always based on some of the two points below:
    (a) You have to appoint a close and loyal person to your Administration. (Let’s drop this crazy of tribalism or clannish thing, we will complain about tribalism or clannish thing and none of these are going to be out soon. Because they are attached to us as Natural identity by God. We just need to minimize them somehow.
    (b) Appointed qualifying people to government positions.
    “Logical and common sense base argument are not having particular rule of laws”

  • God Knows
    God Knows

    Kiir sacks South Sudan’s bank governor and chief justice

    I can’t believe this. That is just the beginning. Wait for the final degrees. People will cry and get crazy. Let us be prepared for admissions in the mental hospital.

    But by the way, you cannot stay in a position forever, changes have to be made, but not favouring one tribe as most of you put it.

    God Knows.

  • Cadaai ?o?
    Cadaai ?o?

    Kiir sacks South Sudan’s bank governor and chief justice
    Historian view: People, don’t judge people before they are even actually in their jobs. Also, before they are really in corruption dark side. I need everyone here to be aware that, the sacked Bank Of South Sudan President: Malok is from Twic dinka where Kiir from, changes sometime maybe better than old thing. I don’t want everybody to take that Malok was fire because he is not From Bhar el Ghazal region. If you think that way, you totally wrong my friend. In addition too, the appointed person is also from Twic Dinka where Malok came from as well.
    Malok was a honest person who didn’t steal money for himself but lootings of money was there. Also the same thing might be view later for the new appointed person. And if this new appointed person is becomes a corruption agent as well like others. I think that’s where we the citizens of South Sudan will start complaining, but now it is pre-judgments from most people here.
    To me, the issue here is not who is appointed, the question would be; who really is going to apply the law designed for corruption when it is happened?
    Rules of Democracy system, in my view are always based on some of the two points below:
    (a) You have to appoint a close and loyal person to your Administration. (Let’s drop this crazy of tribalism or clannish thing, we will complain about tribalism or clannish thing and none of these are going to be out soon. Because they are attached to us as Natural identity by God. We just need to minimize them somehow.
    (b) Appointed qualifying people to government positions.
    “Logical and common sense base argument are not having particular rule of laws”

  • Cadaai ?o?
    Cadaai ?o?

    Kiir sacks South Sudan’s bank governor and chief justice
    Historian view: People, don’t judge people before they are even actually in their jobs. Also, before they are really in corruption dark side. I need everyone here to be aware that, the sacked Bank Of South Sudan President: Malok is from Twic dinka where Kiir from, changes sometime maybe better than old thing. I don’t want everybody to take that Malok was fire because he is not From Bhar el Ghazal region. If you think that way, you totally wrong my friend. In addition too, the appointed person is also from Twic Dinka where Malok came from as well.
    Malok was a honest person who didn’t steal money for himself but lootings of money was there. Also the same thing might be view later for the new appointed person. And if this new appointed person is becomes a corruption agent as well like others. I think that’s where we the citizens of South Sudan will start complaining, but now it is pre-judgments from most people here.
    To me, the issue here is not who is appointed, the question would be; who really is going to apply the law designed for corruption when it is happened?
    Rules of Democracy system, in my view are always based on some of the two points below:
    (a) You have to appoint a close and loyal person to your Administration. (Let’s drop this crazy of tribalism or clannish thing, we will complain about tribalism or clannish thing and none of these are going to be out soon. Because they are attached to us as Natural identity by God. We just need to minimize them somehow.
    (b) Appointed qualifying people to government positions.
    “Logical and common sense base argument are not having particular rule of laws”

  • Cadaai ?o?
    Cadaai ?o?

    Kiir sacks South Sudan’s bank governor and chief justice
    Historian view: People, don’t judge people before they are even actually in their jobs. Also, before they are really in corruption dark side. I need everyone here to be aware that, the sacked Bank Of South Sudan President: Malok is from Twic dinka where Kiir from, changes sometime maybe better than old thing. I don’t want everybody to take that Malok was fire because he is not From Bhar el Ghazal region. If you think that way, you totally wrong my friend. In addition too, the appointed person is also from Twic Dinka where Malok came from as well.
    Malok was a honest person who didn’t steal money for himself but lootings of money was there. Also the same thing might be view later for the new appointed person. And if this new appointed person is becomes a corruption agent as well like others. I think that’s where we the citizens of South Sudan will start complaining, but now it is pre-judgments from most people here.
    To me, the issue here is not who is appointed, the question would be; who really is going to apply the law designed for corruption when it is happened?
    Rules of Democracy system, in my view are always based on some of the two points below:
    (a) You have to appoint a close and loyal person to your Administration. (Let’s drop this crazy of tribalism or clannish thing, we will complain about tribalism or clannish thing and none of these are going to be out soon. Because they are attached to us as Natural identity by God. We just need to minimize them somehow.
    (b) Appointed qualifying people to government positions.
    “Logical and common sense base argument are not having particular rule of laws”

  • Cadaai ?o?
    Cadaai ?o?

    Kiir sacks South Sudan’s bank governor and chief justice
    Historian view: People, don’t judge people before they are even actually in their jobs. Also, before they are really in corruption dark side. I need everyone here to be aware that, the sacked Bank Of South Sudan President: Malok is from Twic dinka where Kiir from, changes sometime maybe better than old thing. I don’t want everybody to take that Malok was fire because he is not From Bhar el Ghazal region. If you think that way, you totally wrong my friend. In addition too, the appointed person is also from Twic Dinka where Malok came from as well.
    Malok was a honest person who didn’t steal money for himself but lootings of money was there. Also the same thing might be view later for the new appointed person. And if this new appointed person is becomes a corruption agent as well like others. I think that’s where we the citizens of South Sudan will start complaining, but now it is pre-judgments from most people here.
    To me, the issue here is not who is appointed, the question would be; who really is going to apply the law designed for corruption when it is happened?
    Rules of Democracy system, in my view are always based on some of the two points below:
    (a) You have to appoint a close and loyal person to your Administration. (Let’s drop this crazy of tribalism or clannish thing, we will complain about tribalism or clannish thing and none of these are going to be out soon. Because they are attached to us as Natural identity by God. We just need to minimize them somehow.
    (b) Appointed qualifying people to government positions.
    “Logical and common sense base argument are not having particular rule of laws”

  • Cadaai ?o?
    Cadaai ?o?

    Kiir sacks South Sudan’s bank governor and chief justice
    Historian view: People, don’t judge people before they are even actually in their jobs. Also, before they are really in corruption dark side. I need everyone here to be aware that, the sacked Bank Of South Sudan President: Malok is from Twic dinka where Kiir from, changes sometime maybe better than old thing. I don’t want everybody to take that Malok was fire because he is not From Bhar el Ghazal region. If you think that way, you totally wrong my friend. In addition too, the appointed person is also from Twic Dinka where Malok came from as well.
    Malok was a honest person who didn’t steal money for himself but lootings of money was there. Also the same thing might be view later for the new appointed person. And if this new appointed person is becomes a corruption agent as well like others. I think that’s where we the citizens of South Sudan will start complaining, but now it is pre-judgments from most people here.
    To me, the issue here is not who is appointed, the question would be; who really is going to apply the law designed for corruption when it is happened?
    Rules of Democracy system, in my view are always based on some of the two points below:
    (a) You have to appoint a close and loyal person to your Administration. (Let’s drop this crazy of tribalism or clannish thing, we will complain about tribalism or clannish thing and none of these are going to be out soon. Because they are attached to us as Natural identity by God. We just need to minimize them somehow.
    (b) Appointed qualifying people to government positions.
    “Logical and common sense base argument are not having particular rule of laws”

  • Cadaai ?o?
    Cadaai ?o?

    Kiir sacks South Sudan’s bank governor and chief justice
    Historian view: People, don’t judge people before they are even actually in their jobs. Also, before they are really in corruption dark side. I need everyone here to be aware that, the sacked Bank Of South Sudan President: Malok is from Twic dinka where Kiir from, changes sometime maybe better than old thing. I don’t want everybody to take that Malok was fire because he is not From Bhar el Ghazal region. If you think that way, you totally wrong my friend. In addition too, the appointed person is also from Twic Dinka where Malok came from as well.
    Malok was a honest person who didn’t steal money for himself but lootings of money was there. Also the same thing might be view later for the new appointed person. And if this new appointed person is becomes a corruption agent as well like others. I think that’s where we the citizens of South Sudan will start complaining, but now it is pre-judgments from most people here.
    To me, the issue here is not who is appointed, the question would be; who really is going to apply the law designed for corruption when it is happened?
    Rules of Democracy system, in my view are always based on some of the two points below:
    (a) You have to appoint a close and loyal person to your Administration. (Let’s drop this crazy of tribalism or clannish thing, we will complain about tribalism or clannish thing and none of these are going to be out soon. Because they are attached to us as Natural identity by God. We just need to minimize them somehow.
    (b) Appointed qualifying people to government positions.
    “Logical and common sense base argument are not having particular rule of laws”

  • Cadaai ?o?
    Cadaai ?o?

    Kiir sacks South Sudan’s bank governor and chief justice
    Historian view: People, don’t judge people before they are even actually in their jobs. Also, before they are really in corruption dark side. I need everyone here to be aware that, the sacked Bank Of South Sudan President: Malok is from Twic dinka where Kiir from, changes sometime maybe better than old thing. I don’t want everybody to take that Malok was fire because he is not From Bhar el Ghazal region. If you think that way, you totally wrong my friend. In addition too, the appointed person is also from Twic Dinka where Malok came from as well.
    Malok was a honest person who didn’t steal money for himself but lootings of money was there. Also the same thing might be view later for the new appointed person. And if this new appointed person is becomes a corruption agent as well like others. I think that’s where we the citizens of South Sudan will start complaining, but now it is pre-judgments from most people here.
    To me, the issue here is not who is appointed, the question would be; who really is going to apply the law designed for corruption when it is happened?
    Rules of Democracy system, in my view are always based on some of the two points below:
    (a) You have to appoint a close and loyal person to your Administration. (Let’s drop this crazy of tribalism or clannish thing, we will complain about tribalism or clannish thing and none of these are going to be out soon. Because they are attached to us as Natural identity by God. We just need to minimize them somehow.
    (b) Appointed qualifying people to government positions.
    “Logical and common sense base argument are not having particular rule of laws”

  • Lokeji

    Kiir sacks South Sudan’s bank governor and chief justice
    Dear brothers, i really doesn’t know what is happening with our president, is he under the jaw of his people or what is the matter exactly of replacing a criminal with assistant criminal in regards to the central bank?
    For me it’s not a big deal for the president to appoint all these guys from his region or family but what is necessary is that, these guys should hold the required professionalism and experience to the listed positions.We need to get out of this too much detailing into every bit of issues that are arising in the state, bcoz this will make this guy to lost direction. please let us try to help this nation from our different initiatives than to be concentrating most of our time on daily political development.I really believe that we can do many things that can really upgrade the live of our people, for those southerners who have money, let them invest in schools instead of taking our children to east africa and try to build good hospitals in the region to stop our people going to india, other Africa countries and Europe, also we need to put in our minds that there is now a gradual growth of cancer in south sudan.

  • Alier42

    Kiir sacks South Sudan’s bank governor and chief justice
    people have been talking about your illiteracy but you have proven it right, by sacking a qualified person with a person like you.not only that ,the man come your clan.

  • Mading

    Kiir sacks South Sudan’s bank governor and chief justice


  • Youngnation54th/193rd

    Kiir sacks South Sudan’s bank governor and chief justice
    Dear Readers,

    Don’t let anger caused by our leaders’ mistake dragging us into segregation and tribalism commences that are going to harm our brothers and sisters back home and abroad. Let’s these days to be the days of our leaders’ mistake and let’ work harder for our future to improve what we don’t like now. Do we think we will improve the future if we keeping commences negatively based on segregation and tribalism? Watch out brothers and sisters for your futute coz you will be the leaders for tomorrow. My God bless you all!

    by youngnation54th/193rd.

  • Cowboy

    Kiir sacks South Sudan’s bank governor and chief justice
    WOW!!!!! sacking of governor of the bank and chief justice is sign of dictatorship in the world.Corruption start like that, who will be the next to be replace by gogrial leadership. when will the election take place for us take this power away from him before he become like Uganda dictator. There is no hard feeling Dinka bor brought him to power, and Bor people will super under his leadership.

  • deng

    Kiir sacks South Sudan’s bank governor and chief justice
    Mr. Covert.

    You are full of it. If you look at how the government of South Sudan have been organize, you got no damn right to talk stupid accusing the entire region of Bahr-el-Ghazal. Who care the Unity and are the only states with oil. There are some States that have been left behind though they were leading in the war which are the ones you have just mentions Bahr-el-Ghazal regions.

    Nevertheless, in the nation that call itself a country with oil, its doesn’t mean a oil minister should be chosen from the area of oil.Your funk ass hasn’t been doing things fairly enough and that is why all the news are coming out from those two states ignoring others eight states. Forget it he is been remove from the position and if you wanna bet on it go talk to Salva Kiir personally or shut up damn Skunk.


  • deng

    Kiir sacks South Sudan’s bank governor and chief justice
    Dear All,

    I fail to understand why is oil minister call governor instead of oil minister. I just to differentiate.

  • Cadaai ?o?
    Cadaai ?o?

    Kiir sacks South Sudan’s bank governor and chief justice
    Historian view: People, don’t judge people before they are even actually in their jobs. Also, before they are really in corruption dark side. I need everyone here to be aware that, the sacked Bank Of South Sudan President: Malok is from Twic dinka where Kiir from, changes sometime maybe better than old thing. I don’t want everybody to take that Malok was fire because he is not From Bhar el Ghazal region. If you think that way, you totally wrong my friend. In addition too, the appointed person is also from Twic Dinka where Malok came from as well.
    Malok was a honest person who didn’t steal money for himself but lootings of money was there. Also the same thing might be view later for the new appointed person. And if this new appointed person is becomes a corruption agent as well like others. I think that’s where we the citizens of South Sudan will start complaining, but now it is pre-judgments from most people here.
    To me, the issue here is not who is appointed, the question would be; who really is going to apply the law designed for corruption when it is happened?
    Rules of Democracy system, in my view are always based on some of the two points below:
    (a) You have to appoint a close and loyal person to your Administration. (Let’s drop this crazy of tribalism or clannish thing, we will complain about tribalism or clannish thing and none of these are going to be out soon. Because they are attached to us as Natural identity by God. We just need to minimize them somehow.
    (b) Appointed qualifying people to government positions.
    “Logical and common sense base argument are not having particular rule of laws”

  • Space

    Kiir sacks South Sudan’s bank governor and chief justice
    I absolutely agree with all the views. No dinka intellectual would dare appreciate that decision even if he comes from Warrap. The Country will ever remains there but leaders come and go.So we should avoid making grave errors that shall always hold us hostage

  • God Knows
    God Knows

    Kiir sacks South Sudan’s bank governor and chief justice

    What a comment? Many people do not have relatives in the government and yet they don’t go begging. They still survive.

    Thank you man. I like you.

    God Knows.

  • Dengaliic

    Kiir sacks South Sudan’s bank governor and chief justice
    I hope we’re not descending into new form of nepotism that may confirm the fears of our enemies. Establishing a clan dynasty to rule South Sudan has a serious implication for the SPLM as a strong national party for South Sudan. We can’t ignore a possible minimal tribal representation in the government.
    Lam Akol, the arch enemy of independence of South Sudan, has already stepped up his rhetoric and described the new South Sudan Central Bank’s Governor and Chief as all being from Gogrial. People will see where these new appointees come from not what they will do.

  • Covert

    Kiir sacks South Sudan’s bank governor and chief justice
    Corruption and nepotism are not that far apart!
    So do inanity and senselessness!!

  • Dhalaluaak

    Kiir sacks South Sudan’s bank governor and chief justice
    Peter Marko,

    The former governor of our South Sudan central bank have more experiences and an extensive economic bank ground.I can challenge you for your low knowledge about,who he is or was.
    I encourage you to check his autobiography in order for you to learn more about,who he really is/was.He graduated with a masters degree in economics in 1972 in switzerrland.

    never underestimate others when you don’t know them best than you assumed.This method of switching positions is a mockery one.I think there are some favoritism driving this car,who lack a reverse gear.

  • Cadaai ?o?
    Cadaai ?o?

    Kiir sacks South Sudan’s bank governor and chief justice
    Historian view: People, don’t judge people before they are even actually in their jobs. Also, before they are really in corruption dark side. I need everyone here to be aware that, the sacked Bank Of South Sudan President: Malok is from Twic dinka where Kiir from, changes sometime maybe better than old thing. I don’t want everybody to take that Malok was fire because he is not From Bhar el Ghazal region. If you think that way, you totally wrong my friend. In addition too, the appointed person is also from Twic Dinka where Malok came from as well.
    Malok was a honest person who didn’t steal money for himself but lootings of money was there. Also the same thing might be view later for the new appointed person. And if this new appointed person is becomes a corruption agent as well like others. I think that’s where we the citizens of South Sudan will start complaining, but now it is pre-judgments from most people here.
    To me, the issue here is not who is appointed, the question would be; who really is going to apply the law designed for corruption when it is happened?
    Rules of Democracy system, in my view are always based on some of the two points below:
    (a) You have to appoint a close and loyal person to your Administration. (Let’s drop this crazy of tribalism or clannish thing, we will complain about tribalism or clannish thing and none of these are going to be out soon. Because they are attached to us as Natural identity by God. We just need to minimize them somehow.
    (b) Appointed qualifying people to government positions.
    “Logical and common sense base argument are not having particular rule of laws”

  • Nyin Kuenchol
    Nyin Kuenchol

    Kiir sacks South Sudan’s bank governor and chief justice
    It is good for south sudan president to sack Malok Aleng for the best of south sudanese people because Malok Aleng is Garang Mabior architect that delivers divisional policy by choosing illiterate or idiot people for clan manipulation and corruptions. I hope he left crying like little kid that loses its mother. Finally,the south sudanese people need good banking and judiciary systmes that are free from corrupted ideology of Garang mabior pupets.

  • Ahmed Chol
    Ahmed Chol

    Kiir sacks South Sudan’s bank governor and chief justice
    Now how many of you still support the constitution?

    Ahmed Chol, whatever begins in anger ends in shame

  • Lok T Simon
    Lok T Simon

    Kiir sacks South Sudan’s bank governor and chief justice
    Dear Cadaai,
    You are absolutely right and you have got enough sense to be in any position in R.S.S services. You said that people are not judge before even actually in their job, am delighted to hear that analysis of yours. These people who are just abusing their government power are not anlayzing what their sentences meaning, I think they just come to website and comment whatever nonesense they have in order for them be known that mr or miss is online on website writing or commenting, yet they don’t know what they are talking about.
    I wish I know you physical and to my best friend on this website, because I like those who have sense.


    Lok T. Simon.

  • Dr. Raan Chol
    Dr. Raan Chol

    Kiir sacks South Sudan’s bank governor and chief justice
    I agree, underestimating our leaders as citizens is sacking our country not leaders. How would anyone judge somebody who has not arrived yet at the job? Many people have done this already, let them arrive their jobs and credit them according to what they will do. If we judge before, it tell me that Mr. President will have to switch gear again for the same reason. Malok has not done anything wrong, he was not fired. Mr. President will still positioned him somewhere because of his experiences and leadership. I think President Kiir is doing some great things for making all these changes to fight corruption.

  • deng

    Kiir sacks South Sudan’s bank governor and chief justice
    Augustino Deng,

    I totally agree with you on this point. If Salva Kiir has a stomach, he first need to send the army into Abei to reclaimed our land from the North Sudan. One thing you need to remember is that when people run out of speeches to delivered, they talk as if they have been blindfold and this is the same as this situation. Talking about sending our soldiers to lawless Somalia is nothing but just a time wasting jokes someone can use to proud him/herself to the people whom he delivered speech to. Salva Kiir idea was a joke.

    Another thing I won’t agree with people on this board is removal of others from their positions. I would say let wait and see but not like saying oh! my mother is in labor and should be the only one to have kids rathers than no others women should have kids. Here my suggestions, even Kiir himself will be sack at the end of his leadership if he don’t do well in his four years terms. I disagree with the mentality South Sudaneses like saying oh! he chosen somebody from his region blablablabla…… that won’t take us anywhere as a nation. Everyone is qualify. What do we all going to school for? To let one person lead us for live without changing him/her and let someone else who think can handled try? I need that position personally since people who don’t wanna lead can talk and talk and talk endlessily.

    Being a oil minister isn’t hardwork as people assumed,it just a matter of dressing up with nice suits with little belle and attended the internatiomal oil companies conference to pick your customers and start bargaining on the prices of a barrels. The large part of hardwork goes on the country secretaries who deals with calculations while you oversee.Please my dear Southernes, stop this mentality and try to apply for that position yourslf if you have a gut to run it proper which we all need to run our economic rather than corruptions a bad medicines.We all going to school to compete not to say oh no! please do your part because has allready done his part but not to keep him in one position for live which don’t make sense.

    Dengtimatieep> was one of jeec la meer who went through everyone has gone through and would like Republic Of South Sudan to put nonsenees behind and move on to delivered as one’s brother/sister for one goal “Developments.”

  • luethb bol dengker
    luethb bol dengker

    Kiir sacks South Sudan’s bank governor and chief justice
    dear all,

    kiir,is the president of south sudan not a president of Warrap state.By presidential decree,he has avery right to sack any body including his kinsmen.evidently,when he served as first vice president and president of south sudan,kiir replaced one of his most loyal and fellow state’s man,warrap state governor-SPLA senior commander Bol Madut Bol with the current governor Nyandeng Malek Dielich.although they come from the same state,why would kiir then replace the most competant,influencial,state’s man and a bush loyal friend commerade with the woman who doesn’t know how to fire a gun at the target?ok,how about kuol manyang juk and george Athor?who is more litterate than the other?Besides,malok Aleng Atem and kuol Manyang juk held key positions during Garang era.juk, was a finance secretary/tresurer in which he ended up printing useless currency with his head on.Mr.Aleng,held [SRRC] SOUTH SUDAN RELIEF AND REHABILITATION COMMISION,another strong pivot to the SPLA and financial aid in the rehabilitation perspectives.both of them comes from Bor specifically the sub-clan of dr.garang.the missmanagement and political melodies which happened at that time were messive and questionable too but anybody who would have lifted up his head in opposition of these ideals,was a target under garang leadership.malok has much to attone for and very little to complaine about what happened to him.

  • Odingo

    Kiir sacks South Sudan’s bank governor and chief justice
    Great Job Your Exellency Mr. President Kiir

    Folks, the president did a great job for removing Elijah Malok from his post.

    Mr. Elijah Malok was the one who put the face of late Dr. john Garang on South Sudan currency without agreement from the members paliament and all politcal parties including Salva Kiir, the president of South Sudan.

    Folks, I can tell you that Mr. Malok deserved to be removed and thank the president for the job well done.

    Folks, the president has right to remove anyone and replace him/her with someone who can get the job done, I don’t care whether they are from Warrap State as long they know what doing.

  • trulyran

    Kiir sacks South Sudan’s bank governor and chief justice
    I thought Mr. Kiir said that ‘’ my next government will be based on qualifications and not tribal representation’’? I see no changes now because these new people they are from the same tribe called ‘’DINKA’’.

    There are no other people that can do those jobs or who are qualified enough from different tribes? There are heaps of people who are qualified not only DINKA. Common Kiir, we all know the game that you trying to play now. Mr. Smart wants to be.

  • Mi diit
    Mi diit

    Kiir sacks South Sudan’s bank governor and chief justice
    The name of the new deputy governor of the Bank is called John Dor, not Door.

    The reporter should know the names of the people well.

  • peter marko
    peter marko

    Kiir sacks South Sudan’s bank governor and chief justice
    I do know why some people from Bor community are upset with the President to sack the Governor of the Central Bank, Elijah Malok. It is a right of the president to sack whoever he wants to sack. Just get over it. Speaking about qualifications, could someone tell me what qualifies your guy to be the governor of the central bank? Your guy does not have what-so-ever knowledge about how the economy operates; not to mention that fact that your guy is an aged man who has lost his bearing.

  • Zeki

    Kiir sacks South Sudan’s bank governor and chief justice
    Dr. Garang died and replaced by his deputy, Elija Malok sack and replaced by his deputy, justice sack and replaced by his deputy, where do this system came from? SPLA/M? Kiir? Dr. Riek? or who?.

  • God Knows
    God Knows

    Kiir sacks South Sudan’s bank governor and chief justice
    Mi Diit.

    I think this topic of sacking the Governor of South Sudan Central Bank has touched soo many people. It has become like when some idiots said that the Vice President appologised for Bor community.

    But Mi Diit, how exactly will the last degree look like? Don’t you think there will be a lot of chaos? I beleive many people will find themselves left out.

    God Knows.

  • Runrach

    Kiir sacks South Sudan’s bank governor and chief justice
    Horrible corruption and tribal nomination/appointment are the best descriptions of Kuethpiny son’s ruling.It is now 27 days since the notorous tribal/sectional minded president assumed presidential office and surprisingly nepotism and corruption were his first deadly scores.

    Since then, What if he takes one/two years in the office ? However, Nuer once said, how intelligent is this small animal ? And how is it gonna be when growing up ? I guess all Warrap State men/women will be holding a ministerial position in Federal government. Meanwhile all demostic and wild Awan are going to be ambassadors Oh Apakosi (our father) serve us from Kiir’s sword edge. By the way, Is there anybody who knows the reason why Mr. speaker Uncle Wani didn’t attend passing of national constitution last month ? Well the above syndromes were his fear.

  • Shadrack Nuer Machut
    Shadrack Nuer Machut

    Kiir sacks South Sudan’s bank governor and chief justice
    I am talking to the bitch so called Anti’Dinka!

    I’d like to assure Antidinka that meaning of Dinka also called ‘Muonyjang’ is “husband of all peolple.”

    If you are a foreigner who sniked in South Sudan by migration then please don’t confuse the nation.

    Dinka people died every where in the entire lands of South Sudan for the libration and independence for all.

    I am not sure whether you know the meaning of being ‘coward.’

    You are a foreigner simple.

  • Chol Nyok
    Chol Nyok

    Kiir sacks South Sudan’s bank governor and chief justice
    Ha haaaa! This is wonderful comrades! Communism or dictatorship? Garang has the answer but He is out of reach. let’s be patient folk, the wisdom will soon be tested. I know, there is something lurking behind mr President mind.

    Damn! Damp them mr president but know who were your comrades, my advice please! It is too early to celebrate and forget the past. Most prophesies are not yet fulfilled and that is why you see Machar very patient and humble.

    When is the next government; Anyanya Three?

  • sudinka

    Kiir sacks South Sudan’s bank governor and chief justice
    Dear Readers i do not believe what president said that he is deal with qualification of the person if is a qualification and than why not he replaced AWET AKOT in the post of duty speaker and put ATEM GARANG,is it fair for us south Sudanese to be rule by one family.shame on you all President advisers God will help us in this new nation no problem.

  • Cuei Rooi
    Cuei Rooi

    Kiir sacks South Sudan’s bank governor and chief justice
    where is south sudan going?Its seem the president Salva is rewriting the history of this country.He is teaching us new course through his come all the positions that came are going to that the qualifications that the president was talking about days ago.this is an president need to step out of himself or otherwise this country will ultimately descend into a self destruction.

    I believed this a good lesson to all of us of who president Kir not bitter for the removable of Elijah Malek,but am not agreeing with who he is being replace with.

    .koryom is not qualify for the following reasons..
    -Being khartuom regime supporter during war.
    -he fail irvory coast bank when he was it manager.
    -he is from Kir clan.
    And what kind of mistake has malok did that koryom has not committed.this unfair to all of us and to a system itself.

  • Cadaai ?o?
    Cadaai ?o?

    Kiir sacks South Sudan’s bank governor and chief justice

    Historian and identity view: Malok is not from Dinka Bor, he is from Dinka Twic East. We the people of Dinka Twic East don’t complain when one of our guys is being changed to new positon. Why? Because we know every situation of leadership. So next time when you post you have to know backgrounds of leaders. Malok will continue doing other job in South Sudan government, he has liberated people like you.
    If you don’t know Dinka Twic West & Dinka Twic East yet? Please you need to know them.

  • Cadaai ?o?
    Cadaai ?o?

    Kiir sacks South Sudan’s bank governor and chief justice
    Mi Diit: Dr. Riek not apologies were he has done a damage in 1991. That thing was hypocracy.

  • God Knows
    God Knows

    Kiir sacks South Sudan’s bank governor and chief justice

    My friend, learnt to reply some one’s comment after reading it properly.

    Don’t act like a fool.

    God Knows.

  • Dansedit

    Kiir sacks South Sudan’s bank governor and chief justice
    In south Sudan,we have three great Regions,i.e Bahar Ghazal,Equatoria and Upper Nile, Among the three states, Bahar Ghazal is the LEAST EDUCATED region, so any appointment to be made base on qualification as President “honestly” put it in the media , Bahar Ghazal should be last region to have some one appoint from it base on qualification. So I don’t know where the Kiir and followers will take us to.

  • Lok T Simon
    Lok T Simon

    Kiir sacks South Sudan’s bank governor and chief justice
    Hi peter,

    You touch their hearts. They don’t know now that it is gear reverse. When SPLA/M still in the bush, it was big chance for Mr Malok Aleng, Nyandeng Garang and Dr J Garang himself. All the relevant things of SPLA/M were in the hands of the mentioned above three people and nothing had been said by ordinary fighters. Why is it paining now? There was Nyandengdit primary school in Kenya, leave alone Bor, there was a plantation or big girculture in Zambabwe, for Dr garang and nothing had been said by ordinary fihters, why it is paning now. better to shut up you Borism


    Lok T.Simon

  • Lok T Simon
    Lok T Simon

    Kiir sacks South Sudan’s bank governor and chief justice
    Hi Fucker,
    Which region are you with your mother within Southern Sudan? Bahar Ghazel was the heart of Southern Sudan in the first liberation of Nya-nya one and as well as SPLA/M, where was your mother high educated hidding? Put your dick into your mum — and shut up.


    Lok T.Simon

  • Odingo

    Kiir sacks South Sudan’s bank governor and chief justice
    Great Mr. President Kiir for removing those Money Thieves.

    For your information Mr. President, you also need to remove your Vice president who joined the Rebeeca Nyadeeng Garang Boys Club, and replace him with someone who can keep you in power like John Luke Jock, Dr. Marial, Wanni Igga or Dr. Nyial Deng Nyial.

    Mr. President the Robecca Nyadeng Boys Club have plan to remove you from the power and that is bad, that is very very bad for you and for the South Sudan to see John Garang Boys coming back to the power, is the a big disaster for the country.

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