Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Saving South Sudan from a destructive SPLM

By Elhag Paul

August 17, 2011 – Writing this piece, I feel it is important to go back to 2004 to pick up from where I left. Then, I wrote my last critique about the SPLM which coincided with the row between Col. Dr John Garang de Mabior and his deputy, Salva Kiir Mayardit, which was settled in Rumbek.

I decided to refrain from writing for the entire period of the CPA implementation in the hope that the SPLM would mature and behave like a true government. Unfortunately, this is not the case. SPLM remained unchanged and as destructive as ever before.

SPLM as a Dinka organization:

In this short piece I shall be arguing that SPLM is a Dinka organisation and it cannot be trusted to represent or serve the South Sudanese masses fairly. In saying this, I wish to categorically make it clear that I have nothing against the Dinka as a people. I respect them and I would stand up in defense against any abuse of the Dinka people, because they are human beings just like the other tribes of South Sudan.

What I do not approve of is their abusive behaviour and it is incumbent on them to address this deficiency in their culture if they truly value living peacefully with all the people of the South Sudan.

Garang (1987) argues that the sole reason for creation of SPLM/A is to liberate the entire country of the Sudan from the northern sectarian clique and to establish a socialist system in the country. To gain insight into Garang’s thinking, it is important to critically read his 3rd March 1983 and 22nd March 1985 speeches.

These are masterful writings which clearly diagnosed the problems of the country and charted a wise path as a solution. In these papers, no doubt SPLM is a noble organisation with beautiful objective. However, in practice it actually propagated what it was fighting against.

Looking at it from a psychological perspective, it becomes a story of envy and projection about the ruling clique in Khartoum. Today what we see in the Republic of South Sudan is worse than what the Aulad al balad (Arab Northerners) were and are still doing in the Sudan.

It is open secret that in the 22 years of war, the SPLM/A behaved as an oppressive and discriminatory organisation than a revolutionary movement that it claims to be. Wherever they operated in the South, the local people suffered the most egregious human right abuses. Local administrative structures were deliberately destroyed with chiefs and headmen rubbished and reduced to nothing.

The impact of this destruction today can be felt and seen in the breakdown of law and order in our country. The structure of the movement was filled with Dinka from top to bottom starting with Dr Garang at the top and ending with Aguer at the bottom.

Equatorians suffered worst atrocities:

I know that some readers may ask as to why the movement then thrived. The answer is simple, for example in Equatoria, there has been a belief that people should persevere for the sake of South Sudan liberation.

Although the movement propagates unity, the Equatorians are clear of what they wanted: total separation and they gave their full to it. Thus, the Equatorians endured the worst atrocities from SPLM/A silently to ensure that South Sudan is born.

In the history of the Sudan and South Sudan in particular, there has never been any organisation that inflicted heinous crimes on Equatoria as the SPLM/A.

From the beginning the SPLM/A exercised a policy of pacification against Equatoria. Since 1985 when SPLM/A came into Equatoria, it unleashed horror in Mundari land and eastern Equatoria. This resulted in massive movement of citizens into Juba town. Stories of wanton destruction, looting and rape were abundant.

Those Equatorians who remained in SPLM controlled areas effectively were turned into slaves.

Radio SPLM/A became a useful tool of propaganda for the Dinka to portray a different story to the masses. Garang on the other hand was presenting a sweet picture to the gullible so-called Equatorian politicians, convincing them that SPLM is a national movement and there was nothing against Equatoria.

Garang anti-Kokora:

Let us face it; Garang himself was bitter about Kokora. He writes: “(e) Nimeiri completed the abrogation of his Addis Ababa Agreement by agitating for the division of the South Sudan into three mini-regions, consistent with policy of divide and rule. In this way Nimeiri unilaterally proclaimed redivision of the South in June 1983 to the consternation of even his foreign sympathizers.” (Garang (1987, p22).

While Garang is right in saying so, what I am driving at here is to try to understand his feelings expressed by the phrase, ‘the consternation of even’. He also made it abundantly clear in other parts of his book that he was against Kokora. From this it is clear that, the policy of pacifying Equatoria was truly an undeclared SPLM project.

The fact that SPLM used the SPLA as a tool to pacify Equatoria speaks for itself. From 1983 all those Equatorians who flocked to the movement were discriminated upon and oppressed. Unfortunate ones were lynched, others imprisoned and the majority silenced. Along side this, was the policy of indoctrination.

SPLM promotes the ideology of Dinka superiority:

In practice, every department of the movement was headed by a Dinka even if such Dinka were not qualified. Equatorians were made to feel inadequate.

Today watching SSTV and listening to radio programmes in the South, one can not miss the over indoctrination of the country with the idea that the Dinka are the liberators. The department of culture of SPLM runs programmes which falsify the history of the South.

Deliberately, SPLM has decided to zap all the non-Dinka heroes of our liberation dating back to 1947. It does not mention people like Lolik, Gbatala, Tafeng, Fr Saturino, Samuel Gai Tut, Akot Atem, Aggrey Jaden, Clement Mboro, Ezbon Mandiri, Joseph Oduho and so on. The heroes being parroted in Radio Juba and SSTV are Garang, Kerbino, Kiir and cohorts. For them the South started from 1983 and not 1821.

This is a deliberate attempt to write a new history of South Sudan excluding the participation of the other South Sudanese.

Theft and brutality SPLM ingrained:

Dinka culture has become part and parcel of SPLM. Theft and brutality which is part of Dinka culture related to cattle rustling is ingrained in the machinery of SPLM. As a result thieving is seen as OK and crimes appreciated. In South Sudan today we see master thieves being praised as good leaders. Kiir’s failure to deal with the issue of corruption is because he does not see anything wrong with it.

Thinking about the above, it is abundantly clear that SPLM is a criminal organisation which needs to deal with its past.

South-South dialogue sabotaged: In spite of deafening calls from South Sudanese for a true South-South dialogue to address these wounds, the SPLM sabotaged it and used the occasions to advance its interest.

For example, soon after the signing of the CPA, the south-south dialogue held in Nairobi became a farce smothered by Garang and Abel Alier. Again in October 2010, another south-south dialogue was convened and it became Kiir’s Trojan horse to ride on the back of South Sudanese people to the presidency of South Sudan.

SPLM has learnt over the years that it can use the card of South-South dialogue to achieve its interest whenever the unity of south is crucial and needed. Hence, its invocation soon after the CPA and prior to the referendum.

Basically, SPLM is not serious about addressing its horrendous past and bringing harmony to our new country. This is not surprising at all given the arrogance sung everywhere in South Sudan by its members that they liberated us. Every Dinka, even the uneducated blurts this song freely to non-Dinka people.

Equatoria saved the SPLM/A: What the Dinka people have failed to acknowledge is that if it was not Equatoria, SPLM/A would have been history. The alliance of NCP and the Nuer in early 90s at the height of the war successfully wiped out SPLM/A from the entire South Sudan save eastern Equatoria. The Dinka were nowhere to be seen in the ragging battle field.

Had it not been for Eliaba Surur and the other elders of Equatoria to mobilise the Equatorians from the refugee settlements in Uganda and Congo to re-launch the war, and give SPLM/A a new breath of life in Nimule under gallant Equatoria commanders, the independence of South Sudan would not have been achieved.

The Equatorian determination and sacrifice to remain loyal to the cause of South Sudan’s freedom should not be taken as weakness to allow the illiterate lot to crow: “We liberated you!” What a nonsense?

SPLM liberated nobody:

SPLM/A by its implication as a Dinka organisation has not liberated anybody. In addition to the reason given above, this organisation did not win the war out right. It is important to note that SPLM and NCP settled for a negotiated settlement which led to the CPA because neither could win the war.

The provision of the referendum in the CPA allowed each and everyone of us to decide for ourselves what we wanted. We individually (through the power of our votes) chose separation and thus liberated ourselves from the Arabs. It has nothing to do with SPLM (Dinka) liberating us and this must be made clear to our Dinka brothers and sisters so that they stop living in delusions of grandeur.

Nobody liberates another person especially when that person is the initiator of the struggle from its inception and continued to advance it until 09/07/2011.

The strength of the SPLM emanates from its membership of the non-Dinka people who have given their all to ensure that South Sudan becomes independent. Now that this has been achieved, it is imperative that to rescue the country they so dearly sacrificed for; they have to reflect seriously as to whether their presence in such an organisation is of use to the country and the future generation.

Promoting a criminal organization:

The SPLM is powerful because of them. Without them, SPLM is a vacuous shell. The recent abuses ranging from ratification of the ill drafted transitional constitution whose main aim is to entrench Dinka hegemony to the appointment of MPs was made possible by this same group.

The other group helping the SPLM is composed of opportunistic political parties and individuals looking after their tummies at the expense of our country. One way or another they are working against the interest of the South and the South Sudanese are watching. It is time to wake up and be with the people than with criminals.

There is nothing to be gained by promoting a criminal organisation that robes you, your people and the country.

Starting on right footing:

Having said this, the failure of realising the intended fruit of the south-south dialogue is a shared responsibility. We the non-SPLM (civil societies and political parties) allowed ourselves to be duped because in negotiations with SPLM, we accepted dilution of the principles of south-south dialogue to mean different things than the real issue of justice and reconciliation. It became about mobilisation of people and not accountability and healing. In future this should be avoided at all costs.

Now that the south is an independent country, it needs to start on a right footing. What we are seeing is not encouraging. To start with a flawed constitution and one party rule is not a good sign for the future. This needs to be corrected if we want a good peaceful future for our children.

Therefore, I suggest the following as a solution:

(1) Non-Dinka members of the SPLM to abandon the SPLM to forge a new alliance

(2) Non-Dinka citizens to speak out against Dinkocracy and Dinkanisation of the institutions of South Sudan

(3) Concerned Dinka to join their brothers and sisters in the wider South Sudan against the current SPLM Dinka leadership abusing their humanity.

(4) The Dinkanised ministries of Justice, Home Affairs and Defense need to be exposed to the world. After all most of the officials in these ministries are not qualified.

(5) The world to be enlightened about the fallacy and so called democracy in South Sudan.

(6) The Non-Dinka must say, “Enough is enough”. The boat has docked and no more nonsense.

(7) All peace loving South Sudanese to work tirelessly for establishment of a commission for Justice, Reconciliation and healing to investigate human rights abuse dating back to 1983.

(8) The Diaspora to make use of their MPs in their respective countries to call for a swift elections in South Sudan to bring about a multi-party democracy. It is absurd that in this day and age we condone a one party system tyranny in South sudan.

(9) The Diaspora to organise an international conference to discuss the state of the country

Elhag Paul is based in South Sudan. He is reachable at: [email protected]


  • Nhomlawda

    Saving ROSS from a destructive SPLM
    Very destructive and hatred driven viewpoint.

    There is no any other visible solution to South Sudan tribal divisions but to talk and understand each other better.

    Anybody or community who calls for violent against another South Sudan nationality (ethnic grouping) should be treated as an enemy of the state.

    You are an enemy of the state, because you are calling for the destruction of the state system by force, and at the same time calling for the destruction of Dinka people.

    Dinka people will not forgive you for your crime unless you change that useless viewpoint.

  • harry

    Saving ROSS from a destructive SPLM

    Huston! We have problems….


  • Lokorai

    Saving ROSS from a destructive SPLM
    Mr. Paul,

    You could be frustrated like any of us, but you have used strong language that shows there is something more than frustration we have…

    I know you and would love to see you go slow, unless you hurt yourself and others.

    Generalization spoils good reasoning, as it turns issues to ethnicities. Go to school for basics.

    More importantly, leave Garang alone, we should learn to give Caesar what belongs to him.

    We have been in this war and have seen and fully know what had happened; exaggegration doesn’t tell well but ruin our reputation as a region.

    Whether your intention is to shoot trouble, the fact is that yesterday things are to let go in minds (most of them are story telling and sometime fictions), and every Southerner should be critical on how we could rebuild this nation.

    Calling for the overthrowing of an elected government furthermore is called treason! Time to campaign for regime change is three years away, and if we force out a system now, we will not find rest.

    Yes Dinka will not lead after the Interim Period, this is a fact!

    Stay blessed


  • Henry T. Clement
    Henry T. Clement

    Saving ROSS from a destructive SPLM
    Dear Brother Elhag,
    I respect opinions, but what you are doing here is that you are promoting hate. You are being part of the problem rather part of solution.
    I quot “(3) Concerned Dinka to join their brothers and sisters in the wider South Sudan against the current SPLM Dinka leadership abusing their humanity.” How would that be possible after you have locked all Dinkas out.
    As a nation we can’t afford to cultivate hate, we need not to dwell on problems but,
    Let us cultivate love and unity. Someone told me “It takes many people to kill a leopard but then they must agree who can keep its beautiful skin otherwise tearing it to pieces would benefit none of them, that applies to South Sudan. If you think we need reforms in south Sudan then call for it but constructively. All of us (Equatorians, DinkA, Faratit, Shuluk, Nuer…etc)should exercise care not to release a venom into society which my prove incurable.
    (The Uncle of Bashir and his group should be seen as the only experts in this trend not Equatorians or even Dinkas. God Forbids)

  • Michael Angelo
    Michael Angelo

    Saving ROSS from a destructive SPLM
    Dear Paul,

    Like its often said,” if you can’t defeat them then join them,” Dinkas are inevitable in South Sudan and whoever doesn’t them can either join them, leave the country or committed suicide period. Half of Dinka populations died during the war for the sake of this country just to liberated your sorry asses from your former master Arabs. If we want South Sudan to be stable then let’s refrain from supporting tribalism, cronyism, and nepotism. Needless to say, your article is very useless and can be regarded by the entire Dinka populations as a piece of shit.

  • Michael Angelo
    Michael Angelo

    Saving ROSS from a destructive SPLM
    Dear Paul,

    Like its often said,” if you can’t defeat them then join them,” Dinkas are inevitable in South Sudan and whoever doesn’t like them can either join them, leave the country or committed suicide period. Half of Dinka populations died during the war for the sake of this country just to liberated your sorry asses from your former master Arabs. If we want South Sudan to be stable then let’s refrain from supporting tribalism, cronyism, and nepotism. Needless to say, your article is very useless and can be regarded by the entire Dinka populations as a piece of shit.

  • Deng Thiak Adut
    Deng Thiak Adut

    Saving South Sudan from a destructive SPLM
    Dear colleagues;
    I am a legal practitioner in Australia and South Sudanese National. The writer has spoken his mind and he is entitled to it under our constitution. However, the writer overstretched his freedom in selfish manner, amanner, which he presented his paper deem to be wrong and fallacious.
    Dear colleagues, I beg to express your pardon; that what a men writes which is criminal, he must have intended and deliberate on it.
    I am now recommending a fundamental reform to the operation of the offences of criminal libels in South Sudan. The country have been lawless for long time and Criminal law (Contempt, Media and sedition) should be enacted to provide that, for a person to be guilty of any of the offences, the person must intend that the urged force or violence will occur.

    This recommendation would help in reforming the ambit of the offences any rhetorical statements, parody, artistic expression, reportage and other communications that the person does not intend anyone will act upon, and it would ensure there is a more concrete link between the offences and force or violence. At the same time, this ‘ulterior intention’ falls short of that required to prove incitement—and does not require any connection with the commission of another specific offence.

    Urging political force or violence
    I recommend the introduction of the basic offences, for example; urging the overthrow by force or violence of the Constitution or urging interference in parliamentary elections by force or violence.

    In addition to the intention and ulterior intention, the definition should be extended to cover urging another to use force or violence to interfere with a constitutional referendum.

    Urging inter-group force or violence
    I consider the offence of urging inter-group force or violence should covers circumstances in which a person urges a group to use force or violence against another group distinguished by race, religion, tribes, nationality or political opinion. The rationale for the creation of this offence, the historical link between
    Sedition offences (Old Sudan) and inter-group violence, and the relationship between and anti-vilification laws in the Sudan.

    I also recommends that the South Sudan Law Reform Commission (SSLRC) should consider creating the offence to circumstances in which (a) a person urges another person (as distinct from a group) to use force or violence against a group distinguished by the specified distinguishing characteristics; and (b) a person urges a group that lacks one of the specified distinguishing characteristics to use force or violence against a group in the community that is so distinguished.

    Assisting the enemy and treason
    This offence should not require the urging of force or violence; rather it is an offence merely to ‘assist’ an enemy at war with South Sudan or an entity that is engaged in armed hostilities against the South Sudan Army.
    The treason offences set out above should be framed in similar terms to the sedition offences and carry a maximum penalty of life imprisonment.

    First, a blanket prohibition on conduct that ‘assists’ the enemy may unduly impinge on freedom of expression, to the extent that it captures merely dissenting opinions about government policy.

    Secondly, there will be no requirement to show that the defendant’s conduct assisted the enemy to wage war against South Sudan or engage in armed hostilities against the SPLA; it would be sufficient to prove that the person urged another to assist an enemy that happened to be at war with South Sudan or an entity happened to engage in armed hostilities against the SPLA.


    Saving ROSS from a destructive SPLM
    Brother paul,
    you point it out all buddy,
    The truth must remained the truth,no one can alter the truth.
    You are a really son of south sudan and i know you love your country like you stated in your article.
    1.5 or 2.5 million sudanese who lost their lives during civil war was mostly committed or killed by SPLA/M followers or directly by Dinka.
    i am the living witness for everything happened during those days.

  • daniell

    Saving ROSS from a destructive SPLM
    Saving Equactoria from Dinka instead of ‘Saving South Sudan from a destructive SPLA/M’
    I thought the hypercritical analysis which had been constructed over hours and hours by Paul would simply match with the title: “Saving south Sudan from a destructive SPLA/M”.I cannot afford to go details by details of what Mr Paul completely fail to comprehend about the pessimism in his article unless he matched his article with the topic.

    Truely, there are some unproductive principles in SPLA/M party which need to be fixed. These unproductive elements have to be tackled in a party basis NOT in a generic gross egocentric polar charge attitude kind of analysis.

  • Chanson

    Saving ROSS from a destructive SPLM
    Dear Paul.
    You are another tribalistic whore who again wants to bring it to the Greater Dinkas.I have seen claiming appetite/ habit have engulfed the whole of non Dinaks heart. Every tribe used to failed in his/her own field of making life to run smoothly, the way he/she expected it and start blame it on Dinka tribes. Paul if you want no Dinka to exist than why don’t you come up with slogan of annihilates all Dinkas once- and- for- all Mr.
    Paul it is shameful for you to call the people party as a Dinka organization .SPLA/M Is for all of us unless you are not the part of the true south Sudanese that need prosperity in place. Paul you can be amongst magi but you got it wrong here. Am not saying SPLA/M has met the need of all citizens but what I don’t like in your writing is pointing your dirty fingers toward one tribe, which was the worst part of your article. You are full of hatred man; you better roll it or suck your bad idea of bringing it now and on.
    If this party is also a Dinkas organization then that is well and good. We are proud of that Paul whether you like it or not it has to remain that way. Also one thing you need to know is that Dinkas have what it take to own that party (SPLA/M).Late all the haters go to hell or else annihilation can do in this case.
    Good Luck Haters.

  • Deng Sam Malek
    Deng Sam Malek

    Saving South Sudan from a destructive SPLM
    Very disgusting and barbaric – Hell of nonsense out of malicious and empty head. How dare you Paul to fail in distinguishing between Dinka and our good nation. Are you too young to understand the distinction, huh? I would forgive you if you were born in 90’s.
    You are so myopic in seeing reasons that you even dare your effort to write this shit via a well known medium like this one. Where is your head, Elhag? From now henceforth, you better learn how to write good article that will unite all of us as Southern Sudanese rather than wasting your time releasing out venom.
    Don’t ever include our peace loving brothers and sisters of greater Equatoria in your writings of whatsoever title – because you are sick and needs urgent medical attention. They are great people with great minds and they all know what to say right away than using your dirty ideas. I beg, take off your divisive hands out of this page – never ever write here because you are an idiot that knows no choice of words to use in contributing towards a national progress. I love Equatorian people because they know how to listen and make a point. They have no difficulties in passing their feelings in constructive manner – not like this Elhag’s way.
    And hey …., are you aware that you even deviated away from the topic (Saving South Sudan from destructive SPLM)? I doubt the school you went for studies and I bet you never wrote a good composition to pass an exam that time. Can you imagine, at your age, you can’t keep to the topic? You chose the topic yourself and again failed to write about it fully – hahahaha… this is childish.
    Let me remind you that not all Dinkas are in SPLM as a party. They are in all the parties including the one you think belongs to Equatorians.You stated blindly that the SPLM started from the top with Garang and ends at the bottom with Aguer. I cannot help to understand this one again. So, what about Riek Machar or Wani Igga, to mention but few? Or you call them Dinkas as well? Hhhmmm, son of a woman – no wonder why you failed to impress the readers of your article. If this is the way you will continue, am worried you may appear at the long arm of the law or under custody of those who may choose to take justice in their own hands. It is too late to pardon people of your characters but it is not too late to reform and change your way of writing. The way to do this is either you grow up or go back to school and learn how to make choice of words – period.
    No thank

  • Sundayw

    Saving South Sudan from a destructive SPLM
    It is just unconscionable that SudanTribune is giving a platform to this hatemonger. This writer is spewing anti-Dinka rant on this news website to promote ethnic strive aimed at a particular group. If this writer is indeed in South Sudan, he should be tracked down and prosecuted based on laws governing media and hate propaganda.

  • kaci-banno

    Saving ROSS from a destructive SPLM
    No doubt that SPLM is became a foolish organisation of Dinka . A sense of correction who is dinka to forgive? even the term forgiveness is not there in Dinka langauge. Kiir has to stop bringing local Dinka on power while knowing nothing about leadership. May God save R. South Sudan from greedy heart of Dinka.

    By: Kaci-Ma-banno

  • Dikeri Timelo
    Dikeri Timelo

    Saving ROSS from a destructive SPLM
    Another generalisation and from a dinka 14 AUGUST 06:44, BY Deng II
    Naath people had been mislead by aggressive frequently raiding their neithborehood for cattle and food, so they think that they are brave enough than any tribes in the South to overthrow the Government.
    They(Naath) still don’t get it, that majority of them tried to collaborating with NIF to destroy SPLA, but they never destroy it, instead, they just came like foolish human being without cerebral cortex such as an aspects of human brain (which is associated with executives functions such as self-control, reasoning, planning,and abstract though).
    They thinks they are smart, but they are really foolish.

    You crazy Dengdit what do you think you are. Is it not an instigation while your stupid Dinkas keep silent. This time there is no Kakuma or Khartoum.

  • Dikeri Timelo
    Dikeri Timelo

    Saving ROSS from a destructive SPLM
    Another generalisation and from a dinka 14 AUGUST 06:44, BY Deng II
    Naath people had been mislead by aggressive frequently raiding their neithborehood for cattle and food, so they think that they are brave enough than any tribes in the South to overthrow the Government.
    They(Naath) still don’t get it, that majority of them tried to collaborating with NIF to destroy SPLA, but they never destroy it, instead, they just came like foolish human being without cerebral cortex such as an aspects of human brain (which is associated with executives functions such as self-control, reasoning, planning,and abstract though).
    They thinks they are smart, but they are really foolish.

    You crazy Dengdit what do you think you are. Is it not an instigation while your stupid Dinkas keep silent. This time there is no Kakuma or Khartoum.

  • Dikeri Timelo
    Dikeri Timelo

    Saving ROSS from a destructive SPLM
    Another generalisation and from a dinka 14 AUGUST 06:44, BY Deng II
    Naath people had been mislead by aggressive frequently raiding their neithborehood for cattle and food, so they think that they are brave enough than any tribes in the South to overthrow the Government.
    They(Naath) still don’t get it, that majority of them tried to collaborating with NIF to destroy SPLA, but they never destroy it, instead, they just came like foolish human being without cerebral cortex such as an aspects of human brain (which is associated with executives functions such as self-control, reasoning, planning,and abstract though).
    They thinks they are smart, but they are really foolish.

    You crazy Dengdit what do you think you are. Is it not an instigation while your stupid Dinkas keep silent. This time there is no Kakuma or Khartoum.

  • Dikeri Timelo
    Dikeri Timelo

    Saving ROSS from a destructive SPLM
    Another generalisation and from a dinka 14 AUGUST 06:44, BY Deng II
    Naath people had been mislead by aggressive frequently raiding their neithborehood for cattle and food, so they think that they are brave enough than any tribes in the South to overthrow the Government.
    They(Naath) still don’t get it, that majority of them tried to collaborating with NIF to destroy SPLA, but they never destroy it, instead, they just came like foolish human being without cerebral cortex such as an aspects of human brain (which is associated with executives functions such as self-control, reasoning, planning,and abstract though).
    They thinks they are smart, but they are really foolish.

    You crazy Dengdit what do you think you are. Is it not an instigation while your stupid Dinkas keep silent. This time there is no Kakuma or Khartoum.

  • Dikeri Timelo
    Dikeri Timelo

    Saving ROSS from a destructive SPLM
    Another generalisation and from a dinka 14 AUGUST 06:44, BY Deng II
    Naath people had been mislead by aggressive frequently raiding their neithborehood for cattle and food, so they think that they are brave enough than any tribes in the South to overthrow the Government.
    They(Naath) still don’t get it, that majority of them tried to collaborating with NIF to destroy SPLA, but they never destroy it, instead, they just came like foolish human being without cerebral cortex such as an aspects of human brain (which is associated with executives functions such as self-control, reasoning, planning,and abstract though).
    They thinks they are smart, but they are really foolish.

    You crazy Dengdit what do you think you are. Is it not an instigation while your stupid Dinkas keep silent. This time there is no Kakuma or Khartoum.

  • Dikeri Timelo
    Dikeri Timelo

    Saving ROSS from a destructive SPLM
    Another generalisation and from a dinka 14 AUGUST 06:44, BY Deng II
    Naath people had been mislead by aggressive frequently raiding their neithborehood for cattle and food, so they think that they are brave enough than any tribes in the South to overthrow the Government.
    They(Naath) still don’t get it, that majority of them tried to collaborating with NIF to destroy SPLA, but they never destroy it, instead, they just came like foolish human being without cerebral cortex such as an aspects of human brain (which is associated with executives functions such as self-control, reasoning, planning,and abstract though).
    They thinks they are smart, but they are really foolish.

    You crazy Dengdit what do you think you are. Is it not an instigation while your stupid Dinkas keep silent. This time there is no Kakuma or Khartoum.

  • Dikeri Timelo
    Dikeri Timelo

    Saving South Sudan from a destructive SPLM
    Another generalisation and from a dinka 14 AUGUST 06:44, BY Deng II
    Naath people had been mislead by aggressive frequently raiding their neithborehood for cattle and food, so they think that they are brave enough than any tribes in the South to overthrow the Government.
    They(Naath) still don’t get it, that majority of them tried to collaborating with NIF to destroy SPLA, but they never destroy it, instead, they just came like foolish human being without cerebral cortex such as an aspects of human brain (which is associated with executives functions such as self-control, reasoning, planning,and abstract though).
    They thinks they are smart, but they are really foolish.

    You crazy Dengdit what do you think you are. Is it not an instigation while your stupid Dinkas keep silent. This time there is no Kakuma or Khartoum.

  • Dikeri Timelo
    Dikeri Timelo

    Saving South Sudan from a destructive SPLM
    Another generalisation and from a dinka 14 AUGUST 06:44, BY Deng II
    Naath people had been mislead by aggressive frequently raiding their neithborehood for cattle and food, so they think that they are brave enough than any tribes in the South to overthrow the Government.
    They(Naath) still don’t get it, that majority of them tried to collaborating with NIF to destroy SPLA, but they never destroy it, instead, they just came like foolish human being without cerebral cortex such as an aspects of human brain (which is associated with executives functions such as self-control, reasoning, planning,and abstract though).
    They thinks they are smart, but they are really foolish.

    You crazy Dengdit what do you think you are. Is it not an instigation while your stupid Dinkas keep silent. This time there is no Kakuma or Khartoum.

  • Dikeri Timelo
    Dikeri Timelo

    Saving ROSS from a destructive SPLM
    Another generalisation and from a dinka 14 AUGUST 06:44, BY Deng II
    Naath people had been mislead by aggressive frequently raiding their neithborehood for cattle and food, so they think that they are brave enough than any tribes in the South to overthrow the Government.
    They(Naath) still don’t get it, that majority of them tried to collaborating with NIF to destroy SPLA, but they never destroy it, instead, they just came like foolish human being without cerebral cortex such as an aspects of human brain (which is associated with executives functions such as self-control, reasoning, planning,and abstract though).
    They thinks they are smart, but they are really foolish.

    You crazy Dengdit what do you think you are. Is it not an instigation while your stupid Dinkas keep silent. This time there is no Kakuma or Khartoum.

  • Dikeri Timelo
    Dikeri Timelo

    Saving ROSS from a destructive SPLM
    Another generalisation and from a dinka 14 AUGUST 06:44, BY Deng II
    Naath people had been mislead by aggressive frequently raiding their neithborehood for cattle and food, so they think that they are brave enough than any tribes in the South to overthrow the Government.
    They(Naath) still don’t get it, that majority of them tried to collaborating with NIF to destroy SPLA, but they never destroy it, instead, they just came like foolish human being without cerebral cortex such as an aspects of human brain (which is associated with executives functions such as self-control, reasoning, planning,and abstract though).
    They thinks they are smart, but they are really foolish.

    You crazy Dengdit what do you think you are. Is it not an instigation while your stupid Dinkas keep silent. This time there is no Kakuma or Khartoum.

  • kaci-banno

    Saving South Sudan from a destructive SPLM
    I wonder why Dinka community don’t want everybody to make hard discussion about their fault or negative contribution toward south sudan leadership? it Is true that 95% percentage of important position in the Republic of south Sudan is taken up by Dinka as a tribe, where is the democry that we fought for? Distribution of power suppose to be fair and eqaul not only for one tribe. Dinka as a community should have to understand that greedy of power always leads to desttruction otherwise President Kiir must stop appointing wrong gangs to be a leaders of the new country.

    By: Kac-Ma-banno

  • acuil deng
    acuil deng

    Saving South Sudan from a destructive SPLM
    This individual must have lost his insanity, or must have have been in some kind of drugs prescribed by a “Dinkaphobic” doctor.
    Launching this venomous attack on all Dinka indiscriminately is rude, irresponsible and unacceptable. All I can see here is some lunatic out of his mind running a round spreading hate messages trying to ruin what our people “the people of ROSS” are trying to achieve. Being a “Southerner and a Dinka” shouldn’t be a crime, when living in peace and harmony with my fellow countrymen is what all that I wanted to do in this life. My ultimate dream is to see my two little daughters living in a country where their ethnicity or tribe shouldn’t be questioned.
    Tribalism starts at home and dies in the bush, accept with (Elhag Paul) who’ s determined to bring it into life. We all wanted peace, liberty and prosperity for our people, and we don’t expect this to be achieved over night; because” Rome wasn’t built in one day”. If “Paul” thinks “SPLM” couldn’t do it, please think again before Going public in that ignorant manner. I have
    confidence that” SPLM” will deliver; however, there should be a peaceful transition to power, simply because no one in the South wanted to fight another war. But if Mr. Paul wanted to do so, he knows where is “SPLA” and; definitely, not on this page.
    Just to let you Mr. Paul, that my brother in law is from “Equatoria”,and with my sister they have six beautiful kids; on the other hand, my other sister is happily married to a “a husband from the Nuer tribe”. This is what South Sudan is like and this is how it should be in my opinion.
    Now I got a question for you Mr. Paul: after all you have said and done, will you ever die defending a child, or a woman who’s a “Dinka”?. To tell you the truth you wouldn’t, because you gotta love them first before you give your life away, simply because you showed nothing but hatred.
    Our fallen heroes would turn in their graves, if they could hear what you said, because they’re united by the same bullet that took their lives. You know and I know they were ” sons and daughters of South Sudan” who died defending all the tribes and all the people equally.

  • jur_likang_a_ likan'g
    jur_likang_a_ likan'g

    Saving South Sudan from a destructive SPLM
    As intellectuals from this part of the world, we should be people who see a coin on both sides. Well Mr Paul has written this article out of the trouble he might have gone through and the way things go negatively as he sees. But I wonder if we as a nation have stopped for a second to ponder if this is true and find answers for the past and present mistakes committed during the bush war, in addition to what is happening in Juba at this time of peace. Have we looked at ourselves on how recruitment of people to public service is conducted? Do we have the stastics of those who are heading institutions of government and what qualifications they have? What about the distribution of scholarship positions to kids of South Sudan? Does that reflect the South Sudan multi-ethnic, multi-religious composition? All we quite often hear is that theliberators died in large numbers for this country as a qualification for land grabbing, plunder, robbing? The issue is burning right now in East Equatoria State(rural Nimule). Those who stole from government coffers still move freely. Those who killed innocent people(Senior Police members included) in Yambio are still enjoying freedom. What system of goverment do we really want? Look at the constitution. It promotes statusquo while the common man continue to suffer under the sun. I think as a people we should have the power to critically see things not because a political or military project is initiated by a member of a tribe therefore deserves to be supported. Look in 1955 the Latukos initiated the war for liberation, I have never heard a Latuko fellow claiming credit for opening the eyes of the so-called present liberators who sound more than empty tins when hit. We should wake up otherwise we are creating a bad tomorrow right now. Right things need to be done to avert this.

  • Deng manyok
    Deng manyok

    Saving ROSS from a destructive SPLM
    Mr.Lokarai don’t you to be comfuse, South Sudan doesn’t have a regime. The regime,we leaved it. It is belonging to North Sudan now. Mr Paul and Banno including Lokarai I don’t know where you grew up. The new generation has issue to educate people to know right from wrong and you are opposite with lie to mislead yourselves.
    Let me show you a Part of history, Dinka played a big roll in SPLA/M during 22 years civil war in the Sudan and that one brought all of us out to distance ourselves from dominance of north Sudan since the departure of colony. What make you to write nonsence,is your commisioner of your payam from Dinka? if he isn’t a Dinka then rationize your ideas are evil. Becarefull about your freedom of speech, there are many Dinka’s houses families were disapeared forever for consequence of freedom you now in it

  • Sammyyoi2011

    Saving South Sudan from a destructive SPLM
    Hahahaha, Paul Elhag a total joke.

    Without denying, your writing skill is brilliant, however, the way you are using it cannot help us as South Sudanese or you yourself.

    I still cannot come in terms with a South Sudanese saying that ” whatever bad things that was done by SPLM/A in Equatoria has not been done by Arabs”. I heard stories that SPLM/A used to demand food but the Arabs demanded virgin girls from Equatoria to comfort them. After they are done with them, they stamped their buttocks so that Equatorians could not recycle them when they(Arabs) demanded more virgins. There is no pride in telling this as a South Sudanese but just to bring you in line.

    There is one more thing you need to be aware of. Dinka is the major tribe in South Sudan. This mean that whatever good/bad that will happen in South Sudan will involve majority of Dinkas. As a result, the only solution to other minor tribes is to unite with Dinka or else there will be no achievable objective.

  • Southerner

    Saving South Sudan from a destructive SPLM
    Reading some of the comments, it is clear that the article does contain some truth in it, with the only constraint being that it is strongly worded and might be seen as promoting ethnic hatred against one ethnic group. The decisive role played by SPLA in fostering the liberation of South Sudan is beyond question, and we do ourselves greater harm of being unjust if we fail to recognize that role. Give credit where credit is due. However, it is important to note that there is also a myriad of activities building on the role played by SPLA that ultimately led to the independence of South Sudan. Our freedom was not only fostered by bullets in the front-line, but most decisively by the unified voice raised by all Southern Sudanese in ballot boxes, a referendum exercise seen by many as unprecedented in terms of its orderliness, peacefulness, and transparency. Concomitant with this practice, is the policy advocacy component. Many a people of good will across the globe lobbied hard to raise awareness on the urgency of the Southern cause. They called leading governments, such as the Obama administration to put pressure on Khartoum to ensure the CPA is not dishonored like previous agreements, and the referendum to be conducted in a timely, peaceful and credible manner. Therefore, the liberation of South Sudan need not be hijacked by one ethnic group, many people from within and without South Sudan contributed to this historic cause. That said, it is also important to revive the memory about why Southern Sudanese raised a unified voice for liberation. The liberation that Southern Sudanese called for was primarily from intractable marginalization of the periphery by the center (khartoum). We the Southern Sudanese refused to be treated as “second class citizens” in our own country. Therefore, if our cause was a struggle against historical power (political, social, and economic) dominance by one elite minority group in the center, then a reconfiguration of similar power structures in the South is destructive to peaceful coexistence. This in short is the challenge for SPLM namely, to refrain from re-establishing in the South similar power structures that existed in the north and against which we as Southern Sudanese and people of good will around the world fought in various degrees and capacities. If the SPLM can be mindful of inclusive power representation across the different Southern Sudanese tribes, then there won’t be angry voices that promote ethnic hatred as this article is charged. God Bless South Sudan.

  • Ngundeng

    Saving South Sudan from a destructive SPLM
    All I hear on SSTV is Dinka people talking about “their” contributions to the peace, but what about the other ethnic tribes that as a whole outnumber them? South Sudan is only as strong as it’s people, and with Salva Kiir and Riek Machar only worried about their own interests, we’ll end up like Nigeria in the next couple of decades!!!

  • Dikeri Timelo
    Dikeri Timelo

    Saving South Sudan from a destructive SPLM
    Well done Paul.

    You wrote it clear, simple and to the point. SPLM/A will continue to suffer due to its bad history. People all contributed and fought under the banner of SPLM/A, yet the Dinka have insisted to deny the contribution of non-Dinka in the liberation struggle.

    The non Dinka of Upper Nile, Unity and Jonglei States have started to teach the Dinka in their back yards. It is only in Equatoria and Western Bahr Ghazal that a naked Dinkaman can claim that he liberated the South. It is the peace loving people like the Madi of Nimule, who now bear the brunt of hosting unappreciative tribe of hooligans like the Dinka Bor IDPs. Could a Dinka Bor have taken their cattle to Nimule if it was a Murle town? When did the Dinka Bor did last grazed their cattle in Pibor?

    South Sudan is now an independent country and Dinka are just one of the many tribes in the area. The Tutsi were considered a small minority, so they fought back and now the Hutu majority have come to their sense. If someone is oppressing you, you have to fight back for your dignity and you have nothing to lose. The problem lies with those who sit on others and not those being sat on.
    Without a decisive battle where the entire South Sudan will be reduced to ashes and rabble, the Dinka will never give in. Dinka is not South Sudan and all the tribes must come together to tame this monster called Dinka. South Sudanese must leave this SPLM to the Dinka and we only need two political parties in the country, one is already the Dinka dominated SPLM as they enjoy calling it, and the other one would be South Sudan minus Dinka party.

    The Dinka must be made to understand that they are and have always been at odds with the rest of the South Sudanese. Those non Dinka who think that the Dinka will change are day dreaming. It is impossible for the Dinka to change their primitive ways, mark my words. They are a human curse. Let no non Dinka allow themselves to be misled into thinking that what your brother Paul have written is wrong, remember that the Dinka have committed worse atrocities to our people than this throughout the bush war, in Nimule, in Juba, in Yambio, and beyond. It’s your time to stand for your rights. Dinka are only human beings and they should not be allowed to play god in South Sudan.

  • daniell

    Saving ROSS from a destructive SPLM
    Sudan People Liberation Army/Movement is about to lose its golden creditability. The creditability of a one nation as people fought for. If it keeps governing country like the old days; then it will be regarded as a movement which fought over twenty one years for unknown, ungrounded, unproductive and unjust principles and therefore people will try to find the ALTERNATIVE.

    I believe all the citizens of RSS across the country will not and cannot welcome the above principles no matter which ethnicities they belong to. If the people of multicultures peacefully and inextricably coexist in some countries; then WHY our people of ethnicities cannot coexist? Something must be wrong. Iam Requesting all spla/m party ministers to sit down and redraw, redefine, remove out the old day’s principles and replace them with what the entire country fought for. People dwell on the world which built on numbers, if majority of citizen (no matter what ethnicities they belong to) get more dissatisfy about the spla/m party performance, definitely they will peacefully and faithfully turn to the opposition party and vote out spla/m. Safety of citizens is something President and ministers of spla/m party shouldn’t even be reminded of.

    Your Solidarity NOT disperse is what bring independence.

  • Mammar Gadhaffi
    Mammar Gadhaffi

    Saving ROSS from a destructive SPLM
    To Idiot Kaci-Ma-Banno

    Calling SPLM a Dinka Organization cannot help you succeed to down campaign SPLM, as a party that has liberated the South Sudanese people from the hand of Muslim dominated North under the leadership and sacrifices from the Great Dinka, However in your comment i expect you and your foolish Paul to appreciate and respect the Splm as dinka organization that have liberated you and your asses.

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