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Sudan Tribune

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South Sudan says army made advances in Upper Nile

August 23, 2011 (JUBA) – South Sudan’s army on Tuesday announced it had expelled militia forces from the strategic town of Kaka, which was described as a major victory for the newly established state.

Members of Sudan People's Liberation Army (SPLA) celebrate during South Sudan's independence day celebrations along the streets of Juba July 9, 2011 (Reuters)
Members of Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA) celebrate during South Sudan’s independence day celebrations along the streets of Juba July 9, 2011 (Reuters)
Government officials say the areas remaining under rebel control have been shrinking dramatically in the past few months, with the regular army gaining momentum and taking control of all areas under territorial boundary of the newest nation.

Peter Lam Both, Minister of Information and Communications in Upper Nile State said an attack on the area was carried out by a coalition of rebel groups. But he said they were immediately expelled by South Sudan’s military – former rebels the Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA).

“I want to briefly present to you the report of the incident in Kaka town, Manyo County which took place on 19th of August. A small combined force of Younis Akec, Olony, Gordon Koang, George Athor, Ayuok Ogad, Abdel Bagi Ayii and other militias attacked an SPLA check point in Kaka which they overpowered”, said the minister in a statement on Tuesday.

The official said fighting in the area started at a military outpost and carried on until reinforcements from the SPLA’s Division 7 arrived. He said the rebels were pushed back and 58 from the militia were killed.

The minister said the SPLA captured three rebels and some weapons including 4 RPGs and 3 PKMs.

“Then they ran in disarray into South Kordofan [across the international border into North Sudan] as they got lost in the terrain there. These people did not know the area well and therefore, they got lost. On the SPLA side, we have confirmed 3 deaths so far”, explained minister Lam in e-mail message seen by Sudan Tribune.

The senior member of the state government said the security situation has returned to normal and that the state administration will work together with SPLA to provide adequate security to the local population.

“Let me reiterate that the situation is back to normal in the area of Kaka and we are now investigating how these forces managed to come into Kaka area without being intercepted or why the intelligence was not able to detect their movements which we have been monitoring for a long time”, he explained.

South Sudan became independent in July after decades of conflict with North Sudan. However, numerous rebel groups have blighted Africa’s newest nation.

Juba accuses Khartoum of backing the groups in an effort to destabalise the nascent country. Khartoum routinely denies the allegation.



  • jamuse

    South Sudan says army made advances in Upper Nile
    Khartoum Government should not deny fact.If Bashir is not supporting rebel groups, Why are they based in Kordafan? and where do they get logistical support?.
    Bravo SPLA.Go on clearing dogs out of the border.

  • peter marko
    peter marko

    South Sudan says army made advances in Upper Nile
    Well done, SPLA.

  • Deng Gau
    Deng Gau

    South Sudan says army made advances in Upper Nile
    Bravo SPLA,
    Millions congratulations to SPLA and people of South Sudan.
    Go ahead with a strong military strategy to clear all the enemies of our Nation.
    Well done SPLA, hope more and more success.

    Spla Oyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
    Long live Spla/M, long live South Sudan.

  • Saba Saba
    Saba Saba

    South Sudan says army made advances in Upper Nile
    Job well done and big thank you to South Sudan army. Keep protecting our civilians from those greedy militias which had no purpose and vision. Those of Athor, Ayii, oliny and the likes should relinquish their demands and join their brothers and sisters in South Sudan.

    Is not that the government and the leadership in South Sudan (Juba)is perfect, however, it is our country and therefore it needs all of us to be there and participate in one way or another so that we can help our people(not to make an alliance with thugs the ARABS in Khartoum).

  • Rich Dinka
    Rich Dinka

    South Sudan says army made advances in Upper Nile

    We don’t want more confusion in South Sudan.Ayii,Oliny,Athor and all those rats should understand that SPLA is not a rebel any longer, it is a national army that defense South Sudan and beyond.


  • Buffalo One
    Buffalo One

    South Sudan says army made advances in Upper Nile
    I think and believe that the proxy war being fought by the so-called militia groups will definitely diminish one or two tribes in South Sudan.

    ” Mark my words”.

    By Buffalo One

  • Gueth Bidok
    Gueth Bidok

    South Sudan says army made advances in Upper Nile
    Buffalo One
    Why don’t you go farther and explain to us which tribes will be deminished by militias’ fihgt.

  • pabaak

    South Sudan says army made advances in Upper Nile
    Its a good victory although its the same proxy war the Khartoum has been used for years but still some people are enslave by heart and become blind enough not to see their objective for the wars. since the army get the huge budget I think its important to the army engage in a real transformation not just in the training or the equipment but also in morale, as in this week SPLA program on SSTV, if you can compare the morale during 80s and 1990s you can sense that those years were really a very high morale in SPLA compared to this moment and that’s why they were able to score a lot of victories over the Jalaba. now its time to revive that morale in order to meet the needs of this time, and the future of South Sudan.

  • Good Citizen
    Good Citizen

    South Sudan says army made advances in Upper Nile
    Guys, our army is constitutionally called SOUTH SUDAN ARMED FORCES SSAF. please stick to the new name! if u find it difficult to remember, repeat the Official name, SSAF,50 times per day so that it sticks into your head, ok?

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