Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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Juba and UN send troops to restive areas of Jonglei State

August 26, 2011 (JUBA) – The President of the Republic of South Sudan, Salva Kiir Mayardit, ordered the country’s armed forces to deploy between feuding tribes in unstable South Sudanese states including Jonglei.

The UN mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) has also decided to deploy over one hundred peacekeeping troops in Jonglei in a bid to support government efforts to restore security and prevent further violence there.

On August 18, armed men alleged to be from neighbouring Murle tribesmen killed over 600 people in Uror county, a Lou Nuer area. The attack is supposed to be a retaliation assault in connection with similar attack allegedly launched by Lou Nuer on Murle in June where hundreds were killed.

The President tasked a joint security forces is composed of the Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA) and the South Sudan police to take immediate measures to stop revenge attacks in Jonglei and Warrap states where tribal conflicts are frequent.

Wednesday’s decision responded to a parliamentary resolution demanding deployment of the troops to the conflict affected area with a mandate to prevent the occurrence of a retaliatory attack and subsequent escalation of conflict in the South Sudan’s largest state.

The house equally appointed a parliamentary committee to visit the area and report findings after completion of the mission. The parliament said this fact finding report should allow them together with the government to put in place appropriate measures to address the conflict through prioritisation of a peace and reconciliation processes .

Security experts say other states that need the urgent deployment of the Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA), the former rebels that now serves as defense forces of the new republic of South Sudan, include Unity and Upper Nile states.


The United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) announced on Friday that it was deploying 130 armed peacekeeping forces alongside teams of civilian experts to vulnerable areas of Jonglei State.

Speaking in an interview with Sudan Tribune on Friday, Aleem Saddique, spokesperson of the United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) explained that the forces of the United Nations being deployed to Jonglei will work closely with the SPLA to support their efforts to deter violence.

“The UNMISS is not only deploying peacekeeping troops, we are also deploying our civilian experts staff members who will help with local reconciliation efforts”, said Saddique.

The UN spokesman said around 600 people have lost their lives as tens of thousands of cattle are reported to have been stolen during this incident.

The Special Representative of the Secretary-General, Hilde F. Johnson in a statement extended to Sudan Tribune on Friday urged restraint by all communities.

“Reconciliation efforts must be redoubled. UNMISS civilian staff are now reaching out to community leaders in the affected areas to support this process. We stand ready to support the Government and state authorities with all their efforts to ensure peace and stability are restored,” Johnson said.

The senior UN official said they would now start deploying extra peacekeepers and roaming teams to the most vulnerable areas of Jonglei State to support their efforts and the safety and security of all of South Sudan’s peoples must come first and foremost.

“UNMISS surveillance flights over the conflict affected areas are also being conducted on a continuous daily basis. These over-flights will provide information on the situation on the ground in the areas observed, in order to support the Government’s efforts to deter further outbreaks of inter-communal violence,” reads part of the statement.



  • Ahmed Chol
    Ahmed Chol

    Juba and UN send troops to restive areas of Jonglei State
    Any concern legitimate authority should address this filthy idea of abducting and selling young children by Murle. This will cause a big problem in the near future.
    Neighbouring tribes are leaving it to the government and the UN for the moment, but time will come when hell will break loose on the Murle when the neighbouring tribes are going to retrieve all that has been stolen from them.

    Ahmed Chol, whatever begins in anger ends in shame

  • Bigcat

    Juba and UN send troops to restive areas of Jonglei State
    We waqnt troop to be deploy in the border of nuer-dinka in the place like duk county and some places like murle-nuer border in juglei…

    we also want those people (murle) involve in cattle raiding business to be brought to justic and if they are guilty then they will be sue for child abduction in bor comumnity and they shuold be ask to bring the thousand of childeren they took from bor community village.

  • DeltaBravo

    Juba and UN send troops to restive areas of Jonglei State
    What an idiot? You see people talking about peace and you are there talking about bringing Children back. Where do you think SPLA will find them. We are talking of arm force develoployment along the borders to prevent another revenge atack by any Tribes.

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