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Sudan Tribune

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Mixed public reaction to South Sudan’s first cabinet

August 27, 2011 (JUBA) – South Sudan’s first cabinet since it declared independence in July has received mixed reactions from citizens within the new nation and in the Diaspora.

The President of South Sudan Salva Kiir (R) is sworn in as the President of the new country during a ceremony in the capital Juba on July 09, 2011 to celebrate South Sudan's independence from Sudan (AFP)
The President of South Sudan Salva Kiir (R) is sworn in as the President of the new country during a ceremony in the capital Juba on July 09, 2011 to celebrate South Sudan’s independence from Sudan (AFP)
President Salva Kiir announced the 29 ministers of his government on Friday just over seven weeks after being sworn in as the leader of Africa’s 54th country.

Debate on South Sudanese blogs and on internet forums has differed greatly. Some expressed appreciation that the right composition was made. Others expressed regret that previous public assurances by the President to form the cabinet based on qualifications and not on ethnic representation has fallen far below expectations.

In Juba, South Sudan’s capital, the feelings were no different.

“President Salva Kiir has appointed a very fair cabinet this time. I never thought he would relinquish the positions of the ministries of defence, interior and finance to non-Dinka politicians. He has done a wonderful job,” said Gatbel Gatluak, a returnee from Uganda.

Another commentator thought it was time to put aside complaints as the appointments equally represent the three greater regions of South Sudan.

“I believe we should not any more complain because [President Salva Kiir] Mayardit has appointed the cabinet with equal representation of our three greater regions of Bahr el Ghazal, Upper Nile and Equatoria. This is what we have been waiting to see happen,” said George Akwen.

However, others are not convinced by the new appointments, saying they were not fair, complaining that Kiir’s tribe – the Dinka – continue to take the lion’s share of positions.

“I am not impressed by the manipulated appointments. Why [are] eleven ministers appointed from the Dinka ethnic community alone out of the 29 ministers? This is like more than 40% of the cabinet is from one ethnic group. This is not fair in a country of more than 60 ethnic groups,” argued Manasseh Lemi, a government official.

Tut Jal from Unity state complained that he has not seen any national ministerial position given to Unity state in the new cabinet.

“I couldn’t believe that there is no single ministerial position given to my majority community [Nuer] in Unity state. Is it because the Vice President [Riek Machar] comes from the state and therefore assumed to have represented all our constituencies?” he asked.

He further complained that Kiir gave some of the ministries to his own community in Warrap state, .

“The minister of Cabinet Affairs, Deng Alor Kuol, is currently representing a constituency in Warrap state in addition to the minister of Foreign Affairs, Nhial Deng Nhial and the minister of Labour, Public Service and Human Resource Development, Awut Deng Acuil, all from the same Warrap state together with the President,” Jal further argued.

He said the President should have given some of the positions to other minorities, non-Dinka, communities in Warrap state such as the Bongo tribe, which he claimed was marginalised in the state.

Alier from Jonglei state claimed that most of the positions in the state have been given to the Nuer community at the expense of Dinka Bor – a branch of the Dinka – community which got only one national ministerial position.

“The minister of defence and veterans affairs, John Kong Nyuon, the minister of Justice, John Luk Jok and the minister of Information and Broadcasting, Barnaba Marial Benjamin, all the three are from the Nuer ethnic group in
Jonglei state,” he pointed out.

He added that minority tribes have been left out in the three regions, questioning whether the appointments were really based on qualifications and not on tribal representations.

“Our Jikany Nuer community in Upper Nile state has never been represented in the ruling party [Sudan People’s Liberation Movement] at the national level since 2005 despite the fact that it was the community that hosted the movement during the liberation struggle. Instead, President Salva Kiir has again picked minority SPLM Dinka and Shilluk ethnic groups in Upper Nile state leaving out the Nuer single majority ethnic community in the state,” said Guan Deng.

He alleged that the President used the trick of equal regional representation in order to pick members of minority Dinka community in Upper Nile to represent the Nuer majority in the state, which he claimed has now resulted to the Dinka maintaining 11 national ministers in total as was in the previous government while the Nuer have reduced from 6 to only 4.

He further added that the Dinka have at least 12 deputy ministers while the Nuer have only 3.

However, a commentator from Western Equatoria state who wanted to remain anonymous commended President Salva Kiir for giving the three ministerial positions of Interior, Finance and Economic Planning and the ministry of Housing and Physical Planning to Western Equatoria state.

“I feel happy that Western Equatoria state has got the three ministries, particularly my community [Zande] that got the ministry of Interior and the Housing and Physical Planning,” she said.

“I think the ministry of Interior is an important ministry even though some people in my community yet complain that the creation of the new ministry of National Security has interfered with some vital roles the ministry of Interior used to handle,” she continued.

The Pangak youth union of Nuer community in Jonglei state was the first to congratulate President Kiir on South Sudan TV on Saturday for appointing their son, General John Kong Nyuon as minister of Defence, saying the new cabinet was the best ever formed since 2005.

A peace agreement in January 2005 brought the SPLM to power in, what was a semi-autonomous, South Sudan. The six year deal ended in July with South Sudan’s independence following an overwhelming vote for separation in a vote held earlier this year.



  • Msudi

    Mixed public reaction to South Sudan’s first cabinet
    Unity State,
    This is the thank you get after your governor Taban Deng spent your 2% oil share bribing salva kiir and his corrupt cronies.I’m really sorry for you guys.

  • jur_likang_a_ likan'g
    jur_likang_a_ likan'g

    Mixed public reaction to South Sudan’s first cabinet
    I believe the ministerial appointments were fair because it was based on equal distribution of portfolio to the three former regions of South Sudan namely Equatoria, Bahr el ghazal and Upper Nile. It was important to get Dinka, Nuer into the cabinet irrespective of the areas they came from as long as they belong to the same region such as Upper Nile or Bahr el Ghazal. These appointments fairly struck an ethnic balance of which South Sudanes should be proud of. It is now time to deliver services to the public and not too much shouting for nothing.

  • Laat Ayie Jal
    Laat Ayie Jal

    Mixed public reaction to South Sudan’s first cabinet
    Dear Readers;

    I’m glad that I have not seen a single reaction from regular oppositions to this forum. More voices vowed to criticism Kiir in the past for failing to form inclusive government in post CPA era, but today I guess more people are satisfied if not all.

    Personally I’m glad that Equatorians got away with the whole grilled of ” Nyama-Choma” Finance Ministry, this demonstrates Kiir’s effort to unit Southerners. Though the same old folks returns to government but in different settings, and I believe all these ministers would work for Southerners people at large, making this cabinet the most balanced and reflect diversity of South Sudan.


  • gotutu

    Mixed public reaction to South Sudan’s first cabinet
    absilutely you are correct
    does it means that Unity State has not qualified MPs.
    President kiir was suppose to take on ministry from warrap and give it to unity state
    another problem that have you seen any person from murle given ministry ?
    it is because they don,t respect the freedom we are in.

    the same problem is applied to unity state who remain rebel inthe bush.

    death Anjelina the rebel leader

  • Fighter

    Mixed public reaction to South Sudan’s first cabinet
    Jönköz government. Sad indeed. There has got to be another Liberation War

  • Butrus

    Mixed public reaction to South Sudan’s first cabinet
    It does not really matter so much whether all the ethnical gruops are equally represented or not. What matters is transparency, Accountability, and Good governance.

    Some of the ministries are still questionable, becuase they are closely related. for example, The ministry of Road and Bridges rhyms with the ministry of Transport which should have been one ministry [Ministry of Roads Transport and Communication]where there will be sectors such as [Information and Telecommunication] 2 [Roads and Transport] This can enable the government finance the ministries, becuase creating many ministries would mean inreasing the number of minister and this minister need sustianability.
    Prove me later.

  • Murle Intellectual
    Murle Intellectual

    Mixed public reaction to South Sudan’s first cabinet
    Foolish gotutu, There is no Murle minister because their politicians or so-called politicians are just food-lovers, greedy and useless, they don’t agree among themselves as Murle to work for Murle interests as well as South Sudan interests. But the real reason of Murle absence is not any alleged rebelion because the so-called rebels come from Dinka and Nuer as well. The real reason why you don’t see any Murle minister is because Salva Kiir who is the chief Murle hater to please his masters the Bor Dinka, as long as he remains on top of this jonkoz gangs or what you call government, no single Murle will be included in any important position so that Salva Kiir and his gangs can plot against Murle and plan how to finish his genocide against the Murle people. He had begun his evil plan in 1987 under orders from Garange himself. So far, he has killed 10,000 Murle. Let him go to hell. Jokozen caraci lavarci

  • Waucity

    Mixed public reaction to South Sudan’s first cabinet
    Just because people in Equatoria complain a lot does not mean, they should have been handed more power just like that. This is sad. Nuer, your problem against Dinka is solved..You will no longer see, please now enjoy your positions and leave us alone…thanks

  • kaci-banno

    Mixed public reaction to South Sudan’s first cabinet
    I personally feel regretted for president kiir to undermine mabaan tribe since last six years. Mabaan tribe is one of the tribe in Upper Nile state stood bravelly with SPLM/A during the time of war until peace deal was signed but unfortunately they are forgotten totally by Mr. Kiir because simply they are not complaining. My word to the people of mabaan enough for remaining as a peace makers, your voice will be heard when you start fighting for your right. I know very well in the time’s of war most of the tribe’s in Upper Nile like Shiluk, Nuer and Dinka of upper of Nile run to Jalaba to find good life while Mabaan tribe remain in the bush as a liberators and at last they become ziro to be consider by so Call Kiir government in Juba. I personally disappointed because we learn from the error of last six years, nothing has been done only every ministry tring to create his strong family unite so that they will be the first class citizen in south sudan. I hope mabaan tribe wheather in South sudan or diaspora become alert now about the wrong aproach of Juba government and soon the action will be taken so that so call narrow minded government in Juba should learn.

    By: Kaci-Banno

  • choldit

    Mixed public reaction to South Sudan’s first cabinet
    It is so blind to see some claiming the appointment is a balanced one. pple are so ignorant and so blind to see the obvious. Yes, Equatorian has are the current golden boys to Salva but for how long?

    Kirr has ignored so strategically very important places like Eastern Nuer bordering Ethiopia and Bentiu Nuer. This is an strategic mistake he will regret for life of his term. This two communities have voted 100% for separation during the referendum vote but now forgotten. let hear what thier politicians will said.

    These Eastern Nuer has been doing good for SPLM in and in diaspora for years. example they lead SPLM missions in major Western countries e.g. Ezekel Lol in America, Peter Lam Both in Canada, Philip Chuol Chawech in New Zealand and Dr. John Gai Yoa in South Africa. These dudes are highly educated politicians who are committed to service our people through SPLM. Yet our leader, Salva Kirr Administration turns blind eyes these guys and the whole Eastern Nuer all along and now he also turn his back to Bentiu Nuer has well.

  • Malou Manyiel
    Malou Manyiel

    Mixed public reaction to South Sudan’s first cabinet

    You must be stupid, your 100% vote for separation was not for President Kiir or somebody else but for your own freedom and South Sudan at large.

  • Tambura

    Mixed public reaction to South Sudan’s first cabinet
    Guys I can see most of you talking about president should point member of this tribe and that tribe even thought some of those tribe have no qualified people to be appointed.Azande tribe are second tribe in south Sudan which Nuer clam they are, Azande people never complain about posts, because as I said many times Azande people knew what plan Dinka and Nuer have for them which is to push them out of their land and brought LRA to do dirty job of killing Azande people. They denied zande’s and west equatoria in general contribution to struggle of south Sudan history by remove name of west equatoria form south Sudan independent booklet and apologize. Azande people are watching you guys know what president Kirr have for Azande people they are well prepared for that day. Azande people will do their best to teach other tribes in south Sudan how to live in peace and unity but if the other side won’t learn they are not going to sit there watching you guys killing each others stealing country assets. Azande people have plan A and B, plan A is to try their best to be as one country or go to bush to fight for Azande kingdom which will include azande people land in Congo and central africa. Only times will tell plan B.

  • Cadaai ?o?
    Cadaai ?o?

    Mixed public reaction to South Sudan’s first cabinet
    Historian and Identity Advocacy View:

    There is no complain from Dinka Twic Eas, why? because they have two powerful deputies in ministers. That’s enough. Also, this tribe of Dinka branch is not always complain alot because they know how leadership works. Leadership is something always challenging and there must be some circumistances where people must have to just take it as it is. Also Dinka Twic East has done the hardest parts during the movement and they love to see others enjoy the freedom whom their brothers and sisters deceased in masses in such a way I don’t think if there is any tribe South Sudan has endured or faced since 1967 until CPA of 2005.

    N/B: I want everybody here not mixes up the identities of these tribes of Dinka Twic East, Dinka Hol, Dinka Nyarweng with Dinka Bor. Dinka Bor is different from Dinka Twic East, Dinka Hol and Dinka Nyarweng. These tribes are having in differences in Dialect and Characteristics. Please, if you want to call them as one community, they are call Southeastern Dinka or Eastern Dinka or Jongeli Dinka.

  • Cadaai ?o?
    Cadaai ?o?

    Mixed public reaction to South Sudan’s first cabinet
    Historian and Identity Advocacy View:

    There is no complain from Dinka Twic Eas, why? because they have two powerful deputies in ministers. That’s enough. Also, this tribe of Dinka branch is not always complain alot because they know how leadership works. Leadership is something always challenging and there must be some circumistances where people must have to just take it as it is. Also Dinka Twic East has done the hardest parts during the movement and they love to see others enjoy the freedom whom their brothers and sisters deceased in masses in such a way I don’t think if there is any tribe South Sudan has endured or faced since 1967 until CPA of 2005.

    N/B: I want everybody here not mixes up the identities of these tribes of Dinka Twic East, Dinka Hol, Dinka Nyarweng with Dinka Bor. Dinka Bor is different from Dinka Twic East, Dinka Hol and Dinka Nyarweng. These tribes are having in differences in Dialect and Characteristics. Please, if you want to call them as one community, they are call Southeastern Dinka or Eastern Dinka or Jongeli Dinka.

  • Cadaai ?o?
    Cadaai ?o?

    Mixed public reaction to South Sudan’s first cabinet
    Historian and Identity Advocacy View:

    There is no complain from Dinka Twic Eas, why? because they have two powerful deputies in ministers. That’s enough. Also, this tribe of Dinka branch is not always complain alot because they know how leadership works. Leadership is something always challenging and there must be some circumistances where people must have to just take it as it is. Also Dinka Twic East has done the hardest parts during the movement and they love to see others enjoy the freedom whom their brothers and sisters deceased in masses in such a way I don’t think if there is any tribe South Sudan has endured or faced since 1967 until CPA of 2005.

    N/B: I want everybody here not mixes up the identities of these tribes of Dinka Twic East, Dinka Hol, Dinka Nyarweng with Dinka Bor. Dinka Bor is different from Dinka Twic East, Dinka Hol and Dinka Nyarweng. These tribes are having in differences in Dialect and Characteristics. Please, if you want to call them as one community, they are call Southeastern Dinka or Eastern Dinka or Jongeli Dinka.

  • Cadaai ?o?
    Cadaai ?o?

    Mixed public reaction to South Sudan’s first cabinet
    Historian and Identity Advocacy View:

    There is no complain from Dinka Twic Eas, why? because they have two powerful deputies in ministers. That’s enough. Also, this tribe of Dinka branch is not always complain alot because they know how leadership works. Leadership is something always challenging and there must be some circumistances where people must have to just take it as it is. Also Dinka Twic East has done the hardest parts during the movement and they love to see others enjoy the freedom whom their brothers and sisters deceased in masses in such a way I don’t think if there is any tribe South Sudan has endured or faced since 1967 until CPA of 2005.

    N/B: I want everybody here not mixes up the identities of these tribes of Dinka Twic East, Dinka Hol, Dinka Nyarweng with Dinka Bor. Dinka Bor is different from Dinka Twic East, Dinka Hol and Dinka Nyarweng. These tribes are having in differences in Dialect and Characteristics. Please, if you want to call them as one community, they are call Southeastern Dinka or Eastern Dinka or Jongeli Dinka.

  • Ahmed Chol
    Ahmed Chol

    Mixed public reaction to South Sudan’s first cabinet
    Don’t get me wrong, Sometimes, theres is trace of tribalism in our system, but this time. I am not an advocate of tribalism either. I want everybody to have a fair understanding and approach. Remember this, during the rule of the Arabs in Sudan, Dinkas were more in the Khartoum governments than any other tribes, even when the selection of people representing southerners was not controlled by Dinkas.

    Dinkas had lots of people working in the previous Khartoum government as ambassadors and ministers. Some became vice presidents like
    1) Abel Alier
    2) Kongor Arop
    3) Prof. Machar

    During those times, some tribes never had a position of a watchman in Khartoum, leave alone being represented in the government.

    I am not saying that Dinkas are special people. It is because Dinka has more people than any other tribe in the south and regardless of who is in power, Dinkas will always have a slightly higher number than any other tribe. Not doing so, will be marginalization!

    Look now, only the 3 states of Equation that don’t have Dinkas.

    All the other 7 states have Dinkas in them, some states are just pure Dinka without other tribes. So if we are speaking of regional representation, then the number of Dinkas in the government will be a little bit higher than that of any other tribe.

    I am saying this, because some people ignore facts and think of tribalism as the only reason why things are the way they are. And those who don’t realize this will complain until the end of the world.

    Ahmed Chol, whatever begins in anger, ends in shame

  • Ahmed Chol
    Ahmed Chol

    Mixed public reaction to South Sudan’s first cabinet

    Equatoria, not equation

  • Cadaai ?o?
    Cadaai ?o?

    Mixed public reaction to South Sudan’s first cabinet
    Historian and Identity Advocacy View:

    Please guys, you don’t have to rely on this South Sudan National Ministers alone. We need to consider whole the positions leadership in Juba. There are many important positions there where others tribes and regions are being represented while others are not. Also, even these 29 positions when you just give them to Dinka sub-tribe alone. They wouldn’t even certify the Dinka tribe. Let’s just take it as it is. And maybe next time your tribe or your prefer community would be represented while others would site with other positions.

    These positions were not allocated under tribal representation, they were allocated based on regional and populations density. Furthermore, president Kiir have right to appoints whoever he truts and he think will be loyal to him and his administrations. And who he should trust the most? Well, the people he should trust the most are his close relatives and friends who he knows very well. So lets’ drop this korkora of tribe sterotyping or compaign.

  • Cadaai ?o?
    Cadaai ?o?

    Mixed public reaction to South Sudan’s first cabinet
    Historian and Identity Advocacy View:

    Let’s also consider Governors’ positions based on tribes people.

  • Msudi

    Mixed public reaction to South Sudan’s first cabinet
    I do agree with you, I think the Kiir did what he did knowingly by ignoring the Eastern and Western Nuer but this is going to backfire on him and his corrupt bootlickers.
    I think it is right time for for uppernile and unity state to have their rightful share of 25% each from oil revenues.


  • choldit

    Mixed public reaction to South Sudan’s first cabinet
    That is point Malou Manyiel, except that I am NOT stupid.

    The 100% separation vote that those people made was to buy thiers and other South Sudanese freedom from Jalaba not our freedom alone. At the movement these people are forgotten from day one by Salva Kirr admin. What do you think they are thinking of us?

  • Acinitos

    Mixed public reaction to South Sudan’s first cabinet
    People you have to understand one thing, I personal apporciated one thing from President Kiir.It is not easy to stand by our words but this man did he stand by his words,at list every region recieved their share.It look like football player in the field people sitting and watching will complain i wished you can do this or that,but come to see if they are given chance to play they will be the wost.Give president time to do his dream for you Southerner.Stop complain but contribute positively

  • Manyaar

    Mixed public reaction to South Sudan’s first cabinet
    to all readers and writters. your arguments is exceedingly being set on who is dominated the ministries and who is not however,if we on this site for change and not affront of one another, then lets ask this Kiir,, is he optimistic that these ministers will save this nation willingly. the point is this, this ministers were the first ministers that loot South Sudan’s first budgets. I am sure they will do the same this time and the country will remain unconstructed or the development will base on their buildings and nothing else will be for South Sudan common man since there is no jobs created for them. currently, the bank of South Sudan is empty (on ministers debt)and yet they remains carring millions of dollars in cheque waiting for another budgets to take. South Sudan is on ministers debt.that question is what we want to address. thanks

  • acuil deng
    acuil deng

    Mixed public reaction to South Sudan’s first cabinet
    It is pretty sad that we identify with our tribes more than we identify with our land. Moreover, we feel threatened and insecure when our tribe is not being represented accordingly.
    It’s said that it doesn’t matter, if the cat is black or white; but it matters if it doesn’t catch the mice. So, let’s have confidence, and give our brothers a chance. And if they failed to deliver, then a free and an honest election should be decisive enough to settle our differences.

  • Young

    Mixed public reaction to South Sudan’s first cabinet
    Let those who have been complaining every now and then be happy that Kiir is try and gave them the leadership of South Sudan and left our the three States of Bahr El Ghazal namely Northern Bahr El Ghazal,Western Bahr El Ghazal ,Lakes and Unity State of Uper Nile.We in these four States are not happy about the appointments made by Kiir if he can remember his earliest statement ”next cabinets appointments will be based on Qualications not on tribal representation”then he should go back for new appointments because the appointments happened,but very unfortunate the people whom he appointed are not qualify than the once he left out.

  • Mammar Gadhaffi
    Mammar Gadhaffi

    Mixed public reaction to South Sudan’s first cabinet

    You are wrong brother Dinka Bor is the general name for the five groups that is Gok,Athooch,Twic (not Twic east),Nyarweng and Hol, so this is the composition of Dinka Bor.

    stop it or if you continue like that you will keep dividing upto your clan,family and even your children.

  • Brainy

    Mixed public reaction to South Sudan’s first cabinet
    You’ve just said it. It’s pretty SAD to see my fellow South Sudanese who sang the new national anthem the other day whine like hypocrites. In his speech, the president once said, “See yourself first as a South Sudanese”. We’re always the first to condone tribalism when things favour us and the first to condemn when it goes the other way.

    We should note that these are civil servants who are appointed to serve ALL THE SOUTH SUDANESE but not their own tribes. Why don’t we wait and see whether they will deliver or not for us to have our say. That’s what we call DEMOCRACY.

    Now let’s start thinking positively about our new BABY instead of inciting militia mentality.

  • kuoldit

    Mixed public reaction to South Sudan’s first cabinet
    Honestly, I agree with Ahmed Chol. People in South Sudan should know that there is always a probability and chance of possibilities. Believe me or not, Dinka by the fact that their population combined can account for 50% if not more should be something of consideration before you people start to blindly complain. Throw the dice and you will be sorry on the number Dinkas that will be represented.
    Please, it will be good if we take it forward to explain how things happen to out people than misleading them on the facts. It is natural fact that Dinkas are majority and human beings who need all the basic needs and representation.

  • Kon Garang
    Kon Garang

    Mixed public reaction to South Sudan’s first cabinet
    Dear Participants,

    Based on most of your comments, where each participant is complaining for his/her own tribe and state,It ‘s clear that we are far from building a nation and may be soon South Sudan is likely to divide into 10 or more countries independent from each other.
    We shall divides, divides and divides and fall,fall and fall and, thereafter we shall release the need for unity in building a strong nation regardless of our tribes and states.
    If not because of our stupidity, what will the communities benefited from the ministers who came from them? Go to the payams and Bomas of former ministers who have been in GOSS and see how much those local grass root communities are suffering.
    God! where is South Sudan leading to???????????

  • Lokeji

    Mixed public reaction to South Sudan’s first cabinet
    Dear brothers,the mentality we are now injecting here, will never take us or our infant state further.the first and the interim government of kiir was purely monopolize by Dinka and Neur where other tribes complained bitterly about it and called different names on the former kiir’s administration.Now we should atleast be thankful that kiir has somehow resolve the our usual point of dispute which is the regional representation, and i personally think it’s the only valid mechanism of power distribution in south sudan, bcoz if we want to make a tribal representation then it means we have to create approximately 64 ministries to accommodate all our tribes and that is not in conformity with any state in the world, but what for all this? will they be productive? will they not be an economic burden to the state?. i really believe this time that kiir deserve credit from us, and please let us present logical and positive criticisms than to be exhausting our thoughts on matters that can damage our national solidarity.

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