Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Wikileaks: Sudan seeks U.S. help to normalize ties with Israel

September 6, 2011 (WASHINGTON) – The Sudanese government conveyed to the United States in 2008 its desire to normalize ties with Israel, according to one of the diplomatic cables released by Wikileaks website.

Collages.jpg The breathtaking revelation by the anti-secrecy website will likely cause a huge embarrassment to the Islamic government in Khartoum which prides itself as being a staunch supporter of the Palestinian people.

Top Sudanese officials including president Omer Hassan al-Bashir meet publicly with leaders of Islamic militant group Hamas who visit Khartoum.

The leaked document marked as confidential refers to a meeting between Bashir’s adviser Mustafa Osman Ismail and U.S. charge d’Affaires Alberto Fernandez on July 29, 2008. This was almost two weeks after the International Criminal Court (ICC) prosecutor announced his intention to seek an arrest warrant for Bashir on ten counts of war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide in Darfur.

The Hague tribunal eventually issued the warrant against the Sudanese leader on all ten counts.

In his talks with Fernandez, Ismail accused the then U.S. assistant Secretary of State for African affairs of ordering the special envoy to Sudan Richard Williamson in June 2008 to end negotiations on bilateral talks that were ongoing between Khartoum and Washington.

Williamson at the time said that talks were suspended because leaders from the north and south were not serious about ending fighting in the disputed region of Abyei that has raised concerns about a return to civil war.

”At this point the leadership of either side is not interested in meaningful peace,” Williamson said at the time.

The top U.S. diplomat in Sudan told Ismail as he was not present at the negotiations and as such he was not aware of this but added that he had seen zero evidence that this was the case with either Williamson or Frazer.

“We thought that Williamson was strong and could deliver, but we were wrong – now we will have to see what he will bring when he comes for his next visit” Ismail told Fernandez.

The presidential adviser said that prior to the bilateral discussions it was difficult to convince government hardliners such as Bashir’s assistant Nafie Ali Nafie about working with the U.S.

According to the cable, Ismail then became enthusiastic about the possibility of a breakthrough. As the discussions failed, said Ismail, the hardliners have gained more influence within the regime.

Bashir’s adviser then went on to say that the breakdown in the discussions have had a major impact on their foreign policy. He said that Khartoum drafted a strategy for working with the U.S. with immediate, intermediate, and long-term goals.

As an example, he stated that one aspect of this strategy included normalization of relations with Israel, because “if things were going well with the U.S., you might be able to help us with Israel, as they are your closest ally in the region”.

A political analyst in Khartoum told Sudan Tribune that Ismail may have acted out of “desperation” to salvage the regime against the threat of the ICC.

“In an naive way, Ismail thought that he could lure the Americans by throwing the Israel [normalization] card thinking that the Americans would then quickly want to scrap Bashir’s arrest warrant. That was their last ditch attempt” said the analyst who did not want to be named.

Sudan routinely accuses Israel of fueling conflicts in the war ravaged country including the one in the western region of Darfur.

The Jewish state is believed to have conducted two airstrikes in Sudan in 2009 & 2011 that targeted suspected arms convoys and dealers carrying out smuggling operations of weapons into Gaza strip. The Sudanese defense minister Abdel-Rahim Mohamed Hussein vowed to repel any future attack.

Sudan does not recognize Israel and have ruled out the possibility of doing so. It has reacted with anger for quick steps taken by the new state of South Sudan towards establishing ties with Israel.

Last month the foreign ministry spokesperson Al-Obaid Marawih said Khartoum is concerned that Israel may want to use South Sudan to undermine Sudan’s stability. He also claimed that that ruling party in Juba continued to receive support from Israel to prevent Arab-Muslim expansion.

Ironically, Israel is home to thousands of Sudanese refugees and migrant workers who arrived on foot after crossing Egypt’s Sinai peninsula.

In August, local media reported the intention of state prosecutors to charge the Secretary General of Sudan People Liberation Movement North (SPLM-N) over a visit he allegedly made to Tel Aviv.

The counts were to include spying, collaborating with an enemy state, sedition and war against the state and other codes related to violating the Immigration and Nationality law.



  • Lang

    Wikileaks: Sudan seeks U.S. help to normalize ties with Israel
    NCP days are numbered once islamists hear about this.

  • Michael Angelo
    Michael Angelo

    Wikileaks: Sudan seeks U.S. help to normalize ties with Israel
    Good job Wikileaks for revealing secret stuffs over the world. In fact, what you’re doing will lessen corruptions and other inappropriate activities that will embarrassed government officials.

  • Konan

    Wikileaks: Sudan seeks U.S. help to normalize ties with Israel
    “The breathtaking revelation by the anti-secrecy website will likely cause a huge embarrassment to the Islamic government in Khartoum which prides itself as being a staunch supporter of the Palestinian people” in your dream only suckers, normalizing or establishing bilateral relation with Israel doesn’t require US mediation, however nobody in Sudan believe this American’s bullshit, few months ago the same website accused President Bashir of embezzling billion of dollars from oil money only to justify looting of same amount by SPLM’s corrupted elite, why should we believe them this time ? Recently I notice that most of the negative news on Sudan cover large area of your newspaper, being a Southern newspaper you should focus on South Sudan stuff, distraction of your people attention from their internal dilemma, prove one thing Sudan Tribune is SPLM’s Newspaper.

  • Akol Liai Mager
    Akol Liai Mager

    Wikileaks: Sudan seeks U.S. help to normalize ties with Israel
    I am not surprised and the readers should do too. It’s the same Mustafa Ismail and Salah Abdalla (Al-Gosh) who came up with a clever idea of joining Mr W. Bush’s Coalition of willing against Islamic Terrorists 11 years ago.

    The idea to join such coalition was based on the threat made by Mr W. Bush to the Islamic World that “You are either with us, or with the terrorists”. The message was clear, and the two NIF intelligents have chosen to be with Mr W. Bush and therefore, handed over some of their rival radical Muslims to Americans to show their stand on Bush’s side.

    it is the same thing today, as South Sudan Republic leaders made it clear they are not only interested in Diplomatic ties with Israel, but gave a golden gift to the Jews by recognising Jarusalem as undivided Jews State’s Capital City by pledging building its Embassy in Jarusalem.

    Just as Islam, the Palestinian case has been used as a cover by the clever Arabs in Khartoum to achieve the Goal of Arabisation of Sudan. So, the SPLM has destroyed the Palestinian card in the hands of NIF leaders and therefore, looking at other options such as relations with Israel for obtaining new cards.

  • Antigraft

    Wikileaks: Sudan seeks U.S. help to normalize ties with Israel
    This is what is called politcking. I do not see anything strange here. In politic there is no permanent enemy. So let them continue with their quest for the normilization of ties with the Jew state.

  • Dinkawarrior

    Wikileaks: Sudan seeks U.S. help to normalize ties with Israel
    The bad news is the readiness of Khartoum to accept Liok from America and the good news is the fall of regime!

    Down down Bashir!
    Down down murderer Bashir!
    Down down dictator Bashir!

  • Board1

    Wikileaks: Sudan seeks U.S. help to normalize ties with Israel
    Islamist are always going to Meca(Saudia Arabia ) for Haj prayers. they sheated us for hundreds of years not to go to Jerusalem and give thanks to our savior who was born there and descented to heaven.meanwhile they just go to Meca to smell the ground where terosist moahmmed was buried.

    enough is enough
    we must be in Jerusalem like it or not
    and those brothers in christ must be in RSS
    Thank God.

  • Konan

    Wikileaks: Sudan seeks U.S. help to normalize ties with Israel
    Those who really believe in God shall never say something bad about other people religion, but infidels are infidels never change, as Muslims we are not allowed to exchange such insults with non-Muslim especially the people of the book (Jews and Christian) because we believe in all prophets and their books, it is one of the pillars of belief in Islam and should we do that we shall become non-Muslim and go to hell. Shame on u and Sudan Tribune..

  • amokraanthiec ooyee
    amokraanthiec ooyee

    Wikileaks: Sudan seeks U.S. help to normalize ties with Israel
    Hold on Wikkileaks,don’t allow Muslim to go to Jerusalem because it is like Mecca with Christian.

  • Thon Anyaar
    Thon Anyaar

    Wikileaks: Sudan seeks U.S. help to normalize ties with Israel
    You see now Khartoum, if you can’t beat them, just joints them!

  • Waucity

    Wikileaks: Sudan seeks U.S. help to normalize ties with Israel
    These wikileaks reports need to stop quickly. What do you think guys?

  • Board1

    Wikileaks: Sudan seeks U.S. help to normalize ties with Israel
    Kanon you are not wrong to advise the readers and those who sends comments. exchanging some bitter words between religion and religion is not so bad then a certain religiouse men manufacturing bombs and drobs them on inocent people of another religion and shout in the name of Alah that he or she did the job for God. just bcoz if somebody is not in that religion then he or she has to be concider as a fagan.

    jurdge me.

  • Koang

    Wikileaks: Sudan seeks U.S. help to normalize ties with Israel
    Sudan is changing and it is a good changes,any thing that can not changes its ways of doing thing is not normal, and it would faced the consequences. I therefore, proppost that this wise decision will do good to both sides and it will show good image of Sudan.

  • Jack

    Wikileaks: Sudan seeks U.S. help to normalize ties with Israel
    What do you do with band of gangs of robbers who think that they can do anything they want without being catch? The NCP/NIF are groups of thief’s who came to power just to rob the county and the Sudanese people of the wealth and they are doing it without guilt since they know that nobody will catch them. Just let them play but their days are numbers just as Saddam, Gadhaffi, Mubarak, and the president of Tunisia felt it so does the Sudanese president and his gangs member will soon go through the same experience. For now just let them run around thinking that they have prevail gave more room to run and play they will pay of their dues soon.

  • kimo

    Wikileaks: Sudan seeks U.S. help to normalize ties with Israel
    it must be one of april lies…it will be one the world wonders for ncp to normalize with israel

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