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Sudan Tribune

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South Sudan cabinet outlines challenges ahead

By Ngor Arol Garang

September 8, 2011 (JUBA) – Members of the newly appointed cabinet of the Government of South Sudan (GoSS) have outlined priorities and how to address some of the issues as they assume duties in a series of interviews with Sudan Tribune.

South Sudan's new cabinet, September 1, 2011(UN)
South Sudan’s new cabinet, September 1, 2011(UN)
This come after the appointment by South Sudan President Salva Kiir, of 29 ministers and 27 deputy ministers excluding himself and his vice President Riek Machar Teny.

Gathering reactions of the ministers, days after their appointments, Sudan Tribune on Wednesday caught up with Peter Adwok Nyaba, minister of higher education and science and technology.

“The challenges of higher education are so many. One of them is that universities have not yet reopened. We have the issue of students who are still in the north [Sudan]. We have the issue of teachers and we have the issue of physical and technical infrastructures for the universities. These are serious challenges which we need to address”, explained Nyaba.

The minister said the government wants to bring its universities to a world class standard, which requires money.

Gier Chuang Aluong, minister of roads and bridges said the challenges in his ministry are enormous because of the condition of roads and bridges in South Sudan.

“It remains a serious challenge because service delivery to the people depends on the connectivity of the road network. If you talk of about health you need to have roads. If you talk about education you need to have roads. If you talk about agriculture you need to have road. These are challenges of this ministry because if you need to provide basic services to the people you need to have road network”, said Aluong.

Paul Mayom Akec, minister of irrigation and water resources said his agenda will largely depend on financial resources.

“My number one objective as I sit in the office is to secure and procure all equipment for draining works. This is the technical work to drain rivers that have silted over the years so that we are able to disengage the communities that are now competing over the few water spots, in many of the states like Jonglei, Lakes, Warrap, and Unity. This is my number one job. Once I get the money I will procure equipment and will clear the rivers and will make pool so that I can ensure peace for the people to settle wherever they are”, said Akec.

Cirino Hiteng Ofuho, minister of youth, culture and sports said he had been given an interesting role as youth forms majority of the population.

“I think the youth are huge part of the population in this country and the future of this country lies with them. So, I take it as a very important challenge, that we have to build a culture of peace in this new country of South Sudan”, said Ofuho.

Agnes Lasuba Kwaje, minister of gender, child and social welfare said she was glad to return to the same ministry which she had previously held.

“My challenge will just remain the same. I am grateful to president Salva Kiir Mayardit, who left me in the same office and in the same ministry so that I will be able to execute those programmes and solve those challenges which I have identified.

“Probably you may have heard me talking about street children, about the project with the blind and the deaf in Rajaf and the gender-based violence policy. These are the projects which we have already identified and have drawn up programmes which have also been started. People are working on them. So this appointment and return to the same ministry will give me time now to see into it that they are implemented”, she added.

Martin Elia Lomoro, minister of animal resources said he was privileged to have been given a ministry to which he would contribute his experience and knowledge.

“I want to make my policies ready within four weeks of my appointment,” said Lomoro.



  • Alfredo christiani
    Alfredo christiani

    South Sudan cabinet outlines challenges ahead
    Dear new cabinets

    All eyes are on you. Those who will first save themselves will be either kicks out by the president or GOD himself. We’re tied of corruptions in the new born country.

  • Akol Liai Mager
    Akol Liai Mager

    South Sudan cabinet outlines challenges ahead
    Quite impressive statements from Gier Chuang. Yes, construction of Roads and Rail Lines is so important. So the achievement of the two infrastructures will be significant to the South Sudan’s development.

    I hope South Sudan’s development minded ministers will focus on roads to lay the down the clear pathway for overall development in the country. I pray that they may also revive the idea of the local regional Rail Lines to connect the three Regions of Bahr El-Ghazal, Equatoria and Upper Nile as well as the East African countires.


    South Sudan cabinet outlines challenges ahead
    south sudanese cabinet,
    Are they really lawmakers or land grabbers??
    Bor yesterday reacted with full force and breathing fire when Dr. majak assigned to be deputy leader of defense .so where is south sudan heading guys?????????????????????????
    Answer:is HELL.

  • Bow de Bow
    Bow de Bow

    South Sudan cabinet outlines challenges ahead
    South Sudan cabinet, the one man appointees priorities what the Nation don’t understand? when you look at what the called policy framework starting from the office of unqualified president to the bottom, there is no policy framework or either work plan. The president is just on the air to international forums with the piece of paper written by his minister in the office of the president.

    Iam tire with this little illiterate president who can pit on Dr. Garang’s shoe.the president has no choice but to resign or either he will face popular uprising as soon coming

  • Kon Ajith Deng
    Kon Ajith Deng

    South Sudan cabinet outlines challenges ahead
    I myself don’t expected from old selfish wolves old faces to do hard work for the people of South Sudan,they were blinded by corruption public funds,they have to address security issues before any other issues,no roads without security,no education without security and there is no development without security,six years wasted without any tangible development for the people,just looting public funds by some individuals in the GoSS,I repeated again,I don’t expected from those ministers any thing for our people

  • Tom D
    Tom D

    South Sudan cabinet outlines challenges ahead
    Dear Alfredo
    Your comment on this website is always sound logical and convenience (cogent) to me brother, i like the way you express it.
    My message to dear honorable miniters is that,don’t committe the same thing done by previous ministers, make sure that you are the liberators and the founders of this nation at the same time, start your work as Mr president had told you what are you waiting for? Mr president you are a genuine leader who had quality of leadership and in this junction, you need to look very straight on your extravagances ministers because they all experiencing on how to jeopardise on public resources.
    My 2nd message to Dinka Bor youth is that, let us not recall the past events which all of us might have seen, South Sudan became a nation which was attained throught referendum held January 2011. Meanwhile your speculation messages on the public website will not bring a successful nation otherwise we will be a failure nation if you don’t remove that spirit of jaluose!!!!!
    New Cabinet Oyeeeeeee Spirit of Nationalism Oyeeeeeeeee

  • Deng Dut
    Deng Dut

    South Sudan cabinet outlines challenges ahead
    Look here expectations are high, let’s not just sit and talk
    people are dying of several issues: food, medical problems etc.
    The question I wanna ask the GOSS is why did they allowed establishment of beer brewing factory and not a food factory first?
    This can tell a lot about us that we love luxury. God has already blessed our nation and the world knows that but we got to get to work. There was a time when everybody career was to hold a gun and fight however, this is not the case in 21 century. We have to put the past behind us and stop competing against each other because our focus is to be the world class nation.

  • Alfredo christiani
    Alfredo christiani

    South Sudan cabinet outlines challenges ahead
    Dear Tom D
    You‘re welcome Tom even me, I like the way you addressed issues on this website
    GOD be with you always, many thanks once again

  • Boyone

    South Sudan cabinet outlines challenges ahead

    Mr TOM D,

    please Don’t be stupid to assumed that writer is Dinka Bor, Dinka BOR have no heart feeling or jealously against the president, and for your information every president around the world is always criticized by its nation or citizens regardless of their background, do you understand that. You need to adopt real modern society politic and leave your racial stupidity comments behind you. Every ethic in Southern Sudan will lead in the nearness future, yesterday it was leadership of John Garang, today is leaderships of Salva Kiir and tomorrow it might go to Nuer or Equatorial because the future of the South is not belong to one ethic.

    We Dinka Bor intellectuals now a day play low and we don’t even need to raise our voices for stupid things on this website but some idiot force us to talk sometime, do you know why? it because we created the history and there is no need to compete with those people who joined us after we made a pace deal with the northern government, remember back when we were in the bush, no one even in position to help us fight or opposed us for fighting everywhere in the South, everyone went for a cover and all Dinkas from West Bank, East bank and north were left to face the enemy of the south alone for the last ten years after SPLA splits from 1991 to 2005, we remain united under Garand’s leadership and we will remain united under Kiir today. You separates who joined us after CPA you need to appreciated what we did for the seek of the south and let us join hands to build this new Nation, time will come for every community to lead, there is no need to planted the seed of hatred, that is my message to all people who always talk on racial line and working hard to break down this new nation.
    There are some elements who tried hard to change the course of the history but they need to know that history is not an individualistic rhetoric, its built on generation who exist at the time it took place, and for those who tried to change it , you will find yourself fighting with many opposition for the rest of your life simply because your history doesn’t fit the actual accounts of what happen .

  • borian-out

    South Sudan cabinet outlines challenges ahead
    brother Tom.
    I loved your message,that’s the spirit that we all need to adopt instead of condeming our ministers because of the others proir mistakes,I’m sure they will deliver the best for our beloved country as long as his excellence Kiir still in charge. may God bless our president, ministers and RSS.

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