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Sudan Tribune

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South Sudan calls for international support to help world hunger

By Ngor Arol Garang

September 12, 2011 (JUBA) – South Sudan’s foreign minister on Sunday called on the international community to fulfill its historical obligation to supporting countries that are afflicted by serious shortages of food due to factors that are beyond their control.

It is estimated that 750,000 people could die in Somalia in a famine caused by conflict and natural causes.

Nhial Deng Nhial, made the appeal in Nairobi on the closing day of the Horn of Africa Hunger Crisis conference that focused on both short and long term measures to avert starvation in the Horn of Africa.

The minister whose statement was broadcasted live on South Sudan Television and Radio informed the delegates at the summit that policy aimed at providing subsidised fertilizers and high yield seeds to small-scale farmers would be one of the substitutes to global food crisis.

Nhial a senior member of the high level delegation led by South Sudan’s President Salva Kiir Mayardit, which left Juba on Thursday for Nairobi, Kenya, to attend the two-day meeting that brought together different heads of state and government to the summit chaired by the Kenyan President Mwai Kibaki.

The summit which saw participation of President Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed of Somalia, Prime Minister Meles Zenawi of Ethiopia and representatives of government leaderships in Africa and beyond.

Sharing experience on strategies employed to fight hunger in the newly established State of South Sudan, minister Nhial said provision of subsidy to farmers would help the country increase production food.

“The shortage of food that afflicts the continent results from poor production based on subsistence farming. Agriculture in Africa lacks mechanisation to a large extent, hence the need to support small-scale farmers,” he said.

He proposed effective use of existing water sources like rivers, lakes and dams for irrigation in all areas that are privileged with such water resources to supplement production that cannot be achieved in dry areas.

“We have made attempts to introduce modern agriculture schemes including irrigation in different places in the big six regions with reliable rainfall. These regions have been detailed to feed the whole country, and we have logged success.”

South Sudan has offered to help financially to address the famine and to provide troops to the African Union mission supporting the Somalia government.

The offers of assistance come despite South Sudan itself suffering from food shortages and relying on aid agencies to feed a lot of its population, especially those displaced by conflict or those that have returned from North Sudan.

A recent UN report found that conflict has led to the deaths of more than 1,500 people and the displacement of over 73,000 in recent months.

In July South Sudan became independent and the offer of aid is seen as gesture of its arrival on the international stage.



  • Isaac Khamis
    Isaac Khamis

    South Sudan calls for international support to help world hunger
    Smart called made by Horourable Nhial Deng, I would also like to aware of our government that to put security as no one priority, because without security in the country the farmers can not product anythings for their liveshood, then the same famine will occured against in the new Borne Country because most of our civils populations has left the rural areas to the town of security in one way or another.

    our people have not ever relie on food before 1990 except those who were in refugees in Ethiopia but after 1991, the large majority of our populations are depending on food aids. the facts that they were not able product any food because those who has try product somethings have been kill in their respectives farms by unknown Gunmen across the country.

  • Abyei Soil
    Abyei Soil

    South Sudan calls for international support to help world hunger
    You might be kidding Isaac Khamis, that’s not exactly the reason of hunger in South Sudan.
    There are reasons amongst the civil population of this country and you missed them I know.

    Let’s follow what President Kiir said and I hope we shall be succeeded if we keep our words.

  • Kon Ajith Deng
    Kon Ajith Deng

    South Sudan calls for international support to help world hunger
    Dependency on international aid support for the people of the Republic of South Sudan,could lead us to somalia’s famine,we have to depend on our production in the South Sudan,by encourage our people to work for themselves in their counties,I myself don’t want culture of jungle to be apply for the free nationRSS],yes we know that there are food shortage in the South Sudan due to insecurity had created by cattle raiders,rebels and SPLA in the South Sudan,80% was created by SPLA,so let us encourage disarmamant for our civilians,for saving lives of our people in the South Sudan,we want this disarmament to be well and fair for all tribes,and let us encourage our government to coduct negotiation with rebels,and the language of guns is not solutions for our cases with rebels .

  • Gogrialboys

    Provide security and stop relying on relief
    Dear president Kiir Mayardit,
    Improve the security of our country so that our people can go to work in their farms without fear. The security of our country has never been improved since the signing of comprehensive peace agreement, and its worries me, of how our country is going to be respected in regional arena, as you begin to play your role as head of state.

    My president, you have done alot in bringing us to promise land, but the security of our communities has been neglected by your government for a very long time. This negligence has caused massive displacement which has now become a headache to your government, and relief agencies. I know your government is blaming the citizens that they don’t want to cultivate and avoid relief dependency, but how can they do that in the absent of securtiy?

    Your people love you, and also trust you, and now, it is your turn to love them and change their life. They havn’t lose faith in you, but with those deteriorating insecurity and hunger, they may loose hope and trust in you as their conditions not improved. Your leadership in regional stage, will be applauded by member states, if you put the security and food production of your nation first, above anything of your priority list. I’m worried to even see our army spoke person, complaining of an airoplane or hillcopitor landing to arms militias in Jonglei, while they are the one to intercept any plane flying in our air space, and seal the border crossing by those Khartuom proxy militias. Dear president, the strenth of a country lie in a strong security.

  • angunliach

    South Sudan calls for international support to help world hunger
    Mr. President and Minster Nhial, keep your selve alert about East africa, East Arican are vampires, do other businesses with them but don’t let them taste our wealth directly or indirectly, parasite never satify, though you donate how much food or money to them.

  • Ahmed Chol
    Ahmed Chol

    South Sudan calls for international support to help world hunger
    Khamis Isaac,

    I agree with you that Security is one of the problems in South Sudan, Streets of Juba and some other towns are full of people who don’t have jobs.

  • Bush

    South Sudan calls for international support to help world hunger
    Some tribes in South Sudan are too lazy to cultivate for themselves and relied on food AID and support from NGOs as if the WFP was formed specially for them.

    Why are you too strong to fight and steal cows but not strong enough to cultivate for yourselves? the time you are spending in fighting useless wars and stealing cattle will be more than enough to cultivate for yourselves.

    WEP has made you to live like parasites in this world. You need food from GoSS, you need security from GoSS, you need money from GoSS, you need service delivery from GoSS and what are you giving to the GoSS? we are going to milk GoSS very fast and it’s going to die within few years because we take and we don’t give back. Shame on us.

  • Andrew Ojok
    Andrew Ojok

    South Sudan calls for international support to help world hunger
    Thanks Son of God. what i mean is nothing more then hunger, when your father sacrifice in the promiseland of southen sudan, and left or send you to us. mean jesus was send by God and creates more things that human being may needs, we face a lots of things in southern sudan because of hungar, now is hungry is the most things that people may suffering for corruption and killing each others with no reason, so now if you raise up the questionaire in each State the same answer ‘ll be tip-top as hungar couldn’t wait so why not can you finish your request to domestic needs and you jump to somalian needs helps. and we the last people left behind in east Africa. plse try your best as soon as posible. our dreams may come true to finish killing inocences people being acuse that hungar can not wait:

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