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Sudan Tribune

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Abyei partners launch joint oversight committee

September 12, 2011 (JUBA) – Representatives from North and South Sudan last week officially launched the joint oversight committee on Abyei, nearly four months after the much-hyped signing of the temporary arrangements for the administration and security of the oil-producing region.

The ceremony, according to communiqué from the African Union High Level Implementation Panel (AUHIP), took place in Addis Ababa, the Ethiopian capital.

Former Burundian president, Pierre Buyoya chaired the meeting, which was co-chaired by South Sudan’s Deng Alor and Omer Suleiman from the Khartoum government.

During the meeting, the AUHIP statement says, members adopted the modalities for the work of the Abyei Joint Oversight Committee. The committee, it adds, shall be based in Abyei and will be tasked with overseeing the administration of the area and will take responsibility for security issues.

Also agreed upon during the meeting, was a tentative timetable for the withdrawal of North and South Sudan’s forces from Abyei, from 11-30 September.

“The members of AJOC also agreed, in their work, to keep in mind the interests of the local communities, especially as the planting and migration seasons are due to commence soon,” reads the statement.

Speaking during the meeting, Buyoya commended the two governments for the successful launch of the AJOC and for taking the decisions necessary for implementing the Abyei administration and security agreements.

Also in attendance was Tadesse Tesfay, the current commander of the Abyei peace keepers; Boitshoko Mokgatlhe, a representative of the AU commission; Ambassador Kuol Alor Kuol of South Sudan; and Brigadier Mohieldin Ahmed Elhadi of North Sudan.

Sudan and South Sudan claim the sovereignty over Abyei. To end this dispute a referendum was supposed to to be run in the area since January 2011. However the two parties failed to hold it because they diverge on who should participate in the vote.

UN Scretary General Ban Ki-Moon on Saturday welcomed the agreement reached by Khartoum and Juba on the launch of the Abyei Joint Oversight Committee on 8 September.

He also praised the efforts of the African Union High-Level Panel, led by President Thabo Mbeki, in helping the parties adopt the modalities of the Abyei Joint Oversight Committee and agree on a timetable for the withdrawal of all forces out of the Abyei Area, commencing 11 September.



  • Abyei Soil
    Abyei Soil

    Abyei partners launch joint oversight committee
    Security is what we need to see in place in Abyei because President in Khartoum don’t even want lives remain in Abyei. Look at the current situation in Abyei, if people of this region remained in that scenario then why should we be hoping that there is peace between the two countries?

    Omer Al Bashir is no longer a person that value our lives and resources but a person that devalue us in search for his wealth in Khartoum. So, why should we be wasting our time on someone who have self interest over others. Africa by African, let’s return to our origin and blood brotherhood.

  • Martin Muong
    Martin Muong

    Abyei partners launch joint oversight committee
    Another treaty again!.
    What is going on exactly?. I always hear that SPLM and NCP form committee for Abyei crisis without sorting out the problem of territorial disputes once and for all. Abyei is 1oo% land of South Sudan, no doubt about that. The question is, what does government do with petrodollars?. Ministers ought to put aside what we called corruption and create the bill of buying military hard ware such jet fighters and other advance military equipments for adequate protection.

    The problem of land dispute such as annexation of Abyei need everybody in South Sudan to think twice especially the government of South Sudan. I was shocked when I heard Deng Alor telling the world on BBC saying”the government of South Sudan will send its troops to Somalia”. The issue of Abyei need militant action believe me or not. How many many months did we spend since Sudan Armed Forces captured Abyei, and how many treaties did the SPLM and NCP sign?. Stop talking shit what we want is victory to own Abyei permanently. People always said we are committed to peace, so which peace?. Peace is good when both sides are respecting the terms of the agreement. To me this treaty is not effective at all.You need to look for another option to bring back Abyei. Time wait for no one, use petrodollars to purchase jet fighters and MIG. You will lose the battle for Abyei again without having purchased the military equipments I have mentioned above.

  • acuil deng
    acuil deng

    Abyei partners launch joint oversight committee
    Ironically enough, the government of the Republic of South Sudan(ROSS)has been dragging its feet for so long, when it comes to “Abyei” issue that can and will be solved peacefully. However, it has been neglected and not given the attention it deserves in the negotiations prior to, and after the independence from Sudan by conducting “Abyei referendum”, which our government let slip away.

  • syklops1

    Abyei partners launch joint oversight committee
    Bursa Cam Balkon
    izmir psikolog
    izmir psikolog
    bursa evden eve

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