Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Warrap cattle raiders kill 28 people in Unity state

September 12, 2011 (JUBA) – Thousands of heavily armed cattle raiders from Warrap state have launched attacks on a number of payams in Mayendit county in Unity state, killing at least 28 people, wounding 18 others and stealing over 100,000 heads of cattle, officials have said.

The Saturday evening raid was launched from Tonj East county of Warrap, according to the Mayandit commissioner, Simon Gatdit Jiek. He told the Sudan Tribune that the raiders targeted the three payams of Goang-Yaguar, Tharuath Bor and Daab-Lual. He said among the 28 killed eight were children while 13 were women.

The county commissioner confirmed that after some youth from his county followed the raiders, 680 cattle were recovered in a place called Manyang in Warap state. No casualties were reported on the side of the attackers.

The Unity state’s minister of information, Gideon Gatpan Thor, confirmed the incident on Monday, adding that the state government is doing all it can to calm the situation while assessing the impact of the attack.

Thor further said the government and the UN including the county authority all are making sure that an emergency assistance is provided to the local people who have been affected by the incidence.

Unlike Mayom County which has been in counter cross border attacks with Warrap state, it was the first time after independence of South Sudan on 9 July that the two counties of Tonj East in Warrap state and Mayendit County of Unity state have been involved in the cross border violence.



  • Naked Dinka
    Naked Dinka

    Warrap cattle raiders kill 28 people in Unity states
    let stupid dinkas kill themselves


    Warrap cattle raiders kill 28 people in Unity states
    This is really sad guys,how can we stop these madness and useless killing?
    Imagine, children and women were murdered for nothing.
    These bandit or primitives have No mercy on unarmed civilians.

  • Dinka Dominated SPLA/M
    Dinka Dominated SPLA/M

    Warrap cattle raiders kill 28 people in Unity states
    ‘let stupid dinkas kill themselves’
    You are a very discredit creature of doom indeed. how could you talk less human being like this?

    And if you think so that Dinkas are killing themselves, than what bother your wicked mouth to talk about Dinkas affair or you are telling me that you cannot controll your deem reputation of shamelessness.

  • Naked Dinka
    Naked Dinka

    Warrap cattle raiders kill 28 people in Unity states
    when dinkas kill themselves it is looked at as their taboo, so it’s not news. I feel happy infact to see them continuing killing each other.

  • DeltaBravo

    Warrap cattle raiders kill 28 people in Unity states
    To Naked Dinka

    Go back and read the article carefully before you talk nonsense. Something to do with the death of humanbeing is not Joke.

  • Alfredo christiani
    Alfredo christiani

    Warrap cattle raiders kill 28 people in Unity states
    Dear readers

    If facts Nuers youths are the once who attacked (aweng payam) of warrap state in the first light of Friday date 9/9/2011, killing armless civilians and run away with the cattle’s, therefore the youths of aweng went for revenge attack in next morning .

    Mr. Commissioner you‘re suppose to be neutral don’t take side, well it’s known, all those attacks are being organized by commissioners and SPLA senior officers who are commanding forces in unity state and latter on turned to be civilians. But you are the once who can work on peace and stability in the area , change will not fall from the sky it’s you who can make a change, don’t expect white man to help you always .wake up guys .Bentiu will be the last even if you have natural resources .

    I’m completely tied of murle and Nuer of Bentiu their live depend on looting stealing abduction raping and assumption with few educated elements who are working on how to fill their stomach only, rather than to work hard to change their peoples minds for example in Bentiu you can’t differentiate who is on Militias side or SPLA, today you get some one on SPLA side, tomorrow shifted again to militias side, they‘re after money and food only.

  • Diu J.Kuek
    Diu J.Kuek

    Warrap cattle raiders kill 28 people in Unity states
    My condolence to the families of the victims may God give them comfort and may God bless the souls of the victims sorrow I express my symathy with you my dearest.

    I am strongly condemn this serious incident which is against the life of innocents people mostly childern and women,no one can expecting such HEINOUS CRIMES may still being committing by our fellows brothers against their own people while we called as a Nation which is having a sovereign Country with its Government institutions.

    So our people should thinks well now such same an incident recently was happened in Jonglei State.which was lost the hundreds of life.
    As been quoted by Dr David de Chan in his article that is in the SouthSudan.net saying that there is deliberating genocide about Nuer Community by Dinkas Community but many of us were dismissing such an article we term it as its infliction injury to our society as we the people of South Sudan should have love to each others and to upholds the principle of UNITY and INTEGRITY of the Nation in order to move forward and build up our new Nation.
    So now some people may rethinks for Dr David de Chan statement in this successive incidents.
    I urge the Government of South Sudan to extinguish such tribals confusion in our Country no one should take the Law in his own hand.
    So I will not wish for the retaliation for this injuries I hope Mr President Salva Kiir and his Governors should take serious actions to protect the life of innocents population and to avert any further criminal act.

    Diu J.Kuek

  • Isaac Khamis
    Isaac Khamis

    Warrap cattle raiders kill 28 people in Unity states
    Cattles raiding will stop unless the government think wisely to address the issues and caused, since there is a government.why did home state of Salva Kiir attack the home state of his vice Machar, I think the disagreement in some issues in Juba has reah home.

    I sure our government will solved any problems in Country because I saw Salva Kiir yeserday in Nairobi Addressing insecurity and foods ciris in Somalia while her country men and women are dying in one way or another.

    He know that there was a fighting between Nuer and Murle in Upper Nile Region which many people have doubt about Kiir leadership, where many analysits been asked why Kiir try to pertend to be focusing on international issues while the people of his country killing themsevles or dying of hunger like 384 recently reported have dead of hunger in Warrap state and he yeserday gave 1 millions dollar to Somalia famine.

    What I know so far, even though all our communities are disarmed, the following communities will not accept the disarment;
    1.Agaar Community
    2. Murle Community
    3. Didiga Community
    4. Lacjang Community
    5. Gogrial Community
    because these communities do n,t accept the trust even though you brought god to them.


    Warrap cattle raiders kill 28 people in Unity states
    Isaac khamis,
    Why did you illogically put Didinga people into that category??
    According to geographically locations, do you know where they are located on the map of south sudan? Or you are just one dummies, morons,and hate monger who have individual problems with Equatora people?? Did you hear Didinga attacked any community yesterday?

  • George Bol
    George Bol

    Warrap cattle raiders kill 28 people in Unity states
    Militia of Peter Gatdet, Banyping,and the one of late Gatluak Gai need to demoted from being police or being in the wildlife,other the stealing and raiding of civilians will not stop because they consider stealing as the way of getting food/ration. When will Naath stop Nyagatism?

  • Ngundeng

    Warrap cattle raiders kill 28 people in Unity states
    South Sudan won’t evolve until the natives stop fighting over damn animals!

  • Dakkin

    Warrap cattle raiders kill 28 people in Unity states
    A revenge attack of a similar kind, from any body would send shock waves across the land of a south sudan governed by a drankard!

  • Dinka Dominated SPLA/M
    Dinka Dominated SPLA/M

    Warrap cattle raiders kill 28 people in Unity states
    Are you still not recovered from nuer bad mood?
    Go to hell talk about Kiir being adrunk is not going to help your wicked wish out, why don’t you talk about Riek Machar who smoke marijuana aka marihuana, or do you think we don’t know whay he [Riek] dose?

    there is so many shame in your tribe then other tribes in South Sudan which nobody will bother to talk about but just know it as a kind of doom and wickeness.

    death to your leaders.

  • Alier42

    Warrap cattle raiders kill 28 people in Unity states
    @ Naked Dinkas

    stop evil thoughs ,my condolences to the families of the victims .the calprits must be brought to the book.

    To answer the idiot naked .even if we kill ourselves at the community level as dinkas, we still have a common agenda at the national level ,in which your comment aimed at it. ,you wish all Dinkas to kill themselves so that you can have a chance in the political arena of new nation.your dreams will never come true till the day after.you will keep on shouting and wishing us to kill ourselves, and we still remain the same Dinkas who are the (monjieng) simply.

  • Liberal

    Warrap cattle raiders kill 28 people in Unity states
    Dear Naked Dinka,

    The article is mainly for Dinka fighting Nuer and both tribes are backbone of South Sudan. Thank you for being happy in the death of innocent South Sudanese people.

    My condolence goes to the parents of innocent victims. May God rest their souls in Peace.

  • Bush

    Warrap cattle raiders kill 28 people in Unity states
    The fact that educated Dinka and uneducated Dinka are all the same can’t be denied, why can’t educated tell uneducated or teach them to stop killing each other like that?

    We the people of South Sudan have died enough in wars, we don’t want to see our people still dying like that any more, we still have our enemies grinding their teeth against us .

    I’m really very annoyed with all those educated Dinka and those who are holding top positions in the government because they are not doing enough to stop the killing of innocent lives rather they are just busy stealing and embezzling the development funds.

    shame on you all.


  • mohammed ali
    mohammed ali

    Warrap cattle raiders kill 28 people in Unity states
    Was death toll 28 or 280, some sources say 280.

  • Aleu Majok II
    Aleu Majok II

    Warrap cattle raiders kill 28 people in Unity states
    My sincere condolences to the families of those killed in the ruthless fights. Death is not a friend of anyone and a normal human can not rejoice over it and esp when it’s occured among our fellow citizens. The poor children, who could have become our tommorow change agents, have just innocently lost their lives over other people’s selfish n glutonous interests. May their souls RIP.

    To Naked Dinka,
    You are not normal because if you were you could have refrained from such insane instigated comments and remember that you yourself don’t know when it’s your turn to attend to the death call.

    To every South Sudanese
    It is high time we remembered that time is up for such tribal chauvinism and now is the time to ignore such people as “Naked Dinka” who want to drag us to their level of fools just to beat us with their experience later. We must direct the blame to where it belongs, county, state and national authorities. They have their hands in this. They must stop it because surely they can less, we shall kick them out when we gather our power (ballot if not revolutionary) someday.

  • Bush

    Warrap cattle raiders kill 28 people in Unity states
    @mohammed ali

    None of your business, you son of a slaved woman.

  • Alier42

    Warrap cattle raiders kill 28 people in Unity states
    @ Bust

    i would like to put your statement right. you are surpose to would have said that, Dinkas have died enough during the war of struggle, yet i can acknowledge the little contribution from Nuer ,but not all the tribes in southern sudan.so Dinkas need not reduce their population again ,and that would have been the right statement I and the rest expect from you.

  • Konan

    Warrap cattle raiders kill 28 people in Unity states
    Mr. Bush,
    When our half-brothers and sisters in ROSS are killing themselves (regardless of number) for nothing, certainly it is our business and instead of insulting each other let us find a constructive solution, however I have one “export cows, leave small number for each family and use the money to educate people in order to change their cultural values, dependency on animals especially cows and eventually their lifestyle”.

  • Bush

    Warrap cattle raiders kill 28 people in Unity states

    You don’t need to know anything about us in the South, you abandoned your uncles in the South in favor of those who raped your mothers, what do you want from us again, on top of that your solution is silly.

    Leave us alone, just enjoy your lives in the shadow of modern slavery of 21 century, you cursed sons of Africa.

  • jonglei

    Warrap cattle raiders kill 28 people in Unity states
    hi, kazi fulani utabibu wa kupasua, Goodnews! For the almiggty Dinka! The respond positively abt tragedy zat was done by Nuer ! The so called Nasir declaration during 1991. Resulting Bor, Twic, Dukeen. Massacred! The loot many milions of cattles from dinka and zat why we make retorting to revenge bcoz of the nuer! bad behaviours of mistreating almight dinka!, well done to our brothers from tonj. Gud job,frustration to nuer! Hahaha!

  • Konan

    Warrap cattle raiders kill 28 people in Unity states
    Hi Bush

    I’m neither a slave nor I do think like a slave do you ?

  • mohammed ali
    mohammed ali

    Warrap cattle raiders kill 28 people in Unity states

    We donnot have slavery in Sudan , slavery exist only in the RoSS where hundreds of children are snached from their mothers annually.Slavery is a disgrace to humanity.

  • Josh

    Warrap cattle raiders kill 28 people in Unity states
    i never seen useless pple like nuer before, how could you sleepdown for others.

  • Konan

    Warrap cattle raiders kill 28 people in Unity states
    Mohammed Ali,

    If this is the case then the nickname of ROSS will become (Republic of Slavery) another brilliant solution for all problems, ROSS must be divided into three major states (Dinka State, Nuer State and Shulk State).

  • watchout

    Warrap cattle raiders kill 28 people in Unity states
    May God rest their soul in peace. I really feel sad when hearing an attack, why people lost the life of innocent people.
    To my fellow patriotes of South Sudan you should pray to God so that He can remove such an evil deeds from the hearts of people. When I compare this to what happened to Isrealites, those raiders are like those who refused to go to the promised land. Why does God did not do the same thing which He did to the refused people of Isreal.

  • wacjak

    Warrap cattle raiders kill 28 people in Unity states
    My condolences to the families of the fallen citizens in Nuer land.
    Warrap state should be disarmed immediately together with Nuer of Unity State because they have learned the habit of getting rich quickly through raiding other people’s properties.
    Why can’t you stop this killing and instead embark on developmental programs?

    As for this Sudantribune Website, it should be divided into South Sudan and Sudan. This would help us avoid receiving useless comments from people like Mahmed Ali, Konan and others. Their comments don’t help in the building of this new Nation rather, they are happy seeing us remaining behind like them in the North. Can you imagine, him inquiring by adding zero after Eight to make the number appear big. Shame on You and your forks. Sudan Will never be the same again.

  • Nyir k
    Nyir k

    Warrap cattle raiders kill 28 people in Unity states
    my condolence to the families of those people who have lost the life ,let holy mighty God bless them and also the souls of victim ,
    Thank by k nyir

  • Ori' Vuni
    Ori' Vuni

    Warrap cattle raiders kill 28 people in Unity states
    We really have idiots in this world. Sometimes when we talk of sense, let’s means it. That’s why they say even an educated Dinka will never throw away their Dinka stupidity. If then it’s that then you die and we don’t sympathize because our madi people know what to do always.

  • goyuom

    Warrap cattle raiders kill 28 people in Unity states
    stupid Dinkas they are stealing every where and killing people and they are also the one begging in Sudan in general. useless dinkas people why don’t you only remain with what given to you by God
    i hate dinkas
    no thank

  • jonglei

    Warrap cattle raiders kill 28 people in Unity states
    yeah! True!

    I think! the Nuer ! Doesn’t have ears or eyes, they ‘re all blind and brains narrow with a parallel line on their society forehead, to make them crazy all the time,
    with out fearing from lord! They are scrambling on the dinka territory ,to come and scraping with dinka without causes!, they come
    make atrocities and ravage to human nature in the dinka areas, and they were keeping havoc with out shame, their cunning and believing in prophet Ngundeng ! ! is Dooms , hypocrite? Which is rarely to other communities in southsudan, their anarchist are known all over the world , hostile society? Nuer are frustration! Hahahah!

  • goyuom

    Warrap cattle raiders kill 28 people in Unity states
    bad heart Dinka dorminate
    i diagnose you sphychiatric patient how can you be happy when people are dying, this bad habit and please don’t mis behave in public you never know you may leader one time but with out nuer you never rule

    shame on you stupid man of stupid Dinkas

  • unity state boy
    unity state boy

    Warrap cattle raiders kill 28 people in Unity states
    It is very pain full to me for the Dinka of warrap who killed the children and women for no reason,and people are say we are one nation now what can it show that we are one? I can tell you infarct from today onward u put it in your mind that the Nuer community will take a decision for you I think u know what happen last event in some year ago .
    Thank by

  • goyuom

    Warrap cattle raiders kill 28 people in Unity states
    my friend they not only Dinkas but Dinka killing innocent Nuer community which so stupid to do.
    i know these Dinka will even disturbe the new relocated Ramciel

  • jonglei

    Warrap cattle raiders kill 28 people in Unity states
    what do u know abt dinka ? Mr toadpole!
    Yr extremely atrocitie as will not work in God eyes!.almighty dinka will chase u like rat? if u want? Yr forefathers and yr fathers has die with out visions! Why don’t u respect the pple who brought u out from slave and massacred of 1992. Zat kill many officers from communities, and yr mother! Contributing, logistical support of girls and young women from yr tribes,yr frustration!

  • Cuei Rooi
    Cuei Rooi

    Warrap cattle raiders kill 28 people in Unity states
    warrap should not be engaged in violent since they hold leadership of south sudan.they should show us humble spirit like Dinka Bor during John Garang leadership.

  • Dinkawarrior

    Warrap cattle raiders kill 28 people in Unity states
    “The Saturday evening raid was launched from Tonj East county of Warrap”
    “Confirmed the Mayandit commissioner, Simon Gatdit Jiek”
    He told the Sudan Tribune that the raiders targeted the THREE payams of Goang-Yaguar, Tharuath Bor(Dinka-Nuer Bor) and Daab-Lual(Dinka-Nuer Lual). All crimes makers will be punish including Dinka-Murle.

    My condolence to the families’ victims of crimes!
    All the commissioners have to be held accountable for not doing their jobs appropriately as the leaders to their people.
    If RoSS takes this seriously then the civilians’ lives will be protected.
    I don’t blame our people, because the Arabs created this kind of hatred among.

    (DR. DAVID de CHAN)
    Have been fighting against Southerners since the beginning of war and have been a tribalism leader! Death to him!

  • Whispers

    Warrap cattle raiders kill 28 people in Unity states
    To those morons who rejoices in the death of innocents people, we know the evil is in your heart and remember you’ll be judge by what you say and do. So if you continue to leave your ignorant everywhere, know that you’re doom for condemnation. Check yourself first before you could write anything here on a web site. Your ignorance is so prevalent and it knocks people over everywhere. I’m sick of you people who have no common sense or logic. I do not understand you hitler who rejoices in the death of innocent people. You know yourself.

  • Cadaai ?o?
    Cadaai ?o?

    Warrap cattle raiders kill 28 people in Unity states
    Cuei Rooi

    Historian and Identity Advocacy View:

    First of all, my condolence to families’ love ones.

    To you brother, you need to learns people history and identity. John Garang is not Dinka bor, he is Dinka Twic East.

  • choldit

    Warrap cattle raiders kill 28 people in Unity states

    I don’t think you know what you talking about becoz every sentence you wrote is in reverse.

    Look at President Kirr (Dinka with big marks arround his head) and Vice President Dr. Riek Machar(a Nuer with no Marks in his forehead). So, are you saying Dr. Riek is smarter than President Kiir becoz Kiir is scared all over his head? To me, that is our tradition. I may need it make on me when I get time.

    What do you think Nuer can do now? they stop rebelious and join the govt in search for peace (to the extend that they even kill themselves N.B. Gen. Gatluak) in our nation but we still arm other tribes like Murle to go and kill Nuer. We armed our Dinka people in Warrap with heavy weapons, president’s Salva Kiir home town and encourage them to go and kill Nuer.

    If we are smart enough we should read the Nueri behaviour on this web. most Nuer stop talking about war and responding to Dinkas stupid senseless writings. Why do you think so? you need to think rationally like Nuer. THE NUER ARE OUTSMARTING Dinkas. We should be concerned about how long we going to stay with this leader in our control as we failed to live to our expectations of leading this nation. Dr. Reik Machar has helped our civilians to reach this stage in history of South Sudan but I am not sure if he will nurse us anymore!

  • jonglei

    Warrap cattle raiders kill 28 people in Unity states
    my plea to whisper

    I don’t understand Nuer pple, when kills innocent dinkas , the feel happy and rejoices, but when some of them, are, kills, the critise , begging condemnation from other communities including some dinka, the flame of doom and atrocities was always on Nuer hands, specially ,killing ,raping? Abduction, and so on! It’s very systematically ,zat they are like the wife who fights her husband in the day time and run away from husband , and she come back at the night time of same the day.fool to the cruel tribe!, dinka will have unlimiting power , if u donot change and stopped yr crimes,or kupinga! Yr frustration always on! Hahaha!

  • jonglei

    Warrap cattle raiders kill 28 people in Unity states
    hi, choldit

    yr altruistic with amnesia is working properly, but i can not waste my time, for yr wicked
    comment! Let me tell u, abt one things zat have no desire to us, killing of innocent dinkas now and then will not bring.peace to the new nation!
    , u have to momerise abt wat happen in 1991 and yr did , of so called Naisir declaration, a less u are not from nuer exactly, this atrocities ! I will not be forget or forgive?
    u forget ambiguous scramble to kill my brother who were officers spla rank in naisir, the were kills like dog, even dog ,can bark, they have no power to protect himselves, apart from dinka Bor, dinka Twic, dinka duken massacred,! Yr frustration is on?

  • DeltaBravo

    Warrap cattle raiders kill 28 people in Unity states
    My condolence to the lost of innocences Children and Women. To those greedy young Nuer who attack Warrap State first on Friday are the one responsble of this revenge attack by Youth from Warrap State. Second Nuer must bring back all DINKA Bor Cattles that were stolen in 1991.

  • acuil deng
    acuil deng

    Warrap cattle raiders kill 28 people in Unity states
    Any lost of lives among the civilian population is sadly regrettable. And when a terrible incident like this one takes place, it should be investigated; immediately, by the government and; consequently, appropriate measures must be taken to prevent such a heinous crime from happening again. Such an attack clearly shows the weakness on the government side, which if not seriously handled could bring the entire region into chaos and lawlessness. Let us forget about sending our troops to neighbouring countries, and use them to better our own country’s security.

  • Wundit

    Warrap cattle raiders kill 28 people in Unity states
    that’s good, because that community they have to depend themselves from nuer in the last two years the nuer attacks Luanyjang community killing 120 peoples and raided 30,000 head of cattle’s what do you think they have to fightback or make the revenge it’s not surprise for nuer to be attack the know what they have done in 2009 December 31 in Nyingong toc.

  • amokraanthiec ooyee
    amokraanthiec ooyee

    Warrap cattle raiders kill 28 people in Unity states
    Truly Wundit,to me i am celebrating

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