Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Unity state: 30 dead, 13 injured in cattle raid on Mayiandit

By Bonifacio Taban Kuich

September 14, 2011 (BENTIU) – A group of bandits believed to be from neighboring Warrap state attacked Unity state’s Mayiandit County on Sunday night taking 100,000 head of cattle, a local leader told Sudan Tribune.

The 200 or so heavily armed bandits attacked three payams districts in Mayiandit according to the local chief Michael Lony Phat of Dablual payam.

The chief said the bandits wore the uniform of Sudan People Liberation Army (SPLA) and carried arms including of rocket propelled grenades (RPGs), machine guns and AK47’s. The amount of ammunition they had could not have been “afforded by an individual person”, said Phat.

Sudan Tribune visited the scene of the raid and found around 30 people had been buried in mass graves, including 13 women, 8 children and 9 men. Locals say 13 people were seriously injured and about 49 people were still missing.

Gatdit Jah Deng Mayiandit County commissioner described the attack as a disaster because innocent women and children were killed adding it may be a crime against humanity.

He called for calm from the victims and to avoid revenge attacks.

“I know it would not be easy to forgive those who killed your brother and sisters, but as we belong to part of the Republic of South Sudan, we need both governments of Unity and Warrap State to join hands in recovering back the taken herds of cattle”, said Deng.

Deng added that the police had managed to recover 600 head of cattle, but due to low numbers in their ranks they had been resisted by the gangs who outnumbered them.

Koach Puok Liah Thong a local resident from Thor Buma, who lost around 200 cows was angry at the commissioner for allowing his community to be disarmed, leaving them vulnerable to attack.

Gatdit Jah Deng Mayiandit county commissioner speaks to Sudan Tribune in in Dablual payam [district] after the cattle raids. Sept. 11 2011 (ST)
Gatdit Jah Deng Mayiandit county commissioner speaks to Sudan Tribune in in Dablual payam [district] after the cattle raids. Sept. 11 2011 (ST)
After decades of civil war South Sudan is saturated with small arms, which are often used in cattle raids, banditry and revenge attacks between rival groups. Attempts by South Sudan’s government to disarm civilians has been controversial as often groups are exposed to raids from neighbours who have not been disarmed for political or other reasons.

South Sudan became independent in July as part of a 2005 peace with North . Insecurity is one of the major issues facing the world’s youngest country.
When fully staffed the United Nations Mission in South Sudan will have up to 7,000 peacekeepers, 900 international police, as well as civilian staff.

“What happens here is really a terrible disaster”, Thong said.

“We blame the government of South Sudan about this case, we had been disarmed properly because we had […] hope [in the] new country of the Republic of South Sudan.”

He said that he would be forced to sell his cows and look to but weapons from North Sudan. “No one can blame us,” he said “because these are the tribes of the president that launch attack, they are not disarm[ed].

Salva Kiir, South Sudan’s president hails from Warrap state. Disarmament campaigns are often considered to be biased by some ethnic groups.

“We are seriously condemning the government and if they don’t find a solution […] we [will] take arms and fight these tribe[s] in [a] short time”, said Thong.

Nyatiek Yiey Weal escaping with her young daughter after being shot by cattle rustlers in Thor, Mayiandit County, South Sudan. Sept. 11, 2011 (ST)
Nyatiek Yiey Weal escaping with her young daughter after being shot by cattle rustlers in Thor, Mayiandit County, South Sudan. Sept. 11, 2011 (ST)
Nyatiek Yiey Weal a victim of the attack said they were at home when a group of men dressed in militarily uniform came in a began to shot at her and her children. Weal was shot twice in her right chest.

“Our appeal to the government is, we need a good protection from culprits and gangs, so for us to become a free citizen, the war took the South Sudan 21 years struggle to be new independent state earlier this year on July 9, we fail to understand why we are being killed like non-citizens”, said Weal.

Dablual chief Phat called upon the governments of Unity and Warrap State to cooperate with each other in terms of deploying more troops at the border to bring peace to the area.

Phat said that what happens in Mayiandit was a human rights violation. He strongly calls for peaceful resolutions on these cattle rustling within the South Sudan.

(ST) after the cattle raids. Sept. 11 2011 (ST),https://sudantribune.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/jpg_Nyatiek_Yiey_Weal_escaping_with_her_small_daughter_after_being_shot_by_cattle_rustlers_in_Thor_11_September_2011_ST_.jpg|Nyatiek Yiey Weal escaping with her young daughter after being shot by cattle rustlers in Thor, Mayiandit County, South Sudan. Sept. 11, 2011 (ST),https://sudantribune.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/jpg_Herds_of_Cattles_recovered_from_rustlers_11_September_2011_ST_.jpg|Unity state cattle recovered from Warrap rustlers in South Sudan, 11 September 2011 (ST)”]


  • Naked Dinka
    Naked Dinka

    Unity state: 30 dead, 13 injured in cattle raid on Mayiandit
    stupid dinkas, when are you going to learn and live on harmony with other tribes? You lost world respect you naked,illiterate, corrupt and evil people

  • Achiek Alier Jr
    Achiek Alier Jr

    Unity state: 30 dead, 13 injured in cattle raid on Mayiandit
    This is not true

  • Bush

    Unity state: 30 dead, 13 injured in cattle raid on Mayiandit
    Any lose of life in regrettable, but when will all those rubbish stop? it’s tarnishing the image of this new nation in the eyes of the world. Learned is like unlearned and unlearned is liked learned, what a mass in those communities!.

    Why can’t those communities learn to embrace peace and avoid fighting? or you are cursed?

    It’s good to educated children and take care of them very well so that when one dies you feel the pain and try to prevent another death, but when children grow up together with cattle then you don’t care whatever happens to them.

    That’s why educated communities all over the world are try as much as possible to avoid such unnecessary death from happening.

  • sunny

    Unity state: 30 dead, 13 injured in cattle raid on Mayiandit

    The problem with you cousins is that you always deny a disaster that engulfs other communities, and when it happens to you, you cry louder. How can you deny this evidenced cattle raiding, illustrated by clear pictures of victims and say it is not true? I visited the scene and confirmed the aforementioned report to be true.

    To conclude with, please let’s learn to be nationalists rather than be typical tribalists otherwise, we will end up encouraging insecurity in the new born Nation.

    One Nation,

    Sir Sunny.

  • Isaac Khamis
    Isaac Khamis

    Unity state: 30 dead, 13 injured in cattle raid on Mayiandit
    My sorrow to those who losts loves one.

    The Three Counties of Greater Bor have forgive Riek Machar and Lou Nuer for 1991 attack that killed 5000 people and destroyed all their liveshood because these counties like others communities of South Sudan that like live in peace.

    Why did people from Bhar El gazel wants while the have Kiir as leader of the country? what do they want from Unity State? do they also need the position of Riek Machar because in 1991 Riek was after the position of late Garang this is why Attack Bor but now Kiir people wants.

    I know during the Bor attack, Bhar El gazal were not attack by Riek groups. the only perons who kill them was their son, namely Kuanyin Bol.

  • Msudi

    Unity state: 30 dead, 13 injured in cattle raid on Mayiandit
    Alier Achiek Jr.
    If you don’t belive what Dinkas from Warrap State have done against Haak community of Mayiandit county of Unity State on sunday night, you will never learn and accept any truth.

  • Mike Mike
    Mike Mike

    Unity state: 30 dead, 13 injured in cattle raid on Mayiandit
    Dear Isaac, This hells issue of cattle rustling that usually been occurring between the poeple of Unity State, warrap state and the whole of Jonglei cann’t be generally blaimed to the enthnic tribes living in that particular geographical lines. we people of greater NBEG state shouldn’t be included to the blaimed made against those communities whom are well known of cattle rustling. Because we never one day attempted to loots the properties of our community members in the history of our creation, i swear it had never happen in the whole of greater NBEG state. we only hear such kind of bad behavior from other communities whom are far living away from us, the only thing that our communities do and they are well known of is the protection of the external dangerious that can comes toward their land, but we don’t kills ourselves or loots the properties of people at all. From today on ward, please don’t generally blaime people whom has no hand in some bad things that occure in other areas. To just finger point on a person who has not done any thing is not good and it can put you in a problem with other communities whom don’t wishes bad thing to happen on other communities.

  • Bush

    Unity state: 30 dead, 13 injured in cattle raid on Mayiandit
    @Mike Mike

    You are right bro, we have not heard a lot that the people of NBEG practice such evils in the past several years, they deserve credit for their contributions in the stability of South Sudan.

  • Isaac Khamis
    Isaac Khamis

    Unity state: 30 dead, 13 injured in cattle raid on Mayiandit
    Mike Mike, If you are from Malual or Awiel, I will say sorry because those of Awiel do not always involves in such games but the rest of Greater Bhar El gazal does.

  • Akech

    Unity state: 30 dead, 13 injured in cattle raid on Mayiandit
    This is unacceptable behavious from these people, if they are really fund by polices than government should come quick for this case. my message to those who are contributing in webset please we are approaching to end of our problem can atlease have a change in responsing to our communties. instead of calling Dinkas or Nuer we have to call these people “crimes” and not Dinka or Nuer then we look for them from all sides and bring them to justic.

  • peter marko
    peter marko

    Unity state: 30 dead, 13 injured in cattle raid on Mayiandit
    To a shallow-minded boy/ Isaac Khamis

    My sorrow and condolence goes to those who have lost their loved ones in this cowardice attack. The cattle raiding becomes an illegal enterprise that generates millions of dollars for those criminals who are engaging in it. Those heartless thugs who are engaging in cattle raiding do care less about the lives of innocent people that they always victimized, because to them the end justifies the mean. Throughout of our existence, all communities across our beloved land have always considered children and women off the limits when it comes to fighting among the communities. These criminals have crossed the line by indiscriminately killing innocents including women and children.

    That being said, it is the responsibility of our government to protect the civilians, wherever they are, and their properties from these looters. Our government should confront these criminals with gloves off, by authorizing our army to hit them hard with no mercy wherever they are in order to deter their counterparts elsewhere. Today is Unity states, tomorrow warrap, and they day after next will be Joungoli states, and the cycle goes on and on. We could not afford to let few criminals disturb the peace among us.

    My last word is directed this stupid boy called Isaac Khamis. What problem is your with the people of” Bhar al-khazal “ as you termed it. Why are you putting the communities of four states namely Warrap,Lakes state, Western and N. bher .al-khazal states in one basket and accusing them of being looters. Certainly there are bad people among them who engage in cattle raiding as there are some people from your community who are even worse than them. Stop being hypocrite. Look at your own state, Joungoli ,is even worse than any other state in South Sudan in term of cattle raiding. For your information, Kuanien Bol did not kill anybody in 1991, simply because he was jailed at that time. Get your facts straight before pointing a finger at others. Dog Riak should have apologized to the all community across South Sudan for betraying their cause and aligned himself with Jalaba, shame on him. By the way, for your shallow information, this dog called Riak had killed so many innocent people in Twic Mayardit area, Goegrial, Awiel , Lake state, and to mention few. So if he has a heart he should apologize to them too, not only to Bor community.

  • Akech

    Unity state: 30 dead, 13 injured in cattle raid on Mayiandit
    Dear Readers,

    1. In which part of Dinka did president come from?
    2. Where did chief Justic came from?
    3. In which part did CBSS GOVERNOR come from?
    4. In which part did Public services and Lobour come from?
    5. Criminals also.
    6. No disarment.
    Mr. President your own communty will sell you at charper price.

  • DeltaBravo

    Unity state: 30 dead, 13 injured in cattle raid on Mayiandit
    To Akec

    They need to be disarm.Death is not good to anyone in any society. That is why iam proud of my people from NBEG STATE they don’t like to attack any Community unless they are being attack. That is how the only way the can respond. All this States need to follow NBEG way of otherwise SouthSudan heading to wrong direction.

  • Dinka Dominated SPLA/M
    Dinka Dominated SPLA/M

    Unity state: 30 dead, 13 injured in cattle raid on Mayiandit
    Death of wicked, evil doom oaf nassir gangseter leader fake Dr Riek machar tenydhurgondogz will be the solution of stopping all this mass because he is the only one person who introduced this tribal fighting amongest tribes in Sudan.

    How could you lived in peace while the same person who introduced tribal conflice to the country is still a life?
    Who know what he said to his doom community @night.

    Keeping that useless dogz called riek is a doom and will cause more death among the nuer uncivilised community,
    Doom wicked evil nassir surrendered gang ring leader Riek machar dogz is a symbol of death in nuer community.

    Death to wicked man[Riek]
    He is the man blind this fake accusation. shame on nuer nyagateen of all times.

  • Dinka Dominated SPLA/M
    Dinka Dominated SPLA/M

    Unity state: 30 dead, 13 injured in cattle raid on Mayiandit
    Death of wicked, evil doom oaf nassir gangseter leader fake Dr Riek machar tenydhurgondogz will be the solution of stopping all this mass because he is the only one person who introduced this tribal fighting amongest tribes in Sudan.

    How could you lived in peace while the same person who introduced tribal conflice to the country is still a life?
    Who know what he said to his doom community @night.

    Keeping that useless dogz called riek is a doom and will cause more death among the nuer uncivilised community,
    Doom wicked evil nassir surrendered gang ring leader Riek machar dogz is a symbol of death in nuer community.

    Death to wicked man[Riek]
    He is the man blind this fake accusation. shame on nuer nyagateen of all times.

  • Diu J.Kuek
    Diu J.Kuek

    Unity state: 30 dead, 13 injured in cattle raid on Mayiandit
    My condolence to those who losts their love one; may God give them comfort and may God bless the souls of those victims.
    Its very hard to say anything here because successive attacks been carrying out by our brothers from Warrap State against innocents people.

    I call the both Governments of Unity State and Warrap State to come up with proper investigation to bring those culprits to books and faces justice also those animals should be return to their owners whereby the peace process may works out between these two communities.
    So the situation in Mayandit County of Unity State is become volatile and is liable to change through action by the Central Government as well as States Governments to put the Law in order no one should take the Law in his own hand unacceptable.

  • gatmai

    Unity state: 30 dead, 13 injured in cattle raid on Mayiandit
    you fucking dinka your fellow people have kill many and still you are abusing Nuer i don’t like you at all you stupid people why do you blame Dr RIEK and if he was wrong why did Dr JOHN accepted his vision of self determination you dam people what contribution did you made on the south rather than killing of innocent people you fucking race and let me remind you that the war is not over yet you coward people i don’t know where you will be this time you better migrate before that day come you thieves.

  • Diu J.Kuek
    Diu J.Kuek

    Unity state: 30 dead, 13 injured in cattle raid on Mayiandit
    To this called Dinka Dominated SPLA/M you are totally ignorant and out of mind unconscious no one will take your comments serious as provocative comments I am just like tell you that your natural hatred to Dr Riek Machar Teny or Nuer community in general will take you nowhere my dear.But I am so sorry to response your article in such manner just keep crying nothing will bring your dead mother back to you except peace and reconciliation amongs our belove community in order to move forward and build up the new Nation .

  • Dinka Dominated SPLA/M
    Dinka Dominated SPLA/M

    Unity state: 30 dead, 13 injured in cattle raid on Mayiandit
    Do you even know what you are talking about? sorry mr dogz i forgot that you are a nuer with no sense of human,

    For your imformation Riek Machar did not killed my mum. my mother is alive and she is working in the south Sudan government so you loose dog

    Why are you denying wickedness. oaf evilsh of doom Riek machar. he is known worldwide about his nyagatism.

    He is just a symbol of death in your community leave alone Sudan. he is just a piece of shit in the Ross Gov. nobody respected him. people just seen him as a joke and useless. noone like him.

    His death will be a victory for peace in the country.

    People who follow his doom non style leadership will just gonna end up like useless dog the dead man Gatluak Gai who die shamfully. and if you defending him. you will just die like his follow gangster who die following wrong and doom leader Riek machar tenydogzgon.

    death to him.

  • Toney Toney Matot
    Toney Toney Matot

    Unity state: 30 dead, 13 injured in cattle raid on Mayiandit
    your comment is very shallow in its nature. what do you mean by all nonsense of so call whre do the president comes from?
    the back ground of cattle raiding never exist in MonyJang history but was instigated by some tribes with in South Sudan.people, let us reason like human being other wise all what is happening will lead nowhere.the article need to be read carefully before we jumbed in commenting.however, the number of cattles stolen may be exaggerated because two hundred armed men can not manage to drove away that huge number of cows according to the report.more over,this problem can be solve by commissioners and communities if we really need peace to prevail in the area.cattle rustling to me must come to an end and it is our collective responsibilty to worked harder to stop it.

  • Wundit

    Unity state: 30 dead, 13 injured in cattle raid on Mayiandit
    NONSENSE 30 peoples are nothing i wish them more death because what they have done in 31 December 2009 it’s was something unforgettable, if i would have to be in higher position i have to armed them properly, it could have been if commissioner was killed that would have sound better.

  • acuil deng
    acuil deng

    Unity state: 30 dead, 13 injured in cattle raid on Mayiandit
    In order for the government of the Republic Of South Sudan (ROSS) to solve this chronic problem, that’s undermining peace and stability among its citizens. It should, openly admit that there is a problem, then move quickly toward finding a real solution. More boots should be put on the ground, while Warrap state is under complete lock down “the aggressor in this case” ; meanwhile, police and law enforcement officers will be disarming the civilians within the state. On the other hand, the Unity State “the defender” will be under the watchful eye of the other government troops to make sure it won’t launch a revenge attack. The same process is carried all over reversibly until the two neighbours are fully disarmed. This process can be carried out in other parts of the country as well. In addition, the government should find out precisely, the source where this arms come from, and charge anybody involved in arming our civilian population. Governments usually have the upper hands over its citizens, not the other way around; moreover, citizens should abide by the law of the land they’re living on. Finally, we the citizens of the (ROSS) should encourage ourselves in living in peace and harmony, instead of raid and hate.

  • Wen De David Kuol
    Wen De David Kuol

    Unity state: 30 dead, 13 injured in cattle raid on Mayiandit
    You fool who called himself as Naked Dinka,

    WHO dress You up? If it was for the sake of Dinka liberating you, your Could have been cut off with testicle, appreciate that please.
    This is Dinka problem What justify that these are Dinka, Certian criminal from Nuer can be associated with numerous crime or Even Mundari can take advantage to confuse the situation such that Dinka is Paste and smear internationally with bad image.

    Dinkas are Southerners and I believe we all need each other for Development. We should stop acquiring Weapons that shall turns to us and kill us all instantly.

    Let preach Peace and not Hatred nor to acquire weapon and make revenge, it is useless.
    Abyei is just A BIG HEADACHE TO US ALL to secure it. we all need each other to protect this great Nation.

    Crying foul is not a solution but to combine our effort as nation hood.

    Condolences to Mayaindit Vitctim.
    Southern Sudanese have the following virtue:

    Knowledge of his subjects
    Pace instructor
    Good communication skills
    Let not look back at our former master who fool and keep us backward with weapons as source of Protection….. Please STOP USE OF WEAPONS NOW.

    Lopotpot Savanna

  • Deng-monydit

    Unity state: 30 dead, 13 injured in cattle raid on Mayiandit
    @ Gatmai, you are out of content citizen; and I may tell you that you are playing with fire. You individuals in Nuer keeps calling Dinka coward, when did Nuer in history of ancestors overcame the Dinka in Bravery? if it is not that of the fruitful South Sudan that we are all enjoying equally; when majority of Dinkas left their homes and fight for common enemy in Equotoria, and there Dr.Riek made a stupid thought of mutinying against SPLM/A, collecting all Nuer loyalists in their SPLA units to joint him in Nasier, there he launched attacked on unarmed civilians of Dinka Bor. Compare that attacked of arm soldiers and of unarmed civilians is that what your community claim as a victory over Dinkas? And when that groups of Nuer went back, did the go back in the same number? Man you are sick in your thinking like those groups of Nuer who just accept misleading unknowingly.why do we cast something out of us when we know is not helping. You are intellectual as you can write and read and still you talking no sense. Nuer is a collective name as to the Dinka,but individuals
    within them are bad as in your own family. You Nuer have border with Dinka in Bhar el Ghazal and with Dinka in Upper Nile but did Nuer overcame them in fight since the creation of our land? You can ask that history from elders in your community.
    Our country is now in our hands to develop and fail to protect citizens should be blame on government instead of ethnicity. Nobody should protect criminal and stupid behaviors and that is the work of government to implement laws and for citizens to respect them
    because crimes are more when the laws are lose.
    Lastly, for your information the vision of separation of South Sudan from Sudan was not from Dr. Riek, it came about as pressure from international communities accusing SPLM/A for not accepting peace to stop killing; thereafter, the South Sudanese has to chose their path.
    ; and on referendum day, they voted overwhelmingly for separation. and if Dr. Riek used it as his vision, why he mutinying against SPLM/A which is where he belong and not fighting independently like others groups who were not in favor of both SPLM/A and Khartum government? He may have used that success of collective minds as slogan of his famous because he is greedy of leadership and that is why he mislead peaceful Nuer always.

    I am a Dinka particularly Bor.

  • Cadaai ?o?
    Cadaai ?o?

    Unity state: 30 dead, 13 injured in cattle raid on Mayiandit
    Isaac K.

    Historian and Identity Advocacy View:

    Please there is no what so call greater bor counties. That event of 1991 is calls Southeastern Dinka massacre, Eastern Dinka massacre or Jonglei Dinka massacre.

  • Cadaai ?o?
    Cadaai ?o?

    Unity state: 30 dead, 13 injured in cattle raid on Mayiandit
    Historian and Identity Advocacy View:

    The most affected tribe I know by the 1991 event is Greater Twic East community in South Sudan.

  • Cadaai ?o?
    Cadaai ?o?

    Unity state: 30 dead, 13 injured in cattle raid on Mayiandit
    Historian and Identity Advocacy View:

    History and Identity learning.

    “UNHCR & REFWORD Report about South Sudan’s war civil History during the movement

    Key South Sudan Individuals Named in This Report

    Note: The names are listed alphabetically by second name (underlined), unless the person is known by another name.
    Abel Alier Kwai Respected southern politician living in Khartoum, former vice president of Sudan and head of the Southern Region during part of the autonomy period. Author of Southern Sudan: Too Many Promises Dishonored (1990). (Bor Dinka)
    Tito Biel Chuol Western Upper Nile zonal commander in SSDF in May 1999 in charge of the attack on the oil company rig at Ryer/Thar Jath, Western Upper Nile. Instrumental in securing field alliance with Cmdr. Salva Kiir Mayandit of the SPLA. Originally in the SPLA, joined the Riek Machar breakaway faction in 1991 and followed him into the government in 1997, becoming part of the SSDF, and then in 2000 part of Machar’s SPDF. In late 2002 he realigned himself with the SSDF (pro-government). (Dok Nuer)
    Kuong Danhier Gatluak Head of security of the SPDF in 1999. Joined the SPLA and defected with Riek Machar in 1991. When Riek Machar was in the government, Kuong Danhier was chief security officer for the SSDF, based in Nairobi. Joined Riek Machar when Machar defected from the government in early 2000. (Nyuong Nuer)
    Taban Deng Gai Spokesman for Machar’s SPDF forces in Nairobi, Kenya from December 2000 until June 2001, when he rejoined the SPLA. Originally joined the SPLA in the 1980s and left to join his relative by marriage, Riek Machar, when he split from the SPLA in 1991. In 1996 he joined the government with Riek Machar and became a leader of the political party they formed, the UDSF. He won an election for governor of Unity State/Western Upper Nile in December 1997 and was expelled from the governorship and the state in May 1999 by Maj. Gen. Paulino Matiep. He fled to Khartoum. He was appointed state minister for roads and communications in January 2000 by President Bashir and defected from the government in December 2000, and joined Machar’s new faction, the SPDF, until he decided to rejoin the SPLA. (Leek/Western Jikany Nuer)
    Michael Wal Duany Head of the SSLM as of late 1999 to the current time. Dr. Duany represented the Nuer intellectuals in the diaspora at the Wunlit Nuer-Dinka West Bank peace and reconciliation meeting of March 1999; formerly with the Workshop on Political Theory and Policy Analysis at Indiana University in Bloomington, Indiana, U.S. Based in Akobo, Upper Nile. (Lou Nuer)
    John Garang de Mabior Commander-in-chief of the SPLA and head of the SPLM. Member of Anyanya briefly at the end of the first civil war in 1972, and was incorporated into the Sudan army, earned a PhD in the U.S. in agricultural/environmental studies, and having attained the rank of colonel in the Sudan army, was a founder of the SPLM/A in Ethiopia in 1983. He supported a united secular Sudan against internal SPLA rivals (separatist Anyanya II) in 1983 and won out, with backing from Ethiopia’s president Haile Mengistu Meriam, continuing in control of the SPLM/A today. (Twic/Tuic [East] Dinka/Twic East County)
    Peter Gatdet Yaka Former Sudanese army officer sent to Iraq to fight against the Iranians in the Iran-Iraq war in the 1980s. He joined the SPLA and left it in 1991 with Riek Machar. He was assigned to Cmdr. Paulino Matiep’s Bul Nuer forces as an officer, and when they split off from the SSDF he became a key commander in Commander Matiep’s SSUM/A pro-government militia. He fought on the behalf of the government against the SSDF forces under Cmdr. Tito Biel in Block 5A in 1999 for control of Block 5A. He and his forces mutinied against Maj. Gen. Paulino Matiep in September 1999 and fought against the government. For several months he coordinated his activities with the SSDF (under Cmdr. Tito Biel/Peter Paar) against the government, and attacked various oil targets in Western Upper Nile/Unity State. In early 2000 he joined the SPLA. He began fighting Cmdr. Riek Machar’s SPDF forces (under Cmdr. Peter Paar, formerly his SSDF adversary in 1999) in July 2000. During this round, he was anti-government and the Machar forces were pro-government. After disagreements reportedly about military discipline with the SPLA, he rejoined the government’s militia forces in late 2002. (Bul Nuer)
    Elijah Hon Top (deceased 2000) SSDF chief of staff under the Khartoum Peace Agreement. After Riek Machar resigned unexpectedly from the government in January 2000, Cmdr. Elijah Hon Top, a Lou Nuer from Ayod, became the spokesman for the SSDF and the UDSF in Khartoum. Formerly with the SPLA and Machar’s breakaway faction in 1991, he joined the government with Machar in 1997. (Gaawar Nuer)
    Kerubino Kuanyin Bol (deceased September 1999) Anyanya officer, then incorporated into the Sudan army after 1972, he was leader of the Bor mutineers whose rebellion lead to the formation of the SPLA in Ethiopia in 1983. Jailed by Garang for conspiracy in 1987, he escaped in 1992 and in 1993 joined Riek Machar’s breakaway rebel group. By 1994 his Dinka militia was directly supplied by the Sudanese army from his home, the garrison town of Gogrial, Bahr El Ghazal. Defected to the SPLA in January 1998, and split with the SPLA later in that year and received protection from his in-law, Maj. Gen. Paulino Matiep, in Mankien. Killed by forces of Cmdr. Peter Gatdet after they mutinied from Paulino Matiep and captured the Mankien base in September 1999. (Twic/Tuic Dinka)
    Salva Kiir Mayardit A native of Bahr El Ghazal, assigned chief of staff of the SPLA in late 1999. He was commander of Bahr El Ghazal in 1999 when he strongly backed the Dinka-Nuer Peace and Reconciliation Conference at Wunlit. (Rek Dinka)
    Joseph Lagu Yanga: Founder and leader of the Sudanese rebel group Anya Nya. Sudanese Ambassador to the UN from 1990 to 1992. Joseph Lagu was born in the village of Momokwe, in the north of Madiland, in southern Sudan. He is from the Madi ethnic group. He attended military college in Omdurman and was commissioned into the Sudanese Army in 1960 (Madi) http://africanhistory.about.com/od/biography/a/Bio-Joseph-Lagu.htm
    Riek Machar Teny Dhurgon Rebel leader with the SPLA from 1984 until the 1991 split, which he helped lead. As SPLA Zonal Commander of Western Upper Nile, entered into agreement with Baggara chiefs in 1986. Led breakaway faction from SPLM/A in 1991, forming a separate southern rebel movement initially known as the SPLA-Nasir (from 1993 the SPLA-United, and from 1994-97 the SSIM/A). Despite espousing independence for the south, his faction received covert support from the government as it fought for years (1991-99) against the SPLA, resorting to increasingly bloody and ethnically motivated attacks against civilians. His SSIA rebel forces claimed all the rural land of Western Upper Nile/Unity State, except the few garrison towns and the Bul Nuer area where Paulino Matiep and Anyanya II prevailed. Signed 1996 Political Charter and 1997 Khartoum Peace Agreement with government, which in 1997 appointed him president of the Southern States Coordinating Council (SSCC) and assistant to President of Sudan Omar el Bashir. Also formed and became head of the political party United Democratic Salvation Front (UDSF) and commander-in-chief of the military arm created under the Khartoum Peace Agreement, the South Sudan Defense Force (SSDF), comprising most of the ex-rebels who had signed that agreement. His failure to stem the government’s forced displacement of civilians from Western Upper Nile/Unity State ended up turning the Nuer against his leadership and eventually led to his belated resignation from government and attempt to recreate his army in the south in 2000 as the Sudan People’s Democratic Forces (2000-02). In January 2002 signed an agreement with Dr. John Garang to merge the SPDF and the SPLA, receiving a leadership position in the SPLA. (Dok Nuer)
    Benjamin Majak In the late 1990s, head of the relief arm of the SPLA, the SRRA, based in his Dinka area of Ruweng County, Western Upper Nile, and SPLA commander in that area. With the Khartoum government since 2000. (Panaru/Ruweng Dinka)
    Paulino Matiep Nhial Bul Nuer ally of the Sudan government. He was in Anyanya but was not incorporated into the Sudan army after the 1972 peace agreement. He became a rebel again in 1975 in Bilpam, went to Ethiopia, and returned to Western Upper Nile in 1985-86 as Anyanya II. He never joined the SPLA, in part because of its 1983 attacks on Anyanya II. He remained in Anyanya II, armed and supported by the government. With then army officer Omar El Bashir (who led the 1989 coup and became Sudan’s president), he successfully recaptured Mayom garrison in Western Upper Nile in early 1989 from the SPLA. He joined Machar’s breakaway faction in 1991. His forces were incorporated into the SSDF forces after the 1997 Khartoum Peace Agreement, but he fought the SSDF forces for control of the governorship of Unity State in September 1997, and lost. In March 1998 his South Sudan Unity Movement/Army (SSUM/A) was recognized by the government, which continued to directly provide him with arms and ammunition. He was named a major general in Sudan’s army in or before 1998. In 1998-present, he fought on behalf of the government, forcibly displacing civilians from Block 5A. For a longer period he helped the government conduct displacements from Blocks 1, 2, and 4. In 2003 he was again engaged in fighting against Nuer pro-government rivals for control of the governorship of Unity State, and lost. (Bul Nuer)
    Peter Paar Jiek, SPDF commander of Western Upper Nile in 2000-01. Formerly SSDF commander under Cmdr. Tito Biel in the fighting in 1998-99 in Western Upper Nile/Unity State. He was with Machar’s forces since the split from the SPLA in 1991. He coordinated anti-government attacks with Gatdet’s forces until June 2000, when he and Gatdet began to fight each other. He and Gatdet settled the “war of the Peters” in late 2000, and with Riek Machar he rejoined the SPLA in 2001. (Dok Nuer)

    Main Rebel and Militia Forces in South Sudan Named in this Report

    Anyanya: guerrilla army of southern separatists, 1955-72.
    Anyanya II: guerrilla army of southern separatists, 1975-91.
    Sudan People’s Liberation Movement/Army (SPLM/A): dominant rebel army in Sudan, 1983-present, composed of southerners and other marginalized peoples such as the Nuba, headed by Col. John Garang de Mabior (Dinka). Program: united, secular Sudan. Headquartered in Rumbek, Bahr El Ghazal, southern Sudan.
    South Sudan Liberation Movement (SSLM): a pro-independence southern political movement based in Akobo, Eastern Upper Nile, headed and formed by Michael Wal Duany in late 1999; it signed the Khartoum Peace Agreement with the Sudanese government in 2002

    Rebel forces headed (directly or indirectly) by Cmdr. Riek Machar, 1991-2002:

    SPLM/A-Nasir faction: 1991-93, breakaway SPLA faction headed by SPLA Cmdrs. Riek Machar Teny Dhurgon (Dok Nuer), Gordon Kong Chuol (Eastern Jikany Nuer), and Lam Akol (Shilluk); although its program called for an independent south, it received government aid. Headquartered in Nasir until 1995 and thereafter in Waat and Ayod, Upper Nile.
    SPLM/A-United: 1993-94: the above faction (mostly Nuer) joined by forces from other ethnic groups in southern Sudan, headed by Cmdr. Riek Machar, based in Nasir. Later this name was used by Lam Akol for his mostly Shilluk faction (see below).
    South Sudan Independence Movement/Army (SSIM/A): 1994-97: the above faction, reformed and renamed after the Nuer reconciliation meeting at Akobo in 1994, based variously in Waat and Ayod, Upper Nile.
    South Sudan Defense Forces (SSDF): 1997-2000, the army formed under the Khartoum Peace Agreement from ex-rebel forces including SSIM/A, based in Khartoum, Juba, and Malakal, and aligned with the political party United Democratic Salvation Front (UDSF). Both were headed by Cmdr. Riek Machar until January 2000, when he left the government. On April 27, 2001 all southern forces allied with the government were unified under this name, SSDF, including the progovernment militia forces listed below.
    Sudan People’s Defense Forces/Democratic Front (SPDF): January 2000-January 2002 or when the merger with the SPLM/A was complete; the rebel group formed from most SSDF forces, based in Upper Nile.

    Some pro-government militia forces (later known as “armed groups”):
    South Sudan Unity Movement/Army (SSUM/A): formed in early 1998 by Maj Gen. Paulino Matiep of the Sudan army, incorporating his formerly Anyanya II and SSDF Bul Nuer forces, supported by the Sudan government, based in Mayom, Western Upper Nile. (Bul Nuer)
    Cmdr. Gabriel Tanginya, pro-government Nuer militia based in Fangak, later Poum, Central Upper Nile. (Lak Nuer)
    Cmdr. Gordon Kong Chuol, pro-government Nuer militia based in Nasir, Eastern Upper Nile. (eastern Jikany Nuer)
    Cmdr. Simon Gatwich Dual, pro-government Nuer militia based in Waat, Central Upper Nile. (Lou Nuer)
    SPLM/A-United: Cmdr. Lam Akol’s Shilluk forces formed in 1994, which signed the Khartoum Peace Agreement in 1997. Lam Akol claimed the name after the Riek Machar forces in 1994 took the name South Sudan Independence Movement/Army (SSIM/A). Lam Akol had been part of the original SPLM/A-United. Based in Tonga, the Shilluk capital, in Upper Nile of southern Sudan.
    For further details, consult the Glossary, Lists of Key Individuals, and the text. There are several other southern ethnic militias armed by the government, including the Murle, the Mandari, the Toposa, the Didinga, and the Fertit and other ethnic groups not named here.
    Most southerners’ names include their “proper” name first, their father’s name second, and their grandfather’s name last. For example, to refer to Cmdr. Riek Machar Teny Dhurgon as “Machar” is to refer to that commander’s father. Therefore the first and second names are used in this report.

    Nuer pro-government militia leaders:

    Simon Gatwich Dual Pro-government Nuer militia leader based in Akobo, Upper Nile. With the SPLA, he followed Machar in 1991, becoming an SSDF commander in 1997. In 1999 he began receiving direct government funding. He followed Riek Machar out of the government in 2000 and Riek Machar named him governor of Leich State (Western Upper Nile/Unity State). He went with Riek Machar into the SPLA in 2002 but may have remained in some relationship with the Sudanese government and militias. (Lou Nuer)
    Gordon Kong Chuol Pro-government Nuer militia leader based in Eastern Upper Nile. An Anyanya veteran and founder of the SPLM/A, he joined the separatist Anyanya II and fought against the SPLA from 1983-88, when he led the reconciliation of most Anyanya II with the SPLA. With Riek Machar and Lam Akol, he led the breakaway faction that split from the SPLA in 1991. The faction received military assistance from the government and in 1997 signed the Khartoum Peace Agreement with the government. He was made an SSDF (pro-government) commander in 1997 under Riek Machar, and he began to accept direct supplies from the government in 1998. From that time a government militia leader operating out of Nasir with his local Jikany Nuer troops. (Eastern Jikany Nuer).
    Gabriel Tanginya (nom de guerre) Commander of government Nuer militia based in Fangak then Pom, Upper Nile, he was associated with Cmdr. Paulino Matiep in the early Anyanya II and with him joined Cmdr. Riek Machar’s breakaway rebel forces in 1991. He became a government militia leader by accepting direct government backing in 1998-99. In early 2000 he hijacked a U.N. plane in protest of the U.N.’s alleged transport of commanders to Riek Machar’s then location in Koch, Western Upper Nile. (Lak Nuer)”

    “A bend in the road is not the end of the road… unless you fail to make the turn.” ~Author Unknown

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