Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Sudan denies UN announcement of new agreement on Abyei

September 14, 2011 (KHARTOUM) – The Sudanese government on Wednesday dismissed last week’s announcement by a senior United Nations official of a deal reached between Sudan and South Sudan on withdrawing troops from the contested region of Abyei.

FILE - A patrol from the international peacekeeping operation passes a destroyed UN truck that was part of a convoy transporting northern soldiers out of the Abyei area in the Todach area, north of Abyei town, in this handout picture released by the United Nations Mission in Sudan (UNMIS) May 30, 2011
FILE – A patrol from the international peacekeeping operation passes a destroyed UN truck that was part of a convoy transporting northern soldiers out of the Abyei area in the Todach area, north of Abyei town, in this handout picture released by the United Nations Mission in Sudan (UNMIS) May 30, 2011
Edmond Mulet, deputy head of the UN peacekeeping department told reporters that the two sides signed the accord in the Ethiopian capital which states that the armies from both countries would redeploy or withdraw by end of September.

He further said that even though the Khartoum had originally said it would withdraw its forces when an administration was in place in Abyei, it has now dropped that condition.

But a Sudanese official told the government run Sudanese Media Center (SMC) website that Mulet’s assertions were inaccurate.

Omar Suleiman, a member of Sudan’s negotiating team told SMC that a meeting took place only for the oversight committee comprised of representatives from the two sides to follow up on the implementation of the interim protocol on Abyei administration signed last June.

He said the two countries reached an understanding on the speedy formation of the executive committee for Abyei administration, the legislative council, setting up the agenda for the committee and mechanisms for decision making process.

Sudan and the newly independent state of South Sudan claim sovereignty over Abyei. To end this dispute a referendum was supposed to be held in the oil-rich district last January. However, the two parties failed to conduct it because of disagreement on who should participate in the vote.

Last May the Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) took the area by force and dismissed the civilian administration, in response, they say, to an attack by Southern armed groups.

In June the two sides agreed to allow Ethiopian peacekeepers under the UN to oversee SAF’s withdrawal and deploy in Abyei. The United Nations Interim Security Force for Abyei (UNISFA) has a stronger, Chapter VII, mandate unlike its predecessor the United Nations Mission in Sudan (UNMIS)



  • Bush

    Sudan denies UN announcement of new agreement on Abyei
    I think the NCP leaders are all made or they are just war mongers because they keep on changing the goal posts everyday and they don’t respect agreements and diplomacy.

  • okucu pa lotinokwan
    okucu pa lotinokwan

    Sudan denies UN announcement of new agreement on Abyei
    What next?Salva Kiir,if Khartoum is not respecting the Abyei Protocol or they are believing in the missile they bought from China is the last solution to Abyei Protocol,southerners youths get ready again for Abyei Territory.



    Sudan denies UN announcement of new agreement on Abyei
    my brothers and sisters let me tell you this time omar bashir will regret with his missiles from korea we are going to pay with northern sudan puond(meaning his owned coin) we are not the SPLA of before.

  • mohammed ali
    mohammed ali

    Sudan denies UN announcement of new agreement on Abyei
    What is problem with Abeyei?! Even the Dinka will vote to be part Sudan. Today 40-45 families cross the border from the Ross to Sudan on daily basis. This is only in White Nile state. Who will want to die of hunger?!

  • Awin Juorlual
    Awin Juorlual

    Sudan denies UN announcement of new agreement on Abyei
    Are you dreaming or you are drunk my brother? do you mean Dinka or Donkey? it is 40-45 families of Donkeys NOT ”Dinka” which cross the border from Ross to Sudan on daily basis and if at all they would be offered a choice they will vote to be part of Sudan.Yes they are right to do that because they are:1. muslims 2. We don’t keep Donkeys,so they are free to wander 3. We don’t have those rottened smelly feaces of Arabs which they eat,so they will not want to die of hunger.

  • Awin Juorlual
    Awin Juorlual

    Sudan denies UN announcement of new agreement on Abyei
    There is no mercy this time! IF Sudan refuses to withdraw her forces from Abyei Ak-47 is ready to bring the final solution to this problem.We just gave them time so that we can conduct the refrendum first but now the rule is:NO WITHDRAWAL IS EQUAL TO NO LIFE FOR THE SAF.We the Sons of the great ROSS will no longer tolerate this abomination done on our motherland, Abyei.

  • mohammed ali
    mohammed ali

    Sudan denies UN announcement of new agreement on Abyei
    Dinka are not Donkeys. I am afraid that you might need blow a certain type of ballon to check of alchol in your blood, probably you need a further test to asses the accurate level of alchol in your blood! Am sure you drunk, but has to be certain of your alchol blood level. Unfortunately I donnot drink.Confusing Dinka with means you alchol blood level is quite high!

    Yes 40-45 southern familie cross the borders to white nile state only and that is on daily basis! We are not counting those who are crossing to blue nile, Kordofan, Darfur and elsewhere!The reason is obvious , people are dying of hunger and there is no security.Not only that there are 17000 southerners stuck in Kosti since before the referundum! All the money was looted by a jallabi who claims to have a logistic company and own the news a news paper called Ajrad Al Hurria!

    Enjoy your beer and asylum man, these people not like you they are just looking for survival!

  • Wen De David Kuol
    Wen De David Kuol

    Sudan denies UN announcement of new agreement on Abyei

    I think you are being fool by Bashir Gangs that Sudan is the Better place on earth is just an opposite.

    How come Dinka leave the Beautiful and Greeny Lands full of Fruits, Sorgum, millet, patotoes, Banana, Waters, Free Lands, Milks and think of going to the hell!!!!. That is incorrect, you must check your Thought. these are Mareelen or Bagar who came to Abyei while not aware is divided into Difference independent soveriegnity- Republic of South Sudan is international Recognize as well organise and abiding Human Rights State.

    Now Khartuom Stick on Abyei like tick on Camel and soon Abyei issue is just like a coin to South Sudan. WE can just Turn Sudan into hell within a minute. I would advise you to leave Sudan-Khartuom before you are kill by Our Forces in South Sudan.

    The Strong ARMY in the World is the SPLA……. SPLA oyeeeee…… Abyei for SPLA and SOuth Sudan Oyeeee…….

    Forget about Bashir, Where is Col Gadhafi with his Russian Jet fighters. It is just a click of the Clock to Turn North Sudan into Democratic State without BAshir……..

    Death to Taha and Bashir for Killing Dr. John Garang.

    The UNSFA must be Serious not to let themselves be cheat by Bashir of SAF Withdrawal, SPLA shal act accordingly to let them withdraw under our own Land Chapter soon.No Joke, Your Land YOUR BLOOD and SOUL…..NEXT GENERATION WILL ENJOY SUDAN Without BASHIR and TAHA, They MUst Follow GARANG……

    Abyei Oyeeee.


    Lopotpot Savannna,

  • watchout

    Sudan denies UN announcement of new agreement on Abyei

    Referendum is over,force should be apply where diplomacy failed.The NCP are still thiking that the Darfurian still with them.There is no other negotiation on the Abyei issue except the forceful means.

    Readyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy to crush Jallaba.
    Your time to be in Abyei are out.

  • James Maker Akok
    James Maker Akok

    Sudan denies UN announcement of new agreement on Abyei
    UN should see what North Sudan doing. North Sudan just need fighting they don’t need peace they are playing game.

  • Cadaai ?o?
    Cadaai ?o?

    Sudan denies UN announcement of new agreement on Abyei
    Historian and Identity Advocacy View:

    We needs our brothers and sisters of Abyei. They don’t have same history and identity with N. Sudanese. They need us and and we needs them as well. Abyeida, South Sudanese are going to anything to bring you to South Sudan. Nhialic de yii abi we gam nomlaau. Dinka Oyee!!! Abyeida Oyee!!! South Sudan Oyee!!!

  • acuil deng
    acuil deng

    Sudan denies UN announcement of new agreement on Abyei
    Omar Bashir who is a wanted criminal by the (ICC) is not ready to battle “SPLA” over Abyei. He coudn’t win in Darker, nor in the Blue Nile. He could’t even leave his own country. He could end up in a hole like “Sadam Hussein”, or otherwise, in hiding like”Muamar Kadaffi”. His days are numbered, as the number of the virgins in heaven. And because he is an Arab leader his spring is near, as you mark my word.

  • Dinka stupid majority
    Dinka stupid majority

    Sudan denies UN announcement of new agreement on Abyei
    yes that is true

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