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Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

South Sudan minister says nationals abroad implies need for better service home

By Philip Thon Aleu

September 17, 2011 (KAMPALA) – The continued exodus of South Sudanese
to neighbouring east African countries in search of education, health care and better living conditions portrays the huge gap that the new government needs to address, a minister said on Saturday in Uganda.

South Sudan minister of higher education Peter Adwok Nyaba (2nd Right) is welcome by South Sudan students’ leader Abraham Thon (R) as South Sudan deputy head of mission in Kampala Ador Akok (2nd Left) looks on. September 17, 2011. Kampala, Uganda. (Photo: ST/Philip Thon Aleu)
South Sudan minister of higher education Peter Adwok Nyaba (2nd Right) is welcome by South Sudan students’ leader Abraham Thon (R) as South Sudan deputy head of mission in Kampala Ador Akok (2nd Left) looks on. September 17, 2011. Kampala, Uganda. (Photo: ST/Philip Thon Aleu)
Peter Aduok Nyaba, South Sudan minister of higher Education, Science and Technology, made the remarks while addressing students and other South Sudanese living in Kampala at a ceremony celebrating South Sudan’s independence. The ceremony was organised by the South Sudanese Students Union (SSSU) – an umbrella of colleges and university students in Uganda.

Nyaba described the huge attendance of the meeting as an indication of the negative impact the lack of returns has had.

“On coming to this hall, I could see that there is a big number of our people here which is good because they here for a purpose,” he said adding that “[but] it is a minus for us in the government. It really shows the failure to deliver services to you [in South Sudan].”

South Sudan declared independence in July from North Sudan following a landslide vote for secession in January. The plebiscite was part of the 2005 peace accord that ended two decades of north—south war. The war ravaged country lacks infrastructure and occupied by different tribes that often engage in deadly cattle rustling rendering the oil-rich nation insecure.

Minister Nyaba urged the students to use their time in foreign countries to acquire skills that will be used in the development of Africa’s 54th nation. He explained that south Sudan generations had been engaged in struggle for liberation from Khartoum for decades in order to enjoy peace, development and justice that are now being threatened by what he calls “tribal associations” that drive south Sudan youths against each other.

The 1983—2005 civil war led to displacement of millions of South Sudanese to neighbouring Uganda, Kenya and Ethiopia. Though the 2005 peace accord halted north—south conflict, many South Sudanese are reluctant to return home.

This is partly to do with education as students want to continue with their studies. The number of students in higher institutions of learning surged during the peace era. Three of the five South Sudan universities were based in north Sudan before the Africa’s largest country split in July. They are now in the process of being repatriated to South Sudan.



  • George Bol
    George Bol

    South Sudan ministers says nationals abroad implies need for better service home
    Good point minister Peter Nyaba. The “tribal associations” of Peter gatdet,Banypiny, and the remaining militia of late Gatluak Gai are threatening the harmony of youth in the South Sudan.
    Check peter Gatdet youtube and you will understand how stupid is he. He must be captured and put to jail and the South will be fine.

    Mr Minister, people try to go to South Sudan for job and offer valuable education to the students in the South,and you guys end up denying them a job,so whom do you think will provide valuable education to those students in abroad? none

    So, you should evaluate your system if you want our students to come back to Junub.

  • Gueth Bidok
    Gueth Bidok

    South Sudan ministers says nationals abroad implies need for better service home
    What was ROSS doing during the long five years if not preparing country for its on stability? This could have been done during the five years and now there wouldn’t be any worry about such a thing. Well then it’s going to take some time for most university students to return back home.

  • Bush

    South Sudan ministers says nationals abroad implies need for better service home
    @Gueth Bidok

    Corruption, embezzlement of development funds and nepotism were what they had been doing for the last six years, a clear indication of greedy and failure in the system. To me, people of South Sudan voted for session not because they love this government or they see them doing good things but people were just tired and fed up with those arabiazation polices in the North.

  • Kolong oo!
    Kolong oo!

    South Sudan ministers says nationals abroad implies need for better service home
    It is a government own making to undermind national universities to be less important. That minister should first visit JUBA,MALAKAL,BAHR EL GAZAL,RUMBEK AND JOHNGARANG before going to kampala. Shame on Nyaba who fail to begin at home.

  • SSLA supporter
    SSLA supporter

    South Sudan ministers says nationals abroad implies need for better service home
    Mr. Goerge Bol

    Our very main objectives in the SSLA/M straightaway from the inception of the movement till now have been: building of infrastructure of RoSS and delivery of basic services such as provision of food, drinkable water, free healthcare, housing, all-seasons roads etc. to our patriotic and resilient citizens of the Republic of South Sudan, to curve embezzlement or looting of public money and other immoral practices such corruption and nepotism by the clique in the demoralized and self-centered SPLA/M criminal network!! Those will remain our objectives till the end of the planet earth!!

    The minister has already confirmed the failure of state to deliver the above mentioned basic facilities to our people simply because of the misappropriation of billions of dollars as RoSS portion of oil dividends by SPLA/M criminal network Which is busy wasting money in luxurious and fancy cars, furniture while our innocent people of RoSS are starving to death, kids dying from preventable and curable diseases, lack of security in RoSS where civilians loot each others properties!! and so on!!So, join us in the SSLA if you want to help put an end to the SPLA/M immoral mishandling of RoSS otherwise you are wasting your energy in vain!!

    God bless SSLA/M and RoSS

  • Anti Dinka's
    Anti Dinka's

    South Sudan ministers says nationals abroad implies need for better service home
    To Bush

    you get it all man, absolutely true

    people where just tired of Northern Sudanese with there Islamic polities

    people of southern Sudan dislike Dinka’s 100%
    they don’t like Dinka’s government
    they don’t like the most ugly tribe on the planet earth to rule them

  • Akuma

    South Sudan minister says nationals abroad implies need for better service home
    There standing the minister in the short moment given to remember the late Dr. John Garang. Sudan Tribune reflected exactly what he said (the minister Adwok Nyaba).

    I greet all the entire South Sudanese students who are studying in E. Africa and attended the meeting yesterday in Kampala. These points of view goes to South Sudanese student’s Union in Uganda and the rest of East African countries if any.

    As most of you aware of problems associated with modern life in cities and the theft and robbery.
    The performance of union leaders yesterday 17th Sept. 2011 in regard to time management make me write to the umbrella of South Sudanese student’s Union that, any meeting occure in those East African cities you should take time into consideration when ever you wish to make a meeting.

    Look, yesterday we just begun to leave the Hotel at 9:20pm while the celebrating was still continuous. I stood at the gate watching how students dispersed, there is a risky situations our students likely to get in the late ours’ meeting in Kampala. Others come from far distance and you know very well that thieves or thugs are everywhere targetting the foreigners and those innocent one. If we just allow our students at late night to go and a child fall into trouble somewhere we don’t know, then did we do the best to control such problems.

    My arguments are just change that schedule and make sure to minimize such problems like accidents at night when a child rushing to his or her place. We might be loosing important person simply because of poor time management in the process which is likely to hinder our country.

    Some thugs you know, those specialized in making crimes can pretend to be a boda-boda man a language locally known in E. Africa meaning motorcyclist just to drove away a child and definitely that child will be at risk. If she is a girl while going alone, there is a fear of raping and that one included many many problems.

    Please, observe professional ethics in controlling broad meeting to develop our country economically and socially. The lifes of the attendances is at your hand who organised the meeting therefore, you need to do what is concerned to their safety.

    Otherwise you student leaders, your work has been perfect. I thanks your Professor of KIU who was representing all lecturers of Uganda Universities.

    I thanks all E. African communities for hosting our children upto this time till number of students increased like what I saw yesterday.

  • pabaak

    South Sudan ministers says nationals abroad implies need for better service home
    So,the SSLA beggars in Khartoum should be alternative to liberators, HOOO,OOOH,OOHH,this is laughable!. collaborating with our main enemy in the North ultimately through you into trash bin.

  • choldit

    South Sudan ministers says nationals abroad implies need for better service home
    George Bol,

    Your 2nd paragraph and the following tell the readers that you are supporting Gen. Gatdet Yak and others against the govt but hate them because they are not from your tribe.

    STOP thinkging on tribal basis and try being politician if you can. We are all South Sudanese.

  • belle loboi
    belle loboi

    South Sudan ministers says nationals abroad implies need for better service home
    George Bol,
    Without General Gatdet your Mother will be dead by then, you need to respect those who devote their time like General Gatdet and Gatluak Gai who protected you from Arabs for long period of time.

  • George Bol
    George Bol

    South Sudan ministers says nationals abroad implies need for better service home

    Peter Gadet is not a hero, he is just a militia leader who want to fight for his own interest. Now, do you know how many of his solders die for nothing and he is now going to integrated to the SPLM/A? if you think that peter Gadtet is a hero then you might be another militia in his hiding.

    Take these people as the only heroes from your dull community:
    Late William Nyuon Bany, James Hoth Mai, and John Kong Nyuon.
    The rest including you are bunched of Nyagatins and tribal affiliations.

  • whatsayyou

    South Sudan ministers says nationals abroad implies need for better service home
    Stupid Mr. triblistic anti-dinka please get convince like minded Dude please please you will lost your way even your own tribe like dinka . interm of leadership it is not base on tribes pick this clearly, in your own community there are people you must not like way the behave. so it is imppossible to remove dinka in south sudan, let me ask you who is the founder of south sudan? i expect your answer in 24hours if you fail then i will help you.

  • syklops1

    South Sudan ministers says nationals abroad implies need for better service home
    Bursa Cam Balkon
    izmir psikolog
    izmir psikolog
    bursa evden eve

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