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Sudan Tribune

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Sudan vows to continue military campaign in Blue Nile

September 17, 2011 (KHARTOUM) – The Sudanese government on Saturday said it is determined to crush the rebellion in the Blue Nile state, a day after Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi visited Khartoum in a fresh mediation push.

Sudan 1st Vice President Ali Osman Taha in Damazin, Blue Nile state September 17,2011 (SUNA)
Sudan 1st Vice President Ali Osman Taha in Damazin, Blue Nile state September 17,2011 (SUNA)
Last month clashes broke out in the state which borders Ethiopia and South Sudan between Khartoum and units from Sudan People Liberation Army (SPLA). Both sides traded blame over who started the fighting.

Sudanese president Omer Hassan al-Bashir declared the state of emergency in the state and sacked its governor Malik Agar who won elections last year on the SPLM ticket. Agar, who is the chairman of SPLM-North, is currently leading SPLA units fighting Sudan Armed Forces (SAF).

Bashir’s 1st Vice President Ali Osman Taha paid a visit to Blue Nile state capital of Damazin and affirmed the government’s desire to “cleanse” the country from those with hidden agendas and conspirators.

Taha said that those who targeted stability in the Blue Nile through war could not change Sudan’s identity through peace.

He said that the Sudanese people are all standing by the people of the Blue Nile until land is liberated and peace prevailed and development achieved.

“This is the message that we came to convey to you” Taha said.

The 1st VP said that Blue Nile would remain part of Sudan and threatened those who call for otherwise.

“We will cut off every hand that wants to extract it from the entity of larger Sudan and it will remain part of Sudan’s Islamic affiliation with all its strength, vigorous discourse and history” the Sudanese official said.

“We want this state to come out of this test and ordeal stronger, more cohesive and coherent” Taha added.

The Ethiopian PM who met with Bashir on Friday has reportedly renewed his mediation efforts though little details emerged on his proposals.

The London-based al-Hayat newspaper said that Bashir agreed in principle to recognizing SPLM-North as a political party and allow them to be represented on state and federal levels in return for being integrated into SAF and the police.

Observers say that the ruling National Congress Party (NCP) wants to eliminate the SPLM-N from the political arena.

SPLM-N is also engaged in clashes with SAF in the oil-rich state of South Kordofan. Bashir has scrapped an agreement mediated by the African Union last June despite being signed by his powerful aide Nafie Ali Nafie.

Blue Nile and South Kordofan are part of north Sudan but their population sided largely with the South during the second Sudanese civil war 1983-2005.

Under the North-South peace accord, the two states were supposed to hold “popular consultations” to determine the level of local satisfaction with the implementation of the agreement.

But the vote stalled in both states as efforts to reach a political settlement failed to yield results.



  • Jack

    Sudan vows to continue military campaign in Blue Nile
    As it is always known that threat and intimidation is the way forward for the northern government a tactic why they have been using for a long time to suppress people from speaking up their minds. This is why there are too many discourse in Sudan and the oppressed resort to war through arm struggle although it it not the immediate and the best way or solution to their problem but they are determine to push forward to find change which is not easy to come. Taha and his click of religious people in the government of Sudan have tried to force the Sudanese to assimilate and accept their poor ideology of a religious state only and it is not working. Because the idea of state being ruled by religious codes and crate is not an easy thing and this is being felt by the Sudanese people in Sudan and it is the reason why the south has to break away from north Sudan.

    I feel trouble and pity for the rest of the Sudanese caught in this dilemma of Islamic state only which few click in the government Sudan is trying to force it on her people as the only way to go although other countries has tried it and failed. The issues here is having thefts and gangs of robbers running the country what do you expect nothing but corrupted Islamist wanting to fulfill their needs through the blood of others. Please the people of southern Kordofan and Blue Nile States don’t let thes thefts tries to intimidate and threaten you. You have the right to reject them and join your fellow black African in the south this is the only way you can have your freedom from the oppressors in the north. Please do this before it is too late or else you’ll always continue to suffer in the hands of these fake Islamist of colored people of Sudanese who shamed their ways into your states. They have lied to you by using religion, Islamic, and Arabs names to make you think that they are ARABS but in reality they are black African of Sudanese or others black from west Africa who came to Sudan through caravan route to Mecca. They even force you to accept their religion or else you will be kill this I know you are well aware of it.

  • nhomachotdeng

    Sudan vows to continue military campaign in Blue Nile
    Please Africa Dog Bashir stop killing our Africa people one day we will let you to your final hell than what you are looking for years.Stand up all people of Darfur,Blue Nile and Kordafan and fight this stupid Arabs and rule the north it is your country not arabs country

  • Logic

    Sudan vows to continue military campaign in Blue Nile
    Crush who? You bunch of lying tyrants..

    You Islamists (extremists) are not going to crush nothing but your souls, Blue Nile is currently riddled with dead SAF bodies due to the power hungry NCP, they use religion only to fool the hapless populace but in reality they commit crimes against the very religious beliefs they pretend to defend.

    SPLA-N is doing a great job, that’s why NISS orders all media outlets in Khartoum not to report their statements or their whereabouts, currently SAF is in deep trouble and the only thing helping them is their aerial bombardment but on the ground the bodies of sons of poor mothers (SAF) are littered all around outside Damazin but they will never tell you this truth.

    Someone should tell Taha that he’s and always will be black not Arab, maybe Arabized in culture but that’s about it! these guys are funny, its like African Americans calling them selves White or Indian just because they mixed with both! wake up you fools.

  • Quol Quot
    Quol Quot

    Sudan vows to continue military campaign in Blue Nile
    Juba officials should help Blue Nile and Khordofan to gain independence. This can be achieved using the popular consultation clause in the CPA. These two regions can join the South, they are our brothers now being persecuted.

    The ruling era of Bashir will end with grief on the Arabs and northerners. His rule will go down in Sudan’s history as a curse. Bashir will die a tragic death like Saddam and Osama

    Quol Quot


    Sudan vows to continue military campaign in Blue Nile
    Dear Mr Quol Quot,

    You are right in your word, which you had mentioned that “Juba officials should help Blue Nile and Kordofan to gain Independence” In fact, it is true that Blue Nile, Kordofan and Abyei as well, they both needs help. But, who will render help to those three areas? The person that I can blame as I responses to your comment, is God Almighty himself. Why did God created us we Southern Sudanese people and make us weak? Also, why did God created our Southern Sudanese leaders as fool without giving them a good thinking? I am sure that if the Late Dr John Garang was alive, then Arabs should not come deeply like this and gain control of Blue Nile. What is the function of Salva Kiir Miyardit as a president? Doing reshuffling of the ministers always. Fuck it.

    Arabs in the North are very lucky for one thing that, Salva Kiir Miyardit, who is thought by the Southern Sudanese people as a president of the South Sudan, is now relaxing in the office without giving any pressure to the North. I don’t think completely whether Salva Kiir Miyardit will defeat Omar Bashir in term of political dialect and in military action. I am sure that if the boxes of $$$$$$$$ dollars were place in Abyei, Blue Nile and Southern Kordofan, then Salva Kiir Miyardit can definitely send somebody from his office within just one hour to collect those boxes of dollars. This is a big shame on Salva Kiir Miyardit himself if he forget about the life of his people.

    Why do many SPLA soldiers died in Damazin? Does it means that SPLA soldiers are exposed to death? This is because that Blue Nile is a territory of the South Sudan. So, why do we have to leave that area to Arabs? If Salva Kiir Miyardit think that he is not able to do anything at all about these three areas, then why he doesn’t gives chance to other people? For example, if Akon County of Awan Chan is the one known to be in the place of Abyei, do you think that Salva Kiir Miyardit can not raise voice about it? I totally dislike this guy completely because he is demeaning the morale of the Southerners people. I do totally agree that money is Satan. That is why Salva Kiir Miyardit is getting confuse and bewilder himself that he is a president. Salva Kiir Miyardit is a president by name, but not by mind. Shame on him. I thought that Salva Kiir Miyardit was a brave guy, but he is just a coward person.

    Southern Sudan will be a fuck up government forever is Salva Kiir Miyardit is not removed. I am sorry to join this fucken SPLA. I don’t care about inconveniences that this comment of mine may cause to other people.

    By Augustino Deng. Jech la mer from Tharpam.

  • humanity

    Sudan vows to continue military campaign in Blue Nile
    my dear brothers in humanity……am shocked and very sorry for our comments on this news……After yrs of war,God bless us wid CPA and we respected it for five yrs and we got its golden chance ie RSS……I think we did not choose war but peace ie CPA. am sorry for Blue nile,darfour and south kordofan states…….this war you wage against Khartoum is not the best idea at all despite the fact there is alot of grieviences that we share with you…..we saw how disastrous rebellion can be to your own innocent families ir women and children…..displacement,hunger,death,diseases,am sorry it is too much harm that war can bring to our own dearest people………….we can not be proud of many soldiers that you kill forgetting how many people can die or suffer as a result of military confrontations….why are we loooking on military options with its blood shed as an ultimate solution! No we must think of something else….this is not wat God need for us and this sufferings we trigger is not what our poor masses needs for their future…with war we can not have our children at school and war will destroy us for sure……change is a must no condition is parmanent …rigime will came and go…pls ple!!? We can be fine minus gun gun gun…….we pray to God he will save us with out blood shed…….Elections….God bless sudanese…i hate revolution bse i was born in a revolution and raised in a revolution brad t amir @yahoo.com

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