Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Darfur IDPs show anger after Gambari statements

Statement from Darfur IDPs & Refugees; refute Ibrahim Gambari claims

Darfur IDPs & Refugees strongly condemn the statement of the UNAMID joint special representative Ibrahim Gambari on 14 Sep 2011 on press conference in Khartoum; where he said that the number of armed attacks in all three Darfur states has fallen by as much as 70% over the past three years; adding that their figures have shown that, which has resulted in more displaced people returning to their homes.
Such irresponsible statement should not come from the mouth of someone who represents both AU& UN in Darfur.

The Government of Sudan who still commits genocide in Darfur, and expelled the International NGOs and restricts those remained to reach us; has never ever seized killings rapes and Ariel bombardment on Jebel Marra and North Darfur. Such statement categorizes the UNAMID joint special representative Ibrahim Gambari as a spokesperson of the National Congress Party instead of being impartial International body.

On the issue of people returning to their homes; we wished if Gambari had named the places where the IDPs& refugees went back home or name the NOGs that received their distribution cards back?? The lands (Hawakiirs) are still in the hands of the new settlers! How can IDPs& Refugees go home in the absent of security?

Unfortunately; the AU&UN Special Representative in Darfur never exerted efforts to ask the IDPs; since his team working on the ground failed to know the reasons why in some camps numbers of people has reduced? They would have simply told him that, because of insecurity in the camps; they some families fled to their brothers in new born Nation the South Sudan where they are protected, respected and accommodated.

On the other hand; the statement Gambari made in Khartoum; it would have been more practical if he made it before the Security Council members and give date for the pull out of his forces as long as the situation is 70% calm; because there will be no logical reasons for paying salaries of the forces stay for nothing.

Therefore; Darfur IDPs and refugees want apology from AU& UN Special Representative Gambari; to retreat from his irresponsible speech or resign from this post; otherwise no one in the camps would cooperate with him or his representatives.

The Spokesperson of the IDPs& Refugees
Hussein Abu Sharati
16th September 2011

1 Comment

  • Hussein

    Darfur IDPs show anger after Gambari statements
    This man claims to speak for all refugees in Darfur which is amazing !! He contradicts all available statistics and is trying to undermine the impartiality and honesty of the UNAMID-JSR and probably he will want the JSR to list their names as well later on !!
    This man is an integral part of the terror network set up by the JEM insude the camps to stay and refuse solutions !! Shame on you!

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