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Sudan Tribune

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South Sudan deputy ministers receive orientation over their role

September 21, 2011 (JUBA) – Deputy ministers in South Sudan on Wednesday took part in an induction workshop which discussed their roles as the first deputy ministers in the world’s newest country.

Deputy ministers inductions workshop, Juba, Sept. 21, 2011, (ST)
Deputy ministers inductions workshop, Juba, Sept. 21, 2011, (ST)
Last month South Sudan’s President Salva Kiir formed his first cabinet since independence on 9 July. The new cabinet is composed of 29 ministers and 27 deputy ministers.

Since 2005 South Sudan has governed itself with its own army, parliament and cabinet but the positions of deputy ministers is new to the country.

The induction exercise, organised by the minister of cabinet affairs, Deng Alor Kuol, aimed to inform the deputy ministers about the cabinet system, working with parliament, as well as basic government procedures including financial procedures and the civil service.

In his opening speech, the Vice President, Riek Machar, stressed the importance of the exercise, saying the people of South Sudan were anxious in their aspirations which should now be delivered by the new government of the independent state.

Machar said over 60 percent of the current workforce in South Sudan are unqualified, adding that it was time to make serious reform in the public service in order to establish a qualified public service that can deliver services to the people.

He said the government should deliver and prove that existence of ministers in the cabinet is not about enjoying luxuries such as “cars, houses and fat salaries” which he said is the current view ordinary citizens about the government.

He pointed out that absorption and reintegration of qualified civil servants who are returning from North Sudan should be conducted alongside reforms to weed out unqualified civil servants and replace them with more competent professionals.

He reminded the deputy ministers about the statement of South Sudan’s President on corruption, which Machar read to the nation on his behalf earlier this week. In the statement, the President declared that corruption cases such as the dura (sorghum) saga of 2008 and any other illegal contracts be investigated and the culprits prosecuted.

He also added that he would seek assistance from other countries to repatriate the diverted public funds by individual officials.

Machar further also said that other corrupt practices include the loss of hundreds of millions of dollars every year from an unauthorised and dishonest taxation system.

He said that land in South Sudan often sold by people who do not have the legal right to sell it. The Vice President also warned the deputies not to become involved in illegal contracts and projects.



  • Michael Angelo
    Michael Angelo

    South Sudan deputy ministers receive orientation over their role
    I agree with vice president Dr. Riak by saying that 60% of workforces are occupied by unqualified personel who were employed by their relatives. These people are inexperienced and lacking capability to deliver services to people.

  • Malou Manyiel
    Malou Manyiel

    South Sudan deputy ministers receive orientation over their role
    I too agree with the vice president Dr. Riak Machar.
    Some with the forged documents and unqualified personnel are the majority in the government offices. My doubt-ability is, would the government put it in action to weed them out and give them a job equal to their qualifications?

  • Cibaipiath Junub Sudan
    Cibaipiath Junub Sudan

    South Sudan deputy ministers receive orientation over their role
    Micheal and Malou;
    Yes we are satisfied by words spoken but disatisfied by the action of the two leading personnel ie Kiir and his Vice President Riak Machar. I hope you will believe me.

    Kiir and Riak had been watching or partticipating in then accussation regarding corruption. I do not know why they kept quiete for long. If it was because this people may launched another revolution against the Government of Southern Sudan then they were wrong. Because, the mass innocent, poor citizen of this nation have indeed fired the last bullets in a referendum. This corrupt officials are the one that constitute 1% vote for Unity because they do not want us to separate with the North for the wealth they acquired wrongly in the eyes of Kiir and Riak Machar.

    Induction course for Deputy Ministers means what when majority of the Deputy Ministers where in the GOSS as Undersecretaries, Advisers and ETC. The reality is that Ministers have to enjoy their luxuries and fat salaries as we ordinary citizens see.

    When is that prosecution going to take place when Kiir and Riak are too slow to approach the matter despite that the Chairperson of Anti-corruption is called “Pauline Riak Machar”.

    God save us in this style.

  • Brainy

    South Sudan deputy ministers receive orientation over their role
    Mr. Dinka Dominited SPLM,

    What the vice president said mostly comes from or is approved by the president. He was just relaying to your dump head what the president want you to absorb.

    Surely what sense could you be making than the Vice President?

  • angunliach

    South Sudan deputy ministers receive orientation over their role
    I greed with you brother, Kiir and his vice president are wasting time on the media talking of tackling corruption in the South,and later they go and sit, eat,chat,laugh and drinks with corrupist, the real thieves of the South and tomorrow they start talking a bout corruption.

    Look here, they alway talk of billion of pound lost during the delivery of thousands bag of sorghums preposed to begiven to poor, widows and orphans in the South, that money was diverted and used it as dowries, buying big cars and take their children for studies, in this case doesn’t mean kiir and Riak do not know the guys who were responsibility for the delivery of sorghum, they kmow but beat around the bush rether than hitting anail on the head.

    Joint theft will not allow anti-corruption commitee to tackle the culprits well, because president and vice had hands in this process.

  • George Bol
    George Bol

    South Sudan deputy ministers receive orientation over their role
    The meeting was conducted by Minister Deng Alor,while someone who wrote this articles divert all the meeting to Riek Machar. Please you need to avoid spoon mouthing.thanks

  • George Bol
    George Bol

    South Sudan deputy ministers receive orientation over their role
    Minister Deng Alor conduct the meeting while the article is largely about riek machar saying x and y,could you believe it. No!

  • okucu pa lotinokwan
    okucu pa lotinokwan

    South Sudan deputy ministers receive orientation over their role
    The Government of republic of South Sudan,hurry up to safe the live of million who are dying everyday in Kosti beside the river bank than showning your faces over TV screen doing nothing.


  • alierm

    South Sudan deputy ministers receive orientation over their role
    First time Mr. Machar is talking about formation of active working environment by deputy ministers. Tell those useless none performers, not to measure their achievements by how much they have stolen. Their time has passed and the government should create good exit for them or they go like Gadaffi.

  • whatsayyou

    South Sudan deputy ministers receive orientation over their role
    If president kir do not speak the truth Dr. Riak will do the same.Beny kir said in an internation rally on 9th july 2011 that his formation of cabinet this tme will be based on qualifications yes if i ask which qualifications do our president means iam still wondering. Kir always says his government is 0 tolerant to corruption but their is nothing done completely to minimise corruption at all.E.g lakes state prisons charge relatives of prisoners money for a visit,every visit is 2ssp.uncle jobs like sons of chief are geting employement easily than sons of mire civillian in the villages.
    let me tell you those who participated much are those villagers you are ignoring today your success is behind them so they should be consider eqallily.

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