Thursday, December 19, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Disarmament begins in Unity State, say local authorities

By Bonifacio Taban Kuich

September 22, 2011 (BENTIU) -The Unity state government began a disarmament process on 22 September as part of a policy agreed upon by both state and the central government in Juba.

A cattle keeper guards his cattle, South Sudan (Guardian)
A cattle keeper guards his cattle, South Sudan (Guardian)
Gideon Gatpan Thoar, state minister of information and communication says that the exercise shall be peaceful process in which individuals will be able register voluntarily with their local chiefs before the disarmament period.

Chiefs must then register and submit the names of those holding illegal fire arms with the office of the County commissioner.

In the cases of “civilians who may be expected to resistant of the exercise” disarmament forces will intervene, said Thoar.

Thoar warned civilians that “anybody found with illegal fire arms after disarmament will be considered a criminal and will be will judged according to the laws of the Republic of South Sudan.”

Cattle related conflict continues to be significant threat in the region. In a recent raid in Warrap state 30 people were killed.

South Sudan army engaged in the second week of September a similar disarmament operation in the Lakes state with the perspective of diminishing tribal violence and cattle wrestle.

The SPLA spokesperson told Sudan Tribune recently that the Unity, Warrap and Lakes states are coordinating their disarmament campaigns in a way to prevent attacks by armed groups on those who have been just disarmed, as it was the case in the past.



  • khan junior
    khan junior

    Disarmament begins in Unity State, say local authorities

    This is again another alternative tactic to finish up the remnants orphans homeless civilians in my heard it as disarmament in Unity State but in the long runs it will only end up in committing genocide in one county in the entire State.

    Mayom is the only victim in this process as it is obvious that those guys [the so-call division 4] will definitely use this as an opportunity to commit the atrocities as they usually did.

    God guide blind when the blind can’t see what in front of hm.

    10410 KHAN Jr.


    Disarmament begins in Unity State, say local authorities
    The disarment is okay to be done in all Nuer villages, which are very hostile to other communities. However, I don’t think whether the Unity State Government will do disarment in Ruweng territory of Dinka Ruweng Community of Biemnom county in Unity State. These people are very peaceful people in Unity State. They have never do anything to the SPLA/SPLM during the war time,or they have never rebel against SPLA/SPLM. They have never diffused any tension with their neigbouring communities such as Twic of Akuar Lang Juk, Twic of Kuac Madut Ring, Dinka Jok of Ngok-Abyei and Dinka Panaruu, and Nuer.

    Most of the Dinka Ruweng Community of Biemnom County have contributed their life in the Movement, were majorities of them are from Jamus Battalion, and Wolf Battalion in Muor Muor. Since that time until today, if the SPLM/SPLA give credit to those who have did not point a gun to the SPLA/SPLM, then the Dinka Ruweng Community of Biemnom County should be the first to deserve that credit.

    But, however, because our government of South Sudan is a type of government which elevate the person who killed someone to be a leader, or give him a high position, then that is where the Dinka Ruweng Community of Biemnom will not get the credit, because there is no one in Dinka Ruweng Community of Biemnom who have rebel against the SPLA/SPLM so he can get a position.

    Augustino Deng is a citizen from Unity State, and also a JECH LA MER FROM THARPAM. I am proud to be a Dinka and I love my Identity Ruweng. Ruweng of Biemnom Oyee!!!!!!!!!

  • goyuom

    Disarmament begins in Unity State, say local authorities
    orders please, don’t just post any where, this disarment has stupidity of dinka over it, but God will punish those are against God children when the day come.

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