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Sudan Tribune

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W. Equatoria governor decrees constitutional review committee

September 22, 2011 (KAMPALA) – The government of Western Equatoria State formed a committee to review their interim constitution, in conformity with the national transitional constitution of the Republic of South Sudan 2011 on Tuesday.

The state governor, Bangasi Joseph Bakosoro issued a decree to form a committee to review the interim constitution. It will be chaired by the state minister of local government and law enforcement, Wilson Sidigi.

The committee is comprised of 15 members drawn from the executive, state legislative assembly, other parties, chiefs, civil society organisations, youth and women representatives of which six are lawyers by profession.

The deputy governor, who chaired the briefing, urged the committee to speed up their work to meet the deadline of two weeks.

Abuyi noted that other states have already completed their constitutional reforms.

One of the members of the committee, Margret Fozia from the state legislative assembly, said she expected to finish within a period of 15 days.

The minister of justice, John Luk Jok has sent a circular to all the ten states  to prepare for a workshop in Juba on the final deliberations on state constitutions.



  • Dinka Dominated SPLA/M
    Dinka Dominated SPLA/M

    W. Equatoria governor decrees constitutional review committee
    Good on you but you must consulted Dinkas to help you with some intelligence. and also ask your brother from LRA to came and have their say in your constitution too.

  • Bush

    W. Equatoria governor decrees constitutional review committee
    @Mr Sam Dut

    That guy called Dinka Dominated SPLA/M is a totally disgrace to all Dinka communities if he is really from the Dinka community and if all what he says expresses the views of all Dinka communities in South Sudan.

    Shame on you the so called Dinka Dominated SPLA/M, get reformed like others although you are not currently living in South Sudan. Your attitudes are not truly Southerner, you always instigate hated and tribalism in this forum.

    Some of us regret using abusive words towards the Dinka communities just because of your attitudes. If some one can tell me where you come from, it will be good.

  • whatsayyou

    W. Equatoria governor decrees constitutional review committee
    you reveiw it but remember your constitution shuold envolve freedom of mevement and setlement of any ethnic group in south sudan. specially the pastrolist like dinkas have a right to graze their cattle in western equatoria state without any segregation.

  • Bush

    W. Equatoria governor decrees constitutional review committee

    You got it wrong here, our land is for cultivation and not for grazing of cattle OK!? any attempt to include that statement in the constitution will be met with a fierce resistance by the communities. We know Late Garang wanted to give our land to Dinka Bor community but he got it all wrong.

    So, if you are still day dreaming of that please be warned that the end result will be very disastrous for you.

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