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Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

JEM reaffirms its position against religious state

October 10, 2011 (LONDON) — The rebel Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) reaffirmed its rejection to exploit religion in politics. The group stressed that calling for a democratic state based on citizenship does not mean advocating an Islamic state.

Ahmed Hussein (photo HD Centre)
Ahmed Hussein (photo HD Centre)
Divergences emerged between JEM, two faction of Sudan Liberation Movement (SLM) and Sudan People’s Liberation Movement North (SPLM-N) on the place of the religion in the state last August when the four groups were discussing an alliance to overthrow Khartoum government.

The SPLM-N and the SLM factions of Abel Wahid An-Nur and Minni Minnawi released a statement saying they are committed to establish a secular state and they will form this alliance without JEM. But later on, the SPLM retracted indicating that negotiations are still taking place and the statement had not to be issued. It also reiterated that JEM is a full member of the coalition known as Kauda Alliance.

Concordant sources said JEM supported the citizenship state arguing that the parties have to consider the personal status in the Islamic legislation. The rebel movement also stressed that what is important ensure separation between religion and politics when it comes to politics and the citizenship guarantees that.

“JEM is not advocating Sharia State, JEM is strongly opposes the establishment of a religious state and rejects the exploitation of religion in state affairs and politics”, said Ahmed Hussein Ahmed, JEM presidential adviser for foreign affairs in a statement to the Sudan Tribune.

“State should take equal distance from all religions in Sudan”, he further added.

Ahmed pointed out that rights and obligations shall be based on citizenship and not on religion, race, color, culture, social class or on any other forms of discrimination. “JEM says this loud and clear, therefore, I call upon those who are putting words in JEM’s mouse, to stop their smearing campaign.”

JEM and the Sudanese government failed to agree on a peace agreement during the Doha peace process as the rebel group asked to open talks on a framework document for peace in Darfur, but Khartoum said ready only for discussion on the political participation and the integration of the rebel fighters in the regular army.

Ahmed said they were talking with the government since 2004 but they learnt from the experience that Khartoum doesn’t believe in a peaceful or political solution.

He further urged the international players to recongise that “al-Bashir’s regime has been consistent in attempting to impose security and military solution to the political conflicts in Sudan”. Referring to the ongoing conflict in Blue Nile and Southern Kordofan the rebel official said “the current wave of genocide and ethnic cleansing proves this fact”.

He called on the UN Security Council to impose a No-Fly Zone over Darfur; Blue Nile and the South Kordofan, and to establish humanitarian corridors to grantee of the flow of the assistance to the needy in the three regions.

He also rallied a call by the SPLM-N for an international and independent panel to investigate the violations of the international human rights and humanitarian law in South Kordofan and the Blue Nile

Asked about the next move of the four members of Kauda alliance, Ahmed said there will be no realization for the legitimate rights and aspirations of the Sudanese people without unity. He disclosed that a joint committee will hold a meeting to implement the practical for launching the alliance.

“I can assure everyone that, there is no serious difference between us; JEM has the willingness, determination and the capacity to work with our other comrades in SPLM/N, SLA/AW and SLA/MM to forge this strategic alliance”, he said.

He said that the recent rally held in London was vey inclusive and successful because all the opposition forces were represented. He reiterated that JEM believes on a comprehensive and holistic approach to resolve the Sudanese crisis.

JEM strongly believes that, the crisis of Sudan has become a comprehensive one, hence, the approach and solution should be comprehensive and holistic one. It is obvious that, you cannot isolate Darfur Conflict, the Blue Nile Conflict, South Kurdofan Conflict and the Situation in the East Sudan from the rest of the Sudan’s national crisis of governance”, he said.



  • Runrach

    JEM says reaffirms its position against religious state
    Hello Sir did I get you very clear? If so, then you are a great champion and great visionary leader if time come for you.

    It true that religions and politics has to be separated in government business otherwise Sudan would be divided into a small proportion of sections compare to Somali.Because a State whereby citizens doesn’t have their rightfulness always suffered many factions All the best.s

  • sarrmouj

    JEM reaffirms its position against religious state
    My Dear Hussein nobody is putting words on JEM’S mouth, but you are trying to be what you are not.Remember putting mud on your foot will not be a shoe, your organization is indebted to establishing Taliban -like regime in Sudan, and therefore;I will shave my beards if you dared to state what you want to fool people with ” separation of religion from the State” frankly that you mean secularism.

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