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Sudan Tribune

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Good turn out in Unity state disarmament campaign

By Bonifacio Taban Kuich

October 14, 2011 (JUBA) – A peaceful disarmament campaign that has been going for two weeks on in Payinjiar County of Unity state is being conducted peacefully and has had a good turnout, commissioner Peter Gai Joak told Sudan Tribune on Friday.

The disarmament came as the result of threat on cattle raiding between the Lakes and Unity State within the South Sudan.

Joak said that the involvement of local chiefs had been essential process and to ensure that civilians handed over their weapons voluntarily.

Before Unity the disarmament campaign was carried out neighboring Warrap and Lake States.

Joak added that even though they heard that some Lakes State citizens were resistant to the disarmament process, “we will still carryout work in Unity State as peaceful way and we will make sure guns present among the civilians are both threats to the government and within the communities.”

The commissioner promised “proper protection to all citizens in the county […] if everyone hands over their guns peacefully”.

The disarmament is being carried out by South Sudan’s Army (SPLA) and police alongside local chiefs. Joak added that after this disarmament he is going to make sure SPLA and Police are deployed within his county to give protection to civilians and their properties.

Earlier last year bandits launched an attack on Puomlual and Pachar districts of Payinjiar County, that resulted in five deaths and over 7,000 head of cattle stolen. So far the government’s from both state have failed to return the cattle to the owners.

The government of new republic of South Sudan needs to address the issues of cattle rustling and child abduction which are common especially in Jonglei and other states.



  • Dr. Ambago Ramba
    Dr. Ambago Ramba

    Good turn out in Unity state disarmament campaign

    Brilliant to see that communities are voluntarily disarming themselves, however the fear has always been the illegal re-armament of these very communities by those officials who unpatriotically resell the collected guns back into the community in return for cattle.

    The way forward is to destroy the collects guns immediately and on the spot.

  • Takpiny

    Good turn out in Unity state disarmament campaign
    i greed with you Dr Ramba, what they are doing is just better than nothing but not a perfect way.guns should be collected and write down their serial numbers as well as it owner names and than destroy them immediately on the eyes of their owners.

    No need for the government to keep the weapons behind the uesd if there is no business about

  • Abyei Soil
    Abyei Soil

    Good turn out in Unity state disarmament campaign
    In fact, my suggestion is the same to yours because the corruption level is peaking among local and government officials. However, I doubt these two regions Unity state and Lake state. One can have upto five (5) guns. When disarmament come, they give only one gun. Even if it come thrice, still they’ve access guns in their huts.


    Good turn out in Unity state disarmament campaign
    How many time the disarmament was conducted in south Sudan? our securities organs should not sleep, they should know where these weapons come from. not only that, all illegal weapons has to collected from all citizen and government should take care for their securities.

  • Runrach

    Good turn out in Unity state disarmament campaign
    It is actually a good move forward but my personal worried is that Mr. Governor should note that Warrap state has to be fully disarmed otherwise he should not rush in disarmament process so that he should be given some credit for the process of disarmament. Because it would be a tragedy to our armless civilians living in those areas bordering Warrap State.

    Please! Please! Please Mr. Governor.

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