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Sudan Tribune

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Cattle raid kills 4 in Jonglei, South Sudan

By John Actually

October 16, 2011 (BOR) – At least four people have been killed and three others wounded in a cattle raid in Jale payam [district] of Bor county on Saturday, according to a local official.

Kuol Bol, MP of Jale Payam to Jonglei state assembly, , October 16 2011, (John Actually - ST)
Kuol Bol, MP of Jale Payam to Jonglei state assembly, , October 16 2011, (John Actually – ST)
In a statement made on Sunday, the MP for the area Kuol Bol told Sudan Tribune that in 240 heads of cattle were stolen from Akot village in Kuei boma [sub-district] at Jale payam, north of Bor county and about 38 miles away from Bor town.

Bol said the identity of the 70-80 attackers was unknown but suspected that the gunmen were Murle tribesmen, from neighbouring Pibor county. In August Murle attacks on Pibor county killed an estimated 600 people and displaced thousands. Women and children were reported to have been abducted.

The raid was in response to a Nuer raid on the Murle in June, which killed around 400 people according to local reports.

One woman Nyidhuor Mading and three men, Achuk Kuach-yier Akuot, Malek Deng Okh and Manyok Ayom Magong, were killed. Kuol said Mading was killed while she was attempting to escape with some of her cattle when attackers surged into her village.

Four people were injured in the attack: Chol kelei, Nhial Maluk Nhial, Chol Wel Angar and Jok Atong Anyieth, is said to have serious injury to his leg.

The wounded were evacuated to Bor state hospital for further medcal attention according to the MP.

A source from Jale told Sudan Tribune on phone that about 240 herds of cattle were looted. The security situation in Jale remains tense. Many people had to run for their lives when the raid began.

The local MP blamed Jonglei’s poor security situation on a lack of forces in the area. “The few available police are poorly armed and poorly motivated”, said Bol.

Jonglei’s terrible road network and rains make it difficult for security services to respond to incidents, the police and army say.

The takes place less than two weeks after a peace and reconciliation meeting between the Murle and Nuer tribes was held earlier this month.

The meeting, initiated in Bor by South Sudan Council of Churches, brought together, around 100 MPs from both Juba national assembly and Jonglei assembly met in Bor from October 7-8.

Leaders from both communities pledging to try and persuade their young men to stop the cycle of violence end hostilities peacefully.

Bol said the attack showed that Murle people are not interested in peace.

“This attack is an indication that Murle local communities are not interested in the peace and reconciliation initiatives”, Bol said.

“Our government should intervene so this peace initiatives are hindered”, Bol said.

Bol said child abduction and raiding activities caused by Murle on Bor communities is continuing and immediate intervention from the government, South Sudan Council of Churches and other peace loving agencies is needed.

According to Bol, Murle youth are living in the bush around Bor county trying to cause more insurgencies before they are disarmed.

“I call up on the government of Jonglei state, the national government , South Sudan Council of Churches and other peace loving agencies to swiftly intervene by asking the local government authorities in Pibor and Murle traditional leaders to kindly trace and return the looted cattle to owners”, Bol stressed.

“The government security forces should apprehend and bring the criminal[s] to face the charges of brutality in the court of law”, he continued. “This will enhance the ongoing efforts to attain the comprehensive peace in the region”.

Twic East, Duk and Bor MPs said they will sit on Monday 17 to condemn the killing in Jale at this crucial time when peace was expected instead of more dead through violence in the state.

South Sudan became independent in July after a 2005 peace deal with north Sudan. Despite being self-governed for over six years cattle raiding and various rebel groups have hindered the new country’s development.

Sudan Tribune was unable to reach both the commissioners of Bor and Pibor counties for comment.



  • Ajok Garang
    Ajok Garang

    Cattle raid kills 4 in Jonglei, South Sudan
    Its too sad to hear that again….where is the Governement of South Sudan about the security of the people….?? murle is contnueing killing people which is too bad.

  • Nuerone Mafitabu
    Nuerone Mafitabu

    Cattle raid kills 4 in Jonglei, South Sudan
    Some thing is wrong in Jonglei,
    every day cattle raid and people died in numbers.
    Lastly you said you want food from WFP.

    The only thing is to kill them too. let it come to worst then our goverment will come in to solve such a bad game.
    I am too sorry and feed up reading only killing not development.

  • Pandak

    Cattle raid kills 4 in Jonglei, South Sudan
    Dear Juet Community

    My heart broke into pieces earlier yesterday when I learned of the sudden, unexpected death of our brothers and sister.

    Our thoughts and prayers are with Juet community and families of Nyidhuor Mading , Achuk Kuach-yier Akuot, Malek Deng Okh and Manyok Ayom Magong at this sad time.

    where is the Government of Jonglei????

  • panda

    Cattle raid kills 4 in Jonglei, South Sudan
    It is too confusing what is on going in Jonglei.I think if they are really murle then these people are not enjoying the beautiful country south sudan.People should enjoy peace then killing each other.My advices to Bor people Murle will never stop coming you should thinks about it.Let me give you an example if whole south sudan didn’t fought with North we wouldn’t have peace at this time.so murle

  • Runrach

    Cattle raid kills 4 in Jonglei, South Sudan
    Why calling for RSS government ? What is State governor work ? If he failed to address State security issues then he should have to resign giving governorship post to somebody capable of addressing insecurity in the State. We are sick and tired of hearing unstopable insecurity in the State.

    I hope every Junglei citizens is aware of Governor Koul, as he first took the governorship.

  • Nuerone Mafitabu
    Nuerone Mafitabu

    Cattle raid kills 4 in Jonglei, South Sudan
    what is your work?
    whom are you governed?
    Are you really a leader?
    How many people had died now?


    Where are BOR boys, dont sleep.Be like arrow boys in western equatoria.

  • Albino Kuel
    Albino Kuel

    Cattle raid kills 4 in Jonglei, South Sudan
    I would like to confirm from the Government of the Republic of South Sudan that,you keep Kuol Manyang Juuk in Jongeli, because of Security reasons otherwise ,you would have removed him very early and why is it happened always for Murle continue raiding in Jongeli State,it is totally ashame to the Government,if we still doing such a things,all the time my people ?Are the Murle second Arab or what?

  • jacob mayen ajuoi
    jacob mayen ajuoi

    Cattle raid kills 4 in Jonglei, South Sudan
    it,s too bad ,always murle.the Governor should remove pibor commissioner, otherwise we are going to join hand both Nuer and dinka together, and see what will be the way forward.

  • Nuerone Mafitabu
    Nuerone Mafitabu

    Cattle raid kills 4 in Jonglei, South Sudan
    That is true,I support that.Killing should stop by today.
    No body care if someone is killed.
    what bad governor or goverment is it?

    I am sick since morning and no need to read this sudan tribune.

  • Nhomlau

    Cattle raid kills 4 in Jonglei, South Sudan
    Iam sending my condolence to the families of JUET MATHONDIT that be strong it’s not the first time for murle to raid in Akot,it’s second time since 1980, Iam very sad about the news happened on saturday but late us blame the gonernor who fail to provide security to theirs own civilian,the governor who disarm part of stateor civilian and leave part undisarmed since the CPA told place.

  • Ajok Garang
    Ajok Garang

    Cattle raid kills 4 in Jonglei, South Sudan
    The problem that may make jonglei underdeveloped is because of these type of humanbeing murle who love stealing cows and their life will never change unless our people combine more effort about these thugs …there are some many clans and many payams among Bor why don’t they raid cattle among themselves and it has never happned among the Bor society.much need to be done on these p’ple.

  • Kamula

    Cattle raid kills 4 in Jonglei, South Sudan
    Yajama kulu haja gali hakuma, you better stop keeping cattles, if you know the cattles are the one bring you the death, do not blem the Government, even in your own home you must defend yourself than waiting till Gov’t comes in, if you have nothing to write you better stop writing your comments on this site

  • Gunkills

    Cattle raid kills 4 in Jonglei, South Sudan
    This disease called cattle raid is now getting chronic in our Nation. Do Murle tribe have no intellectual people in their community to advise their people this is not a good way for surviving?

  • Nhomlau

    Cattle raid kills 4 in Jonglei, South Sudan
    I would like to tell Mr.Kamula Short up if you have nothing include you in here,or if you are from murle short up as I said,if you do not feel what happen please do not even say anyword again this is totally severe stop jump in like that,you do not know the benefit of keeping cattles so please stop it.cattles are not like bambe or bapro and if some destroy your farm what will you say.

  • Nhomlau

    Cattle raid kills 4 in Jonglei, South Sudan
    Sorry Mr.Gunkills Murle intellectual are very warst beter pig then them,look Pibor have commissioner have you ever read his command whether to challenge or to apologies for intent situation in Jonglei State that course by his own people always, can you immagine and he is most honorable intellectual figure in amongst his community and the State as well.

  • akot

    Cattle raid kills 4 in Jonglei, South Sudan
    Murle must stop killing people otherwise they will regret, why they take the cows of other people?

  • Waucity

    Cattle raid kills 4 in Jonglei, South Sudan
    Peace does not prevail when the other party has no reason to want it to prevail…Murlei have got away with many crimes, especially in Bor…Government need to send military, to their area, investigate abducted children and always go to retain cattle that have been raid..My God, that’s how governments function around the world…you conduct investigation, you do not send down and let it go.

  • twins

    Cattle raid kills 4 in Jonglei, South Sudan
    Why does government disarm some other people and not the other who known to be the worse in Southern Sudan in General? South sudan govenment should focus more on Jugle state’s secutiry than it could on any other state in the country. But the blam should first be put on MPs of Jugle and government second because they have right to rais this problem in the Parliament . Sorry that’s my point of view.

  • Joseph Canada
    Joseph Canada

    Cattle raid kills 4 in Jonglei, South Sudan
    people, you have to open your eyes. Murle cant do something like that unless provoked. we have seen this in New site where the Budi people were conflicted with Toposa so that the environment could be created to suit level four. Look at the resent shooting in camp 15 that was done by Army and was made to look like Buya did it. You did this to Murle and they are revanging what you have done to them

  • Joseph Canada
    Joseph Canada

    Cattle raid kills 4 in Jonglei, South Sudan
    I feel sorry for those who lost their loved ones and my sencer condolences goes to you. As they always say when the two elephans fight its the grass that suffer is the perfect example.You Took Murle cows to Equatoria/Uganda Boarder and no one complain .No one even wrote it here. And now we play the victim!!. Lets be fair and serve all southerners equaly. Lets serve the Nation not tribe.

  • akot

    Cattle raid kills 4 in Jonglei, South Sudan
    please Nuerone, don’t blame Govrnor Kuol Manyang. Kuol Manyang is not a bad Governor he fought for 21 years to bring the freedom we are enjoying now.by the way am from Aweil i don’t know more about Murle, but i heard that Murles are Barbrians. we can collect all our cows in South Sudan and give them to Murles but the will never satisfy unless we give them our kids and the food we eat.

  • Nhomlau

    Cattle raid kills 4 in Jonglei, South Sudan
    Thank Mr.Twins And akot I do not blame you becuarse Murle is not Like maraamise, murle are civilian in same State so if the Governor can’t do it whom do you guys think will do it, about the MPS as you mention it if the governor stay like a deft in the same State and those crisis occured amongst his people, can that governor be ashame for these problems always, if he fail to manage why not he quit

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