Thursday, December 19, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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Eritrean opposition claims Barentu bomb blast responsibility

ASMARA, June 4, 2004 (Sudan Tribune) — The chairman of Eritrean National Democratic Front (ENDF) Osman Abubakr claimed in a press statement responsibility for the recent bomb attack that occurred in Barentu, a western town in the tiny Red Sea.

The bomb went off on Tuesday night May 27, in the centre town as the country held celebrations marking independence from Ethiopia.

According to a press statement posted on on Wednesday, the action was carried out by internal opposition cells within the Eritrean defence forces that have relations with leaders of the ENDF.

Five people were killed and 88 wounded.

Eritrean authorities accused unidentified elements of committing “terrorist acts in different areas of Gash-Barka region”. Eritrea said neighbouring Ethiopia, its foe in a 1998-2000 border war, and Sudan were sponsoring the blast.

Chairman of ENDF and current head of foreign relations of The Eritrean National Alliance (ENA) Osman Abubaker said in a statement he gave in Arabic that the attack in Barentu was carried neither by Ethiopia nor the Sudan.

He said the internal opposition cells within the Eritrean defence forces with close links to leaders of the opposition and especially to his organization took the action.

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