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Sudan Tribune

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Warrap state governor briefs Vice President on challenges in the state

October 24, 2011 (JUBA) – The governor of Warrap state, Nyandeng Malek, on Monday briefed the Vice President, Riek Machar Teny, in Juba on challenges her state continues to face.

According to the official Press Secretary in the office of the Vice President, James Gatdet Dak, the governor briefed the Vice President on political and insecurity issues. These include the relationship between the executive and legislative bodies in the state and the insecurity caused by cross border cattle raiders between Warrap and Unity state.

The meeting stressed the importance of promoting good cooperation between the two organs in the state.

They also discussed the importance of speeding up implementation of inter-state road projects connecting Warrap and Unity state in order to curb the prevailing insecurity.

The proposed creation and distribution of new counties in Warrap state was also discussed in the meeting.



  • Madina Tonj
    Madina Tonj

    Warrap state governor briefs Vice President on challenges in the state
    Nydeng Malek runs to Riek Machar as her heaven in Juba.

    Warrap State is the last of all Ten States in GOSS, why because of Gogrialism misleading. The president himself was the one who let Warrap failed because he had been using power during six years to removed Warrap governor in every short period. There is only one solution in Warrap State and that is separation between Tonj and Gogrial county

  • Michael Angelo
    Michael Angelo

    Warrap state governor briefs Vice President on challenges in the state

    Warrap state is a failed State because of envy from Tonj politicians who don’t want Kuajok to be a capital of Warrap state. The only person I can blame is the president himself who always appointed corrupt and incompetent leaders like governor Nyandeng Malek.

  • Madina Tonj
    Madina Tonj

    Warrap state governor briefs Vice President on challenges in the state
    Michal Angelo

    I got to tell that, talking about putting things in a right way dose not block budgets and development if such arrogant Gogrialism and Kitchen Cabnets were committed to do good things. Angelo if you know exactly the distance between Wau and Kuacjok then,you would never blame those Tonjes politicians who speak up against favoristism, cronyism, allude and nepotism in Gogrialism people

  • Dinka Dominated SPLA/M
    Dinka Dominated SPLA/M

    Warrap state governor briefs Vice President on challenges in the state
    If you are not helping here than just close your drity mouth or you will end up just like james Okuk who leave the really issue and divert his attantion to SPLA/M and it leadership.
    Becaefull or we coming for you idiots people.

    She is the one who can do than those useless people you love or like. shame on you.

  • Longa

    Warrap state governor briefs Vice President on challenges in the state
    Ya jama, if we are addressing issues we should be sober. We are building a new nation. We only need to respect our opinions and learn from each other. No need for outbursts. We are one people with differing ideas.

  • Liberal

    Warrap state governor briefs Vice President on challenges in the state
    Dear Michael Angelo,

    Warrap is a fail state not because of Tonj politicians. there is no association with Tonj politician opposing Kuajok to be state capital and the competency of Warrap administration. Since the signing of Compperhensive Peace Agreement, Warrap has been falling under the people who do not know how to led others.

  • wacjak

    Warrap state governor briefs Vice President on challenges in the state
    Well Mr Madina, every human being is imperfect as we have witnessed too. Among the Tonj intellectuals who were elected governors( Anei Kueidit and Bol Madut) never performed well. Don’t blame anybody here. However, to come to the topic, Warrap state people especially those bordering Unity state should think twice to stop that business of raiding others in order to get rich quickly.

  • agwait majok
    agwait majok

    Warrap state governor briefs Vice President on challenges in the state
    Dear: Michael Angelo

    The state of warrap is no’t failed. the fail is the people who join caription people, governor Nyandeng malek shout not waorry from those group who not join the government. governor Nyandeng is the one who doing better from the people came befure her.

  • Albino James
    Albino James

    Warrap state governor briefs Vice President on challenges in the state
    Thanks Longa, this is a very wonderful advise and that is the way responsible people advice. Keep it up and we go ahead to build up our nation with a such a gentle comment.

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