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Sudan Tribune

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Sudan beefs up control of borders with Libya

October 24, 2011 (KHARTOUM) – Sudan is tightening control of its borders with Libya to prevent leakage of weapons, a local newspaper has reported, as the country’s officials contradicted each other on whether Libyan weapons had already entered the western region of Darfur.

Joint Sudanese-Chadian border patrol forces in trucks (FILE)
Joint Sudanese-Chadian border patrol forces in trucks (FILE)
According to the Khartoum-based daily Al-Sahafah, officials of the National Congress Party (NCP) had revealed that new measures were being introduced along the borders with Libya in order to block entry of weapons.

Sudan closed its 383 kilometers borders with Libya in early July 2010 after Tripoli provided sanctuary to Khalil Ibrahim, the leader of the Darfur rebel Justice and Equality Movement (JEM).

However, Sudan re-opened the borders in February this year to evacuate Sudanese citizens from Libya as the revolution-turned-armed conflict against the rule of Muammar Gaddafi escalated.

It later emerged that Sudan was also providing covert support to Libyan rebels who succeeded in ending more than four decades of Gaddafi’s one-man rule in August. Gaddafi himself was captured and killed last week.

But the surprise came when Khalil Ibrahim announced he had managed to return to Darfur after eluding attempts by Sudanese intelligence agents to apprehend him.

The Sudanese government, which reluctantly acknowledged Khalil’s presence in the region, claimed that JEM had brought with it as many as 100 truckloads of weapons across the border within the past two weeks, as stated by Sudan’s ambassador to the UN Daffa-Alla Elhag Ali Osman earlier this month.

“We cannot exclude the possibility that some weapons have crossed into Darfur from Libya,” Osman told AFP. “We are very much concerned about it.”

Even the UN envoy to Libya, Ian Martin, said that there is “very serious concern” that weapons, ranging from shoulder-fired missiles to machine guns and ammunition, may have crossed Libya’s borders into neighboring countries,

Conversely, the spokesman of the Sudanese army (SAF), Col Al-Sawarmi Khalid Sa’ad, on Monday strongly dismissed claims that weapons had entered Darfur from Libya.

In stark contrast with the account given by his country’s UN envoy, Sa’ad said that reports about the spread of arms from Libya into Darfur were “unconfirmed” and lacking in evidence, as quoted by Al-Sahafah newspaper on Monday.

“I do not believe weapons could spread to the country considering the army’s presence and enforcement of its control,” he said.

The army’s spokesman assertions were also echoed by the NCP’s deputy media secretary, Khalid Youssef, who told reporters in Khartoum on Monday that his party “excludes the possibility of any weapons entering the country through the borders with Libya.”

“So far we say no weapons had leaked into this area and there are arrangements on the borders to prevent any entry of arms into the country,” he said.

Sudan’s Vice-President Ali Osman Mohamed Taha said during a visit to Libya last month that no weapons could have crossed from Libya into Sudanese territories.



  • SSLA supporter
    SSLA supporter

    Sudan beefs up control of borders with Libya
    My condolences are due to the family and the tribe of Colonel Gadhafi, king of the Kings his soul rest in peace. The deceased body was being displayed in cold-storage room in a supermarket in Libyan town of Maserati for days! but the deceased martyr has been confirmed by the NTC terrorists to have been buried in unknown location in the Libyan desert..

  • SSLA supporter
    SSLA supporter

    Sudan beefs up control of borders with Libya
    ….amid of the news of the massacre of at least 50 men of his fighters with their hand tied behind their backs in his home town of sirte that has been destroyed beyond recognition by NTC Islamist terrorists and their NATO opportunist! It has also been reported that the war-torn city of Sirte will not to be rebuilt but left to be consumed by the desert sand in memory of Gadhafi alleged crimes….

  • SSLA supporter
    SSLA supporter

    Sudan beefs up control of borders with Libya
    The very good is the survival of his son Saif Al-Islam Gadhafi who is going to lead the insurgency and retributions in Libya against NTC terrorist group soon. So, let the enemies of Gadhafi be excited at least for a while before Saif turns Libya into a failed state for NATO, NTC and Sudan government if it backed up the NTC terrorists that toppled and humiliated Gadhafi in that immoral manner.

  • Chanson

    Sudan beefs up control of borders with Libya
    Sudan is tightening control of its borders with NTC thugs to prevent leage of weapons…By the way arabs are celebrating the death of Maummar Gaddafi here and there and they didn’t know that it,s a great loss…

    Khartoum,ld know that what goes around come back around.the teeth that they are using for laughing willl one day make them cry.Shame on Arabs.
    R.I.P Col Maummar Gaddafi.

  • SSLA supporter
    SSLA supporter

    Sudan beefs up control of borders with Libya

    Everybody understand why the greedy western world led by NATO terrorist organisation is rejoicing the tragic and humiliating assassination of African brother, father and the king of all kings Colonel Gadhafi rest in peace as they will now start to loot the Libyan natural resources, particularly oil and minerals with absolute monopoly and impunity but I totally failed to comprehend wha

  • SSLA supporter
    SSLA supporter

    Sudan beefs up control of borders with Libya
    but I totally failed to comprehethe what makes some hypocrite Arab leaders laugh at the King Gadhafi’s tragic death which is a great loss to Africans as well as to all the people of the third world countries. Western world wanted Gadhafi to die because of retributions for the so-called lockerbie bombing, IRA and NCA of S. Africa etc.

  • SSLA supporter
    SSLA supporter

    Sudan beefs up control of borders with Libya
    I meant ANC of South Africa.

  • harry

    Sudan beefs up control of borders with Libya
    Dear SSLA

    Thanks for your patriotic stand with Col. Gaddafi. We as Africans gonna surely miss the “Lion of the Desert” greatly. Nevertheless, follow this link to find out the truth behind the bombing of Gaddafi by Nato and USA


  • SSLA supporter
    SSLA supporter

    Sudan beefs up control of borders with Libya
    Dear sir Harry!

    Thank you very much for the link!! Yes, Colonel Gadhafi rest in peace was targeted because of his rivalry with greedy and evil western world just like hero Saddam Hussein of Iraq, Hugo Chavez of Venezuela , Robert Mogabi of Zimbabwe , Morales of Bolivia, Castro of Cuba and Kim of north Koran. King of Arab Gadhafi was aiming to create economic strategy that would have changed Africa and Arab world for good if it was not jeopardized by the greedy western world and NATO opportunist! I am happy for those Africans who scarified their lives to fight for the Colonel Gadhafi till the end. I would have done that if not because I live further away in Europe!!

  • SSLA supporter
    SSLA supporter

    Sudan beefs up control of borders with Libya
    Brother Harry!!

    Please watch video link of mass grave of massacred civilians in city of Sirte the birth place of King Gadhafi rest in Peace

  • harry

    Sudan beefs up control of borders with Libya
    Dear SSLA,

    Thanks for the link! The video has just shown NCT darker side. They should be charged with crime against humanity and ethnic cleansing. Most people who just perished were from Gaddafi tribe.I really feel sorry for Gaddaf tribe now. They lost most of their brave man and women. They may kill them, but they may not erase the legacy of Col. Gaddafi. the visionary man of Africa.


  • SSLA supporter
    SSLA supporter

    Sudan beefs up control of borders with Libya
    hi harry!
    here is pro-gadhafi website; zangetna.com. read the following text!!

    At the pro-Gadaffi tribal stronghold of Bani Walid, where a captive aide to Saif al-Islam told Reuters Gaddafi’s son was hiding until last week, tribesmen incensed by retribution from NTC forces warned they were readying an insurgency.”The Warfalla tribe is boiling inside. They can’t wait to do something about this.

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