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Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

South Sudan allows visits to detained members of opposition party

By Ngor Arol Garang

October 25, 2011 (JUBA) – The government of South Sudan on Tuesday gave full access to family members of the opposition member who was arrested last week, allegedly for writing against President Salva Kiir on the internet.

On Sunday, Onyoti Adigo, the leader of South Sudan’s largest opposition party told Sudan Tribune that three diplomats aligned to his party were picked up by security elements while leaving the ministry of foreign affairs on Friday last week.

Two members were immediately released but one remains under detention prompting his party the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement for Democratic Change (SPLM-DC) to claim they were targeted. He named James Okuk as their member who remains under detention in an undisclosed location on Monday.

However, Adigo on Tuesday said in a follow up interview with Sudan Tribune that the government agents had handed over the detainee to the police service where a statement was taken from him.

He was also allowed to talk to some relative members and friends at police station.

“At least it is okay today. James Okuk has been handed to the police where he can now be visited. A statement was also taken from him by one of the senior judges in the town and is accessible to family members and friends. He is at Juba main prison,” Adigo told Sudan Tribune. The senior member of the opposition explained that the case will now be filled by an attorney general to the minister of justice because it is a political issue.



  • Dinka Dominated SPLA/M
    Dinka Dominated SPLA/M

    South Sudan allows visits to detained members of opposition party
    Somebody must tell Adingo that he could be release but that does not mean that he is free from crimes he committed. not only to president but to the security of the country by wishing rebel victory in this country.

    jamse has not yet learn his lesson of traitor. next will be Lam Akol the father of Okuk. worst is about to come.

  • Apolloos

    South Sudan allows visits to detained members of opposition party
    Thanks to the government and the security services. Okuk must be taught a lesson legally without even being prosecuted violently so that other interest groups down there must learn that inflicting abuses and insult on personalities is not the freedom of expression meant in the constitution.
    Okuk please don’t joke with nationalist like President kiir.he is a visionary leader not like u n your Lam

  • Manyang

    South Sudan allows visits to detained members of opposition party
    SPLM must reign in its security agents that arrested the opposition member for expressing his opinions. President Kiir is not a king of king. Opposition members have a right to express their opinions in regard to president performance for goodness of poor south sudanese.

  • WendeMajok

    South Sudan allows visits to detained members of opposition party
    I like my country’s political wrangles….hahaha funny!! People talk shit and messing with the current leadership but they later on seek attention behind bars as they become worried/scared of the situation….now James Okuk is aware of the presence of country’s security personnel and justice which he was ignorant about/of hahaha… we have resorted to “hear-by-seeing” not using ears anymore.

  • Manyang

    South Sudan allows visits to detained members of opposition party
    Apooloos stopping being naive. Every southerner is a nationalists. We have to stop worshipping our leaders for our own good. Kiir Mayardit is a president but he liable to criticize by concern citizens. No body should be detain for critizing any leader including the president. Lam Akol is also a visionary leader like kiir.

  • Manyang

    South Sudan allows visits to detained members of opposition party
    Dinka Dominated SPLM is a pathetic alien name that should not be associated with any community. Real patriots should not hide their identity. Only wanted criminals or terrorists use fake names. You fit in this category mr Dinka dominated splm. Your comment is unpatriotic regarding the arrest of opposition member.

  • simsim

    South Sudan allows visits to detained members of opposition party
    If we are rule by “iron fest” I believe we have seen enough in Iraq and now in Libya or many other countries.

    I hope people of South Sudan are not stupid otherwise they will see consequence of an Iron fest government.

  • Pwad Achob
    Pwad Achob

    South Sudan allows visits to detained members of opposition party
    Hi Wendemajok,
    I think Iraq, Libya and other countries where people went on the streets and even took up arms to fight for their rights should be a good example for those who think that they have absolute rule on people by imposing injustices and lawlessness. Watch out your time is coming.

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