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Sudan Tribune

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Gaddafi’s death: shame on so-called Libyan Liberators

By Isaiah Abraham

October 26, 2011 — The world has watched with shock the humiliation inflicted on the true African son called Muammar Al Gaddafi on Thursday 20th October 2011. It was one of the worst days of African history. The men of Misrata and the entire Banghazi Western stooges never understood the consequences of their action against the man who had brought Africa pride. You can’t hate a leader that has led you for over forty years.

The late Maummar al Gaddafi’s body was ridden with bullets and then stripped naked and shown like dog to the world; something which is so un-African. It leaves someone with a feeling that indeed the Arabs in general and Libyan so-called liberators are terrible, wild, brutal, thugs and inhuman people. How could these people treat their leader and someone so respected in the continent in that manner? How could that be done in the modern era of human rights and in an increasing civilized world?

No wonder, it was the American President called Hussein who first called the brutal killing of an African hero a ‘new chapter.’ What ‘chapter’ is this American man saying should now be opened, chapter to loot African wealth and keep them on aid? Is President Hussein not now a murderer by admitting the murderous scheme of the Americans towards the defenseless and innocent people around the world? The blood of Maummar al Gaddafi will be on the neck of the Western leaders not the Thabactis of Misrata. These people (Thubagt or Muntasir/Kuwaiti descents) didn’t know what they were doing after all, as the West plotted using NATO to get rid of the man they have been looking for for years.

The African continent has lost a brilliant leader who stood his ground not to budge to Western catch phrases of ‘democracy and freedom.’ There is nothing better about democracy or freedom when it doesn’t bring your family daily food to your table, allow your children decent education, house you, give you roads and provide basic healthcare and facilities. In the then Libya under Gaddafi, we had everything, with no single dollar from the Americans. Our big brother Gaddafi was able even to send some bread to others in need in Africa for free, unlike Western packages sent with strings attached, supervised by the same Westerners. Look at Senegal with so-called stable democracy right from day one, how do you make of the gap between the rich ordinary Libyan and so-called Senegalese? The difference isn’t that because Libya has oil and Senegal has nothing, but the latter is heavily depending on the outside than from the inside resources from the country.

By Gaddafi’s death, the continent will have to blame itself for failing to protect him and safeguard the continent un-warranted invasion by aliens and pretenders. The African Union (AU) and most Africa leader -save for the chairman of the Commission of the African Union Mr. Jean Ping, President Gabriel Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe and President Y. Kaguta Museveni of Uganda – coiled with their tails down to their feet in fear before Western aggression. The so-called revolution in Libya wouldn’t have succeeded had the Africans stood their ground to condemn and push for reconciliation and internal peaceful transition to democracy.

What we are hearing that the liberation of Libya is complete is nothing but a hoax. That society will remain divided for many years to come. The reason being that any patch-up arrangements from the outside that are not internally driven will have a short life span, given other experiences in other parts of the world. Libyans, especially youth, were in support of change and plural society, where everyone could be anything, not one family ruling the country forever. But naked change without direction and clear cut issues that need change is precarious.

The continent must prepare for more trouble after the North of it has been overtaken now technically by the West. It will just be a matter of time before Westerners call for Regime change left and right of Africa with NATO support in the air. The continent of Africa with the support of proxy elements within has failed to read the signs that the West would like to take over this place and make it a dumping ground for the likes of President Yaya Jammeh of Gambia, Ethiopian dictator Prime Minister Meles Zinawi, President Paul Biya of Cameroon and other despotic leaders in Asians countries.

Others called it a beginning to an end for dictators but it is actually the new beginning for colonial and conquer of the least developed world. Our people (Africans) are robbed of the lion and serious leader whose heart was to unite the continent and turn its ever ending misfortunes to fortunes like the Libya. I mourn for the death of our leader Maummar Al Gaddafi and curse the people of Misrata and their backers for killing the African man. At least they should have been kind to keep him alive, and not to go barbaric to humiliate the African contingent. Shame on you Mr. Mustafa Al Jalil.

Isaiah Abraham writes from Juba; he’s on [email protected]


  • Kur William
    Kur William

    Gaddafi death: shame on Libyans so-called Liberators
    Thank Abraham for your article,we completely lost the true man of which Africans people ever have,and how good to be black African with black skin and white heart inside us.

    The death of Maumar Gaddafi has suprised me when I saw on TV displays in the pool of his blood,I Did said to my self God you blees us and curse these barbaric people, his death came great suprises,”death to the westerens”

  • Observer

    Gaddafi death: shame on Libyans so-called Liberators
    The African continent has lost a despot not a great leader.
    He had murdered and tortured hundreds of thousands of Libyians. But that seems to be ok to you?
    And what about the billions of money he stole whilst keeping most of Libyians in poverty?
    What a double standard shown by you.

  • Nuerone Mafitabu
    Nuerone Mafitabu

    Gaddafi’s death: shame on so-called Libyan Liberators
    He died like man,Still more will died like him, Even NATO.
    Wait to see those in MISRATA.

  • Takpiny

    Gaddafi death: shame on Libyans so-called Liberators
    Absolutely the way rebels killed Gaddafi has shown the Libyan criminality and inhumanity attitude.Mr Gaddafi was a bad leader but after him Libya will be another Iraq and Afghanistan .The city of Serite and Bin Walid are completely destroyed by tribal rebels and criminals NOTO forces who helped rebels to committed a genocide against hunmanity.This is a tribal revenge conflicts nothing else

  • harry

    Gaddafi death: shame on Libyans so-called Liberators

    When did Col. Gaddafi murder and tortured hundreds of thousands of his people as you claimed? What sources have you used to conclude that end? And where is the billions of USA dollars you talking about! If you said, he stashed them in the West, then why the west is hesitant to give these billions to NTC.You mentioned that most Libyians lived in poverty under Gaddafi, that’s a lie.

  • Mr Neutral
    Mr Neutral

    Gaddafi’s death: shame on so-called Libyan Liberators
    Every human creature is the same before God,how can we see the death of many as normal while that one of a single brutal human being humiliation?Some just appear in the internet claiming to be intellectual by posting articles that best suit their interest.The notion of removing that insane Gaddafi has nt only been embraced by west but also their Arabs.The guy deserves tit for tat.

  • Chanson

    Gaddafi death: shame on Libyans so-called Liberators
    Dear Isaiah Abraham. Thank for your trueful article. This article told me that you are the African hero. The fallen of African’s great man (the good, the bad and the ugly) is really a big blow to our continental Africa.Gaddafi that we all knows is not suppose to be seen half nude ever where. There must be the respect. Not even simple respect but big respect because he has protects the Libyans soi

  • Chanson

    Gaddafi death: shame on Libyans so-called Liberators
    Dear Isaiah Abraham. What is so-called transitional council went on and buried the great man in the desert, which is completely wrong and it is annihilation of African Culture/which ever culture. Now NTC have said that the Sharia law will be enforces, will these rulers be better than Gaddafi or worst? R.I.P his Majesty Gaddafi.

  • Ngonglok

    Gaddafi’s death: shame on so-called Libyan Liberators
    Gaddafi’s Death was a mistake. He had so many plans to take Africa to next levels in the World. The NATO wants him dead because his plans were going to kill NATO economic and political advantages over Africa. Gaddafi had plans. He will be miss so much in Africa. I don’t even know if African Union is going to survive financially since he was the one who gave most of the money. Thanks Isaiah.

  • WendeMajok

    Gaddafi’s death: shame on so-called Libyan Liberators
    Ignorance Vs Intellegence

    Indeed Isaiah Abraham, you made a point but the existence of people like Mr. Neutral, Observer etc will always make Africa and even South Sudan lag behind due to their myopic ideas.

    As you are deeply in his failures/negative side always remember he made several and uncountable achievements in Libya and Africa as a whole,
    1. Gaddafi contribute 60% of the funding of Africa’s satellite which also rescue us from the burden of depending on the West and cheating us in paying heavy satellite bills.
    2. Muammar also introduce free education to Libyan from junior upto university level making the literacy rate to rise to 90% in the whole country unlike in other African countries where they start paying from nursery to universities.
    3. He also improve free health facilities to the citizens of Libya and don’t forget that Libya has first class and well equiped hospital with soothing services and qualified health personnel all over Africa.
    4. He is a true patriot who decided to create United States of Africa (USA) with his brilliant ideas and commitment to any task though some African leaders bear ostrich feathers he stood always in his words.
    5. Unlike other Arabs whose rulings are always based on Sharia Law, Gaddafi stood against it and that is why they stupidly start their brutal protest with the NATO involvement with the intention of robbing Libyan wealth….to mention more about Gaddafi will take thousand pages here….therefore etc.

    Libya and Africa without Gaddafi will always remain like Somalia where patriotism, literacy and common sense got burried centuries ago. Gaddafi’s death is a great lost to Africa, and also inhuman and I recommend that Arabs in Africa are not true African because they lack some traits of true Africans, how can you brutally undress and starve your brother to death if its not greed and stupidness….what a betrayal in the eyes of the world!!!

    He was a true son of Africa, he died respecting his words unlike the current leaders who betray their promises, sign friendly deals and hide when it come to facing the realities….How can all the 53 leaders in Africa allow such shameful act happen? where will you get 60% satellite funding again? Wicked Africa, shame on you all!!

    “We shall remember Muammar bin Mohammad bin Abdussalam bi Humayd bin Abu Manyar bin Humayd bin Nayil al Fuhsi Gaddafi, our whole lives as a great fighter, a revolutionary and a martyr. They assassinated him. It is another outrage.”

    Imagine when some ICC delegates were sent to Malawi to investigate why they allow Omar Hassan al Bashir to go for a summit hahahaha, they coil and meander around instead of facing Bashir in Khartoum……West should not mess with us again guys, we got no difference….only that we are more brave and easily bribed than they do.


  • Abdurezak

    Gaddafi’s death: shame on so-called Libyan Liberators
    Isayas why worry about Gadafi he come to power by bullets he was put in a rat hole bullet in his head.Did you raised your voice when he was slagutering Libyans? it is not about Gadafi it is about your papa isayas he is left alone with the butcher of Darfur.You see dictactors house is build like a cards they fall before you know it.no chering will save your papa.

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